701 Broadway Paducah, KY 42001 May 2015 Don’t Forget! THE BEAL BROTHERS, ANDREW AND JOE Behold, how pleasing it’s for brothers to dell together in unity. Many were surprised to read in the obituary for Kathleen Houston, that officiating at her service would be Rev. Andrew Beal and Rev. Joe Beal. Was it a misprint? Who is Rev. Andrew Beal? Is that Bro. Joe’s brother? These were some of the questions that were asked. It was not a misprint and Rev. Beal (Andy) is not my biological brother. Yet he is my brother indeed! Kathleen often spoke of her nephew Andy. Rev. Beal played professional baseball before surrendering to the call to ministry. Kathleen kept up with him and always shared with me how he was doing in his ministry. She was so proud of Andy. I first met Andy at the Visitation and Funeral of Kathleen’s brother, who was Rev. Beal’s grandfather. It was the beginning of a warm and friendly relationship. Upon Kathleen’s death, Rev. Beal came and met with John and me, and the three of us planned the Service of Celebration for her. We sat at the table in my office and planned her service. At the end of our planning, Rev. Beal asked to pray. He thanked God his beloved Aunt, for Broadway and her ministry, and for John's and my ministry. He also prayed for my health. John and I showed him around the Church. We shared a few laughs and he left. The beauty of the experience was that we were three brothers in fellowship with each other. Andy’s and my heads are similar in shape; and John has more hair that we, but we are brothers. Inextricably bound together in the Love of Jesus Christ. We live in such a torn and divided world. It is refreshing to know there are places where we all are brothers and sisters. Look at the smiles on those two faces. Those smiles reflect the love of Christ. I am grateful that Broadway is one of those places where we are all accepted as sisters and brothers. Great picture isn’t it! I wish I could take credit for it, but can’t. It was Rev. Andrew (Andy) Beal’s idea to take the picture, and the photographer was Pat Bruce. Thanks Pat! Special thanks to each of you, my sisters and brothers. With Love, Joe This Sunday, May 3rdCHURCH WIDE POTLUCK 5:00 P.M. Igert Hall Everyone is invited to join your church family for good food and fellowship! The church will provide the meat and drinks. Everyone is asked to bring 2 items (salads, vegetables or desserts)! Nursery Provided! REGISTER NOW For MDO Summer Session 2015 Friday, May 8 from 5-10 p.m. is the date and time for last regularly scheduled Parent’s Night Out until Fall. Call 270-443-2401 ext 113 to make reservations for your child/children! Bring their dinner, their jammies and we will have them ready for bed when you pick them up! FYI: This will be a special night for the children – they will be enjoying a Drive In Movie - in the safety of our Broadway garden in their own “Cardboard Box Cars”! Attention All Broadway children! Come join us for a summer of fun at Mother’s Day Out! We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 – 2:00 beginning June 2. We have field trips and guest speakers planned to help make this a fun-filled summer. See DeVona for details and registration forms. YUMS Schedule May 3 – Potluck & Meeting May 10 – No meeting – Spend time with your mom! May 17 – Last meeting of the year – Picnic at Noble Park Save the date!!! VBS July 19-21! Scenes from our 2015 Pre School Track Meet Spectators & Participants Getting Ready For the Events! Mini Mile Run. . . . . Prayer after our Track Meet! BUM S M AY C ALE N D AR --Sundays: Morning Group [9:30-10:15]: May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 th --BUMS Sunday Nights May 3, 17 [6:00-7:30]: May 17 : Last night: Pool! Party! Potluck! --Tuesday May 5, 12: BUMS Small Groups [6:00-7:30]: Potluck, Prayer and Devotion at the O’Brien’s Below are the graduates we have for 2015. If your graduate is not listed, please call the office at 270-443-2401 and give us your student’s name. We will print the names of th both high school and college graduates in May 17 ’s worship bulletin and a special gift will be given to the high school graduates. --May 6 [6:00-7:00] Volleyball with Cody Last Night! --Graduation Sunday: May 17 --Confirmation is being postponed until the Fall 2015. --Belize Team Gathering: May 25 [2:00-5:00] Mission Team & Family Gathering at the Butler’s. BBQ provided by Kohler’s. Everyone else bring the side dishes/desserts. AHEAD THIS SUMMER… --What Up Wednesdays: TBA June/July --Belize Mission Trip: June 5-June 14 --PUMP Camp: July 5-10 --VBS: July 19-21 Rachel Benzing James Bilak Kalvin Carter Emily Doolittle Alex Kohler Maggie Malone Justin Miller Eli Nolan Claire Poirier Lily Shapiro Zack Story Dalton Tipton Millie Wyant B ELIZE M ISSION W ORK: J UNE 5-14, 2015 Your Broadway mission team will leave on June 5th and would love to invite you to the prayer send off in the back parking lot of Broadway at 4:00! Want to help clothe the naked, feed the hungry and take care of the orphans? We are still collecting money to do just that! We prayerfully hope to: --Buy each orphan a pair of shoes (About $1500) --Buy/prepare and serve all of the orphans, staff and volunteers their meal of choice (About $1500) --Help with construction around farm animals being purchased to help sustain those living in The King’s Children Home ($1000+) --Take each orphan to the local zoo for a FUN and exciting experience! ($500) Gifts To Broadway UMC In Memory of Kathleen Houston In Memory of Rupayne Akin In Memory of Ray Bohle In Memory of Suzanne Rosborough In Memory of Bob Harris In Memory of Leslie Hargrove In Memory of Bill Lofton In Memory of Dean Akin In Memory of Ernest Dunn In Memory of Bette Whitlow In Memory of David Rudd In Memory of Bill McAllister In Honor of Rev. Joe Beal In Honor of Carolyn & Preston Figge In Honor of Dexter & Stacy Johnson In Honor of Jim Cash given by Our Stewardship Budget Amount Needed Each Week: $16,730.00 4/5/2015 Pledges: $18,489.83 Communion: $662.00 (Kids Against Hunger) 4/12/2015 Pledges: $12,752.00 Building Fund: $112.00 4/19/2015 Available to everyone at Pledges: $9,187.00 www.bumc-paducah.org 4/26/2015 Click on red box at the bottom Pledges: $7,777.00 of the home page and follow Building Fund: $25.00 directions! It is easy to do! Worship Attendance April 5 481 April 12 220 April 19 306 April 26 250 Broadway has given PCM $5,193.00 (2014). ORGAN FUND Amount Needed $120,000.000 Received to Date: $66,181.44 PLAYGROUND FUND $2,047.66 2015 QUILT DINNER - THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO MADE IT A GREAT SUCCESS! MEMBERS IN ACTION Broadway offers something for everyone! Contact the church office at 270-443-2401 for more information on these opportunities. USHERS Head Ushers for 2015: Rodger Lofton & Larry Hantle May 3: Captain: Bob Bohle, Tom Brown, Bert Jody, Mike Buckner, David Sparks, Rowland Hancock, Ben & Joni Hogancamp, Barry Smith, & John Wampler May 10: Captain: Jay Collins, George Boland, Keith Thompson, John Dunn, Mike Gentry, Jack Johnston, & Paul Carroll May 17: Captain: Open, Lanny King, Gail Giltner, Tom Hines, Blann Hancock, John Lynn; Harry Alvis; Van Sims; & Gordon Bremenkampf May 24: Captain: L.V. McGinty, Lynn Habacker, Bob Hayes, Gary Houston, Bob Johnston, & Eric Stuber May 31: Various Van Drivers May 3: Logan Gay May 10: Blann Hancock May 17: Tom Hines May 24: John Anderson May 31: Bob Bohle Community Kitchen Each Sunday, BUMC’s Community Kitchen offers a free meal from noon to 1:00 p.m. in Igert Hall. Meal Providers include: May 3: Russell Class May 10: John 6 Team May 17: Grace Episcopal – Group 2 May 24: Mike Gentry’s Class st May 31: 1 . Presbyterian Church – Group 2 GREETERS Each Sunday morning, greeters are stationed at the sanctuary doors in the Narthex. A smile and a handshake are all you need to be a Broadway Greeter! May 3: Martha Baker & Debbie Gentry May 10: Anne Bidwell & Lupe McMillan May 17: Ben & Joni Hogancamp May 24: Lewis & Renee Mathis May 31: TBA If you are unable to greet on your Sunday, please change with someone else on the list. Reaching Out To Our Community Family Kitchen (located at Holy House of Prayer, 1001 South Fourth Street) serves a meal each Saturday (11:00 -1) to those in our community. If you would like to help, contact Debbie Wagner, Kaye Thetford or the church office. Broadway Community Kitchen provides a meal each Sunday in Igert Hall. Currently there are 16 teams that serve on a rotating schedule. Since the Community Kitchen started in 1998, approximately 66,000 meals have been served. If you would like to be part of this ministry, contact Pam Dewey or the church office. The MISSION of the Memphis Conference is to discover, equip, connect and send lay and clergy leaders who shape congregations. ********** The Mission of the Paducah District is to discover, equip, connect and send lay and clergy leaders to join Christ’s transforming, disciple-making work in and for the world. Paducah Cooperative Ministry Item for the month is Spaghetti Sauce. Items can be brought to the church office. New Directions Counseling Stress - Sadness - Abuse - Rocky Relationship Everyone needs help every now and then! Call: Carol Harmon, MA,LPCC (270-217-2753) Office Hours By Appointment Only Thank you to all our volunteers at Broadway! We are blessed by your faithfulness! LOCAL NURSING HOME AND ASSISTED LIVING INFORMATION Broadway members residing in local nursing homes/assisted living facilities are visited on a regular basis by Bro. Beal and other members of our staff and church family. Flowers from altar arrangements are taken each week to one or more of the locations. Here are a few of our members and their locations in case you would like to send a card. If you know someone who needs a visit, please contact the church office at 270-443-2401. Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 544 Lone Oak Road, Paducah 42003 Carolyn Figge Joan Ostrom Ruth Walsh Lee Warren Jackson Oaks 2500 Marshall Ave, Paducah, 42003 Josephine Malone Brookdale (Emeritus/Culpepper Place) 2121 New Holt Road, Paducah 42001 Ida Rae Nagel Arline Meredith Carol Hannan Morningside 1700 Elmdale, Paducah 42003 Jerry Stevens Please take a moment to send a card to someone on our shut in list. It may be someone you don’t really know but receiving a card from their Broadway family can make their day! We have been told by some of the family members that even though their loved one has trouble remembering; they carry their card around and show everyone. McCracken Nursing & Rehab 867 McGuire, Paducah Anita Yancy Marjorie Overstreet C/0 Mary Herpel 722 Liberty Ridge Lane Lexington, KY 40509-4560 Baptist Health Lourdes Stephen Luke Prayer Concerns-Broadway Family Joey Litchenberg; Rev. Joe Beal; Dr. Henry Russell; Dr. Robert Miller; Betty Lofton; Anita Yancy; Carolyn Figge; Mary Fulton; Bill Arnold; Wanda Edwards Katterjohn; Wilbur Thompson; Amanda Moore; Patsy Story; Dexter Johnson; and Buel Alexander Prayer Concerns-Broadway Friends Len Koch; Carol Stubblefield, Darryl McKinney; Helen Ellis; George Troha; Merryman Kemp; Keith Beggs; Nancy Scowden; Kevin Harper; Sherry Fergurson; Ricky Daniels; Kevin Harper; Joanne Ladd; Debbie Livingston; Vernon Guess; Lisa Greene; Clay Parker; Amanda Weir; Diane Beckman; Rev. Shane Stanford; Jane Martin; Charlotte Giannini; Robin Christmas; Kensley Carter; Marshall Pullen; Carson Chapman; Mason Rudolph; and Marshall Chalk REMEMBER THOSE WHO SERVE Our thoughts and prayers are with the members or relatives of Broadway UMC members who have been deployed to hazardous duty because of the war. SYMPATHY With the family and friends of Kathleen Houston With Claudia Downs on the death of her father Bob Holman With Joe Tarantino and family on the death of his uncle, John Tarantino New Haven -Paducah nd North 32 , Paducah 42001 John Barker New Haven -Kevil 859 Veterans Ave Kevil, KY 42053 Eleanor Bruce PRAYER CONCERNS CELEBRATION We celebrate the marriage of Jane Collins and Dayne Wells Southgate th 900 East 9 Street Metropolis, Illinois 62960 Bobby Martin Richmond Place 3015 Rio Dosa Drive Lexington, KY 40509 Wanda Edwards Katterjohn John and Ebith Mercer 1088 Campbell Avenue Gallatin, TN 37066 BIRTHS Dylan Austin Dunkin, son of Austin & Stephanie Dunkin, grandson of Steve and Devon Brooksbank William James Melrose, son of James and Gracie Melrose, Grandson of Jim and Jan Melrose, great grandson of Bob & Ann Johnston, and Karlyn Crice Desmond Rhys Whitt, son of Abby & Skyler Whitt, grandson of Jill Chambers and nephew of Anna Chambers WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Stephen and Cheryl Luke by transfer of membership Leigh Ann Bailey and Logan Dycus by transfer of membership MAY 2015 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-10 5-12 5-14 5-14 5-16 5-17 5-17 5-17 5-18 5-24 5-24 5-25 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 Rick Rosa – Lifeline Movie Night 6:30 pm - Igert Communion Offering – Belize Belize Meeting 4 pm Church Wide Potluck 5 p.m. Igert Hall Sarah Group – Parlor or CR 6 pm Ruth Group 9:30 a.m. CR Girl Scout Ceremony –Igert 5-9 Last Wednesday Meal for season – Fish Fry Last KEYS II in building, next week they go to field trips PNO 5-10 Art out 8th – 18th Wedding Rehearsal Wedding 6 pm Vivienne Esper Baptism Mission Team 11:45 a.m. POPS 6-8 pm Last MDO until Summer Last Bible Study until Fall Symphony rehearsal in Igert Hall Graduation Sunday Bridal Shower Igert 3-5 pm Last BUMS and YUMS th nd Marion vacation 18 – 22 Bridal Shower 2-5 Igert Hall Last Handbell Rehearsal Office and Pool Closed – Memorial Day th McNabb 5 grade graduation 5 pm sanctuary & Igert Wedding Rehearsal 6 pm Wedding 6 pm Baby Shower in Igert 2-4 Beginning Watercolor Class for Seniors It will be in the Waller Classroom from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, June 3 - 10 - 17 - 24. We will have a 1/2 hour for lunch (please bring sack lunch). The fee will be $25.00 for your supplies for all classes. A $5.00 donation for Community Kitchen, if so desired, per class. First 10 people to reply will be accepted - 5 person minimum. Class will be for fun and to learn to paint a beautiful watercolor. Teacher Carolyn Daniels. Absolute beginners please reply. Baby Bottles Are Back! Fill a baby bottle with spare change, dollars and checks starting on Mother’s Day, May 10th to Father's Day, June 21st! YOUR FILLED BOTTLE feeds parents’… Physical Needs Ruth Group will meet on May 5th at 9:30 for study with Gail Clifton and then lunch at JP’s. Please send your reservation for lunch to Ann Newtown by May 1st. Please remember to pray every Wednesday at 8:00am for Brother Joe and the church. THANK YOU! Emotional Needs Free Peer Mentoring for Pregnancy Decisions Free Peer Mentoring for Parent Support & Conflict Resolution Free Peer Mentoring for After-Abortion Healing Free School, College, and Community Programs promoting Sexual Integrity & Healthy Relationships Spiritual Needs Thank you to the church staff for help in readying Igert Hall; Art DeWeese for preparing a delicious meal; and to the Broadway women who set-up, served, and/or cleaned up for the DAR Luncheon on Saturday, March 21st. Broadway received many compliments from the DAR members and money was raised for the Organ Fund. Thanks to each of you for making it a successful event. Pat Bruce UMW Free Pregnancy Tests Free Medical Care for Pregnant Moms, including Ultrasounds Free Learn to Earn Program teaching good parenting and healthy relationships, awarding “dollars” for baby and family essentials Free Job Skills Training Course Low Cost Community Thrift Store Free Bibles Free Bible Studies, as part of the Learn to Earn Program Free Church Recommendations & Encouragement to Attend Worship, as part of Learn to Earn Program Daily Prayer for Clients, Families, Ministries Moms, Dads, or grandparents... anyone with at least one child under 18 can come to Hope Unlimited Family Care Center for free and confidential support. www.hopeunlimitedfcc.org Broadway United Methodist Church 701 Broadway Paducah, KY 42001 Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Paducah KY Permit #175 Return Service Requested Place Label Here Church Staff Pastor Mothers Day Out Joe W. Beal…………………270-443-1392 DeVona Rosa 270-443-2401, ext 113 Pastoral Ministry Assistant Maintenance John Sparks… …………….270-217-2752 Marion Liner, Tammy Stevens Minister Emeritus Security Henry E. Russell…………270-442-6671 Josh Gooud…………..………. 270-556-0120 Music Director KEYS II Art DeWeese …270-443-2401, ext 105 Jessie Douglas…. .270-443-2401, ext 121 Facilities Manager Brooks Pool William Stinson…………..270-.217-2754 Peggy Adams/ Office Coordinator270-443-1778 Office Manager New Directions Counseling Ministry Donna Terry……270-443-2401, ext 100 Carol Harmon…………………….270-217-2753 Director of Student Ministries Financial Secretary Rebecca O’Brien 270-443-2401, ext 101 Kathy Henry………270-443-2401, ext 103 Director of Children’s Ministry Organist DeVona Rosa……270-443-2401, ext 119 Nancy Ryan………………………270-898-7542 Ministry Assistant Director of Communications Pam Dewey………270-443-2401, ext 123 Janet Haynes........270-443-2401, ext 108 Nursery Director DeVona Rosa……….…270-443-2401, ext 113 June Newsletter Deadline May 20, 2015 June Newsletter Mailing May 27, 2015 10:30 a.m. VISIT US ON THE WEB www.bumc-paducah.org Church Office: 270-443-2401 Fax: 270-443-8701 Join us on Facebook Broadway United Methodist Church Mother’s Day Out BUMC Children’s Ministry Brooks Pool
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