Kar en’ sCabl es( A109) Using Cascade 220 Pattern Kar en ’ sCab l es( A1 09) Designed exclusively for Cascade Yarns by: Karen Connor Designs™ 568 Stratford Ave., St. Louis, MO 63130 Fax 314-862-6635 yankee6@accessus.net Finished measurements: Bust 38 (45, 52) inches; length 25 (26, 27) inches; armhole depth 9 ½ (10, 10) inches; sleeve length 17 ½ (18, 18) inches. Materials: 1570 (1760, 1930) yds Cascade 220 (model in color 8010) #6 and #8 straight needles #6, 16-inch circular needle Cable needle Stitch holders Stitch markers Gauge: 26 sts and 25 rows = 4 inches on larger needles over pattern from chart and lightly blocked. Back: With smaller needles CO 122 (146, 170) sts. Row 1 (WS): * K 2, P 2; repeat from * ending K 2. Row 2 (RS): * P 2, K 2; repeat from * ending P 2. Work these two rows for 3 inches ending WS. Change to larger needles and begin pattern from chart repeating 24 sts of pattern 5 (6, 7) times, placing stitch markers between each repeat. Work even repeating the 36 rows of pattern until piece measures 24 (25, 26) inches end WS. Shape neck on next RS row: pattern across 38 (49, 60) sts, BO center 46 (48, 50) sts, pattern across 38 (49, 60) sts. Working each side separately, dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 3 times. Work one row more dec 1 st in each cable 0 (4, 5) times. Slip rem 35 (42, 52) sts to holders. Front: Work same as for back until piece measures 22 (23, 24) inches and WS. Shape neck on next RS row: pattern across 44 (55, 66) sts, BO center 34 (36, 38) sts, pattern across 44 (55, 66) sts. Working each side separately, dec 1 st at neck edge every other row 9 times. Work even until front measures same as back dec 1 st in each cable 0 (4, 5) times on last row, 35 (42, 52) sts. BO tog front and back shoulder sts. Sleeves: With smaller needles CO 62 (66, 66) sts. Row 1 (WS): * P 2 (K 2, K 2), K 2 (P 2, P2); repeat from * ending P 2 (K 2, K 2) sts. Row 2 (RS): * K 2 (P 2, P 2), P 2 (K 2, K 2), repeat from * ending K 2 (P 2, P 2). Work these two rows for 3 inches end WS. Change to larger needles. Inc 1 st in first st, K 0 (2, 2) sts, work row 1 of pattern starting on st 5 of chart and ending K 0 (2, 2) sts, inc 1. Work in pattern from chart inc 1 st each end of every other row 18 (20, 20) times and every 4th row 10 times incorporating new sts into pattern as able, 120 (128, 128) sts. Work even until piece measures 17 ½ (18, 18) inches or desired length. BO in pattern. Turtleneck: With circular needle pick up from neck edge 112 (116, 120) sts. Place a marker and working circularly, K 2, P 2 across round matching pattern to those on the body until turtleneck measures 8 inches. BO loosely in pattern. Finishing: Sew sleeves in place by marking 9 ½ (10, 10) inches down from shoulder on each side. Pin sleeves in place evenly distributing fabric and sew in place. Sew side and sleeve seams. Block to size. Glossary: BO tog bind off together. To bind off shoulders together, place the stitches of both shoulders on any sized needles. Hold work parallel, right sides together, wrong sides facing out in regular knitting position. Take a third needle, the size the pieces were worked on, and knit the first stitch from the front needle together with the first stitch from the back needle. Repeat for the second stitches. Pass the first stitch over the second as for a regular bind off. Knit third stitches together, bind off and continue until all stitches of one shoulder have been bound off. beg BO CO CN dec inc K begin(ning) bind off cast on cable needle decrease increase knit P rem RS tog st(s) WS Chart on following page purl remaining right side together stitch(es) wrong side Multiples of 24 sts plus 2 Gr aphi cscour t esyofCar ol eWul st er ’ s“St i t ch&Mot i fMaker ”sof t -
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