Fall-Winter 2014 www.burlingtonnotredame.com Notre Dame Schools: Inspiring the Mind, Engaging the heart Vol. 21, Issue 1 New leadership off to good start Dear Alumni, Parents, and Notre Dame Supporters, Inspiring the mind... Engaging the heart! Burlington Notre Dame Catholic Schools, Inc., is dedicated to fulfilling the teaching ministry of the Church by promoting Catholic values and assisting students in reaching their full personal potential through Christ-centered academic and co-curricular programs. CATCH THE SPIRIT is a catalyst in promoting the broad welfare of the Burlington area Catholic community, increasing parents’, alumni, and parishioners’ awareness of our schools’ role in that community. CATCH THE SPIRIT is published twice a year by Burlington Notre Dame Catholic Schools; 702 South Roosevelt Avenue; Burlington, IA 52601-1602. Contributors: Mary Jo Miller, Val Giannettino. Photos: Ron Teater Our NEW Web site address is The first semester of the school year is behind us, and what a wonderful start we have had. With the support of our parishes, parents and supporters we continue to see great things going on here at Notre Dame. Our enrollment continues to increase, and our assessment scores continue to improve. We have had some great additions to our staff this year including our new assistant principal, Chris Schwarz. This is Mr. Schwarz’s first administrative position and the first time Notre Dame has had a PK-12 assistant principal. He has brought a lot of energy and enthusiasm to his position. He implemented the Friday Five program to the elementary wing that recognizes the good things students do. His tortoise, Vladimir, is now a traveling visitor between the elementary classrooms. He also is overseeing and acts as site coordinator for all of the high school students who are taking online courses. In his spare time he enjoys running and has currently started taking saxophone lessons from our band director, Mr. Teater. Mr. Schwarz’s wife, Brianne, is a Spanish teacher at MonmouthRoseville High School, and they make their home in Monmouth with their English Bulldog, Wally. Again, thank you for all of your support and dedication to Notre Dame. Without you we could not fulfill our mission to educate children. Bill Maupin, ND Principal www.burlnotredame.com Address corrections are requested. Readers who know of parents, alumni, or members of Burlington area parishes who are are not receiving this newsletter should notify the Development Office. Contact us: CATCH THE SPIRIT, 702 South Roosevelt Avenue, Burlington, IA 52601-1602 (319) 754-8431, ext. 385 NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: val.giannettino @bnotredame.org 22 || Catch the Spirit Catch the Spirit TOP: Mr. Schwarz and Mr. Maupin stand atop the elementary building in angels’ wings, keeping a promise to the students for meeting their goals in candy bar sales. ABOVE: New ND principal Bill Maupin, Deacon Bob Glaser, Father Marty Goetz, Father Hai Dinh, Father David Steinle, and assistant principal Chris Schwarz after the the first all-school Mass of the year. COVER STORY: Notre Dame Schools offer a Christ-centered education to students. The crosses from areas of the campus are a constant reminder of the system’s focus on faith. Classes of ‘64 and ‘69 have fall reunions ND Class of ’64: row one—Martha Sowden Moeller, Angie Ralston Tate, Barb Boyle Reeb, Pauline Mohler Briear, Mary Pries Edgerly, Sandy Beighton Amon, Cathy Manush Maurer, Karola Braese Zanjani, Barb Breuer King; row two—Carole Behne Beck, Sue Meyer Moore, Sue Greene Zimmerman, Jeanne Newberry Ertz, Cathy Gillette Nealey, Gretchen Kuntz Clave, Maria Szbluk, Sue Beckman Farrell, Pat Diewold Haack, Sue Senn Moss, Eileen Ertz Loomis, Ginny Brugge Maine, Carol Barton Franklin; row three—Becky Hoschek Kneedy, Patti Edle Osborne, Sue O’Dea Parsons, Rosie Dehner Keeley, Katie Mathes Mertens, Joyce McCann Walz; back row—Ray Siefken, Steve Walz, Harold Harris, Dan Luttenegger, Tom Hingst, John Korb, Ray Theis, Mike Kerr, Kenton Scott, Paul Riffel, Bill Mertens, Charlie Farrell, Tim Walsh, Matt Beckman, Bill Phillips. Memories live on! ND Class of 1969: sitting—Mike Butler, Karen Shoopman Cahill, Carolyn Hingst, Mike Williams, Betty Claire Rehman-Antonacci, Patty Breuer Huppenbauer, Nancy Orth Tarbell; row two—Mike Weicher, Tom Siefken, Mary Jo Deuscher Miller, Patty Ewing Kniffen, David Steinle, Kathy Sorenson Ford, John Kniffen, Dave Dorn, Rosie Mathes Kaiser, Bill Thele, Joe Staub, Mary Ann Bohannon Owers, Leo Vorwerk, Magda Buyse Kelley, Larry Vorwerk, Judy Laue, Rick Schneider, Betsy Formella Peterson, Paula Ertz Buhrow, Bill Cahill, Vickie Guzman Wilson, Dave Ehret, Linda Snowden Cale, Bob Zelsdorf. Former teachers will be missed by ND family ND is mourning the loss of a couple of beloved former educators. Kathy Eilenstine, business education teacher and National Honor Society adviser at ND for over 23 years, passed away in October. During her decades at Notre Dame, she truly made an impact on all the students she taught with her cheery smile, creative class projects, expertise and expectations. Mrs. E taught Business I and II, Recordkeeping, Typing, Accounting, Word Processing, and Computer Survey. She also taught classes at Southeastern Community College. She helped to pioneer the area’s school-to-work movement in the early 90’s and introduced career education to ND. From local businesses, she enlisted jobshadowing mentors for her “job skills” program to expose interested students to various paths. Mrs. Eilenstine particularly relished having leaders from the Junior Achievement program visit to stress the relevance of course material to the “real” world. She also coached students as they competed and won honors in the JA Titan Business Contest. Active in extracurricular programs, Mrs. Eilenstine was the National Honor Society sponsor at Notre Dame. She expected excellence from her students in scholarship, leadership, character, and service (the criteria of NHS membership) and established Honor Roll Brunches, community service projects, leadership events, and the “Student of the Month/Year” recognition at ND. The NHS “Student of the Year” award will now be called “The Kathy Eilenstine Student of the Year” award to honor her memory. Following her retirement in 2009, Mrs. E had been living in the Des Moines area near her daughters and their families. (Her husband Ray died in 2011.) Before she left Notre Dame, Mrs. Eilenstine wrote to the students here that “Notre Dame will always have a special place in my heart.” The feeling is mutual. Angela Adams (right), former Notre Dame Spanish instructor and substitute teacher as well as an alumna of the school, died in November in Burlington. Though she taught most of her career in Burlington’s public schools, Mrs. A actually began her teaching career at Notre Dame in the early 70s. Later, after retiring from Burlington High School, she spent the past several years as a frequent sub at ND where she became a favorite of the students and faculty. A graduate of ND’s Class of 1960, Mrs. Adams remained loyal and generous to her alma mater in recent years. She will be missed. Catch the Spirit | 3 Strike up the band! The “music man” has come to ND! With a background in both instrumental and vocal music, experience in performing and composing, and an enthusiasm for education, the position of band director here seemed a perfect fit for Scott Teater. So, when the job came open last spring, he applied and was hired immediately. Since joining the Notre Dame staff, it’s clear that he’s in the right place. Of course, Scott Teater is no stranger to the ND family. In fact, his own family is a prominent part of the school community. His father, Ron, has been technology coordinator and teacher for the past nine years. His mom, Becky, taught middle school students here for two years, served as library assistant before that, and is a frequent substitute teacher at ND. Though it’s only been a few months, it seems as if Scott has been here much longer. He has definitely made an impact on the music program. Indeed, his presence was immediately felt when he introduced the formation of a drum line the first week of school. From just a few students, the numbers in the group have swelled to the current total of 23. They call themselves “Angelic Beats” and follow the motto, “Such Drums…Much Wow.” They certainly have “wowed” audiences, particularly with their performance at the fall concert with the “glow in the dark” drum sticks. Enrollment in regular band classes is growing too. Scott has renewed interest in the instrumental music department by bringing back the pep band and jazz band. He also hopes to regenerate the marching band in the future. “Band is just the coolest thing, and I want my students to experience the highest caliber program,” he says. Scott’s own personal talent and passion for teaching resonate with the students. He was actually first inspired to be a percussionist because of the Boy Scout Explorer Post his dad was in charge of. As a child, Scott would listen to them practice their Indian dance performances in the Teater basement, and he grew to love the rhythmic sounds. He went on to play the clarinet for one year in fifth grade and then switched to percussion in sixth grade and continued through high school. Other interests intrigued Scott in high school as well. He participated in speech contests. He earned many honors including the Louis Armstrong Band Award and was a finalist for the Optimist Club Youth of the Year. His experience in public speaking caught the notice of speech coach MJ Miller, who has sought his expertise in helping with the oratorical and debate contests second semester. After high school Scott went on to Southeastern Community College and Iowa Wesleyan College. He pursued a career that would allow him to share his love of music, earning his degree in music education. He taught 5-12 choir and high school show choir at Holy Trinity before coming to ND this fall. In addition to Notre Dame musical events, Scott is highly involved in community music activities. He participates in Burlington Municipal Band, Southeast Iowa Band, Southeast Iowa Symphony Orchestra, the Bel Canto Chorale, and Treble Clef Club. Scott is also deeply interested in liturgical music. He has engaged talented ND musicians to add special accompaniment for all school masses (such as flute players Ashley Lohmann and Lydia Becker). He also is the music director for his own church, First Christian Church. In what spare time remains, Scott is involved in volunteer work, most notably the Boy Scouts. An Eagle Scout himself, he serves as a Scout leader for Troop 25 and is a Venture Crew adviser for a Concert Band Venture Crew (Crew 88) he started in January of 2014 based out of Carthage, IL. Scott is certainly glad to be at Notre Dame. “Everyone has been warm and welcoming. I am having a blast. This is a wonderful community of faith.” He adds, “I enjoy coming to work everyday and helping all of my students create beautiful and improved sounds. I see my calling as planting my musical seeds and watching them grow and blossom into magnificent musical blessings.” Who knows where Scott will take the Notre Dame band program next? Based on the enthusiasm of the students such as the drum line members, one thing is for sure: the beat goes on! 4 | Catch the Spirit Seniors tour NYC For the sixth time, a trip to New York City was offered to the Notre Dame Senior Class. Mark Mayfield, a parent of three ND grads, a native New Yorker, and an experienced traveler, once again led a group of senior students to the “Big Apple” in a four-day trip in November. Assisted by chaperones MJ Miller and Ron Glasgow, the journey was academic in nature with students giving brief oral presentations along the way. They learned about the history of the city, our nation, and the stories of the immigrants who came to the US by way of New York. They also visited famous locations and landmarks. NDES FAST Test Results Shine Notre Dame Elementary students participated in the state-wide FAST reading screener in October. FAST is a quick indicator of potential reading problems. Notre Dame students did very well overall. Teachers like this new test because it is comprehensive while taking minimal time to administer. Since it is done online, it is automatically scored and makes data available immediately to be used for planning instruction. The test is administered in the fall, winter, and spring.. NDES first grade teacher Sharon Sommerfelt (above) attended the FAST training and coordinated the testing of ND students. Highlights of the journey included the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, Tenement Museum, Columbia University, Brooklyn Bridge (seen in photo at left), Freedom Tower and the World Trade Center site, Intrepid Aircraft Carrier, Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, Chinatown, Empire State Building, Central Park, and the Highline Linear Park. They were also able to attend two Broadway shows. Over 125 students have participated in Mayfield’s “New York Trip” since 2008. Future seniors hope to continue to take advantage of the experience, and ND is grateful to Mayfield for organizing this opportunity. Glasgow returns as AD-- He’s baaack! Ron Glasgow retired as ND Middle/ High School Principal last summer. His time off was short-lived, however. Last spring, when Bill Maupin was hired to be the new administrator, Glasgow had split the AD job description with the expectation that Bill would be the next AD and Phil Meekins would take the other half of the job description. But after NDES Principal Jennifer Alongi resigned in August, Maupin assumed the role of K-12 principal. Since he had moved to the newly created principal position, he then asked Glasgow to take on most of his AD duties. “I told him I would help,” said Glasgow. “It really is a natural fit for me to do this. However, I had spent many nights at ND events and did not want to return to that schedule. Bill seems happy with the arrangement, and I know I am.” Welcome back, Ron! Angelic artwork by Jordyn Senior Jordyn Engel (above) displays a mural of an angel she painted in Nita Carlson’s classroom this fall. Mrs. Carlson encourages students to paint religious imagery on the walls because it makes the room seem more spiritual. The painting, she said, “reminds us that angels are watching over us all day.” Catch the Spirit | 5 From the General Chairs W e serve as general chairmen of the Notre Dame Faith in our Future capital campaign. We believe in the mission, goals and future of Notre Dame. We believe in the Notre Dame family! It is our privilege to help to continue the legacy of excellence at Notre Dame. The commitment and sacrifices of parents, students, faculty and parishioners - past and present - has made Notre Dame an outstanding school. It is now our turn to prepare Notre Dame for future generations. Students at Notre Dame need an outstanding learning environment and there are areas where Notre Dame is urgently in need of updates. The Faith in Our Future campaign will ensure our children have the best educational environment intheyearsahead.Excellencedoesn’tjusthappen.Ittakes planning, commitment and prayer from all of us. Notre Dame has consistently contributed to the well-being of our community and will continue to play an integral role insoutheastIowa.Weencourageyoutoprayerfullyjoinusin building the future of Notre Dame. Together we can provide the best for our children - our future leaders. Steve Delaney & Gary Hoyer, Campaign Chairmen It is with great enthusiasm that I endorse and support the Faith in Our Future Capital Campaign for Burlington Notre Dame Schools. Notre Dame plays a critical role in the life of the Catholic Church in Burlington and southeast Iowa. I ask for your prayerful consideration of a sacrificial gift to the campaign that will allow the school to serve our students and assist in providing an excellent Catholic education for our families and our community. Catholic schools are a critical factor in forming disciples of Jesus Christ, and just as critical, for the New Evangelization tasks we now face.” MoStREv.MaRtInJ.aMoS Bishop of Davenport Inspired by our Past Burlington Notre Dame Catholic Schools have long been known for their superior academics and the scholastic success of their graduates. While students have worked hard on their studies, their parents and the Notre Dame community have been working to improve and maintain the Notre Dame facilities. Our excellent programs have surpassed the size and the age of our buildings, particularly the middle school and high school. To continue to provide an exceptional learning environment, a significant investment in the schools’ infrastructure is necessary. Called to Act To address these concerns, the Notre Dame School Board and its counterpart at the Notre Dame Foundation, have initiated the Faith in Our Future, Capital Campaign. The campaign tackles structural items that must be addressed to keep the schools functioning and attractive to prospective students and their families. It will also advance the schools’ academic offerings with funding for new computers, oneto-one student technology curriculum and a complete overhaul of outdated science labs. Included in this second goal is the addition of a multipurpose safe room which will provide space for the expansion of faith formation programs. The new area will enhance the schools’ promotion and support of Catholic values and identity. 6 | Catch the Spirit F C • • • • • • • • • • • a F E R R R R R R M C C • • • • R C t F To Sacrificial Giving Ways to Make a Gift to Faith in Our Future Selecting the best way to make your gift depends greatly on your personal financial situation. Keep in mind that tax laws change and each member’s financial situation is unique. Donors are encouraged to pray, consult with their families and financial advisers to determine the best way to support the Faith in Our Future appeal. PLEDGES Pledges are commitments you make in good faith. They are not legally binding. You may want to consider stretching your pledge over the duration of the three-year appeal. Your commitment can be fulfilled through monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments. We encourage donors to consider a 10 percent initial payment. CASH Gifts made by cash or check are the most common and provide Notre Dame with the most flexibility as we fund our renovation. e However, we will gratefully accept gifts in various forms, including those described here: • • • • • S t RealEstate Securities PlannedGifts LifeInsurance CorporateMatchingGifts Faith in Our Future Goals Project List Commitment to Excellence Goal – $1.6 Million • • • • • • • • • • • airconditioninginclassrooms FireProtectionupgrades Externalsecuritycameras Replaceelementarylibrarywindows Replacemiddleschoolandhighschoollockers Replacecomputerserver Repairfaçadeonbackofhighschool Replaceperimeterfencing Repairandresurfaceparkinglotsandentrances Modernizetelephonesystem Createpaveddrop-off/pick-upbehindschool • • • • • • • • • Upgradeelectricalservicetoschool Dropceilingsformiddleschoolandhighschoolclassrooms Replacehighschoolgymceiling Installlockabledoorstohighschoolgym Replaceofficeflooring Repairwindowlintelsinmiddleschoolandhighschool Restoretrackforconditioningandrecreationaluse Purchaseusedschoolbus Campaignexpenses Celebrating the Dream Goal – $800,000 • • • • Renovatesciencelabs Classroomequipmentupgrades technologyupgradesforcurriculum Faithformationcenter/saferoom Total Faith in Our Future Goal – $2.4 Million SuGGESTED GIfT Blue and Gold Nike Spirit Faith Father Minett LEvELS $3,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $59,999 $60,000 - $99,999 $100,000 and above Catch the Spirit | 7 Burlington Notre Dame Foundation Annual Report FY2014 Statement of Changes in Net Assets for the year Ended June 30, 2014 Support & Revenue Investment Income Donations Web Support Total Revenues $ 289,089 202,561 4,800 $496,450 Expenses Distributions to Burlington Notre Dame Distributions of Restricted Gifts Fundraising Expenses General & Administrative Expenses Total Expenses Increase in Net Assets $153,342 12,092 12,466 13,830 Net Assets June 30, 2013 Net Assets June 30, 2014 $191,730 $304,720 $2,513,550 $2,818,270 Fund Balances Capital, Curriculum, Scholarship Fund Faculty Support Fund Restricted Fund St. Jude Tuition Assistance Fund Unrestricted Fund 215,097 1,878,547 217,909 368,228 138,489 8% 67% 8% 13% 5% Disbursements ND Staff Salary Scholarships Teachers-classroom supplies Locker Room Renovation Other Restricted Gifts Other 76,650 20,484 15,000 34,482 12,092 6,726 $2.0 mil Seven-Year Fund Balance 2007 $2,157,958 2008 $2,255,720 2009 $2,136,565 2010 $2,253,112 2011 $2,380,816 2012 $2,386,383 2013 $2,513,550 2014 $2,818,270 8 | Catch the Spirit $1.5 mil $1.0 mil $.5 mil 2007 2008 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 LIST OF DONORS Gold Club ($5,000 or More) Fichtenkort Estate Deery Brothers Pot O' Blue & Gold Darya and Larry Rheinschmidt, Jr. Jeanne & Brad Deery James Wendlandt Randy Winegard John H. Witte, Jr. Foundation Director's Club ($1,000 to $4,999) Angela and Jerry Adams Benevity Community Impact Fund Catfish Bend Casino Vincent & Nina Cullen Family Msgnr. John Hyland Steve Leavitt Mary A. Riley Thomas J. Spiegel Nike Club ($500 to $999) Class of 1958 Class of 1967 Dan Cahill F&M Bank & Trust Kohl’s Corey Lamm Vanguard Charitable Christine Wilcox MEMORIALS Harold Abel Memorial Jerry Adams Memorial Betty Bisinger Memorial Garrett Brockway Foundation Susan Eversman Danielson Memorial Larry Dideriksen Memorial Lawrence & Ruth Gall Memorial Clarence “Pat” E. Harris Memorial John Kurimski Memorial Connie Moorman Memorial John O’Neill Memorial Marv Pohren Memorial Jane Francis Rinker Memorial Dick Robinson Memorial Don Salisbury Memorial R. Joe Sutter Memorial Dick Wagner Memorial Patron ($250 to $499) Acuity Financial-Curtis & Joshua Cloke Great River Entertainment LLC Dick & Mary Lowe Michael & Connie Storck Friends ($100 to $249) A.W. & Mary Beckman Linda Bego Norbert & Rose Bentler Dr. Michael & Christine Bush Julie Fidler Dixon Val & Chip Giannettino Nancy & Richard Gilmartin Father Marty Goetz Dennis Grizzle Jeff Heland Diane Mansheim Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Markey John & Ann O’Neill Barbara M. Richards Marie Schroder Faye I. Vadasz Lawrence W. Weidmann Supporters (Up to $99) John Barr Alex Dehner Les Landes James & Judi Petruska Susan & John Randolph Kathryn A. Schmidt Cristy & Daniel Weise Betsy Jo & John R. Perry FUNDS Faculty Support Fund Supplements faculty salaries. St. Jude Tuition Assistance Fund Assists families experiencing financial difficulties. Capital Improvement Fund Supports facility improvements. Curriculum Fund Keeps courses and course materials up-to-date. Betty Hopewell Ertz Scholarship Fund Directly supports students’ tuition. Julius T. Dehner Scholarship Fund Directly supports students’ tuition. Lorene C. Fichtenkort Scholarship Fund Directly supports students’ tuition. Rev. Patrick J. Hilgendorf Scholarship Fund Directly supports students’ tuition. General Fund (Restricted) Used for purposes approved by the ND Foundation Board. General Fund (Unrestricted) Supports day-to-day operations. Giving to the Notre Dame Foundation couldn’t be easier Gifts may be made in a number of ways. Depending on the specifics of your situation, giving might make financial sense too. Here are some helpful tips to consider when making charitable gifts to the Notre Dame Foundation. Annual Gifts It’s easy to make one-time or annual gifts to the Notre Dame Foundation. You can simply fill out and return the enclosed envelope with your gift. Planned Giving Including Notre Dame in your planned giving is also an excellent way to help keep Catholic education alive and well in our community. Gifts of cash are the most popular types of charitable gifts and are fully deductible. However, gifts can take the form of a variety of other assets, including stocks and securities, real estate, insurance, life income, and personal property. Each type of gift has different requirements and benefits for the donor. For more information, contact the Notre Dame Foundation Development Director at 319-754-8431 x385. Giving via your IRA The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 offers additional giving opportunities for those 701/2 or older who own an IRA and make regular charitable contributions. Call us for details. Remembering a Loved One Memorializing a loved one with a gift to the Notre Dame Foundation will mean that Catholic education in the Burtlington area remains strong and vibrant. Memorials can be created for specific purposes or can simply support the Notre Dame Foundation. Contact the Notre Dame Foundation Development Director, 319 754-8431 x385, for more information on how you can establish a memorial to the Notre Dame Foundation. Catch the Spirit | 9 Burlington Notre Dame Statement of Changes in Net Assets for year ended June 30, 2014 (Cash Basis) Amounts in $000 Year Ended June 30, 2014 Year Ended June 30, 2013 Revenue and Support Tuition and Fees Parish Support Other Support Fundraising Trusts and Gifts Other Income Total Revenue and Support $1,147 529 128 442 76 20 $2,342 $1,011 534 244 210 159 19 $2,177 Expenses Salaries and Wages Buildings and Grounds School Operating Expenses General and Administrative Expenses Auxilliary Group Activity (net) Other Expenses Total Expenses $1,849 214 74 27 104 21 $2,289 3 2 3 ($100) 1, 2 Extraordinary Items $1,776 176 78 25 2 25 $2,082 $100 Total Increase in Net Assets Net Assets July 1, 2013 $53 $1,118 $95 $923 Net Assets June 30, 2014 $1,071 $1,018 Notes: 1 - STO funds raised in 2013-14 but not deposited until July. 2 - $100K donation transferred to BND Foundation 3 - Club/Activity included $194K of Fundraising only in 2014 4 - $100K BND Foundation donation deposited to school account Expenses Revenue & Support Fund raising 19% Other Support 5% Parish Support 23% Trusts / Other Gifts Income 3% 1% Salaries and Wages 81% Tuition and Fees 49% Other Expenses 1% 10 | Catch the Spirit 4 Buildings Auxilliary and School Grounds Group G&A Activity Expenses Operating 9% 1% 3% 5% 4 Spirit Store now available online You can now purchase Spirit Store merchandise online! Shop at your convenience from the comfort of your own home and gear up for your class reunion! Or spread the Notre Dame spirit this Christmas with presents every Nike fan will love. We have Notre Dame sweatshirts in classic navy, yellow and gray, Under Armour tees and hoodies, personalized glitter hoodies, stadium seats, and more. Face tattoos, pens, pencils, cups and mugs make great stocking stuffers, too! Orders placed online are usually available for pick-up at either the elementary or high school office within 1-2 business days. If you are interested in an item that is currently out of stock, send us an email as most items can be reordered. To view our merchandise and place an order, click on the Spirit Store link at the Notre Dame home page, under the “Families” tab or visit the site directly at https://squareup.com/market/ burlington-notre-dame-spirit-store-2 For questions and comments, please email ndspiritstore@gmail.com. Thank you for your support! Shop and smile during the holidays...and everyday! The Burlington Notre Dame Foundation has signed up with AmazonSmile, just in time for the busy holiday shopping season. Go to this link and while you’re shopping at Amazon you will also be helping Notre Dame. · Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Notre Dame Foundation. · AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. · Support the Burlington Notre Dame Foundation by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com. http://smile.amazon.com/ch/42-1192150 KCDM Catholic radio comes to Notre Dame campus KCDM has come to ND. This fall, the local Catholic radio station built a new studio near the south parking lot on the Notre Dame campus. The addition promises to be of benefit to both the station and to ND. KCDM (which stands for “Know Christ’s Divine Mercy”) is an FM channel that has been broadcasting in the area since 2002. It provides programing from the Eternal Word Television Network, a Catholic church-sponsored network that broadcasts to 220 radio stations throughout the nation. The KCDM studio had been located in the former St. Patrick’s school building. With the deteriorating condition of that structure, a new site was needed for the radio station. The Notre Dame property was the ideal location. “We are looking forward to working with the Catholic school and spreading the Catholic faith,” says Joe Spillane, one of the founders of KCDM. He hopes to grow the channel and include ND student events in its broadcasts. Bishop Martin Amos blesses the new KCDM studio at Notre Dame. Also pictured are Dan Siefken, Father Hai Dinh, Michael Lachnitt, Deacon Bob Glaser, and Father Marty Goetz. (Photo courtesy of the Burlington Hawk Eye) KCDM is funded by donations and volunteers. These volunteers raised $12,000 initially to establish the station and must raise $10,000 annually to meet operating expenses. Catch the Spirit | 11 CATCH THE SPIRIT Burlington Notre Dame Foundation 702 South Roosevelt Avenue Burlington, IA 52601-1602 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED SAVE THE DATE: MARCH 22, 2015 God’s Portion Day ”Gathering Together as One” Mark your calendars now for God’s Portion Day on March 22, 2015. Plan to gather together with your Notre Dame family. There will be a Silent Auction, Live Auction, Raffle, Balloon Bust, Marketplace, Kids’ Activities, and, of course, food and drink throughout the day. Be on the lookout for a few exciting additions this year. More details will follow soon! We welcome everyone to get involved by donating their time, an item, or just coming to the event. We look forward to seeing you in March. If you have questions, please contact GPD Co-Chairs Kim Korschgen (319-931-2439), Trisha Lake (319-310-1238), or Theresa Thielen (319-759-2840). Please support our Capital Campaign! See details on pages 6-7 inside!
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