BUCKINGHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL 6066 Buckingham Drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5E 2A4 Telephone: 604-664-8616 Fax: 604-664-8793 Website: http://buckingham.sd41.bc.ca Principal: Mr. K. Gurney Head Teacher: Mrs. L. Cramb Secretary: Mrs. C. Geipel The Buckingham Community is working together to create a safe and nurturing environment that recognizes the unique learning styles of each student. We are encouraging social responsibility and life long learning. Newsletter #12 Keep up to date by checking our website frequently. Information includes: Newsletters, Calendars, PAC news, School Growth Plan, Annual Report. March 27, 2015 “Mom? Dad? Can you bail me out?” For the last few months, Ms. Geipel and I have noticed an increased flock of students (mostly intermediate) entering the office to phone home for things like forgotten gym strip, homework that’s been left on a counter at home, or to get a notice left on the kitchen table. Now, I appreciate how supportive and helpful our Buckingham parents are, but we have reminded students of our school policy, and we thought it would be good to remind parents as well. In an attempt to teach responsibility, we do not allow students to call home for things such as forgotten homework, as that is the student’s responsibility and does not pose a safety concern. There are circumstances where we will bend that rule; for example, if a student forgot something that will impact a large group of students, say a band instrument or something, then we will allow the call home. But other than that, we will not be allowing students to call home for parents to bring items from home. As well, it’s totally unfair to those students that don’t have a parent home during the day that can bail them out. Now I should clarify that students will always be able to call home if they are feeling sick or if there are any other emergencies. I say that because at least one student misconstrued this rule to mean that they can never call home; but of course, that is not the case. WORDS Writing Publication – CONGRATULATIONS! As you know, one of our goals this year (and last) is Writing. As part of that, we have entered student writing samples into the WORDS Writing Competition for the last 2 years. Last year, we had 2 students that were selected out of the whole district to be published in the anthology highlighting the best writers in Burnaby. This year, I’m happy to announce that the following 5 Buckingham students have successfully been chosen to be published this year: Vanesa A. Ryan L. Eshan B. Mabell M. Isobel C. Way to go! And I want to thank all the students and staff for the over 100 submissions we received this year and again congratulate the 12 students whose work was chosen by Buckingham staff for submission to the competition: Vanesa A. Cathy W. Eshan B. Mabell M. Tiffany C. Kendra Y. Ryan L. Jemma S. Jacie R. Kathryn M. Isobel C. Samuel C. Keep up the GREAT WRITING! Kurt Gurney Principal Professional Day – Monday, April 27th – Students Do Not Attend SUMMER SESSION 2015 A variety of Summer Session courses are available – Academic, Skill Development, Transition, Activity & Enrichment, Byte Camp and ELL. Starting April 7th, full program brochures for both elementary and secondary programs will be available on the district's website. Registration can be done - online (www.burnabycce.ca), by telephone – 604-296-6902 or in person at Adult & Continuing Education, 5325 Kincaid Street. Frequent Lates We have been noticing a recent rise in the amount of lates each morning. On a couple occasions, almost 10% of the school population has been tardy, and it’s becoming a chronic problem. The morning bell rings at 8:55 a.m. and classes begin at 9:00 a.m., so it’s very important that students arrive on time so they do not miss important lessons and they learn the important life skill of punctuality. Staff is also finding that the lates are interrupting morning routines, announcements, and learning activities, which is not fair to others. Having a 12-year old and 15-year old daughter, I fully understand how difficult mornings can be to get everyone out the door on time, but we are asking for your support with this. Thanks so much. Online Payments Update A reminder that online payments are available for some of your children’s activities. If this payment method is available, you will receive instructions on each notice. The school district has updated the methods for online payments. There are now two options: eCheque: An electronic version of a paper cheque used to make payments online. Anyone with a chequing/savings account can pay by eCheque through School Cash Online. To pay with an eCheque, simply enter your account number on the payment screen and click submit. myWallet: An online wallet that can be loaded to hold funds and pay for your child’s fees on School Cash Online. It can take up to 7 days from the date the funds are loaded for funds to become available. For full instructions check out Buckingham School’s website. At the bottom of our page, see the links under On-line Payments or visit https://burnaby.schoolcashonline.com Lunch Lady Days Unfortunately, the Lunch Lady days at Buckingham have been cancelled until further notice due to unforeseen circumstances at the company. All paid lunches were received prior to Spring Break. If the service resumes, new orders will be sent home. BOOK FAIR It’s here!!! Our beloved Book Fair will be held next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, March 31, April 1 and 2 in the library. The notices went home earlier this week to whet your appetite for more reading. You will see the posters on the school entrance doors and, most importantly, there is a sign up sheet posted on the front hall bulletin board. As with all our successful events, our book fair needs volunteers. Calling all Grade 6 and 7 students to let their teachers know if they are available to help at this year’s fair. We also need parents to be present at the cash desk. All shifts are half an hour in length. They are: 8:30 - 9:00, 12:20 - 1:00, 3:00 - 3:30. each day of the fair. I also require at least 3 people to help with closing down the fair Thursday afternoon after 3:30. Some enthusiastic parents have already signed up, and I thank them mightily. If you are unable to physically sign up at the school, please either call me or leave me an e mail. I share an e mail with my husband, so don’t be confused by the names! Thank you for helping to make this Book Fair yet another wonderful event! Cheers, Kellee Mulhern (coordinator) 604 522-6192 peter.mulhern@ufv.ca COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest Presented by Burnaby Parks & Rec and Burnaby Public Library and Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. At Bonsor Recreation Complex on Saturday, April 11 for school student groups. Register and pick up kits at Bob Prittie Metrotown Branch Library between March 9 and April 2. For more information see the poster on Buckingham’s community board or email: bn@apeg.bc.ca ROYAL SOCCER CLUB SUMMER PROGRAMS The Royal Soccer Club is celebrating its 23rd annual summer soccer day camps. Open to boys and girls aged 5 to 13, we offer 2 locations in Burnaby during July and August. Visit www.royalsoccer.com for more details or to register or call 1-800427-0536. ROYAL CITY YOUTH SOCCER CLUB (RCYSC) RCYSC offers 2 spring programs for ages 4–17. Sessions run once a week from mid-April to mid-June. Details and Registration are available online at www.rcysc.com April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 BOOK FAIR Thu 2 Pizza Day Fri Sat 3 4 GOOD FRIDAY School Closed BOOK FAIR 5 6 7 EASTER Hot Dog Day MONDAY School Closed 8 9 Pizza Day Report Cards Go Home 10 11 Sun Chips Sale Day Gr. 4/5 Track Meet 12 13 14 Gr. 6/7 Track Meet 15 16 Pizza Day 17 18 22 23 Pizza Day 24 School Wide Lice Check 25 PAC Meeting 6:30 pm 19 20 21 Hot Dog Day May Pizza Orders go home Gr. 4/5 Track Meet Gr. 6/7 Track Meet 26 27 Professional Day Students Do Not Attend 28 May Pizza Orders Due 9:00 29 30 Celebration of Class Photos Learning Assembly 2:00 Pizza Day
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