MBA self-study in advance 1. Strategic Leadership and Team Building a. Role of the General Manager skZuA 1) Krassimir Petrov 2) Principles of general management : the art and science of getting results across organizational boundaries / John L. Colley, Jr. Stauffer Library HD31 .P737 2007 b. Creating High Performance Teams 3) High performance teams : how to make them work / Marc Hanlan. Stauffer Library HD66 .H34 2004 4) Creating high-tech teams : practical guidance on work performance and technology / edited by Clint Bowers, Eduardo Salas, and Florian Jentsch. Stauffer Library HD66.2 .C74 2006 5) The wisdom of teams : creating the high-performance organization / Jon R. Katzenbach, Douglas K. Smith Stauffer Library HD66 .K38 1993t c. Executive Leadership 6) "Googled". Calvin Park Branch Audiobook CD NONFIC 338.76102504 Aulet 7) The corner office. [sound recording]. Calvin Park Branch Audiobook CD 658.4092 Bry 2. Foundations of Management d. Foundations of Accounting and Analysis 8) Accounting and finance for nonspecialists / Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney. Stauffer Library HF5635 .A882 2004 HqaU3s&list=PL3rCwLpyhb_YmZNG4N5qZ4 lh_Nc4z4ihJ&index=2 9) JCCC Page 1 of 7. e. Financial Accounting and Analysis 10) Financial accounting : a user perspective / Robert E. Hoskin, Maureen R. Fizzell, Donald C. Cherry ; with contributions by Julia A. Scott. Stauffer Library HF5635 .H82 2011 f. Managerial Economics 11) Managerial economics : a problemsolving approach / Nick Wilkinson. Stauffer Library HD30.22 .W535 2005 g. Analysis-Based Decision-Making 12) Data analysis for managers with Microsoft Excel / S. Christian Albright. Stauffer Library HD30.215 .A373 2004 h. Human Resources Management 13) Human resources management in Canada / Gary Dessler, Nita Chhinzer, Nina D. Cole. Reserve, Stauffer Library HF5549 .D47 2013 X9miag 14) Armin Trost i. Negotiations and Conflict Management 15) The essentials of negotiation. Stauffer Library HD58.6 .E87 2005 j. Global Business Environment 16) A guide to the global business environment : the economics of international commerce / William Kerr, Nicholas Perdikis. Stauffer Library HD2755.5 .K47 2014 3. Creativity and Innovation k. Management of New Ventures 17) Entrepreneurship : creating and managing new ventures / edited by Bruce Lloyd. Stauffer Library HD62.5 .E58 1989 Page 2 of 7. l. Structuring the New Venture 18) New venture creation : entrepreneurship in the 1990s / Jeffry A. Timmons. Stauffer Library HD62.5 .T55 1990 19) Entrepreneurship and new venture management : readings and cases / edited by Raymond W.Y. Kao, Russell M. Knight. Stauffer Library HD62.7 .E55 1987t 20) Public service, private profits : the political economy of public-private partnerships in Canada / John Loxley with Salim Loxley. Stauffer Library HD3872.C3 L69 2010 m. Design and Creativity 21) The management of innovation and design / John P. Heap. Stauffer Library HD45 .H42 1989t 22) New Venture Project or Management Consulting Project 4. Creating Successful Enterprises n. Management Accounting and Control 23) Management accounting and control systems : an organizational and behavioral approach / Norman B. Macintosh. Stauffer Library HF5657.4 .M27 1994 24) Best practices in management accounting / edited by Greg N. Gregoriou and Nigel Finch. Stauffer Library HF5657.4 .B477 2012 25) Time-driven activity-based costing : a simpler and more powerful path to higher profits / Robert S. Kaplan, Steven R. Anderson. Stauffer Library HF5686.C8 K267 2007 Page 3 of 7. o. Financial Management 26) Financial management / Leslie Chadwick and Donald Kirkby. Stauffer Library HG4026 .C446 1995t p. Marketing Management 27) A framework for marketing management / Philip Kotler. Stauffer Library HF5415.13 .K636 2003 q. Operations Management 28) Google : how Google works / Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg, with Alan Eagle. Stauffer Library HD9696.8.U64 G66647 2014 29) Operations management for competitive advantage / Richard B. Chase, F. Robert Jacobs, Nicholas J. Aquilano. Douglas Library TS155 .C4237 2004 r. Global Business Strategy 30) Global competitive strategy / Daniel F. Spulber. Stauffer Library HD30.28 .S68 2007 5. Integration and Execution s. Information Technology Management 31) Lean management principles for information technology / Gerhard J. Plenert. Stauffer Library HD30.2 .P597 2012 32) Cases on e-readiness and information systems management in organizations : tools for maximizing strategic alignment / [edited by] Mustafa Alshawi, Mohammed Arif. Stauffer Library HD30.2 .C3788 2012 33) Unmasking project management : the business perspective of information systems success / Cassandra Moraveck. Stauffer Library HD30.2 .M664 2013 Page 4 of 7. t. Execution and Implementation 34) Billion dollar lessons : what you can learn from the most inexcusable business failures of the last twenty-five years / Paul B. Carroll and Chunka Mui. Stauffer Library HG3761 .C37 2008 35) The execution premium : linking strategy to operations for competitive advantage / Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton. Stauffer Library HD30.28 .K35434 2008 36) Enterprise architecture as strategy : creating a foundation for business execution / Jeanne W. Ross, Peter Weill, David C. Robertson. Stauffer Library HD45.2 .R72 2006 u. Managing Change 37) Managing Change. Stauffer Library HD58.8 .M2543 2007 38) Managing innovation and change / edited by David Mayle. Stauffer Library HD45 .M3258 2006 v. Global Business Project in a Team 39) Global project management : communication, collaboration and management across borders / Jean Binder. Stauffer Library HD69.P75 B5265 2007 6. Strategic Electives. Choose one of: financial strategy; marketing strategy; project leadership. w. Project Leadership 40) Project management for business professionals : a comprehensive guide / edited by Joan Knutson. Stauffer Library HD69.P75 P62 2001 41) The Wiley guide to project organization & project management competencies. Stauffer Library HD69.P75 W5524 2007. Page 5 of 7. Other Management Disciplines 1. Strategic Management L5UW4E&list=PLF47BA7BC6BDA46B1 qRkiCM 42) VirtualStrategist 43) David Kryscynski 2. Crisis Management 44) Managing disasters through publicprivate partnerships / Ami J. Aboubakr. Stauffer Library HV555.U6 A53 2013 3. Public Relations 45) The public relations of everything : the ancient, modern and postmodern dramatic history of an idea / Robert E. Brown. Stauffer Library HM1221 .B766 2015 4. Economics 46) International political economy : a reader / Axel Hülsemeyer. Stauffer Library HF1359 .H85 2010 47) Manias, Panics, and Crashes. Kingston Frontenac Public Library, KINGSCOURT BRANCH : [NON] 338.542 KIN 1996 48) The handbook of the political economy of financial crises / edited by Martin H. Wolfson and Gerald A. Epstein. Stauffer Library HB3717 2008 .O94 2013 5. Knowledge Management 49) Knowledge management and elearning / edited by Jay Liebowitz and Michael S. Frank. Stauffer Library HD30.2 .K6368425 2011 6. Capital Budgeting 50) Capital budgeting valuation: financial analysis for today's investment projects / H. Kent Baker, Philip English. Stauffer Library HG4028.C4 B285 2011 Page 6 of 7. 7. Organizational Learning 51) Business-driven action learning: global best practices / edited by Yury Boshyk. Stauffer Library HD58.82 .B87 2000 8. Data Mining 52) Discovering data mining: from concept to implementation / Peter Cabena … [et al.]. Stauffer Library HF5415.125 .D584 1998 9. Supply Chain Management 53) Will Garate 54) London Supply Chain Management Masterclass 55) Harvi Millar Page 7 of 7. u_il7eI QJ2CDw&list=PLbwivfGkPdvimg9MnH0Bhb K5kD5wiohtu
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