Requiem for the Living

Altar Flowers
The flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Laura and Frank
Sutherland by their family.
Attention, Parents. Please be reminded that the children’s Sunday school classes conclude at 10:45 AM.
Children who are not picked up by 10:55 AM are moved to the multi-age nursery until parents arrive. Thank you
for saying thank you to our teachers by being prompt.
VBSW Volunteers are needed June 26-28. This is a great opportunity to work with children of all ages for a
weekend of fun. Contact Tracee Clem ( or Julie Wallace ( for more
Support Mission and Outreach throughout this season as a part of your Lenten discipline. Your financial gift
will help our church reach more people in our community and throughout the world, bringing them the hope
that is in Jesus. You may use the Lenten Offering envelope — please mark “Missions” on your check.
Join the Sprouts’ Epworth Children’s Home special project. Realizing the needs of Epworth, the Sprouts have
begun an effort of collecting coins. All of the money collected will go to help meet some of those special needs.
Over the next few months you will find special receptacles in the church’s lobbies for the purpose of collecting
coins. The receptacles have been decorated by the Sprouts and indicate some of what they are learning about
Epworth. They hope that lots of coins will enable the Sprouts to make a difference in the lives of these children.
“Open Doors—A Walk Through History” will be offered free to the public on Saturday, March 28. Tour
Christ Church Episcopal (9:00 AM), First Presbyterian (10:00 AM), Buncombe Street UMC (11:00 AM), and
St. Mary’s Catholic Church (12:00 noon). Tours are 30 minutes each, with time to move to the next location.
On Sunday, March 29, the infant, toddler, and 2 year-olds rooms will be relocated to LL03, LL05 and LL07.
There will be directional signs, and Children’s Ministry team members will be available to direct you to the new
locations. We are excited to have the children in locations that will be easier to find.
Registration for Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School Weekend is underway. Please note that each has
a unique registration form. The summer camp descriptions and an overview of the Vacation Bible School
Weekend are available on the church website Children’s Ministry page ( along
with the registration forms.
Join the Recreation Ministry and Music and Arts Ministry for the 4:30 PM Living Gallery show at Bob Jones
University on Friday, April 3. Tickets are $14 per person. With only two tickets remaining, contact Tom
Buchanan (864-373-6461) or Rosemary Hughes (864-371-6092) to reserve a seat.
Join your church family on April 8 for a Blood Drive. Call the church office (864-232-7341) to schedule a
convenient appointment time.
Attention, Ladies. Please plan to attend a Women’s Ministries special event with Beth Templeton, Uncharted
Journey. This free, one-day event will be held on Saturday, April 18, from 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM in Sisk Hall.
Lunch will be provided at NO cost, and church childcare will be provided for those needing the service. Visit the
church website for additional information and to register (
Attention, Youth! Join in a lock-in complete with bowling, broom hockey, games, and movies on Friday, April
24, starting at 9:00 PM and going to 6:00 AM Saturday morning! You won’t want to miss the fun! Sign-ups
will be in the youth email newsletter!
Were you blessed with good teachers and a good education? Then consider offering the same gift to someone
else! Greenville Literacy Association is seeking volunteer tutors for all three of its Greenville County locations.
Help other adults improve their reading, writing, and math skills, prepare for the GED, or learn to speak
English. Prior teaching experience is NOT required, and Greenville Literacy provides training. Contact the
association for more information (864-467-3456, The next training workshop will be
held on Saturday, May 30.
This Week at BSUMC
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Walk With Christ Weekend
10:00 AM Chancel Choir Breakfast (Truluck)
12:00 PM Even Bearden Eagle Ceremony (Memorial Chapel
and Truluck)
1:00 PM LaNelle Valdes (Orders Parlor)
4:00 PM Youth Handbells (Choir Room)
4:40 PM Youth Choir (Choir Room)
5:00 PM Sprouts (301, 302, 303)
5:15 PM Financial Peace University (102)
Monday, March 23, 2015
12:00 PM Emmanuel’s Hammer Board Meeting (102)
5:30 PM Basketball (Drake)
6:00 PM Finance Committee (102)
6:30 PM Monday Night Study (217)
7:00 PM Church Council (Truluck)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
6:00 AM Joyous Joggers/Walkers
9:30 AM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
10:30 AM CDC Chapel (Memorial Chapel)
12:00 PM Breakfast Club (Library)
1:15 PM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (217)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
6:45 AM Men’s Bible Study (115)
9:45 AM CDC 3K Music (Choir Room)
10:30 AM CDC 4K Music (Choir Room)
12:00 PM CDC Board of Directors (102)
12:00 PM Greenville City Prayer (Triune Chapel)
3:30 PM Appetizers Studies (217)
5:15 PM Midweek Dinner (Drake)
5:30 PM Carillon Choir (Choir Room)
6:00 PM 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade Bible Study (217)
6:00 PM Boys Grade 5-8 (Game Room)
6:00 PM Celebration Choir for K5/1st (201)
6:00 PM Girls Grade 5-8 (Junior High Room)
6:00 PM Grades 9-12 (Board Room)
6:00 PM Music and Movement for 3s/4s (Amphitheater)
6:15 PM Hidden Treasures of the New Testament (114)
6:15 PM Salty Grandparenting (101)
6:15 PM Textiles Group (216)
6:35 PM Joyful Noise Choir for 2nd-5th (201)
6:35 PM K5 and 1st Grade Bible Study (209)
6:35 PM Play and Worship for 3s/4s (LL05)
7:00 PM Ignite (206)
7:15 PM Chancel Choir (Choir Room)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
6:00 AM Joyous Joggers/Walkers
9:30 AM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
10:00 AM Women at the Well (217, 205, 203)
11:00 AM Sermon Scripture Study (Truluck)
1:15 PM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
Friday, March 27, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
4:00 PM CDC After-School Music (Choir Room)
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (217)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
11:00 AM Open Doors Church Tour (Sanctuary)
To learn more about future events planned at BSUMC, visit our website at and click on the calendar link.
If you are new to the church, or if you missed out on having your photograph taken last fall
for the Church Directory, please let us know who you are! Simply complete this form and
place it in the offering plate. The church will schedule a time for you to have your picture
taken. Thank you for participating!
Number of people in family photo:_____ Mobile number:_____________________________
Email address:_______________________________________________________________________________
Those Serving Today
Parking Lot Greeters
Mike Bolton, Van Price, Bill Mulligan, John Neil, Hubert
Yarborough, Bill Parker, Cindy Parker, Jim Barnes, Nate
Information Desk
10:00 AM Lib Longmeyer
11:00 AM Judy Brown
8:55 AM Ken Troutman, Steve Thrailkill, Dottie Pittman, Joel
11:00 AM Jim Bannister, Gary Daniels, Jr., Bill Freeman,
David Koontz, Chip Fogleman, Jamie Ouzts, Tom Russell
Offering Tellers
Stacy Brandon, C.A. Malaska, Nathan Robirds
Offering Steward
8:55 AM David Sowell
11:00 AM Elaine Gentry
8:55 AM Jack Jopling
11:00 AM Mills Chastain
To Be and To Make Disciples of Christ
Senior Minister -
Rev. Jerry E. Temple
Associate Minister -
Rev. Joe Cate
Parish Minister -
Rev. Grover Putnam
Director of Music and Arts -
Rosemary E. Hughes
Non-Traditional Worship Leader -
Adam Layne Fisher
Sanctuary Organist - R.
Fifth Sunday in Lent
200 Buncombe Street • Greenville, SC 29601
Vance Jenkins
March 22, 2015 —Volume 50 No. 11
864-232-7341 •
Children’s Nursery
BSUMC’s nursery, staffed by paid, trained, & caring employees, depends on church member volunteers to assist
in each room during each of the services. Contact Nija
Carelock (864-483-9189,
Infants - Birth to 12 Months (8:45, 10:00, & 11:00 AM in LL11)
Walkers - 13 months to 2 years (8:45 & 10:00 AM in LL10)
2s, 3s, 4s - (8:45 & 11:00 AM in LL03 & LL09)
March 15, 2015
Budget Receipts...........................................$30,588.99
Budget Receipts YTD..................................$467,749.85
Budget Needs YTD.....................................$621,848.38
Capital Improvements.......................................$333.46
Capital Improvements YTD............................$7,646.18
Lenten Offering YTD......................................$8,288.00
8:45 AM Non-Traditional Worship...........................122
8:55 AM Traditional Worship...................................228
11:00 AM Traditional Worship.................................249
11:00 AM Non-Traditional Worship.........................112
Total Worship..........................................................771
Sunday School.........................................................847
Sunday Evening........................................................169
Wednesday Evening.................................................271
Hospital List
Requiem for the Living
A Requiem, at its core, is a prayer for rest - traditionally, for the deceased. The
five movements of Requiem for the Living, however, form a narrative just as much
for the living, and their own struggle with pain and sorrow, as for the dead.
Sam Esteban - Greenville Memorial Children’s Hospital
“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any among you
sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray
over them…” James 5:13-14
(Call the church office for an up-to-date report from the Hospital Board,
located in the church office.)
Midweek Dinner
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Chicken Marsala, Rice Pilaf, Carrots, Broccoli, Yeast
Rolls, Chicken Tortilla Soup, & Dessert. Chicken Tenders
or Nuggets for the Children. Servers: Joy Class.
- Dan Forrest
Palm Sunday, March 29
Palm Processional of the Children
in the Sanctuary at 8:55 AM
Holy Communion served in all
four worship services
Monday, March 30
12:00 Noon
Rev. Grover Putnam
Holy Week Services
Tuesday, March 31
12:00 Noon
Rev. Jerry Hill
Holy Thursday, April 2
7:00 PM Tenebrae Service
Rev. Jerry E. Temple
Wednesday, April 1
12:00 Noon
Rev. Dr. John Miller
Walk to the Cross
Sanctuary Steps - 6:00 PM
Good Friday, April 3
12:00 Noon
Rev. Joe Cate
Easter Sunday, April 5
Flowering of the Cross
Rev. Jerry E. Temple, Traditional
Services with Brass & Handbells
at 8:55 AM and 11:00 AM
in the Sanctuary
Rev. Joe Cate, Non-Traditional
Services at 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
in Sisk Hall
Welcome to Buncombe Street United Methodist Church. Additional information is available at either of the Information
Centers or on our website at One center is in the office lobby by Sisk Hall, and the other center is in
the main lobby just behind the Sanctuary. The center by Sisk Hall is open before and after the 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
non-traditional services. The center by the Sanctuary is open before and after the 8:55 AM & 11:00 AM traditional
services. Information about Sunday school is available at each center. If you would like to become a member of our church
family, contact Alane Kelley in the church office at 371-6084. We are happy to help you find your place here!
Please respect the sanctity of each worship service. Silence cell phones or paging devices, and refrain from using flash photography.
8:45AM & 11:00AM Non-Traditional Worship (Sisk Hall) 10:00AM Sunday School 8:55AM & 11:00AM Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
Altar Flowers
The flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Laura and Frank
Sutherland by their family.
Attention, Parents. Please be reminded that the children’s Sunday school classes conclude at 10:45 AM.
Children who are not picked up by 10:55 AM are moved to the multi-age nursery until parents arrive. Thank you
for saying thank you to our teachers by being prompt.
VBSW Volunteers are needed June 26-28. This is a great opportunity to work with children of all ages for a
weekend of fun. Contact Tracee Clem ( or Julie Wallace ( for more
Support Mission and Outreach throughout this season as a part of your Lenten discipline. Your financial gift
will help our church reach more people in our community and throughout the world, bringing them the hope
that is in Jesus. You may use the Lenten Offering envelope — please mark “Missions” on your check.
Join the Sprouts’ Epworth Children’s Home special project. Realizing the needs of Epworth, the Sprouts have
begun an effort of collecting coins. All of the money collected will go to help meet some of those special needs.
Over the next few months you will find special receptacles in the church’s lobbies for the purpose of collecting
coins. The receptacles have been decorated by the Sprouts and indicate some of what they are learning about
Epworth. They hope that lots of coins will enable the Sprouts to make a difference in the lives of these children.
“Open Doors—A Walk Through History” will be offered free to the public on Saturday, March 28. Tour
Christ Church Episcopal (9:00 AM), First Presbyterian (10:00 AM), Buncombe Street UMC (11:00 AM), and
St. Mary’s Catholic Church (12:00 noon). Tours are 30 minutes each, with time to move to the next location.
On Sunday, March 29, the infant, toddler, and 2 year-olds rooms will be relocated to LL03, LL05 and LL07.
There will be directional signs, and Children’s Ministry team members will be available to direct you to the new
locations. We are excited to have the children in locations that will be easier to find.
Registration for Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School Weekend is underway. Please note that each has
a unique registration form. The summer camp descriptions and an overview of the Vacation Bible School
Weekend are available on the church website Children’s Ministry page ( along
with the registration forms.
Join the Recreation Ministry and Music and Arts Ministry for the 4:30 PM Living Gallery show at Bob Jones
University on Friday, April 3. Tickets are $14 per person. With only two tickets remaining, contact Tom
Buchanan (864-373-6461) or Rosemary Hughes (864-371-6092) to reserve a seat.
Join your church family on April 8 for a Blood Drive. Call the church office (864-232-7341) to schedule a
convenient appointment time.
Attention, Ladies. Please plan to attend a Women’s Ministries special event with Beth Templeton, Uncharted
Journey. This free, one-day event will be held on Saturday, April 18, from 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM in Sisk Hall.
Lunch will be provided at NO cost, and church childcare will be provided for those needing the service. Visit the
church website for additional information and to register (
Attention, Youth! Join in a lock-in complete with bowling, broom hockey, games, and movies on Friday, April
24, starting at 9:00 PM and going to 6:00 AM Saturday morning! You won’t want to miss the fun! Sign-ups
will be in the youth email newsletter!
Were you blessed with good teachers and a good education? Then consider offering the same gift to someone
else! Greenville Literacy Association is seeking volunteer tutors for all three of its Greenville County locations.
Help other adults improve their reading, writing, and math skills, prepare for the GED, or learn to speak
English. Prior teaching experience is NOT required, and Greenville Literacy provides training. Contact the
association for more information (864-467-3456, The next training workshop will be
held on Saturday, May 30.
This Week at BSUMC
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Walk With Christ Weekend
10:00 AM Chancel Choir Breakfast (Truluck)
12:00 PM Even Bearden Eagle Ceremony (Memorial Chapel
and Truluck)
1:00 PM LaNelle Valdes (Orders Parlor)
4:00 PM Youth Handbells (Choir Room)
4:40 PM Youth Choir (Choir Room)
5:00 PM Sprouts (301, 302, 303)
5:15 PM Financial Peace University (102)
Monday, March 23, 2015
12:00 PM Emmanuel’s Hammer Board Meeting (102)
5:30 PM Basketball (Drake)
6:00 PM Finance Committee (102)
6:30 PM Monday Night Study (217)
7:00 PM Church Council (Truluck)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
6:00 AM Joyous Joggers/Walkers
9:30 AM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
10:30 AM CDC Chapel (Memorial Chapel)
12:00 PM Breakfast Club (Library)
1:15 PM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (217)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
6:45 AM Men’s Bible Study (115)
9:45 AM CDC 3K Music (Choir Room)
10:30 AM CDC 4K Music (Choir Room)
12:00 PM CDC Board of Directors (102)
12:00 PM Greenville City Prayer (Triune Chapel)
3:30 PM Appetizers Studies (217)
5:15 PM Midweek Dinner (Drake)
5:30 PM Carillon Choir (Choir Room)
6:00 PM 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade Bible Study (217)
6:00 PM Boys Grade 5-8 (Game Room)
6:00 PM Celebration Choir for K5/1st (201)
6:00 PM Girls Grade 5-8 (Junior High Room)
6:00 PM Grades 9-12 (Board Room)
6:00 PM Music and Movement for 3s/4s (Amphitheater)
6:15 PM Hidden Treasures of the New Testament (114)
6:15 PM Salty Grandparenting (101)
6:15 PM Textiles Group (216)
6:35 PM Joyful Noise Choir for 2nd-5th (201)
6:35 PM K5 and 1st Grade Bible Study (209)
6:35 PM Play and Worship for 3s/4s (LL05)
7:00 PM Ignite (206)
7:15 PM Chancel Choir (Choir Room)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
6:00 AM Joyous Joggers/Walkers
9:30 AM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
10:00 AM Women at the Well (217, 205, 203)
11:00 AM Sermon Scripture Study (Truluck)
1:15 PM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
Friday, March 27, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
4:00 PM CDC After-School Music (Choir Room)
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (217)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
11:00 AM Open Doors Church Tour (Sanctuary)
To learn more about future events planned at BSUMC, visit our website at and click on the calendar link.
If you are new to the church, or if you missed out on having your photograph taken last fall
for the Church Directory, please let us know who you are! Simply complete this form and
place it in the offering plate. The church will schedule a time for you to have your picture
taken. Thank you for participating!
Number of people in family photo:_____ Mobile number:_____________________________
Email address:_______________________________________________________________________________
Those Serving Today
Parking Lot Greeters
Mike Bolton, Van Price, Bill Mulligan, John Neil, Hubert
Yarborough, Bill Parker, Cindy Parker, Jim Barnes, Nate
Information Desk
10:00 AM Lib Longmeyer
11:00 AM Judy Brown
8:55 AM Ken Troutman, Steve Thrailkill, Dottie Pittman, Joel
11:00 AM Jim Bannister, Gary Daniels, Jr., Bill Freeman,
David Koontz, Chip Fogleman, Jamie Ouzts, Tom Russell
Offering Tellers
Stacy Brandon, C.A. Malaska, Nathan Robirds
Offering Steward
8:55 AM David Sowell
11:00 AM Elaine Gentry
8:55 AM Jack Jopling
11:00 AM Mills Chastain
To Be and To Make Disciples of Christ
Senior Minister -
Rev. Jerry E. Temple
Associate Minister -
Rev. Joe Cate
Parish Minister -
Rev. Grover Putnam
Director of Music and Arts -
Rosemary E. Hughes
Non-Traditional Worship Leader -
Adam Layne Fisher
Sanctuary Organist - R.
Fifth Sunday in Lent
200 Buncombe Street • Greenville, SC 29601
Vance Jenkins
March 22, 2015 —Volume 50 No. 11
864-232-7341 •
Children’s Nursery
BSUMC’s nursery, staffed by paid, trained, & caring employees, depends on church member volunteers to assist
in each room during each of the services. Contact Nija
Carelock (864-483-9189,
Infants - Birth to 12 Months (8:45, 10:00, & 11:00 AM in LL11)
Walkers - 13 months to 2 years (8:45 & 10:00 AM in LL10)
2s, 3s, 4s - (8:45 & 11:00 AM in LL03 & LL09)
March 15, 2015
Budget Receipts...........................................$30,588.99
Budget Receipts YTD..................................$467,749.85
Budget Needs YTD.....................................$621,848.38
Capital Improvements.......................................$333.46
Capital Improvements YTD............................$7,646.18
Lenten Offering YTD......................................$8,288.00
8:45 AM Non-Traditional Worship...........................122
8:55 AM Traditional Worship...................................228
11:00 AM Traditional Worship.................................249
11:00 AM Non-Traditional Worship.........................112
Total Worship..........................................................771
Sunday School.........................................................847
Sunday Evening........................................................169
Wednesday Evening.................................................271
Hospital List
Requiem for the Living
A Requiem, at its core, is a prayer for rest - traditionally, for the deceased. The
five movements of Requiem for the Living, however, form a narrative just as much
for the living, and their own struggle with pain and sorrow, as for the dead.
Sam Esteban - Greenville Memorial Children’s Hospital
“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any among you
sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray
over them…” James 5:13-14
(Call the church office for an up-to-date report from the Hospital Board,
located in the church office.)
Midweek Dinner
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Chicken Marsala, Rice Pilaf, Carrots, Broccoli, Yeast
Rolls, Chicken Tortilla Soup, & Dessert. Chicken Tenders
or Nuggets for the Children. Servers: Joy Class.
- Dan Forrest
Palm Sunday, March 29
Palm Processional of the Children
in the Sanctuary at 8:55 AM
Holy Communion served in all
four worship services
Monday, March 30
12:00 Noon
Rev. Grover Putnam
Holy Week Services
Tuesday, March 31
12:00 Noon
Rev. Jerry Hill
Holy Thursday, April 2
7:00 PM Tenebrae Service
Rev. Jerry E. Temple
Wednesday, April 1
12:00 Noon
Rev. Dr. John Miller
Walk to the Cross
Sanctuary Steps - 6:00 PM
Good Friday, April 3
12:00 Noon
Rev. Joe Cate
Easter Sunday, April 5
Flowering of the Cross
Rev. Jerry E. Temple, Traditional
Services with Brass & Handbells
at 8:55 AM and 11:00 AM
in the Sanctuary
Rev. Joe Cate, Non-Traditional
Services at 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
in Sisk Hall
Welcome to Buncombe Street United Methodist Church. Additional information is available at either of the Information
Centers or on our website at One center is in the office lobby by Sisk Hall, and the other center is in
the main lobby just behind the Sanctuary. The center by Sisk Hall is open before and after the 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
non-traditional services. The center by the Sanctuary is open before and after the 8:55 AM & 11:00 AM traditional
services. Information about Sunday school is available at each center. If you would like to become a member of our church
family, contact Alane Kelley in the church office at 371-6084. We are happy to help you find your place here!
Please respect the sanctity of each worship service. Silence cell phones or paging devices, and refrain from using flash photography.
8:45AM & 11:00AM Non-Traditional Worship (Sisk Hall) 10:00AM Sunday School 8:55AM & 11:00AM Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
Altar Flowers
The flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Laura and Frank
Sutherland by their family.
Attention, Parents. Please be reminded that the children’s Sunday school classes conclude at 10:45 AM.
Children who are not picked up by 10:55 AM are moved to the multi-age nursery until parents arrive. Thank you
for saying thank you to our teachers by being prompt.
VBSW Volunteers are needed June 26-28. This is a great opportunity to work with children of all ages for a
weekend of fun. Contact Tracee Clem ( or Julie Wallace ( for more
Support Mission and Outreach throughout this season as a part of your Lenten discipline. Your financial gift
will help our church reach more people in our community and throughout the world, bringing them the hope
that is in Jesus. You may use the Lenten Offering envelope — please mark “Missions” on your check.
Join the Sprouts’ Epworth Children’s Home special project. Realizing the needs of Epworth, the Sprouts have
begun an effort of collecting coins. All of the money collected will go to help meet some of those special needs.
Over the next few months you will find special receptacles in the church’s lobbies for the purpose of collecting
coins. The receptacles have been decorated by the Sprouts and indicate some of what they are learning about
Epworth. They hope that lots of coins will enable the Sprouts to make a difference in the lives of these children.
“Open Doors—A Walk Through History” will be offered free to the public on Saturday, March 28. Tour
Christ Church Episcopal (9:00 AM), First Presbyterian (10:00 AM), Buncombe Street UMC (11:00 AM), and
St. Mary’s Catholic Church (12:00 noon). Tours are 30 minutes each, with time to move to the next location.
On Sunday, March 29, the infant, toddler, and 2 year-olds rooms will be relocated to LL03, LL05 and LL07.
There will be directional signs, and Children’s Ministry team members will be available to direct you to the new
locations. We are excited to have the children in locations that will be easier to find.
Registration for Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School Weekend is underway. Please note that each has
a unique registration form. The summer camp descriptions and an overview of the Vacation Bible School
Weekend are available on the church website Children’s Ministry page ( along
with the registration forms.
Join the Recreation Ministry and Music and Arts Ministry for the 4:30 PM Living Gallery show at Bob Jones
University on Friday, April 3. Tickets are $14 per person. With only two tickets remaining, contact Tom
Buchanan (864-373-6461) or Rosemary Hughes (864-371-6092) to reserve a seat.
Join your church family on April 8 for a Blood Drive. Call the church office (864-232-7341) to schedule a
convenient appointment time.
Attention, Ladies. Please plan to attend a Women’s Ministries special event with Beth Templeton, Uncharted
Journey. This free, one-day event will be held on Saturday, April 18, from 9:30 AM until 2:00 PM in Sisk Hall.
Lunch will be provided at NO cost, and church childcare will be provided for those needing the service. Visit the
church website for additional information and to register (
Attention, Youth! Join in a lock-in complete with bowling, broom hockey, games, and movies on Friday, April
24, starting at 9:00 PM and going to 6:00 AM Saturday morning! You won’t want to miss the fun! Sign-ups
will be in the youth email newsletter!
Were you blessed with good teachers and a good education? Then consider offering the same gift to someone
else! Greenville Literacy Association is seeking volunteer tutors for all three of its Greenville County locations.
Help other adults improve their reading, writing, and math skills, prepare for the GED, or learn to speak
English. Prior teaching experience is NOT required, and Greenville Literacy provides training. Contact the
association for more information (864-467-3456, The next training workshop will be
held on Saturday, May 30.
This Week at BSUMC
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Walk With Christ Weekend
10:00 AM Chancel Choir Breakfast (Truluck)
12:00 PM Even Bearden Eagle Ceremony (Memorial Chapel
and Truluck)
1:00 PM LaNelle Valdes (Orders Parlor)
4:00 PM Youth Handbells (Choir Room)
4:40 PM Youth Choir (Choir Room)
5:00 PM Sprouts (301, 302, 303)
5:15 PM Financial Peace University (102)
Monday, March 23, 2015
12:00 PM Emmanuel’s Hammer Board Meeting (102)
5:30 PM Basketball (Drake)
6:00 PM Finance Committee (102)
6:30 PM Monday Night Study (217)
7:00 PM Church Council (Truluck)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
6:00 AM Joyous Joggers/Walkers
9:30 AM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
10:30 AM CDC Chapel (Memorial Chapel)
12:00 PM Breakfast Club (Library)
1:15 PM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (217)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
6:45 AM Men’s Bible Study (115)
9:45 AM CDC 3K Music (Choir Room)
10:30 AM CDC 4K Music (Choir Room)
12:00 PM CDC Board of Directors (102)
12:00 PM Greenville City Prayer (Triune Chapel)
3:30 PM Appetizers Studies (217)
5:15 PM Midweek Dinner (Drake)
5:30 PM Carillon Choir (Choir Room)
6:00 PM 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade Bible Study (217)
6:00 PM Boys Grade 5-8 (Game Room)
6:00 PM Celebration Choir for K5/1st (201)
6:00 PM Girls Grade 5-8 (Junior High Room)
6:00 PM Grades 9-12 (Board Room)
6:00 PM Music and Movement for 3s/4s (Amphitheater)
6:15 PM Hidden Treasures of the New Testament (114)
6:15 PM Salty Grandparenting (101)
6:15 PM Textiles Group (216)
6:35 PM Joyful Noise Choir for 2nd-5th (201)
6:35 PM K5 and 1st Grade Bible Study (209)
6:35 PM Play and Worship for 3s/4s (LL05)
7:00 PM Ignite (206)
7:15 PM Chancel Choir (Choir Room)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
6:00 AM Joyous Joggers/Walkers
9:30 AM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
10:00 AM Women at the Well (217, 205, 203)
11:00 AM Sermon Scripture Study (Truluck)
1:15 PM Well-Balanced for Seniors (Drake)
Friday, March 27, 2015
CDC Student Pictures (Parlor)
4:00 PM CDC After-School Music (Choir Room)
8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous (217)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
11:00 AM Open Doors Church Tour (Sanctuary)
To learn more about future events planned at BSUMC, visit our website at and click on the calendar link.
If you are new to the church, or if you missed out on having your photograph taken last fall
for the Church Directory, please let us know who you are! Simply complete this form and
place it in the offering plate. The church will schedule a time for you to have your picture
taken. Thank you for participating!
Number of people in family photo:_____ Mobile number:_____________________________
Email address:_______________________________________________________________________________
Those Serving Today
Parking Lot Greeters
Mike Bolton, Van Price, Bill Mulligan, John Neil, Hubert
Yarborough, Bill Parker, Cindy Parker, Jim Barnes, Nate
Information Desk
10:00 AM Lib Longmeyer
11:00 AM Judy Brown
8:55 AM Ken Troutman, Steve Thrailkill, Dottie Pittman, Joel
11:00 AM Jim Bannister, Gary Daniels, Jr., Bill Freeman,
David Koontz, Chip Fogleman, Jamie Ouzts, Tom Russell
Offering Tellers
Stacy Brandon, C.A. Malaska, Nathan Robirds
Offering Steward
8:55 AM David Sowell
11:00 AM Elaine Gentry
8:55 AM Jack Jopling
11:00 AM Mills Chastain
To Be and To Make Disciples of Christ
Senior Minister -
Rev. Jerry E. Temple
Associate Minister -
Rev. Joe Cate
Parish Minister -
Rev. Grover Putnam
Director of Music and Arts -
Rosemary E. Hughes
Non-Traditional Worship Leader -
Adam Layne Fisher
Sanctuary Organist - R.
Fifth Sunday in Lent
200 Buncombe Street • Greenville, SC 29601
Vance Jenkins
March 22, 2015 —Volume 50 No. 11
864-232-7341 •
Children’s Nursery
BSUMC’s nursery, staffed by paid, trained, & caring employees, depends on church member volunteers to assist
in each room during each of the services. Contact Nija
Carelock (864-483-9189,
Infants - Birth to 12 Months (8:45, 10:00, & 11:00 AM in LL11)
Walkers - 13 months to 2 years (8:45 & 10:00 AM in LL10)
2s, 3s, 4s - (8:45 & 11:00 AM in LL03 & LL09)
March 15, 2015
Budget Receipts...........................................$30,588.99
Budget Receipts YTD..................................$467,749.85
Budget Needs YTD.....................................$621,848.38
Capital Improvements.......................................$333.46
Capital Improvements YTD............................$7,646.18
Lenten Offering YTD......................................$8,288.00
8:45 AM Non-Traditional Worship...........................122
8:55 AM Traditional Worship...................................228
11:00 AM Traditional Worship.................................249
11:00 AM Non-Traditional Worship.........................112
Total Worship..........................................................771
Sunday School.........................................................847
Sunday Evening........................................................169
Wednesday Evening.................................................271
Hospital List
Requiem for the Living
A Requiem, at its core, is a prayer for rest - traditionally, for the deceased. The
five movements of Requiem for the Living, however, form a narrative just as much
for the living, and their own struggle with pain and sorrow, as for the dead.
Sam Esteban - Greenville Memorial Children’s Hospital
“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any among you
sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray
over them…” James 5:13-14
(Call the church office for an up-to-date report from the Hospital Board,
located in the church office.)
Midweek Dinner
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Chicken Marsala, Rice Pilaf, Carrots, Broccoli, Yeast
Rolls, Chicken Tortilla Soup, & Dessert. Chicken Tenders
or Nuggets for the Children. Servers: Joy Class.
- Dan Forrest
Palm Sunday, March 29
Palm Processional of the Children
in the Sanctuary at 8:55 AM
Holy Communion served in all
four worship services
Monday, March 30
12:00 Noon
Rev. Grover Putnam
Holy Week Services
Tuesday, March 31
12:00 Noon
Rev. Jerry Hill
Holy Thursday, April 2
7:00 PM Tenebrae Service
Rev. Jerry E. Temple
Wednesday, April 1
12:00 Noon
Rev. Dr. John Miller
Walk to the Cross
Sanctuary Steps - 6:00 PM
Good Friday, April 3
12:00 Noon
Rev. Joe Cate
Easter Sunday, April 5
Flowering of the Cross
Rev. Jerry E. Temple, Traditional
Services with Brass & Handbells
at 8:55 AM and 11:00 AM
in the Sanctuary
Rev. Joe Cate, Non-Traditional
Services at 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
in Sisk Hall
Welcome to Buncombe Street United Methodist Church. Additional information is available at either of the Information
Centers or on our website at One center is in the office lobby by Sisk Hall, and the other center is in
the main lobby just behind the Sanctuary. The center by Sisk Hall is open before and after the 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM
non-traditional services. The center by the Sanctuary is open before and after the 8:55 AM & 11:00 AM traditional
services. Information about Sunday school is available at each center. If you would like to become a member of our church
family, contact Alane Kelley in the church office at 371-6084. We are happy to help you find your place here!
Please respect the sanctity of each worship service. Silence cell phones or paging devices, and refrain from using flash photography.
8:45AM & 11:00AM Non-Traditional Worship (Sisk Hall) 10:00AM Sunday School 8:55AM & 11:00AM Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
8:45AM and 11:00AM Non-Traditional Services
8:55AM and 11:00AM Traditional Services
Prayer requests may be written on the white card that is in the basket at the end of your aisle.
You may place your card in the offering plate or on the altar at the conclusion of the service.
As you begin your worship, you are invited to study the bulletin for persons and activities to include in your silent prayers of intercession and thanksgiving. Remember the volunteers and staff members who make our
corporate action possible: ushers, acolytes, custodial and support staff, musicians, clergy, and yourself, so that in our common worship, God may be glorified.
We ask for your prayerful silence during the Voluntary.
Welcome and Announcements
Mission & Outreach Lenten Moment
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures here below; praise him
above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Chiming the Hour
Mission & Outreach Lenten Moment
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
Dan Forrest (b. 1978)
Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into God’s presence with singing!
Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!
Give thanks and bless God’s name!
*Processional Hymn
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
*Procession of the Cross
The cross symbolizes the Gospel message, Christ crucified and risen.
The Greatness of Our God
Waiting Here for You
Revelation Song
*Affirmation of Faith
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his
only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from
the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
Call to Confession
The proof of God’s amazing love is this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Because we have faith in Christ, we dare to approach God with confidence. Let us
admit our sins before God.
Response Liturgy
Written Word
Spoken Word
V.Lux Aeterna
May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, in the company of thy saints forever:
For thou art merciful. Let perpetual light shine on them.
Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 28:19)
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Grant us peace.
Chris “Cash” Ashley
Mighty to Save
Buncombe Street United Methodist Church Chancel Choir and Lenten Orchestra
Rosemary E. Hughes, Director of Music and Arts
R. Vance Jenkins, Sanctuary Organist
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
kids.Comm is for children K5/6 through 2nd grade and is held in Memorial Chapel.
Parents meet their children in the Chapel following the service.
Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine
Members of the Order of St. Luke are available for prayer following the 11:00 AM worship service
in the Bryan Crenshaw Prayer Chapel located just off the main lobby.
Pastoral Prayer
*Offertory Hymn
Words reprinted by permission CCLI#1441796.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest!
*Chiming the Trinity
III.Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; grant them rest.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace; have mercy on us;
grant them rest.
Celebration of Pardon
The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Glory and thanks be to God, our Father in heaven.
Luke 22:54-62
“Confirm or Deny”
II.Vanitas Vanitatum
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity! (Ecclesiates)
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them rest. (Dies Irae)
Full of tears, he said, “Let the day perish wherein I was born.” (Job 3:2-3)
*Recession of the Cross
God of grace and glory, we thank you that you judge us not by the perfection of our
actions, but by our readiness to live boldly by faith. Help us, as individuals and as a
congregation, to trust you and follow where you lead, that in Christ your name may be
glorified in all the earth. Amen. (Time of silent confession.)
kids.Comm is for children K5/6 through 2nd grade and is held in Memorial Chapel.
Parents meet their children in the Chapel following the service.
I.Introit - Kyrie
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Hear my prayer, for unto thee all flesh shall come.
Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy.
*Dismissal with Blessing
Prayer of Confession
von Paradis
Requiem for the Living
*Call to Worship
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!
Prayers of the People
Soprano Alto TenorBass
Emily Howerton
Connie Bachert
James Ellis Griffeth
Fred Bachert
Lib Longmeyer
Dianne Eikenbusch
George Kitchens
Jim Doolittle
Doris Loretta
Holly Kennington
Ted Littlepage
Bill Hines
Jackie McGill
Judy Lackey
Bob Poland
Curt Lackey
Nancy Meyers
Joan Littlepage
Paul Schaefer
Greg McKee
Mary Mulligan
Carol Miller
Ray Meyers
Kathy Paige-Griffin
Rhonda Stubbs
Barbara Rheney
Judy Suggs
Karen Schaefer
Judy Seale
Akari Ogawa, flute
Joanna Mulfinger Lebo, violin
Donna Styles
Doug Harville, oboe
Leslie Nash Kilstofte, cello
Jeanne White
Lisa Barksdale, soprano
Anneka Zuehlke-King, horn
Gary Robinson, timpani
Melanie Williams
Keith Dover, tenor
Claire Stam, harp
Vance Jenkins, organ
*Please stand. **Latecomers seated. Please enter the Sanctuary through the outside aisles. Assisted listening devices are available at the Information Desk for use during the 8:55 AM and 11:00 AM traditional services. Two types are offered: an ear bud or a neck loop.
8:45AM and 11:00AM Non-Traditional Services
8:55AM and 11:00AM Traditional Services
Prayer requests may be written on the white card that is in the basket at the end of your aisle.
You may place your card in the offering plate or on the altar at the conclusion of the service.
As you begin your worship, you are invited to study the bulletin for persons and activities to include in your silent prayers of intercession and thanksgiving. Remember the volunteers and staff members who make our
corporate action possible: ushers, acolytes, custodial and support staff, musicians, clergy, and yourself, so that in our common worship, God may be glorified.
We ask for your prayerful silence during the Voluntary.
Welcome and Announcements
Mission & Outreach Lenten Moment
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise him all creatures here below; praise him
above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Chiming the Hour
Mission & Outreach Lenten Moment
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
Dan Forrest (b. 1978)
Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into God’s presence with singing!
Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!
Give thanks and bless God’s name!
*Processional Hymn
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above
*Procession of the Cross
The cross symbolizes the Gospel message, Christ crucified and risen.
The Greatness of Our God
Waiting Here for You
Revelation Song
*Affirmation of Faith
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his
only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from
the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
*Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning,
is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
Call to Confession
The proof of God’s amazing love is this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Because we have faith in Christ, we dare to approach God with confidence. Let us
admit our sins before God.
Response Liturgy
Written Word
Spoken Word
V.Lux Aeterna
May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, in the company of thy saints forever:
For thou art merciful. Let perpetual light shine on them.
Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 28:19)
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Grant us peace.
Chris “Cash” Ashley
Mighty to Save
Buncombe Street United Methodist Church Chancel Choir and Lenten Orchestra
Rosemary E. Hughes, Director of Music and Arts
R. Vance Jenkins, Sanctuary Organist
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
kids.Comm is for children K5/6 through 2nd grade and is held in Memorial Chapel.
Parents meet their children in the Chapel following the service.
Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine
Members of the Order of St. Luke are available for prayer following the 11:00 AM worship service
in the Bryan Crenshaw Prayer Chapel located just off the main lobby.
Pastoral Prayer
*Offertory Hymn
Words reprinted by permission CCLI#1441796.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of thy glory.
Hosanna in the highest!
*Chiming the Trinity
III.Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; grant them rest.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace; have mercy on us;
grant them rest.
Celebration of Pardon
The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Glory and thanks be to God, our Father in heaven.
Luke 22:54-62
“Confirm or Deny”
II.Vanitas Vanitatum
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity! (Ecclesiates)
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them rest. (Dies Irae)
Full of tears, he said, “Let the day perish wherein I was born.” (Job 3:2-3)
*Recession of the Cross
God of grace and glory, we thank you that you judge us not by the perfection of our
actions, but by our readiness to live boldly by faith. Help us, as individuals and as a
congregation, to trust you and follow where you lead, that in Christ your name may be
glorified in all the earth. Amen. (Time of silent confession.)
kids.Comm is for children K5/6 through 2nd grade and is held in Memorial Chapel.
Parents meet their children in the Chapel following the service.
I.Introit - Kyrie
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
Hear my prayer, for unto thee all flesh shall come.
Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy.
*Dismissal with Blessing
Prayer of Confession
von Paradis
Requiem for the Living
*Call to Worship
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands!
Prayers of the People
Soprano Alto TenorBass
Emily Howerton
Connie Bachert
James Ellis Griffeth
Fred Bachert
Lib Longmeyer
Dianne Eikenbusch
George Kitchens
Jim Doolittle
Doris Loretta
Holly Kennington
Ted Littlepage
Bill Hines
Jackie McGill
Judy Lackey
Bob Poland
Curt Lackey
Nancy Meyers
Joan Littlepage
Paul Schaefer
Greg McKee
Mary Mulligan
Carol Miller
Ray Meyers
Kathy Paige-Griffin
Rhonda Stubbs
Barbara Rheney
Judy Suggs
Karen Schaefer
Judy Seale
Akari Ogawa, flute
Joanna Mulfinger Lebo, violin
Donna Styles
Doug Harville, oboe
Leslie Nash Kilstofte, cello
Jeanne White
Lisa Barksdale, soprano
Anneka Zuehlke-King, horn
Gary Robinson, timpani
Melanie Williams
Keith Dover, tenor
Claire Stam, harp
Vance Jenkins, organ
*Please stand. **Latecomers seated. Please enter the Sanctuary through the outside aisles. Assisted listening devices are available at the Information Desk for use during the 8:55 AM and 11:00 AM traditional services. Two types are offered: an ear bud or a neck loop.