cv - NUS Business School - National University of Singapore

HU Tianyou (Mr.)
Email: Tel: +65 81597084 Address: #108, 1 Business Link, Singapore 117592
National University of Singapore Business School, Singapore
PhD in Management, 2011- July 2016 (expected)
Peking University, China
Master of Business Administration, 2011
Bachelor of Economics, 2004
Bachelor of Arts in German Language and Literature, 2004
Academic Awards
AOM 2014, IM Division, Fundação Dom Cabral Best Paper in Strategy / IB Theory, Tianyou Hu & Jane
Lu, “When Diplomacy Matters: How Foreign Subsidiaries Survive Bilateral Relation Fluctuations”
Conference Papers
Tianyou Hu & Jane Lu, “When Diplomacy Matters: How Foreign Subsidiaries Survive Bilateral Relation
Fluctuations”, Best Paper Proceedings of AOM 2014 Meeting
Title: Balance the Asymmetries: Japanese Firms’ Alliance Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment
Committee Members: Andrew Delios (Chair), James Lincoln and Sea-Jin Chang
Research Topics
Alliance and Inter-organizational Network
MNE theory and Foreign Direct Investment
Working Papers
Jane Lu & Tianyou Hu, “ Unavoidable Political Risk: Japanese Firms in China 1990-2009”
Tianyou Hu & Andrew Delios, “Social Asymmetry and Partner Complementarity: Firms’ Strategy of
Alliance Sustainability”
Tianyou Hu & Andrew Delios, “Exchange and Compromise: Small Firms’ Alliances Strategies”
Tianyou Hu & Xing Zhang, “Enemy or Friend?—the Asymmetric Effects of Alliance Experience”
Tianyou Hu & Siddharth Natarajan, “Home Country Government and Local integration: the Subnational Location Choice of Japanese Multinationals”
Tianyou Hu & Jian Zhang, “Keep your money in safe place: Overseas Investment and Bilateral
extradition treaties”
Conference Presentations
Academy of Management 75th Annual Meeting, 2015, Vancouver
 Tianyou Hu & Andrew Delios, “Resource Exchange and Strategy Compromise: Alliances between
Small and Large Firms” (BSP Division/ Alliance Outcomes)
Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 2015 Bengaluru
 Tianyou Hu & Andrew Delios, “Enjoy Swimming with Sharks: The Alliance Strategy of Japanese
Small-And Medium-Sized Trading Companies” (Global strategy, M&As, and Competitiveness)
Academy of Management 74th Annual Meeting, 2014, Philadelphia
 Tianyou Hu & Andrew Delios, “The Resonance of Imbalance: How the Partner Asymmetry Affects
Alliance Instability” (BSP Division/Network Dynamics)
 Tianyou Hu & Jane Lu, “When Diplomacy Matters: How Foreign Subsidiaries Survive Bilateral
Relation Fluctuations” (IM Division/IB Theory Award Session)
European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 30th Colloquium, 2014 Rotterdam
 Tianyou Hu & Andrew Delios, “The Resonance of Imbalance: How the Partner Asymmetry Affects
Alliance Instability”, (Sub-theme 31: Theorizing the Network Organization)
Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 2013 Istanbul
 Tianyou Hu & Jane Lu, “The Bilateral Relation and Foreign Subsidiary Survival”, (Track of IB Theory,
FDI, and Entry Mode)
Academic Reviewing Experience
Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Asia Pacific
Journal of Management
Teaching and Research Experience
TA: BSP3001D Strategic Management for undergraduate, NUS Business School, Semester II, 2014/15
TA: BMA5112 Asian Business Environments for MBA, NUS Business School, Semester I, 2014/15
Tutor: BSP1005 Managerial Economics for undergraduate, NUS Business School, Semester I, 2013/14
Participation in PhD Consortia
Academy of Management 75th Annual Meeting, 2015, Vancouver
Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 2015 Bengaluru
European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 30th Colloquium, 2014 Rotterdam
Academy of Management 74th Annual Meeting, BSP division, 2014 Philadelphia
Membership Activities
Academy of Management; Academy of International Business; European Group for Organizational Studies
Working Experience
Program manager, China Training Center for Senior Personnel Management Officials, Beijing
Analyst of world economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Beijing 2008-2011
Personal Particulars
Chinese citizen, Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
Married, father of a two-year-old boy
Language: Mandarin (native), English and German (proficient)
Sports: Taekwondo Black Belt Bearer (World Taekwondo Federation)