SGX Bull Charge Beneficiaries Programmes SGX Bull Charge 2014 Beneficiaries Programmes Funded by SGX Bull Charge 2013 Thanks to the generous support from our donors, SGX Bull Charge 2013 raised more than $3 million for our adopted beneficiaries – Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA), Autism Association (Singapore), Fei Yue Community Services and Shared Services for Charities (SSC). The contributions from our donors aided the beneficiaries’ programmes held in 2014, and enabled many of them to receive care, therapy and training necessary for a more meaningful and comfortable life. Below are some highlights of the various beneficiary programmes. Children and Youth Programme: Alpha Kidz Programme Fei Yue Community Services Being a preventive and developmental programme, the Alpha Kidz Programme aims to raise awareness among children and parents, to help them better manage issues such as peer pressure and negative selfidentity. Beneficaries of the programme include single mothers and their children, non-English speaking families, low income families and School Pocket Money Fund Recipient families. Through several trainings, programmes, retreats and activities organised, 84% of the adult participants learned at least two new budgeting skills, 73% learnt at least two effective coping skills and 100% learned at least two family bonding skills. In addition, 85% of the children participants also felt more competent about coping with their studies as compared to before. Programme: Coaching for Excellence (CFE) Fei Yue Community Services CFE is a mentoring programme that reaches out to youths from disadvantaged backgrounds, or lacking in social support. Through activities in the programme, older youths befriend and support these youths, allowing them to establish positive community groups, and steer them away from negative vices. The programme seeks to enhance their social skills, improve relationships with significant others and improve selfesteem or confidence. 93.8% of the youth indicated that they would continue to practice what they have learnt from the programme, reflecting that they have found the programme helpful. 75% of the youth also shown improvement in at least one change and 42.75% shown improvement in at least two changes. Programme: Eden Centre for Adults – Clementi Autism Association Singapore The Eden Centre for Adults is a day activity centre for adults with autism aged 18 – 55 years of age, who have completed their special school programmes. The activities are centered on health and fitness, daily living skills, social interaction and recreation skills, community living skills and pre-vocational skills. Through such activities, the Centre serves to familiarise and assist persons with autism to develop their full potential. Coaches were also recruited to aid activities in the Centre, and construction for the centre had begun in December 2014. Programme: Project Equip Fei Yue Community Services Project Equip works with young offenders in the Reformative Training Centre. By equipping them with the necessary awareness and life skills, their successes can be increased while reintegrating into society after the completion of their prison sentence. The youths underwent employment preparation to help them confidently source for jobs, and also received education on young parenting and sexuality. With a total of 18 runs, almost 200 young offenders participated in this programme, and achieved a satisfaction rate of 4.46 out of 5. Programme: Special Student Care Centre Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) AWWA Special Student Care Centre organises weekly enrichment activities for students, so as to provide respite to caregivers, for family members to be more financially viable, and have more time for their career and children. Examples of the enrichment activities are visual and performing arts, horticulture, sports, housecraft, complementary Pet Therapy and Art Therapy. Through these activities, 67% of the students achieved three individual daily life skills and sustained them for 6 months. Such skills comprise accountability, expression, independence and socialisation. Programme: Transportation to Enable Education Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) Children and youth with special needs have distinct issues around learning, mobility, communication and socialising, whereby certain activities can be demanding even for young people who don’t face similar challenges. For special needs children, sometimes education could be relatively inaccessible and not seen as compulsory, therefore hindering their education progress. With the provision of 7 school vans increasing convenience and accessibility, AWWA was able to provide 2 round trips for AWWA School students and 4 round trips for Early Intervention Centre students. 90% capacity was achieved and 220 students with special needs were able to attend school to receive education. Family Programme: Family & Caregiver Support Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) Through both the Centre for Caregivers and Family Service Centre, AWWA hopes to provide family and caregiver services in ensuring a coordinated, holistic support system for families. Through public education programmes, outreach initiatives, caregiving awareness talks, life skills training workshops and psycho-social support programmes, the Centre for Caregivers has since reached out to more than 35,000 people. It strives to empower caregivers and caregiving families of persons with disability and seniors. On the other hand, the family service centre works on the family unit and bigger community family approach; providing a foundation to nurture the individuals and families of our next generations to grow the nation and economy. 1,100 participants attended the caregiver awareness and life skills talks and workshops, and 97% of them indicated that they were useful to them. Also as of 31 March 2015, 652 active cases are being managed by the Family Service Centre. Programme: Happy Family Programme Fei Yue Community Services Designed to meet the needs of individuals in families, the Happy Family Program offers a one-stop family life education through a series of fun, exciting, indoor and outdoor activities, teaching, role plays, group work and mini lectures. It taught low-income families spending and budgeting skills, and provided opportunities for family bonding and practicing effective communication within the family. To facilitate the programme, 51 facilitators were trained. A total of 278 families participated, and at least 85% of them were satisfied with the programme. Programme: Resource & Training Centre Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) The Resource & Training Centre provides specialised teaching and learning resources, programmes and workshops. It targets to aid professionals, parents, caregivers, students and volunteers who work with children and adults with disabilities and learning difficulties. The Centre also provides self-help learning materials for children and youth with special needs, and presents popular workshops and talks from both local and visiting professionals and practitioners. 609 new members of the Centre were acquired this year, bringing the total number of members to 2,455. The number of loans for books and teaching aids reached 8,000 and for toys 5,054. Workshops and disability camps were also held, reaching out to 1,382 and 94 participants respectively. Senior Citizens Programme: Golden Age College Programme Fei Yue Community Services The Golden Age College is a certification programme for low-income English-speaking seniors to acquire new knowledge and skills related to social service and personal development. This helps to sustain their self-esteem, healthy living, independence and continued activity. Through this programme, the elderly participants were able to improve intergenerational bonding with their grandchildren and gain knowledge in various areas of wellness. In personal development, the elderly participants were able to improve their logic, visual observation, creativity, memory and fine motor skills. The programme had a total participation rate of 290 seniors/retirees, and achieved a satisfaction rate of 4.5 out of 5. Programme: Senior Activity Centre Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) The AWWA Senior Activity Centre provides recreational and social activities for seniors who are at least 60 years old living in the vicinity of Block 123, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6. The Centre provides an environment for senior citizens to gather together and engage. Participants can interact, find support and enjoy a range of recreational and therapeutic activities ranging from games and day trips to dancing and exercise. The Centre encourages seniors to remain integrated in society through community outreach programmes and social recreational activities, as well as to improve their quality of life and prevent social isolation. The Centre has an average monthly attendance of 1,087 participants, and 82.8% of the seniors surveyed gave the Centre an overall satisfaction measure score of 80%. In addition, 100% of the homebound seniors agreed that the frequency of visits by SAC staff is adequate. Others Shared Services for Charities (SSC) To supplement the need for good governance and transparency in strengthening public confidence, SSC strives to make it affordable for charities to engage professional services. To keep rates affordable, a pricing model at direct cost recovery, leaving indirect and operation costs to be met through grants and donations was adopted. A total of 120 governance and independent internal control reviews were delivered, benefiting 41 charitable organisations. SSC also continues to engage with corporate and individual volunteers in efforts to keep costs down, tap on their expertise and align with the nation’s call for volunteerism. SSC promoted volunteerism by engaging 1,089 volunteer days. In addition, with increasing relevance of the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), SSC strives to build its competency and readiness to assist charities. In total, 10 PDPA policies and procedures manuals were completed. SGX Bull Charge 2015 Beneficiaries Programmes Funded by SGX Bull Charge 2014 In 2014, we had more than 120 corporate sponsors supporting SGX Bull Charge, raising a total of $2.6 million for our adopted beneficiaries. The contributions from our donors will aid our beneficiaries’ programmes held in 2015, and will go a long way in helping them. Below are details of the various beneficiary programmes and funding received. Focus Children and Youth Beneficiary Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) Programme Details Funding Empower Children to Live Dignified Lives – Transportation Due to mobility constraints of students and challenges faced by caregivers, this programme aims to sponsor vans to transport students from AWWA School and Early Years Centre to and fro school for the whole year. $350,000 Empower Children to Live Dignified Lives – SMILES Due to a lack of after school care for students with special needs in Singapore, caregivers often have to give up their job and families may end up facing financial challenges or children forgoing education. SMILES is a programme that will provide after school care so as to provide respite to caregivers and help students to pick up individual daily living skills to gain independence. $240,000 Empower Children to Live Dignified Lives – Early Years Centre Early Years Centre hopes to provide early intervention to children with special needs through a holistic approach. Structured teaching can help students to develop social appropriate behavious and enhance learning and independent living. The Centre offers two programmes – First Challenge, a daily programme for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Young Children (EIPIC). $75,336 Autism Association (Singapore) Children and Youth Eden Centre for Adults (Hougang and Clementi) The Centre serves as an autism-specific day activity centre for individuals with moderate to severe autism unable to access workrelated options. The activities provided are based on a balance of individuals’ needs, strengths, preferences and interests; and centered around daily living, community living, social and recreational, health and fitness, and vocational skills. $206,334 Alpha Kidz This programme aims to serve low-income families with multiple issues such as low literacy and poor budgeting issues. It is targeted at 3 family types – single mothers and their children, non-English speaking families and low-income families in general for quality holiday programme. Participants will be equipped with budgeting, effective coping, and family bonding knowledge and skills. $310,000 Project Equip Project Equip works with young offenders from the Reformative Training Centre (RTC) to provide them with the necessary awareness and life skills to reintegrate into society after the completion of their prison sentence. The programme covers employment preparation and young parenting and sexuality. $90,000 Promote & Building Healthy Families – Family Services Professional advices can help to ensure the well-being of families and empower individuals to build resilience and independence in building healthy families. This programme seeks to provide family services for families to look into their needs such as career preparation, workshops, outreach and awareness. It also provides counselling and advocates financial literacy education through family empowerment bonding. $60,000 This programme aims to reach out to the lower income group by running family life related programmes and equipping them with knowledge and life skills, such as parenting, financial literacy, couple-hood, stress management and anger management. $325,336 Fei Yue Community Services Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) Family Fei Yue Community Happy Family Services Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) Empower Seniors to be Active and be Involved – Seniors Activity Centre (SAC) Seniors Fei Yue Golden Age Community College Services Others Shared Services for Charities (SSC) The strategically situated SAC seeks to promote active aging and provide care and support to frail elderly staying alone or with limited care and support. The programme consists of house visits to frail elderly and weekly activities such as karaoke, handicraft, sports day and dinners, to encourage socialising amongst the residents. $100,000 Golden Age College hopes to reach out to lowincome seniors to take up certified courses to build up their self-esteem, adopt a healthier lifestyle and play a more active role in their family and community. Through this programme, seniors can acquire new knowledge and skills related to social service and personal development. $100,000 Support for Governance and Internal Control Reviews for Charities Provide affordable resources to charities to engage professional services assisting with consultancy, and governance and internal control reviews. Advocacy, Education and Training on Charities Governance This project seeks to increase awareness in the charities sector that good governance and internal control practices provide for better accountability and transparency to their donors, stakeholders and the community. Probono Reviews As an extension of “Support for Governance and Internal Control Reviews for Charities”, SSC aims to make available professional services to charities that desire to improve their governance and internal controls, but have limited or no resources. $206,334
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