PARISH SCHEDULE (Holy Week schedule inside)

Parish Office
4020 Curtiss Parkway
Virginia Gardens, FL 33166
Phone: 305-871-5780
Fax: 305-871-5781
Fr. José N. Alfaro,
Fr. Isidro Pérez,
Parochial Vicar
Dennis Jordan, José Alemán,
and Javier Inda
Our mission is to live the Gospel
message and to bring God’s Trinitarian
love to others in order to be a beacon of
light and hope for all.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday:
8:30 am – 5 pm
9 am - 1 pm
9 am - 2 pm
St. Joseph’s Convent
1040 Hunting Lodge Drive
Miami Springs, FL 33166
Phone: 305-871-3246
Servants of the
Pierced Hearts of Jesus & Mary,
Sr. MarthaMaría Gómez-Chow, SCTJM
School Office
4020 Curtiss Parkway
Virginia Gardens, FL 33166
Phone: 305-871-5766
Fax: 305-876-1755
Pre-K2 through 8th Grade
Mrs. María Teresa Pérez,
Our mission is to witness and nurture the
transforming power of the teachings of
Christ through the education of our
PARISH SCHEDULE (Holy Week schedule inside)
DAILY MASS ………………………... Mon-Fri 7:30am (Eng); Sat 8:30am (Eng)
BENEDICTION & HOLY HOUR …. Wednesdays, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
First Fridays, 9 pm - 8:15 am Saturday
5:00 pm (English). 6:30 pm (Spanish)
8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5:30 pm (Eng)
12:30 pm (Spanish)
CONFESSIONS ………………….….. Saturdays, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Sundays, 9:45 am to 10:30 am
[September – May]
children in grades Pre-K4 – 6th…... Sundays, 9:00 am to 10:15 am
Pre-Confirmation & Confirmation .. Sundays, 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm
[September – June]
RCIA (adults) ……………………...
RICA (adults) …….…….………….
Sundays, 9:30 am to 11:30 am (English)
Fridays, 7:00 pm (Spanish)
7:00 pm (English)
7:30 am, 10:30 am (Eng)
7:00 pm (Bilingual)
Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 22, 2015
“I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” This statement is at the heart of the new covenant God established with the
house of Israel. God promised to “remember their sin no more.” This Lenten season has offered us opportunities to recall the
covenant God established at the moment of our baptism. In that moment, we became the people of God. Too often we forget
this covenant and turn away from God. Lent is all about returning to the Lord with our whole heart. As the living word of God
is proclaimed today, let us remember the faithfulness of our God and offer thanks for the gift of the Lord Jesus, who, as today’s
letter to the Hebrews tells us, is “the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.”
“Yo seré su Dios y ellos serán mi pueblo”. Esta declaración está en el mismo centro de la nueva alianza que Dios estableció con
la casa de Israel, a quien prometió que iba a olvidar “para siempre sus pecados”. Este tiempo de Cuaresma nos ha ofrecido
oportunidades de recordar la alianza que Dios estableció en el momento de nuestro bautismo. En ese momento nos convertimos
en pueblo de Dios. Demasiado a menudo nos olvidamos de esta alianza y nos alejamos de Dios. Todo el propósito de la
Cuaresma es nuestro regreso al Señor con todo nuestro corazón. Al escuchar la palabra viva de Dios proclamarse hoy
recordemos la fidelidad de nuestro Dios y démosle gracias por el don del Señor Jesús que, como nos dice hoy la carta a los
hebreos, es “la causa de la salvación eterna para todos los que lo obedecen”.
What Should I Do For Lent?
Pope Francis' Tips
by Kevin Cotter,
Evangelize. “The Lord asks us to be joyous
heralds of this message of mercy and hope! It is
thrilling to experience the joy of spreading this
good news, sharing the treasure entrusted to us,
consoling broken hearts and offering hope to
our brothers and sisters experiencing darkness.”
– Lenten Message, 2014.
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday Vigil, March 28
English: 5PM, Spanish: 6:30 PM
Palm Sunday, March 29
English: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM;
Spanish: 12:30 PM
Wednesday, April 1
Seder Meal, Parish Hall, 6:30 PM (reservations required)
Tenebrae Service, immediately after Seder in church
Holy Thursday, April 2
Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual), 7:30 PM
Adoration until 10 PM
Lenten Schedule
Weekday Masses (English)
Eucharistic Adoration
Stations of the Cross
Via Crucis
7:30 AM & 6:30 PM
daily after the 7:30 AM Mass
Wednesdays, 7:30 PM
Fridays, 7 PM
Viernes, 7:45 PM
Saturdays, 4-5 PM and
Sundays, 9:45-10:30 AM
It’s all about gratitude.
It’s all about giving back.
It’s all about God.
Good Friday, April 3
Confessions, 10AM - noon
Via Crucis, 1PM
Stations of the Cross, 3PM
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord (Bilingual),
Holy Saturday, April 4
Easter Vigil (Bilingual), 8PM
Easter Sunday, April 5
English: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM;
Spanish: 12:30 PM
What are the “Scrutinies”?
These very special rites are celebrated on the middle third,
fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent, at liturgies where the
Elect and Candidates for the Sacraments of First
Communion and Confirmation are present. The Elect
are those who are preparing for Baptism. Part of their
journey to the font is that they have been received among
us, the Rite of Acceptance, and they have been enrolled in
the Book of the Elect in the Rite of Election. Even if
these rites are not celebrated at the liturgy we attend, or
not celebrated in our parish or congregation at all, it can
be wonderful to reflect upon the journey these Elect are
making during Lent, as an inspiration and source of
renewal for us in our journey. This year at Blessed Trinity
we are celebrating the Scrutinies at the 10:30 AM and
12:30 PM Masses.
These are ancient rites and they may, at first, seem strange
to us. But they are profoundly rooted in our human
experience. We need to examine or scrutinize how we
are, the areas of our lives where we are tempted, or
seriously sin - in what we do and what we fail to do. We
really need healing and the strength that can come from
the support of our sisters and brothers.
Invitation to Silent Prayer
One of the most powerful moments of the Scrutinies is
how they begin. After the homily, the Elect and
Candidates are invited to come forward with their
sponsors. Then, the whole assembly is invited to pray for
them in silence. It is a very solemn moment. This
community has cared for these elect for some months
now on their journey. We pray for them in this sacred
silence, deeply asking God to protect them and heal them
in the weeks ahead.
No CCD or RCIA on Sunday, March 29th
(Palm Sunday) or Sunday, April 5th
(Easter Sunday).
Classes will resume on Sunday, April 12th.
Have you been asked to be a Godparent or Sponsor?
Godparents or Sponsors must have received the
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptisms, Confirmation, and
Eucharist), and be practicing Catholics. In order to be
a Godparent/Sponsor, the Church requires a Certificate
of Eligibility or Sponsor Form. This form is obtained
from the parish where you are registered and active.
¿Le han pedido ser Padrino o Patrocinador?
Los padrinos o patrocinadores deben haber recibido los
Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación y
Eucaristía) y ser católicos practicantes. Para ser padrino o patrocinador, la Iglesia require un Certificado
de Patrocinador del padrino. Esta forma se obtiene en
la parroquia donde éste está registrado y es activo.
The Sacrament of Baptism will be
celebrated on the following dates:
SPANISH: Sunday, April 12th, 2015
ENGLISH: Sunday, April 19th, 2015
Intercessions for the Elect
Baptismal Preparation classes
for May will be offered:
We then pray out loud together for the Elect and
Prayer of Exorcism
Then, we pray that they might be freed from the power of
the Evil One and protected on their journey.
SPANISH: Tuesday, April 14th
ENGLISH: Thursday, April 16th
Please, call the parish office for more
information or to sign up.
The Laying On of Hands
In a silent ritual the priest lays his hands for a brief
moment on the head of each of the Elect and
Candidates. It is a solemn act of calling down the Spirit of
Jesus to be with them and protect them.
Dismissal of the Elect
They are then sent forth to reflect upon the Word and
this powerful gesture of love on the part of this
community, that cares for them so deeply, with the love
of Christ.
Find us on Facebook:
Blessed Trinity Youth Group
NO Youth Group meetings on the following dates:
Wednesday, March 25th
Wednesday, April, 8th
Sanctuary Lamp Intentions:
Week of March 22nd:
Week of March 29th:
Fr. Isidro
† Carl Cookson
Marie Allen
Fr. Isidro, Dc. Inda
† Jeanette García
† Federico Roger
† Lesbia Murrieta
† José Vega
† Francisco Rumayor
Sara García
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Fr. Isidro, Dc. Alemán
† Estela López-Oña
Her Mother
Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Inda
† Barbara Ghalloub
The Ghalloub Family
Fr. Isidro, Dc. Alemán
Cumpleaños de Aiden Díaz
Su Familia
5:30 PM
Fr. Alfaro
People of the Parish
Parish Priests and Deacons
March 23 7:30 AM
6:30 PM
Fr. Isidro
Fr. Alfaro
† Dulce María Cabrera
† María Joaquina Fernández
Her Family
Her Daughter
March 24 7:30 AM
6:30 PM
Fr. Isidro
Fr. Isidro
† Ramón Fernández
†† Jacobo and Estela Díaz
His Sister, María Stinson
The Díaz Family
March 25 7:30 AM
6:30 PM
Fr. Alfaro
Fr. Alfaro
† Gustavo L. Parapar Blanco
Souls in Purgatory
Gipsy Lodos
The De Armas-Howard Family
March 26 7:30 AM
6:30 PM
Fr. Alfaro
Fr. Isidro
† Chat Mroz
†† René & Ángela Vázquez-Aldana
The Ghalloub Family
The Díaz Family
March 27 7:30 AM
6:30 PM
Fr. Isidro
Fr. Isidro
Souls in Purgatory
† Marco Florio
His Mother and Siblings
March 28 8:30 AM
Fr. Isidro
† José De Jesús Vega
† Cecilio Lecusay
† Pasquale Felicetti
† Monica Carneri Caballero
† Maureen Nazarkewich-Batkis
Luz A. Díaz’s Birthday
Natalie Postel & David Butcher’s
His Family
His Family
Parish Priests and Deacons
Parish Priests and Deacons
Parish Priests and Deacons
Her Family
Fr. Isidro
† Betty Krysowaty
Her Husband
Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Alemán
† Juan Pacheco
† Jeanette García
† Juan Carlos Domínguez
† Jorge Bendek
† Sergio Espino
† Marco Florio
Su Familia
Sara García
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Sacerdotes y Diáconos de B.T.
Fr. Alfaro
† Marco Florio
Jody and Alex
10:30 AM
Fr. Alfaro, Dc. Inda
People of the Parish
Parish Priests and Deacons
Español 12:30 PM
Fr. Isidro, Dc. Inda
†† Jaime y Gloria Pérez
Su Familia
Fr. Isidro
† Blanca Luna Fernández
Carole Ann Borum
March 21 5:00 PM
Vigilia 6:30 PM
March 22 8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Español 12:30 PM
Vigil 5:00 PM
Vigilia 6:30 PM
Palm Sunday March 29 8:30 AM
5:30 PM
Chuck and Maria Postel
Please keep in your prayers: Victoria González Baltar, Milagros González, Ana María Tillit, Edith Naar, John Cavalier, Jr., Chad
Carr, Richard Vázquez, Antonia Esther González, William Sachs, Christopher Bencomo, Mathue Kegley and Rodolfo Cepero.
Anointing of the Sick . Anyone who is ill, anticipating surgery or undergoing testing is encouraged to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please call the parish office to set up an appointment.
The offertory total for the week of 3/15/15 was $11,731.50. Thank you for your generosity.
Seder Meal & Tenebrae Service
Wednesday, April 1 at 6:30 PM
The Seder Meal retells the story of the liberation of the Hebrews from slavery and Exodus from Egypt. The Christian
Seder takes us to the Last Supper and our redemption from the bondage of sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. To
attend the Seder, you must call the parish office to make reservations! If you are purchasing the dinner: the dinner
will consist of roasted chicken (dark or white meat), potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls, and ice tea. Please bring your own
wine for the ceremony and meal, and a small dessert for the dessert table. The cost is $10/adults and $6/children age 8
and under. Please make checks payable to FOODS BY EDEL. If you are bringing your dinner: you still need to call
and reserve a table. The items used for the Seder will be provided, with the exception of the wine which you will need to
bring, and a small dessert for the dessert table. Deadline to sign up is Monday, March 30, no later than 3 PM.
Immediately after the Christian Seder service in the parish hall, we will commence the Tenebrae Service in church.
What is Tenebrae? The word means “darkness.” It is an impressive ceremony, complete with 7 lighted altar candles,
readings from scripture, and hymns. Traditionally, it is celebrated during Holy Week to give a sense of longing for the
Lord, and for what is about to occur during the Triduum. As each reading is concluded, a candle is extinguished, signifying
that darkness is approaching as we meditate on Christ’s agony over what He must do for our salvation. At the conclusion
of the readings, there is only one light remaining and a final hymn is sung, as the candle is carried out. Silence prevails,
and we hear a loud noise, signifying the re-entry of the candle and that the Tenebrae service is over.
Holy Thursday, April 2
Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual), 7:30 PM
Adoration until 10 PM
Good Friday, April 3
Today, those 14 years of
age and older abstain from
eating meat. It is also a
day of fast for those 18-59.
Confessions, 10 AM - Noon
Via Crucis, 1 PM
Stations of the Cross, 3 PM
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord (Bilingual), 7 PM
Holy Saturday, April 4
Easter Vigil (Bilingual), 8 PM
Easter Sunday, April 5
Fri., March 27, 7-9PM
Sat., March 28, 9AM - 3:30PM
Reconciliation Weekend 2015
During the season of Lent we encourage you to
come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation at one of
the parishes listed below:
Northwest Dade:
Immaculate Coception, 4497 W. 1 Ave., Hialeah
Our Lady of the Lakes, 15801 NW 67 Avenue,
Miami Lakes
St. John the Apostle, 475 E. 4 Street, Hialeah
St. Monica, 3490 NW 191 Street, Carol City
English: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM
Spanish: 12:30 PM
Note on St. Francis Friary
Contrary to appearances, the St. Francis Friary in the Greater Ft.
Lauderdale area (1785 NW 39 Place, Oakland Park, FL 33309-4452)
is not Roman Catholic. This Friary is not in union with Pope Francis,
the Franciscan Order, or affiliated with the Archdiocese of Miami.
Participation in the celebration of Mass, other Sacraments and services
at this Priory or at any other public worship space that may be used
does not fulfill the requirements of Roman Catholics, including
marriages which would be invalid.
Al contrario de lo que aparenta, el Monasterio de San Francisco, que
se encuentra en el area de Ft. Lauderdale (1785 NW 39 Place, Oakland
Park, FL 33309-4452) no es católico romano. Dicho monasterio no está
vinculado con el Papa Francisco, con la Orden de Franciscanos, ni
está afiliado a la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Quienes participen en la
Santa Misa, los sacramentos, otro tipo de servicio en el monasterio, o
en otros lugares públicos donde sus miembros celebren, no cumplen
con los requisitos de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Los matrimonios
que se celebren allí no serán válidos.
Topic for Sunday, March 22: WHY?: God wants us to
share our feelings with Him. Why being honest with God
is an expression of faith. What God has to say about our
“why” questions. Workshop materials cost $18. Fee waived if
necessary. You may join at any time. Call the Parish Office at (305)
871-5780 to register.
NOTE: The Grief Support Group will NOT meet on Sunday,
March 29th (Palm Sunday) or Sunday, April 5th (Easter).
Meetings will resume on Sunday, April 12th.
Community Outreach Ministry
New Adult Socks
Medias nuevas para adultos:
Palm Sunday, March 29
After each Mass on Palm Sunday, March 29, we will be collecting NEW ADULT SOCKS for the homeless men and
women in Downtown Miami. Please, keep in mind that this
“socks drive” is for adults only, not children.
Después de cada Misa del Domingo de Ramos, estaremos
recogiendo MEDIAS NUEVAS DE ADULTOS para los
hombres y mujeres desamparados en Downtown Miami. Por
favor, note que esta “colecta de medias” es sólo en tamaño
de adultos, no para niños.
The Outreach Ministry needs
your help.
El Ministerio de Ayuda
Comunitaria necesita su apoyo.
Mats for the Homeless: The Outreach Ministry is collecting clean
and dry plastic grocery bags to make mats for the homeless.
Bring your bags to the containers placed in the back of the
church. For questions about mats made out of plastic bags,
please call Omayda De La Cruz at (305) 343-8457.
Colchonetas (esteras) para los desamparados: El Ministerio de
Ayuda Comunitaria está recogiendo bolsas plásticas de supermercado limpias y secas para confeccionar esteras para
los desamparados. Traiga sus bolsas plásticas y póngalas en
los recipients que tenemos en la parte de atrás de la iglesia.
Para preguntas acerca de estas esteras llame a Omayda De
La Cruz al (305) 343-8457.
We continue our Tuesday visits to the homeless in Downtown Miami at 8PM. Call (786) 400-0157 to register.
Continuamos visitando los martes a las 8PM a los desamparados en Downtown Miami. Para inscribirse, llame al
(786) 400-0157.
Online giving available
Come and join the Ladies Guild for an evening of fun, food,
and lots of laughs! It’s BUNCO time… Thursday, March
26th, 7:30 PM at the Parish Hall. All for $3.50. 50/50
tickets are $1 or 3/$2.00. Plan now to come and bring a
friend or two.
Blessed Trinity
Wish List
Easter 2015
Each one should give as much as he
has decided on his own initiative, not
reluctantly or under compulsion, for
God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
♦ New tables for the Cafeteria.
♦ Tuition assistance.
♦ A personalized paging system for the classrooms.
♦ More security cameras for school buildings.
♦ New tile work in parish office.
♦ Water fountains.
♦ New Advent wreath stand.
♦ New Paschal candlestick.
of Miami is organizing a young adult (18-30) pilgrimage to
Philadelphia to attend the Celebration of Families and
Mass. The trip will be from September 25-28, 2015, and
there is an option of staying at a host family’s home in
Philadelphia area or at a hotel. Please contact the Youth
Office at (305) 762-1190 or if you
would like more information.
Life Issues Seminar
How can we begin to resolve the crisis in our
country if we do not understand the problem?
Learn what and why the Catholic Church teaches on the
critical life issues of our day. Learn how to defend the
sanctity of human life at all stages. Become a part of the
solution by learning how to articulate the Truth.
Saturday, March 28th, 9AM-3PM - SPANISH
Saturday, April 18th, 9AM-1PM - ENGLISH
St. Louis Church (Family Center West)
7270 SW 120 St., Miami, FL 33156
For information got to
From the Director of Music and
Liturgy, Sal Rendina
Del Director de Música y
Liturgia, Sal Rendina
Saturday, April 4th at 8PM (Bilingual)
Sábado 4 de abril a las 8PM (Bilingüe)
So you are questioning why you should be at the Easter
Vigil? Because it speaks of the very essence of our Faith.
Fire, water, candles, holy oil for Baptism, all symbolize our
Faith structure. You get to be a witness to people coming into
the Faith, increasing our community here. We are entering
the most solemn week of the Church year. HOLY WEEK
begins with Palm Sunday, the entrance of Christ into
Jerusalem: “Hosanna to the Son of David!” It is such a sacred
time of year. We see Christ triumphant as He enters in, only
to be put to death soon after. We hear of soldiers beating him
and we know well that He will die for all of us… But glory
awaits… Be the first one to witness it at the Easter Vigil and
avoid the crowds the next day.
Así que se está preguntando por qué debe asistir a la Vigilia
Pascual? Porque es la esencia misma de nuestra Fe. Fuego,
agua, cirios, santos óleos para el Bautismo, todo simboliza la
estructura de nuestra Fe. Usted se hace testigo de otros viniendo a la Fe, aumentando nuestra comunidad. Estamos
entrando en la semana más solemne del año. La Semana
Santa comienza el Domingo de Ramos con la entrada de
Cristo a Jerusalén: “Hosana al Hijo de David!” Es un tiempo
sagrado del año. Vemos a Cristo triunfante al entrar, sólo
para verlo morir poco después. Oímos de soldados maltratándolo y sabemos bien que Él murió por todos nosotros…
La gloria espera… Sea el primero en ser testigo en la Vigilia
Pascual y evite las multitudes del día siguiente.