January through June 2012 Inside This Issue: From the President pg. 2 Meeting Minutes pg. 3 Treasurer’s Report pg. 4 June Show Report pg. 5 Museum Update pg. 6 Jan. Show and Tell pg. 7 Feb. Show and Tell pg. 8 Mar. Show and Tell pg. 10 April Show and Tell pg. 12 Lily of the Valley Cologne & U.S. Glass Ivory pg. 14 Briefs pg. 16 From the Archives pg. 17 Western Glass Hunting pg. 18 Constitution Rev. pg. 19 2012 Officers pg. 20 Club Calendar pg. 20 Tiffin Glass Museum 25 S. Washington St. 419.448.0200 See more photos on page 11. Scenes from June Show Weekend TIFFIN GLASS COLLECTORS CLUB P.O. Box 554 Tiffin, Ohio 44883 The Tiffin Glass Collectors Club is a nonprofit corporation with tax exempt status which was formed to study the history of Tiffin Glass, known as Factory R of the United States Glass Company, and the glassware manufactured there. Membership dues are $20.00 per year. The Tiffin Glassmasters Newsletter is the official publication of the Tiffin Glass Collectors Club and is published semiannually for the benefit of members. Back issues are available for $5.00 each. The opinions contained in articles published in the Tiffin Glassmasters Newsletter are those of their authors and not necessarily those of the Tiffin Glass Collectors Club. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to edit or refuse any material submitted for publication. Anyone wishing to submit an article for publication should send it and any photographs to the club’s address noted above or by e-mail to museum@tiffinglass.org. We will be delighted to share any pertinent articles in future issues. If requesting information, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Closing dates for issues of the Tiffin Glassmasters Newsletter are May 15 and November 15. Please submit your articles no later than these dates. MEMBERSHIP EXPIRATION NOTICE Last summer, the decision was made to have our memberships run on a calendar year, January 1 to December 31 for everyone. Please note the year shown on the mailing label on the back page. Your membership will expire, on December 31st of that year. The annual dues are still $20 per person ($40 per couple). 2 Message From The President Dear Club Members, Simply Stunning! The way the summer sun displays the unique pieces of Tiffin Glass in their beautiful colors and forms. The Tiffin Glass Museum has a couple of large windows which let the sun shine in and the beautiful glassware sparkles. Our Museum hours are 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. As always special tours are available by appointment which can be made by calling 419-448-0200 or by email at museum@tiffinglass.org. A big thank you goes to our Museum director, Ruth Hemminger. She has our Museum looking very attractive and inviting. Please take the time to stop by and see the beautiful displays of glassware and visit the Shoppe while you’re there. Our annual Rummage Sale brought in almost $2,200.00. It was held on April 23 & 24 and included a bake sale this year. We were hoping the bake sale would increase the number of rummage customers - much like we would like to see the numbers increase for Tiffin Glass Club’s memberships. Thanks to all those who volunteered to donate their money, time or in-kind for this event. The club’s largest fund-raiser is our June Glass Show and Sale which was held on June 23 and 24. It was held at the School of Opportunity, south of Tiffin. I hope you were able to attend the June Show. Once again we offered a consignment booth. In that booth not all the glassware for sale was Tiffin Glass. Our raffle item this year was a #1 twilight ash tray with controlled bubbles. While the Glass Show was going on, the Tiffin Glass Museum and Shoppe were both open on Saturday and Sunday. And on Saturday evening a banquet and auction was held at the T.J. Willie’s Restaurant. What an honor it was to be asked to display Tiffin glass in the Glasmuseum Hentrich in Düsseldorf, Germany. Once again Tiffin Glass makes its way around the world. They were seeking only examples of high-quality American glass that portrays excellence in glass design and artistry. We accepted the invitation. If you have concerns or questions regarding the Club or Museum, please let us hear from you. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Sincerely, Joyce Brown TGC President Consolidated General Meeting Minutes January through June 2012 ATTENDANCE January – 32 members & 2 guests; February – 27 members & 1 guest; March – 24 members; April – 26 members & 2 guests; May – 19 members; June – 23 members. REFRESHMENTS Refreshments were provided by: JoAnn & Dave King in January; Brian Courtney & Martha Ziegler in February; Marilynn Flechtner & Connie Campbell in March; Robert & Lucille Dunn in April; Stan & Joyce Brown in May; and Nancy & Paul Coffman in June. TREASURER’S REPORT Cash-on-hand balance – January $12,996.00; February $13,319.66; March $13,021.16; April $11,757.91; May $13,756.43; June $14,839.41. The Endowment Fund balance as of 12/31/11 is $19,867.87. We anticipate a refund of approximately $600.00 from the State of Ohio based on a review by Lonnie Corthell and Robert Manz, retirees from the Ohio Department of Taxation, on tax-exempt billings. COMMITTEE REPORTS Show The 27th annual Show & Sale is scheduled for June 23-24 at the Seneca County Opportunity Center. Contracts were mailed to dealers in February. Show flyers and cards advertising the Show are available for distribution. Donations are needed for the glass auction, and food items and cash for the food booth. Raffle tickets are being sold for a Tiffin Twilight #1 Ash Tray. Tickets will also be sold during the Show at the club booth with the winner’s name being drawn at the end of the Show. Museum January—58 visitors, Sales $168, Jar donations $27.00; February—78 visitors, Sales $566.50, Jar donations $91.00; March—111 visitors, Sales $626.40, Jar donations $49.19; April—232 visitors, Sales $1,035.40, Jar donations $96.26; May—526 visitors, Sales $1,348.50, Jar donations $124.10. A new $25 heart-shaped paperweight is available. The Rummage/Bake Sale scheduled for April 23-24 had income of $2,197.75. Rosalyn Lalli, Treasurer of the Duncan Miller Club, Washington, PA met with the Tiffin Glass Club Board Members on May 19th to pick up materials, catalogs, drawings etc. our club had accumulated on the Duncan Miller line. Editorial Committee The committee reported monthly on the progress being made on the semi-annual newsletter covering January-June 2012. Pictures are taken each month of glassware brought in for Show & Tell. Pictures will be selected that will be shown in the newsletter, and Stan Brown will provide identification. A mailing will be sent out to all members to keep in touch with the membership while the first issue is being worked on. The committee will start to organize articles and will meet with the newsletter designer to begin the layout of the newsletter. A tentative mailing date of the first issue is scheduled for mid-July. NEW BUSINESS January – Madolyn Key, Marilynn Flechtner and Donna Overholt were appointed to review the club’s Bylaws and Constitution. March – proposed updates to our Bylaws and Constitution as approved by the Board of Directors on February 23, 2012 were presented to the membership. OLD BUSINESS April – members were reminded that when they furnish the refreshments for the meeting, they are also responsible for disposing of all accumulated trash. Continued on page 4 3 Show Report Treasurer’s Report Our financial situation continues to improve. Listed below are the items that make up our INCOME and EXPENSES. These amounts are from January 1 through June 30, 2012. INCOME Contributions Memberships Dealer’s Booth Rent (in Shoppe) June Show Rummage Sale Auctions after meetings Merchandise Sales (cash) PNC Deposit (charged sales) Checkbook Interest Misc TOTAL INCOME $ 1,634 1,600 3,267 5,787 2,198 0 4,294 6,430 4 973 $26,187 EXPENSES Rent Utilities Printing June Show Merchandise Advertising Fees & Taxes Dealer Charged Sales Office Supplies Misc TOTAL EXPENSES $ 6,750 2,441 1,043 2,183 4,090 1,104 535 3,104 204 318 $21,772 The Income and Expenses for the Show were: INCOME Admissions Food Concession Banquet Reservations Dealer Space Rental Banquet Auction TGCC Booth Sales Consignment Table Raffle TOTAL INCOME $ 600 1,131 575 945 1,514 353 160 797 $6,075 EXPENSES Advertising Food Concession Banquet Auditorium Rent Tables Raffle Tickets Flyers (paid in 2011) Consignment Payments TOTAL EXPENSES $ 268 35 589 735 336 67 216 278 $2,524 Please note that the TOTAL INCOME shown on this report is different from that shown on the Treasurer’s Report. A portion of the amounts shown in the “Booth Sales” and “Consignment Table” includes merchandise being reported as “Merchandise Sales (cash)” in the Treasurer’s Report. Jon Eakin, Financial Secretary/Treasurer Minutes...continued from page 3 SHOW AND TELL January – members’ special pieces; February – red crystal (Stan Brown presenter); March – all shades of green (Madolyn Key presenter); April – etched Tiffin patterns (Paul Coffman & Ed Goshe presenters); May – tape from an earlier Show & Tell; June – slides of Glass House workers (Paul Coffman presenter). April – Paul Coffman showed three binders he assembled for references on stemware, blueprints & drawings and Duncan Miller and T. G. Hawkes. Former Tiffin Glass mold maker, Roger Mann, now living in Texas, donated to the museum his arbor and personal tool box used while at the Tiffin factory (see photos at right). Martha Ziegler, Recording Secretary 4 June Show Report T he 27th Annual June Show & Sale was held at the Seneca County Opportunity Center over the weekend of June 23 & 24. Approximately 200 visitors from 16 states attended, making purchases from nine dealers, the Club Booth and a Consignment Booth. An interesting booth was set up by Club member Paul Coffman (see photo at right). It contained archival material from the Glass House that he has been organizing over the past year. A TV was set up to play a continuous loop of pictures of workers in the factory along with a photo album of those pictures. Visitors were invited to look through the album and help us identify the workers. This obviously generated a lot of interest from the visitors. In addition to the pictures, molds, various documents and artwork were on display. Another interesting booth was that of dealer and Club member Shelly Maiberger (see photo at right). On display, and for sale, was jewelry she has made using shards of glass from the factory. Very beautiful, indeed. We would certainly be remiss if the “Kitchen Krew” was not acknowledged. This hard working group continuously generates a significant portion of the net income realized over the show weekend (see photo at right). Starting Friday evening, they bring in various refreshments for the dealers to snack on during set-up. Then on Saturday and Sunday, they oversee the selling of home-made sandwiches, soups and pies. Not only is this one of the busiest areas over the weekend, but also the one having way too much fun. And speaking of fun, there was plenty of that at the banquet Saturday evening at T.J. Willie’s. Although the number attending was a little smaller than past years, glass collecting stories were swapped over the meal. After dinner, an auction was held with all the proceeds going to the Club (see photo at right). And “yyuuuppp”, we had a good time doing it. A big thank you to our auctioneer, Jerry Volkmer. The Museum had a temporary display of paperweights, loaned to us by Paul Tiell. He worked at the Glass House and the weights were some that he had made. Look for an article about Paul and pictures of some of his weights in the next newsletter. The winner of the Raffle was Angie VanRiper, a Club member from Attica, Ohio. She won the #1 Twilight ash tray. The Door Prize winners were: Gerald Schreiner of Tiffin, Jim Brandt of Fostoria, and Kathryn Carter of Sandusky. CONGRATULATIONS ALL!!! 5 Museum Update 2 012 has been a very busy and productive year for our Tiffin Glass Museum. We have, to date, welcomed over 900 visitors, hosted six special tours, and held a successful rummage and bake sale. the museum the past six months: Stan and Joyce Brown, Connie Campbell, Paul and Nancy Coffman, Herb Crum, Jon Eakin, Marilynn Flechtner, Lyman and Ruth Hemminger, Madolyn Key, JoAnn King, Kathryn Miletti, Bob The tours included Tiffin University art students and their and Donna Overholt, Bill Reyer and Randy Studer. Thank instructor, groups from the Franklin Car Club, Ohio Travel you everyone! Treasures, Our Travel Club, St. John’s Lutheran Church, We are also indebted to all who furnished monetary, and 315 third-grade students and their chaperones from in-kind and glass donations: Howard and Janet Beisner, Tiffin Elementary Schools. It was a privilege to share our Al and Norma Berry, Betty Booth, Stan and Joyce Brown, museum with each visitor. In addition to these special Connie Campbell, Paul and Nancy Coffman, John Chantours, we welcomed additional visitors and shoppers from dler, Brian Courtney, Eunice Cover, Herb and Paula Crum, various cities all over the United States. David and Kathy Dariano, Robert and Lucille Dunn, Linda and Jon Eakin, Phil and Rayella Engle, Rosanne Flanders, We have several new museum acquisitions, each one beautiful and difficult to find. The pieces include a crystal Marilynn Flechtner, Ken and Jan Foy, Ed Goshe, Gene and compote with Classic etching, a black satin cupped dahlia Jodi Haugh, Pauline Heebsh, Lyman and Ruth Hemminger, Madolyn Key, Dave and JoAnn King, Geralyn Lang, Helen vase with Latham, Ruth Leonard, Ted Lownie, Tom and Cheryl Osceola decoMaiberger, Kathryn Miletti, John Miller, National Duncan ration, a crystal Glass Society, Ohio Travel Treasures, Bob and Donna #15360 handled Overholt, Bill Reyer, Cris and Bruce Rohrbacher, Curt cake plate with Root, Don and Sandy Rouser, Vicki Simon, Elizabeth Coronet etching Sproul, Randy Studer, Angie and Randy VanRiper, Gail (see photo at Zeitler and Martha Ziegler. Your generosity is greatly right), a milk appreciated! glass crucifix candleholder, a crystal cream and sugar with Flanders etching, a pink 8 inch cupped dahlia vase with Empire etching, and a #6206 Wistaria bud vase. It’s always exciting to find new examples for our museum and a pleasure to share them with our visitors. The following volunteers made it possible for us to operate The American Bell Association International, Inc. P.O. Box 19443 Indianapolis, IN 46219-0443 www.americanbell.org We encourage you to visit the museum where you can find great buys in the retail shop. Our dealers stock their cabinets with exceptional merchandise from every era of Tiffin glass. Perhaps you will find that pattern or elusive piece you’ve been searching for. We look forward to seeing you. By Ruth Hemminger Please note the year shown on the mailing label on the back page. Your membership will expire on December 31st of that year. The annual dues are still $20/person or $40/couple. Thank you! 6 January Show and Tell As is our tradition, the January focus for Show and Tell was Item 7 – Black satin #151 cupped dahlia vase with enamel and silver overlay “Member’s Choice”. It gives us the chance to bring in many Item 8 – Original Black 6” Tiffin shield crest with gold decodifferent pieces and talk about what makes them special. Among ration the items shared were: Item 9 – Reflex Green #151 7” sweet pea vase Item 10 – King’s Crown #4016-35 wedding bowl & cover, 6” Item 1 – Crystal Bridal champagne stems with connecting diameter and 10½” high chain. Item 11 – Duncan and Miller chartreuse Canterbury flower Item 2 – Cerulean #5529 oval bowl arranger Item 3 – Milady #331 3½” white satin powder box Item 12 – Blue satin Milady ring holder (can also be used as a Item 4 – Crystal #17306 stem line with satin stems pin tray) Item 5 – Black satin electric candlesticks with Kimberly deco Item 13 – Wistaria disc-stem 12” vase with diamond optic ration Item 14 – Cerulean #17430 7½” rose bowl with strawberry Item 6 – Black satin #16271 10½” floral vase diamond cutting Item 1 Item 5 Item 2 Item 10 Item 14 7 February Show and Tell In keeping with the Valentine’s Day spirit, the focus for the February Show & Tell was the color “Red”. If you would like to see any additional pictures of these items, please send an email to museum@tiffinglass.org. Refer to “February Show & Tell” in the subject line and let us know the item number. The following items were shared by members: Item 1 – 3-faceted paperweights in mushroom, square, and pyramid shapes Item 2 – Ruby and Crystal #30-81, 7” swan with cut body Item 3 – Flame #127, 7” flared Murano vase Item 4 – Ruby and Crystal paperweight with controlled bubbles Item 5 – Red Duncan & Miller Canterbury flower arranger Item 6 – Ruby #179 cake plate (aka cake salver) with Kimberly decoration Item 7 – Flame #127-108, 10” crimped Murano bowl Item 8 – Ruby stain & crystal grandfather mug (not Tiffin) Item 3 Item 11 Item 6 8 Item 9 – Desert Red #30-97, 5” ash tray Item 10 – Tiffin Red #319, 10” candleholders & #179, 7½” High foot compote Item 11 – Ruby & Crystal #5477 Empress free form bowl Item 12 – Desert Red apple paperweight with green leaf and controlled bubbles Item 13 – Ruby stain creamer with sand carved rose Item 14 – Ruby & Crystal #6553 Empress flower basket Item 15 – Ruby & Crystal #6554 Empress ash tray Item 16 – Ruby & Crystal #6602 Empress jug (with satin finish on inside) Item 17 – Clear #8226, 8½” poppy vase with red paint on inside Item 18 – Cranberry stain #4016-2 King’s Crown 5½” sundae Item 19 – Desert Red #1 ash tray Item 20 – Ruby candleholders Item 21 – Cranberry Stain #4016-10, 11 oz. ice tea tumbler Item 22 – Rancho Ruby #120-1, 9 oz. goblet Item 23 – Ruby blown swan Item 24 – Twilight ash tray February Show and Tell —continued— Item 16 Item 23 Item 19 9 Item 20 March Show and Tell The focus for the March program was the various colors of green produced. If you would like to see any additional pictures of these items, please send an email to museum@tiffinglass.org. Refer to “March Show & Tell” in the subject line and let us know the item number. The following items were shared by members: Item 1 – Clover Green #120-3 Madera 12 oz. ice tea Item 2 – Clear #8226, 8½” poppy vase with green paint on the inside Item 3 – Pine with Mica #5508, 15” cornucopia Item 4 – Reflex Green basket with floral decoration Item 5 – Green satin #81, 7” candleholders Item 6 – Greenbriar #115-107 Canterbury 9” crimped bowl Item 7 – Killarney Pearl edge bowl Item 8 – Greenbriar #121-06 Canterbury 6 oz. juice/wine Item 9 – Greenbriar #123-96, 3” ash tray Item 10 – Pine #31 Heart shaped ash tray with controlled bubbles Item 11 – Green various small baskets Item 12 – Greenbriar Apple whimsy signed by Orie Mitchell Item 13 – Reflex Green satin #15151, 7” art basket Item 14 – Jade small dolphin candlesticks Item 15 – Reflex green satin #310, 8½” fan vase with lattice work at the top Item 16 – Reflex Green satin #179, 7½” conic candy box Item 17 – Green satin 6” compote (may not be Tiffin) Item 18 – Jadite 7½” low foot compote Item 19 – Apple Green #6555, 10” flared vase with controlled bubbles Item 20 – Killarney w/crystal #17394 candle holders Item 21 – Emerald Green satin ladle Item 22 – Greenbriar 6” whale whimsy Item 23 – Green Opal #530-2 Duck candy box & cover Item 24 – Clear Reflex Green#16273, 5” aster vase Item 25 – Reflex Green satin #151, 6” vase with floral decoration Item 10 Item 3 Item 11 10 Item 14 March Show and Tell —continued— Item 19 Item 22 More scenes from the June Show Above left: a show visitor looking for relatives in a photo album; above middle: the display of door prizes; above right: Paul Tiell’s paperweights. 11 April Show and Tell Glass decorating included a variety of techniques and specialties. Some of them are cutting, engraving, etching, sand carving, enameling, gilding, pressing and others. The focus for April was etched patterns. One of the techniques that Tiffin Factory R used to decorate glass was acid etching. Acid etching, also called plate etching, is a cold working process that provides a design by eroding the surface of the glass. A more detailed description of this process will be in the next newsletter. (See item 9 on next page.) shield. Hand operated sprayers blew fine grain sand, etching the pattern. The process was labor intense and created a dusty work area. Used primarily on predepression products, it was tried again in the 50’s but was short lived. (See examples bottom right.) The following items were shared by members: Item 1 – Eldorado pattern Item 2 – Unidentified pattern w/gold trim on #15018 stem line Item 3 – N/E 259 Needle etched design Item 4 – #675 Sand Blast design Item 5 – Various stems with #675 design Needle and sand etching were more complex processes Item 6 – Grape fruit & Liner w/Princess design than acid. Needle etching required a rather large machine Item 7 – Princess design Item 8 – #5250 Mitrovich cocktail w/Fuchsia etching with diamond tipped pins. Breakage was a problem and Item 9 – Fuchsia etching this method of design was fairly short lived. (See item 3 Item 10 – Champagne w/hollow stem decorated w/Fuchsia etching below.) Item 11 – #45, 2½ oz Whiskey Sham & #13872 7 oz Hi Ball Sand etching required use of metal shields placed over the Sham Item 12 – #5831 cup w/Fuchsia etching glassware. A design would have been cut out of the Item 2 12 Item 3 April Show and Tell —continued— Item 6 Item 9 13 Item 8 Lily of the Valley Cologne A recent auction turned up this beauty of a Tiffin Glass cologne (#9735). The cologne stands 7 1/8 inches to the top of the stopper. The stem and top of the stopper have a faceted cutting, while the ‘fat’ part of the stopper is engraved with a series of ‘circle’ cuts. The body of the cologne has a “Lily of the Valley” cutting, with a ribbon at the base of the stems. The U.S. Glass publication, The Glass Outlook, shows the cologne on a page dated April 1924. Two additional colognes are also shown from that same period. The catalog page (right) clearly shows the three colognes that are referenced in The Glass Outlook. All the items on the catalog page are quite hard to find, with the exception of the toothpick holders that seem to show up on a semiregular basis. Questions may be addressed to me at egoshe@heidelberg.edu. both stories by Ed Goshe U.S. Glass Ivory Little is known about the U.S. Glass color “Ivory.” Commonly, collectors refer to the color as “Custard”. William Heacock’s book, Custard Glass from A to Z, states that U.S. Glass introduced the color “Ivory” in 1899, and it was used for the Vermont Line, one of the state patterns of patterned glass. The pieces shown here are typical U.S. Glass shapes of 14 the 1920s and 1930s. My guess would be that this “custard” color was made for these shapes in the early 1920s. Whether the name was changed from “Ivory” is also unknown. Until proven otherwise, we should still refer to the color as “Ivory.” It’s taken me about 20 years to amass the items shown here. “Ivory” must have been a color not widely produced, given how rarely it is found. 15 Briefs Franklin Car Tour A ntique Franklin automobile owners from over a dozen states visited the glass museum on May 17th. On a five-day tour based in Tiffin, the cars parked behind the museum on property owned by, ironically enough, Bill Franklin. The air cooled engine cars were produced from around 1910 till 1934. Franklin closed cars often used pocket vases in the rear passenger compartments. It is unknown if Factory R was the provider, but manufactured the vases especially for autos during that time frame. A hit with the women on the tour, Ruth Hemminger guided the groups with the M & M team (Madolyn Key and Marilynn Flechtner) working the desk and sales room. The museum has been visited by several antique car groups over the years and always is an unexpected highlight for the ladies. By Paul Coffman Visit from Rosalyn Lalli R osalyn Lalli, representing the Duncan and Miller Museum in Washington, PA, visited the Tiffin Glass Museum on May 19. The purpose of her visit was to receive papers, catalogs, drawings and art work originating with that company prior to its purchase by U.S. Glass in 1955. The material had been stored for many years in the hands of a collector and at the Tiffin Museum. Some of the material filled in gaps in areas they were unsure of in their research. She expressed gratitude on behalf of the Duncan and Miller collectors for getting this material. Rosalyn is pictured with Paul Coffman who had spent many hours sorting and organizing the material. Seneca County Museum Glass O ver a four-day period in January, Seneca County Museum docent and glass club member, Brian Courtney assisted with documenting glass on display at the county museum. Jon Eakin digitally photographed each piece, Donna Overholt wrote the identification and my wife, Nancy and I did the running. The project required nearly ten hours of time to complete and over a thousand pictures were taken. Jon not only took a picture of the entire piece, but also did close-ups of cuttings or etchings. Many of the pieces can only be seen at the county museum and not all pieces are on display at one time. Among the items documented were: a four-piece set 16 showing each of the steps for acid etching, experimental pieces which did not go into production, glassware that came off the production line and were not finished, cuttings by master cutters Duke Griener, Lester Shelton, Clyde King and others, and two Guild Gossamer pieces by master glass maker Victor Hendrix. He also made a miniature table service for his granddaughter that is displayed. The process of photo selection and organizing information is underway with hopes that the information can be used to help others document their glass. Other collections are being considered for similar treatment. By Paul Coffman From the Archives... The following is an article previously published in the Spring 1990 edition of the Tiffin Glassmasters Newsletter. How It All Started Perhaps you are among the many who have wondered what prompted Fred Bickenheuser to write the three Tiffin Glassmasters books. What sparked an interest so intense that he would spend countless hours researching records, patiently putting the pieces together until at last the publications were a reality? This question was asked of his wife, Ruth, during the recent Christmas open house held at their home for our club members. Her reply made such an interesting story that we felt it should be shared in the newsletter and Ruth very graciously agreed to do so. We are indebted to her for the following account of that “green bowl” that started it all. “In the mid 60’s we were living in Cleveland. One of my sisters stopped on her way back to her home in southern Indiana after visiting another sister in Holland, Mass. They had gathered together some things for a church rummage sale. I was nosey and I wanted to see what she had in the boxes. I found a green bowl with gold trim and asked to keep it for my dining room table. The bowl had been found in a barn full of chicken dirt. Fred decided it looked like good glass and proceeded to start a research. The bowl went to lots of shows and shops. Finally someone told him it was U.S. Glass, Colorado pattern. This search caused a collection of about 300 pieces of Colorado, all colors and shapes. Somewhere along the line, Fred met Bill Heacock who was working on some books. Fred had acquired a lot of information on the U.S. Glass Co. and was asked to help with “U.S. Glass from A-Z”. In his research it was discovered all the records from U.S. Glass were stored in the loft in Tiffin. He spent many days up there. After a lot of research on all the plants that made up U.S. Glass, we decided we should stick to collecting from just one company and we like Tiffin. There were no publications on Tiffin so that became his next challenge. Results – three books, lots of glass and lots of good friends.” By Ruth Bickenheuser 17 Western Glass Hunting I n the last newsletter I wrote of our glass findings in Arizona and New Mexico. I also spoke of paperwork from the glass house in regards to bills and shipping during a 3-month period and how it related to the locations where we found Tiffin glass. Worth and San Antonio—accounted for over forty percent of the shipments, that still left over 75 shipments going to 43 other cities and towns spread across its entire geographic area. And my guess is almost all those places have antique shops. Reviewing those same financial statements, I was amazed by business transactions in Texas. It is probably a stretch of the imagination to assume the number of pieces we saw compared to number of businesses shipped to, could be used to guess the amount of glass in Texas. But just for giggles I thought I would recheck the documents. Using the above assumption, it would mean Texas is about a foot under water just from the weight of glass. If you plan a trip, save some of your cash and time to visit the many shops and antique malls in the communities up and down the interstates. Nancy and I noticed that nearly every exit through Missouri on I-44 and across Illinois and Indiana on I-70 had signs just off the highway advertising antiques. While we didn’t take the time to explore them, you never know what we may had found. Had we been traveling in a much smaller vehicle, we think we would have seen some great treasures. After all part of the joy of a great find is the thrill of the hunt. Arizona and New Mexico had seven shipping locations. Texas for the exact same time frame had 134. Arizona had two cities with stores, New Mexico had three, and Texas had 48. Of course the largest cities—Dallas, Houston, Fort By Paul Coffman In Memoriam Alfred M. Berry, 86, died May 15, 2012, at his residence in Tiffin. Al worked at Buckeye Beverage Company for 30 years, and retired from Klepper’s of Tiffin. A World War II Navy veteran, he was a member of the first wave on Omaha Beach in Normandy. Al started Little League Baseball in Tiffin, and was coowner of Berry’s Antiques for over 48 years. He and his wife, Norma, were dealers at the Tiffin Glass shows and at numerous shows in New York and Pennsylvania. Survivors include his wife, six children, 16 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, three brothers, and the many friends who visited their booth at shows over the years. Private funeral services were conducted in Tiffin. Donald F. Smith, 87, died May 5, 2012, at his residence. Don worked as a quality control analyst for the Tiffin General Electric factory for over 40 years, and was an insurance agent following his retirement from GE. He served in the United States Marine Corps during World War II at Iwo Jima in the South Pacific. Don was a member of Harmony United Methodist Church where he served as treasurer for many years. A former member of the Tiffin Glass Collectors Club, his hobbies included photography, collecting old cameras and Tiffin glass. Surviving Don is his wife, Phyllis, a son, a daughter, two grandsons, and his many friends in Tiffin and surrounding communities. Funeral services with military rites were in Sycamore, Ohio. Do we have your e-mail address? If you’d like to receive this newsletter via e-mail, send a message to museum@tiffinglass.org 18 Revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws Revisions to the Constitution and Bylaws were completed this spring. The major changes/additions that affect the operation of the Club are shown below in red. Other minor changes to these documents have not been included and were primarily to correct grammar and spelling. If you would like a complete copy of the constitution, please e-mail your request to museum@tiffinglass.org. Members for revision of Constitution and Bylaws appointed in 2011 were: Marilynn Flechtner, Donna Overholt, and Madolyn Key. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 5 – OFFICERS Section 1. There shall be the following elected officers: E. Financial Secretary/Treasurer ARTICLE 6 – BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 3. The BOARD shall consist of the elected officers: three (3) elected directors, an appointed Museum director and an appointed internet coordinator. The three elected directors shall serve on the BOARD for three (3) years. BYLAWS Section 1. Section 5. The President shall: G. Appoint a qualified persons, either member or non-member, to conduct an annual audit (to be completed by April 30) of the Financial Secretary/Treasurer’s records. H. Consider the need for an external audit of the Financial Secretary/Treasurer’s records at least every three years. The focus of the audit would be to confirm compliance with “Non-profit” regulations. To proceed, a majority vote of the Board is necessary. This audit can be in lieu of the annual audit. J. Appoint an internet coordinator for a two-year term with the approval of more than two thirds of the entire BOARD. The Financial Secretary/Treasurer shall: Collect, deposit, and account for all monies as received by the TGCC and the Museum Tiffin Glass Shoppe; B. Shall keep an ongoing inventory of merchandise available for sale; C. Document the receipts of non-monetary assets; D. Account for all monies and expenditures and pay all bills of the TGCC; E. Maintain the membership roll of the TGCC; F. Make a monthly and annual financial report, or any other requested report, to the membership; G. Prepare and submit to governmental agencies all required reports pertaining to the financial operation of the TGCC; H. Submit all records for an audit to the persons designated by the President; I. Receive a report of all assets (displays, cabinets, furnishings, etc), with monetary value owned by the TGCC from the Museum Director on an annual basis; J. Be a member of the Financial Committee. ARTICLE 5 – COMMITTEES Section 2. STANDING COMMITTEES: There shall be the following standing committees which shall prepare and submit a comprehensive budget to the Financial Committee by September for the following year; Editorial: prepare and distribute the newsletter, The Tiffin Glassmasters, at least twice a year; B. Internet coordinator; oversee all information conveyed between the Web Site and TGCC and provide reports to the BOARD. ARTICLE 6 – MEMBERSHIP DUES Section 1. Dues are payable yearly January 1 to December 31. The amount of the annual dues shall be recommended by the BOARD and made valid by a majority vote of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting. ARTICLE II – MUSEUM DIRECTOR Section 1. The Museum Director: Shall keep an ongoing inventory of assets owned by the TGCC. ARTICLE 12 – INTERNET COORDINATOR Section 1. The Internet Coordinator; Oversee all information conveyed between the Web Site and TGCC and provide reports to the BOARD. Section 2. An Internet Coordinator who does not comply with the assigned responsibilities may be relieved of the position by a more than two-thirds affirmative vote of the entire Board of Directors. 19 Tiffin Glass Collectors Club P.O. Box 554 Tiffin, OH 44883 2012 Officers and Committees President—Joyce Brown Vice President—Donna Overholt Recording Secretary—Martha Ziegler Corresponding Secretary—Ruth Hemminger Treasurer—Jon Eakin Trustees—Bob Overholt, Lyman Hemminger, & Stan Brown Nominating: Randy Studer, Marilynn Flechtner, & Ruth Hemminger Program: Donna Overholt (Chairperson), Madolyn Key, Stan Brown, & Paul Coffman Museum: Ruth Hemminger (Director), Madolyn Key, Lyman Hemminger, Marilynn Flechtner, Donna Overholt & Bill Reyer Show: Lyman Hemminger & Randy Studer (Cochairpersons), Stan Brown, Madolyn Key, Ruth Hemminger, & Geralyn Lang Finance: Jon Eakin (Chairperson), Bob Overholt, & Cris Rohrbacher Publicity: Ruth Hemminger (Chairperson), Geralyn Lang & Kathryn Miletti Editorial: Linda Eakin (Chairperson), Nancy & Paul Coffman, Connie Campbell, Jon Eakin, & JoAnn King Internet: JoAnn King, Laura Quickle 20 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID FINDLAY, OH PERMIT NO. 24 2012 Club Calendar August 14 Meeting at Tiffin Glass Museum Show & Tell – Duncan Miller/Tiffin September 11 Meeting at Tiffin Glass Museum Show & Tell – Member’s Choice September 24 & 25 At Tiffin Glass Museum Rummage & Bake Sale October 9 Meeting at Tiffin Glass Museum Show & Tell – Orange & Black (Halloween) *NO FALL SHOW* November 13 Meeting at Tiffin Glass Museum Show & Tell – Feather Party (pheasants, swans, ducks, birds, etc.) December 11 Meeting at Tiffin Glass Museum Show & Tell – Christmas Party January 8, 2013 Meeting at Tiffin Glass Museum Show & Tell – Member’s Choice
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