Balloons Are Like Features we Want to Develop in world Agile Arathi.G Quality Head Ricoh Innovations To The ‘Agile’ World Understand Agile Fundamentals – Through a ‘Game’ The Agile Manifesto Principles Being agile needs a ‘shift’ in thinking.. Thinking… A quick Video… ‘The Tree’ – Tum Chalo Roles are not positions awarded, but come with a sense of responsibility to execute the given job as expected to the Role One person can play multiple roles Portfolio Management Small Agile Team Even if I Don’t know what I want. This team does! Large Agile Team I Have Process ownership Program Management I Have Product ownership Scrum Coach Team Lead Agile PM Project Management Customer/ User Integrators We Have Ownership Of How to do Product Owner Working Product Product Management Independent Testers Scrum Team Stakeholders Team Members Subject Matter Experts PPQA Team Systems Architects CM Team Small Agile Team Responsibilities Tangible To Project Responsibilities Scrum Coach: (Influence, Protect from impediments) Conduct Scrum Meetings Sprint Planning & Tracking Report Project Status Mentor, Motivator, Team Facilitator, Practice Implementation for Repeatability, Impediments Management Agile PM/Lead: Set up the environment for product development Aid the Scrum Master in removing impediments Facilitating the Team to be able to function on ‘Core work’ Intangible To Project Responsibilities Stakeholders Driven by ‘Dependencies’ in the ADIPs document. Anyone who is a Management, auditors, program/portfolio manager, Support teams- Training, Procurement, Subject Matter Experts - SMEs Practices Champion-PC Configuration Manager Champion-CMC Team Members: (Builds the product iteratively) Understand User stories Provide estimates for User stories(Feature Points) Define ‘Work Values’ in terms of <As a.., Want to.., Testcase> Evaluate architecture for POC Design, Code, Review, Unit test, Test, Integrate, Debug, Release Document user manuals if part of the product plan. Product Owner: (Gives What to do) Visualize, Define & Maintain Product Backlog, Responsible for Prioritized User Stories/Work Items. Resolve Team's doubts for user stories Stakeholder representation, interaction & Buy-In Represents: End Users, Subject Matter Experts, Sponsor Tester & Integrator -Understand User Stories -Create and Maintain Test Cases - Test Case Review, & execution, automation - Test data creation, testing & reporting status - Practice health Status Reporting Configuration Management Champion-CMC -Conducts Configuration Item listing, Controlling & Auditing of CIs Practices Champion-PC - Facilitates & Conducts Step back reflections on Waves If you play this game, you will end up understanding how to apply Agile in software projects. • Everyone Gets the same set of.. • Balloons • Thread • Scissor • 3 Chart Papers • Tape • Each team can have upto 10 people • Build a Tower – in 15 Minutes • Reflect • Build a Tower again – 10 Minutes • Present your experience • Understand fundamentals • That’s an agile world!!! • • • • • Build a Tower of Balloons by using the provided materials – 15 Min. Get self organized No additional material will be provided Wait for the Judges to come and Rate your Tower on the agreed Criteria. Gather as a Team and conduct a ‘Reflection Meeting’ – 5 Min. • What went well • What to Stop • What to Improve • Build a Tower of Balloons – 10 Min. • This time apply the learning from the reflection meeting. • Make a chart ‘Learnt from the first time’ and implemented – 5 Min. • Wait for the Judges to come and rate your Tower of Balloon on the agreed criteria. • Present The Chart to the Judges -5 Min. Wait for the Judges to ‘Declare’ the BEST TOWER & Win Prizes!!! Definition : To build the Tower of Balloons “As a Child Spectator, I want to see the Highest Tower of Balloons so that the children that I bring in an hour later are marveled” Definition Of Done [Criteria for The Judges]: • The Tower must tolerate “aerial blows 3 times” from the judges • It must be stable and not wobble • If wobbles, not more than 80 degrees • It must be pleasing to the eyes • A color theme will be preferable • Each Balloon to be well blown • Only full blown balloons will be accepted in the Tower The Team that scores maximum Gems Wins!! • The Tower must tolerate any aerial blows – 30 seconds 3 times – 30 Gems • It must be stable and not wobble – 50 Gems • If wobbles, within 80% - 20 Gems • It must be pleasing to the eyes – 50 Gems • Each ‘accepted’ balloon earns -10 Gems • A color theme will be preferable -50 Gems = Features = User Story Attempts = Iterations = Features = User Story Fibonacci series Scale Example Attempts = Iterations IID = Ideal Iteration Day Articulation To build a Tower Examples.. Iteration Planning Tasts Size Sort the Balloons As a <Designer> I want to <Sort the balloon by colors> so that I create a <Pleasing Theme 3 Blow the balloons As a <Blower> I want to <Blow the balloon > so that it looks closest to the <Modelled Ideal Balloon> & last longer for the day 3 String each balloon .. 2 Tie the Balloons .. 4 Arrange the balloons .. 5 Build the balloons .. 4 Total Size Team = User Story Attempts = Iterations IID = Ideal Iteration Day Articulate to blow a Balloon [User Story] Iteration Metric Unit # of Blows to fill one Balloon ‘Planned’ Planned Velocity [How quickly you can 12 complete a user story] Blows/Minute Agile Unit 12 Story Points/IID # of Blows taken to fill one Actual Velocity Balloon ‘Actual’ 18 Blows/Minute 18 Story Points/IID # Balloons Blown 35 35 # of Stories Planned [How many user stories can we take in an iteration] # Balloons accepted # of Stories Accepted 22 22 % of Balloons accepted % Stories accepted [22/35] % [22/35] % # Self test Instances # test cases [How do we test our product] # Instances executed # test cases executed % % # Defects @ balloon level, in the tower Defect Density/Total Story Points in an iteration Def/Tower Def/Total Story Product Grooming Iteration Planning Contains a list of all requested/required functionality for the product, release and sprint respectively. Product Owner/Manager responsible for the backlog management and maintenance. Product Backlog Master Release Backlog Master Wave Backlog Master The whole project gets divided into Waves/Iterations usually 2 to 4 weeks duration each. Waves have fixed duration to enable regular deliveries and helps development teams to focus on a shippable product in the end of each sprint Product Demo Stand Up Meetings Frequent time boxed meetings where team members answer the following questions: What I did yesterday? What Issues did I face? What I plan to do today? The Working software is presented to the Product owner by the entire team Product owner provides feedback on a scale of 1=5, 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Excellent, 5=Amazing. The feedback parameters are defined as ‘Definition of done’ during iteration Planning Reflections Intention is to improve development process by introducing new practices, changing existing practices, etc by answering 3 Questions What to ‘Start’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Improve’ Team will conduct a Nominal Group Technique and select items to implement in next Iteration Back to Agile Landscape Product Grooming Contains a list of all requested/required functionality for the product, release and sprint respectively. Product Owner/Manager responsible for the backlog management and maintenance. Product Backlog Master Release Backlog Master Wave Backlog Master Game Analogy - Product Grooming The discussions you had on detailing how the ‘Tower Of Balloon’ should be built The list of ‘Probabilities’ on how it could be built The extent of ‘Details’ discussed on each possible way The meeting you conduct as a self organized team to understand ‘How to build the Tower of Balloon’ Back to Agile Landscape Iteration Planning Game Analogy – Iteration Planning The ‘Items’ you decided to do in the ‘First Attempt’ of building the Tower ‘Estimating the Size’ using a ‘Scale Guide’ Delinking ‘Effort’ with ‘Size’ during estimating ‘Detailing the Tasks’ involved in ‘Building the Tower’ Agreeing ‘What will be the Definition of Done’ to ‘Accept’ the Tower [This was given] The whole project gets divided into Waves/Iterations usually 2 to 4 weeks duration each. Waves have fixed duration to enable regular deliveries and helps development teams to focus on a shippable product in the end of each sprint The meeting you conduct to Size the Work, Schedule it, agree tasks and Definition of done. Back to Agile Landscape Stand Up Meetings Frequent time boxed meetings where team members answer the following questions: What I did yesterday? What Issues did I face? What I plan to do today? Game Analogy The Frequent discussions you had spontaneously asking .. The likes of “How many balloons have u blown”.. “What else can I do”.. “Do you want my help”.. “This didn’t work, let try the other way”.. The meeting you conduct often to see if tasks taken by people are completed, pending. Also discuss any unplanned issues that came up Issues like : • • • • The balloons burst Could not blow all to the same size The balloons don’t stand still.. Some good blowers are assigned to do something else in the team Back to Agile Landscape Game Analogy The Judges who came to ‘Apply’ the ‘Definition Of Done’ on the Built Towers The Wind Blows The Balloons Blown Quality The Height of Tower The Wobbling Effect Product Demo The Working software is presented to the Product owner by the entire team Product owner provides feedback on a scale of 1=5, 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Excellent, 5=Amazing. The feedback parameters are defined as ‘Definition of done’ during iteration Planning The instance where ‘Product Owner’ see the working product based on their given Definition Of Done, and make decisions on ‘acceptance’ Back to Agile Landscape Game Analogy: You having a Dedicated meeting with the ‘Post It Notes’ on.. What to Stop Doing in the next attempt What to Start Doing in the next attempt What to ‘Improve’ further in the next attempt Reflections Intention is to improve development process by introducing new practices, changing existing practices, etc by answering 3 Questions What to ‘Start’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Improve’ Team will conduct a Nominal Group Technique and select items to implement in next Iteration The meeting you conduct after the first round to brainstorm.. • What went well • What didn’t • What can get better Back to Agile Landscape 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’ competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. 4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.. 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 10. Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential. 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
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