The Bulldog Trust is delighted to invite you to the Christmas

The Bulldog Trust is delighted to invite you to
the Christmas reception for the Engaging
Experience Philanthropy Network:
encouraging executive engagement in
6.30–8.30pm on Wednesday 7th December
at 2 Temple Place, London WC2R 3BD
Speakers will talk from 7.15-7.45pm.
The Network encourages executive
engagement in philanthropy through the
example of peers and senior figures in the
City, industry and the public sector. It
introduces members to inspirational
charities, social enterprises and projects.
The Christmas event includes talks from
inspiring philanthropists and funders and
opportunities for getting involved.
Please RSVP to:
Unfortunately places are limited.
Confirmed speakers:
Chris Robinson
Chief Executive of the Mayor’s
Fund for London and Chair of
the Social Research Unit.
Nii Sackey
Chief Executive & Founder of
Bigga Fish, Managing
Director of GWOP and a
Board Member of the London
Mayor's Cultural Strategy
Chris Coghlan
Emerging market fund
manager and Chief Executive
of Grow Movement.
Ed Williams
Project Director, The
Crossway Foundation.