7th ANNUAL RELAY FOR LIFE® GOLF TOURNAMENT Friday, March 20, 2015 TEE TIME - 1:00 PM - SHOTGUN START (w/ box lunch) (Registration begins one hour prior to tee time) HIDDEN CREEK GOLF CLUB Silent Auction 555 East Hidden Creek Parkway, Make checks payable and mail entry to: Friends For Life Golf Tournament c/o Misty Harris 809 Chestnut Ave. Burleson, Texas 76028 (We cannot hold team placement without payment) Many Valuable Prizes I WOULD LIKE TO: ( ) Play... And will have a team -- $100 per player / $400 per team ( ) Sponsor a Team of 4 for $525 (includes a team of 4 & Hole Sponsor) ( ) Purchase a $20 Prize Package (5 Raffle Tickets & 2 Mulligans) 1 to 4 _____ ( ) Be a Sponsor!! ( ) Title Sponsor $5,000 ( ) Special Shot Sponsor $2,500 ( ) Cart Sponsor $2,000 ( ) Benefit Sponsor $1,000 ( ) Prize Sponsor $500 ( ) Hole Sponsor $150 Sponsor Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ E-mail: _____________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Players: Please circle shirt size (1) ______________________L / XL / XXL (2) ______________________L / XL / XXL (3) ______________________L /XL / XXL (4) ______________________L / XL / XXL ( ) Payment Enclosed $ _________________ Please return this section with your payment. Thanks! TOURNAMENT ENTRY DEADLINE - MARCH 13, 2015 TITLE SPONSOR $5,000 *Only 1 Available* Title Sponsors help by underwriting specific costs of the benefit such as promotions or green fees. At this level, a Title Sponsor may field two teams of four golfers; receive special recognition of logo on the Relay For Life of Burleson website; receive prominent placement of logo on the Relay For Life of Burleson Golf Tournament T-Shirt; be included on all golf tournament media & publications; have a professionally produced sign at the Tournament Event and a sign for a hole on the course. SPECIAL SHOT SPONSOR $2,500 Special Shot Sponsors assist in underwriting the cost of the special play shots. A Special Shot Sponsor may field one team of four; receive advertising with company logo on the Relay For Life of Burleson website, the Relay For Life Golf Tournament shirt, all golf tournament media & publications, a professionally produced sign the day of the tournament, and a sign for a hole on the course. CART SPONSOR $2,000 *Only 1 Available* Cart Sponsor helps underwrite the costs for the golf carts used at the tournament. At this level, the sponsorship may field a team of four; receive advertising with company logo on the day of the tournament on all golf carts in use, receive advertising with company logo on the Relay For Life of Burleson website, the Relay For Life Golf Tournament shirt, all golf tournament media & publications, a professionally produced sign the day of the tournament, and a sign for a hole on the course. BENEFIT SPONSOR $1,000 At this level the sponsorship may field a team of four and receive advertising with company logo on the day of the tournament for all related meal items; receive advertising of their support on the day of the tournament on the Relay For Life Golf Tournament TShirt and post event media on the Relay For Life of Burleson website, and a sign for a hole on the course. PRIZE SPONSOR $500 Prize Sponsors help in covering the costs for golfer prizes given away during the day. There is a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prize winner. The golfers have the chance to win varying gift cards for local businesses. Prize Sponsors will be recognized with their name listed in post event media, and a sign for a hole on the course. HOLE SPONSOR $150 Hole Sponsors will be recognized with their name listed in post event media, and a sign for a hole on the course. 7th Annual “Friends For Life” Relay For Life ® of BURLESON GOLF TOURNAMENT Relay For Life®, the American Cancer Society's signature event, is a fun-filled overnight experience designed to bring together those who have been touched by cancer. (registration 12:00 PM) Hidden Creek Golf Club 555 East Hidden Creek Parkway Burleson, Texas 76028 Relay participants help raise money and awareness to support the American Cancer Society in its lifesaving mission to eliminate cancer as a major health issue. 1:00 PM Shotgun Start (for directions please call - 817-447-4444) PROCEEDS BENEFIT American Cancer Society’s RELAY FOR LIFE® of BURLESON VALUABLE PRIZES SPONSORED BY LOCAL BUSINESSES AND DEALERSHIPS (specified holes and limited to number of prizes) • $100 prize awarded to the longest drive • $100 prizes awarded to closest to the pin for two designated par threes • During our Relay For Life of Burleson event (to be held on Saturday, April 18, 2015 from noon to midnight), teams of people will gather at Kerr Middle School and take turns walking or running laps. The event will be held from noon to midnight. Friday, March 20, 2015 Awards given for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams HOLE IN ONE CONTESTS! What IS Relay For Life? RELAY FOR LIFE® Prizes: Event goody bags, plus many others... *Professional golfers or teams with pros are ineligible for prizes. Be sure to stop by the annual Relay For Life of Burleson At Kerr Middle School On Saturday, April 18, 2015 From Noon to Midnight Through the survivors' lap and the luminaria ceremony, we honor the people who have faced cancer first hand, and we remember those who have been lost to this disease. But, Relay isn't about taking laps -- it's about coming together in the fight against cancer. It’s a time to remember those lost to this disease and celebrate those who have survived. It’s a place where people connect with others, share the cancer experience, and find comfort and solace. And it's an opportunity to build hope for a future where cancer no longer threatens the lives of the people we love. As volunteers and donors, your efforts support research, education, advocacy, and services that allow the American Cancer Society to offer help and hope to people across the country when they need it most. By joining together at Relay, we celebrate life, friendship, and an opportunity to work to defeat cancer for future generations. Sign up today to become a part of the Relay For Life® effort in your community and you too can fight back against cancer. Please RSVP As Soon As Possible! Limited to first 132 Players For additional information please email lovetorelay@gmail.com or call Laura Ledford 817-874-7203 Misty Harris 817-360-2824 RaJeanna Johnson 817-228-2034 Leah Browder 817-319-1523 Christie Montgomery 817-688-1280 Be sure to like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/freindsforlifegolf
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