EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BOKARO ISPAT SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL SECTOR – II C / III / VIII B / IX E / XI D BOKARO STEEL CITY (Affiliated To C.B.S.E,New Delhi), Ph.No.:6542-247085 Admission For Class XI (Session: 2015-16) Important Instructions / Information Regarding Admission to class XI (2015-16) Availability of Seats in Bokaro Ispat Sr. Secondary Schools (2015-16) SCHOOLS BISSS II C SEATSINSCIENCE SEATSINCOMMERCE PCM+PCB Nil =80+20 BISSS III PCM= 100 BISSSVIII B PCM= 100 BISSS IXE PCM+PCB =80+20 BIVXI D PCM=100 SEATSINARTS Hist/Geo,Pol.Sc,Socio,English) Hindi/Sanskrit =40 (B.St, Acct, Eco, English) Nil Hindi/Sanskrit/Maths =100 (B.St, Accy, Eco, (Hist, Pol.Sc, Socio English), English) Hindi/Sanskrit Hindi/Sanskrit =40 =100 Nil Nil Nil Nil Important Dates Admission Notification Online registration start date Last date for Submission of Online Registration form: Last date for Submission of Hard copy/ Print Out of online filled in form along With required Documents 28/05/2015 28/05/2015 10/06/2015 12/06/2015 (8.00 AM - 11.00 AM) Venue: Any of the above mentioned School Web publication of selected candidates for counselling 16/06/2015 Last date of taking admission for selected candidates in respective schools Commencement of session in respective School 22/06/2015 24/06/2015 Documents required along with submission of hard copy of the form i. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. DD/Banker’s Cheque The Registration fee of BSL/CISF/BPSCL/HSCL/SRU/Cooperative Societies operating at BSCity/Bokaro club/ BSL Home Guards in active service /Cat-A contract labours is Rs.100 and Rs.200 for Others, In favour of SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant payable at Bokaro Steel City Photocopy of Class X Mark sheet. Photocopy of Class X Admit Card/ Registration Card (issued by CBSE) Photocopy of Caste Certificate (for SC/ST). Coloured Passport size photograph is affixed in the space provided in the form. Photocopy of Physically Challenged Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon (if applicable) Photocopy of Medical book in case of ward of BSL employee Photocopy of Gate pass/I-card provided by the employer i. Forms in complete in any manner will be rejected. Please ensure all fields are filled in properly. Guidelines 1) All eligible candidates desirous of seeking admission to class XI of any CBSE Sr. Sec School of BSL must apply online on the website of Education Deptt. 2) ( a. Please prepare a DD/Banker’s Cheque before filling online Registration b. Amount of DD/Banker’s Cheque: c. Rs. 100/ for wards of employees of BSL /BPSCL/HSCL/Ex-BSL/CISF/BSL Cooperative Emp./Cat-A Contract Worker/ Home guard Rs. 200/ for others in favor of d. SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant payable at Bokaro Steel City e. No Fee is required to be submitted for candidates passed from “Kalyan Vidyalaya (BSKV-3D)" and "Balika Vidyalaya (BSBV-9B)” but they have to apply online. 3) Only online Registration will be accepted. 4) Only one Application /Registration online is required per candidate giving preference of schools and preference of Streams. 5) All entries of the Registration form must be completed and after online submission take a print out of the filled in form. 6) Print out (hard copy) of the Registration form along with DD/Banker’s cheque, Class- X mark sheet, photocopy of SC/ST Certificate (If applicable), Photocopy of Medical book (for BSL wards), self-attested photo copy of gate pass, one colored photo affixed in the space provided in the registration form are to be submitted at any one of counter of the above mentioned School on or before the stipulated date & time. 7) Candidate should write name and Registration no. at the back of DD/Banker’s cheque. Fee cannot be accepted in any other mode. 8) Application Fee is not Refundable or Transferable. 9) After submission no changes can be made, so candidates are suggested to verify the grades/marks, date of birth and other details before final submission. 10) No applications can be entertained if received after stipulated date and time. 11) No written test/aptitude test will be conducted; higher marks or Grades in various subjects of Class-X are the selection criteria. 12) Candidates are required to take Admission at the respective schools on or before the notified date & time. 13) Students passing from BSL Schools with 10 CGPA marks will be provided with free supply of text books and education charged No Tuition Fee, if they take admission in any Sr. Sec Schools of BSL. They are also required to follow the same process of registration online and submit the hard copy of application with all relevant documents on the stipulated date and time. 14) All students passing from BSL-run “Kalyan Vidyalaya (BSKV-3D)" and "Balika Vidyalaya (BSBV9B)” will get admission in BSL schools, provided they register online and submit the application with all relevant documents on the stipulated date. Their fees & other charges will be exempted if found otherwise deserving. Choice of Stream i.e. 15) Science/Commerce/Arts will be allotted on merit basis. 16) Admission of SC/ST candidates will be considered as per the stipulated norms. 17) Second list may be displayed only if vacancy exists after first phase of admission. 18) Candidates are advised to visit the website regularly for updates. Category wise preference for Admission in Class-XI Pref. Category Wards of employees of BSL/CISF/BPSCL/HSCL/SRU/ Cooperative Societies operating at BSCity/ Bokaro club/ BSL Home Guards in active service /Cat-A contract labour. Wards of Others Others Description Passed from any of the CBSE Schools of BSL/NBSL Passed from any CBSE School run by BSL Others (10 CGPA) code 1 2 3 Disclaimer: Management reserves the right to add, amend/cancel any rules and regulations without any prior notice which shall be binding to all concerned There’s little bit of SAIL in everybody’s life.
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