Bury Church of England High School Course Selection Year 8 2015 2015-2018 Dear Year 8 Pupil During the next few weeks there are some important decisions to be made about the subjects you will study in Upper School. At the Course Selection Evening and the subsequent Review Day, you and your parents will be able to discuss these matters with members of staff. This handbook contains further details about this process and about the subjects which make up the Key Stage 4 Curriculum for Years 9, 10 and 11 pupils. Please consult it carefully and pass it to your parents so that they too can read it before our Course Selection Evening on Wednesday 29 April 2015 (7.00pm onwards). You will notice that we ask you to indicate a first and second preference in each option line on your Course Selection Form. We hope that you will secure your first preference but a few subjects have in the past proved too popular to offer places to all pupils who opt for them and on occasion one will not run because too few opt to make it viable. Once you have made your choices, it is essential that you get the form with your choices on it into your Form Tutor on Thursday 4th June. The form itself will be given out at Course Selection Evening. Please do not return it before 4th June. Please do not retain the Course Selection Form beyond the set date. If decision making is difficult, you may write a letter to me at school and return the form with what, if anything, you have been able to fill in. I will make contact with pupils and parents who have experienced difficulties in choosing. One of the factors that help pupils decide their options is careers. If you have a strong specific career interest at this stage, you can state it on the Course Selection Form. It may help us to prioritise who gains places on certain subjects. However, as long as you maintain a broad curriculum, most careers remain open to you and you should not feel you have made decisions about that yet. Should you be absent on Thursday 4th June, please send your form into school addressed to Mr I Jackson (Options). Although you will start your option choices in Year 9 and no longer study some subjects it is likely that in most subjects you will not begin the actual exam syllabus. Instead, Year 9 option courses will be broader in nature, designed to allow you to build up confidence and skills in your chosen subject so that you will achieve as much as you can in your final exam. A very few pupils will change courses in Year 10 when college vocational courses become available. It is important that you get the balance of your choices right; for instance, we strongly recommend that no pupil studies more than one Technology subject because of the nature of the assessment in this field. It seems that each year we acknowledge that it is a time of change and development in Education. The government is developing a number of changes which will affect you, but not everything is fully clear yet regarding these changes. Vocational education and the courses that lead to vocational qualifications are still under public debate. Furthermore, a range of changes to the exam courses and the way they are reported are being planned. In the face of such uncertainty it becomes doubly important to choose broad and balanced subjects which keep as many doors open as possible. We would expect most of our pupils to undertake the English Baccalaureate subjects, which are English, Maths, Science including Computer Science, a language and either History or Geography, so they are encouraged to choose either History or Geography unless advised not to by their teacher. In conclusion, we believe that our Upper School Curriculum provides you with a broad and balanced programme of educational experience. It is one which will enable you to follow courses appropriate to your particular interests, skills and talents and by beginning it in Year 9 to build up the confidence and skills to achieve at the higher level. We intend to help guide you to make your choices effectively and look forward to a successful time in Upper School. Yours sincerely Mr I Jackson Deputy Headteacher THE KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM The intention in starting our Key Stage 4 Curriculum in Year 9 is not to take longer to cover the GCSE scheme of work, but to allow pupils to develop greater skills and depth in their chosen areas to enable higher achievement at the end of Key Stage 4 in Year 11. Our Key Stage 4 Curriculum consists of two parts, the core or compulsory part and the subjects you choose to study, or options. Core The following subjects make up the core: English; Mathematics; Religious Education; Core PE (non-exam PE); Science; French and PHSCE. Religious Education is completed as an exam subject in Year 10, but you will continue to have a reduced non-examined core Religious Education course in Year 11. Elements of PHSCE and Citizenship appear throughout the curriculum but they are especially to be found in RE. PHSCE means Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education and will be taught on Drop Down Days. CITIZENSHIP/PERSONAL, SOCIAL, HEALTH & ECONOMIC EDUCATION (PHSCE) All pupils receive eight full days of Citizenship and PHSCE throughout the year. They are delivered on drop down days. All work is based on the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Citizenship and PHSCE and is intended to equip pupils for school and adult life. It will include relevant topical issues which affect the lives of pupils and the wider community. Issues incorporated in the course will include health and safety issues; relationships with peers, family and the wider community; crime, law and society; environmental and world issues; and financial management. Pupils will also be encouraged to become active citizens and involve themselves in school or community activities. Pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11 will spend a full day covering each of the following subjects: PHSCE Health Education - including SRE and Drugs Education. Personal Wellbeing - including relationships and safety. Economic Wellbeing and Financial Capability - preparation for interviews, careers education and college applications. CITIZENSHIP Being British - this unit will look at Human Rights and the political system of the UK. Global Issues - this unit will look at Violent Extremism and Human Trafficking. Active Citizenship - this unit will involve pupils completing a number of volunteering activities to improve both our school and local community. Throughout the course pupils will be expected to identify their personal goals and review their own progress and achievements and set targets for future sessions. School staff will work in teams to deliver appropriate content to pupils and will be supported by outside agencies to ensure that pupils are fully engaged in the issue being covered. It is likely that some pupils will go off-site to carry out part of their work. Sessions will take place within a secure atmosphere where a positive working relationship between pupils, teachers and others (school nurse, learning mentor, youth workers, local entrepreneurs and politicians etc.) encourages the pupils to discuss and share their problems and find possible solutions with others. Within the course, pupils will be expected to participate in discussions, written work, role plays and group work. We will also use dvds, quizzes, investigation, design, outside speakers and drama productions to fully engage the pupils. Throughout the year pupils will be encouraged to explore their feelings and opinions whilst considering those of others and to accept responsibility for their own actions. PE is also compulsory and in Years 9, 10 and 11 pupils can choose from a wide variety of activities. If you choose the GCSE PE option it will not reduce your entitlement to compulsory PE. OPTIONS The options you may choose are outlined in this booklet and summarised on the form on the centre page. All pupils are asked to put preferences from the option lines and make a first and second preference on each line. Each exam course in the CORE and the OPTIONS curriculum is described more fully in the remaining sections of this booklet. This course is the one you will begin in your chosen subject by Year 10, although time in Year 9 may be spent doing the preparatory work. QUALIFICATIONS There is a Foundation Curriculum option for pupils in Year 10 and 11. This is intended for pupils who will struggle to access most of the courses on our options system, typically ones who will have a statement of SEN. It includes a series of units from Asdan (a national scheme for curriculum awards) and covers themes such as preparation for work, health etc. This qualification will be at Entry Level or Level 1 - GCSE equivalent D - U. However, although this curriculum will be available by negotiation to pupils in Years10 and 11, it is not available for pupils in Year 9, who should all make three choices. GCSE GCSE is the most common form of qualification. The number of GCSE subjects a pupil may study in total is up to 10 subjects at GCSE; that is quite a heavy programme. For the most academically able it is far more important to gain grades at a higher level than to get lots of GCSE passes. 10 passes at Grade A are worth more than 15 at Grade C, at least to an individual. Many pupils would be well advised to take fewer than 10. University entrance normally requires good grades in above 5. The total number of GCSEs is different to the situation of a few years ago because we have placed Triple Science in our options system rather than as something squeezed into the Science curriculum time in Years 10 and 11. All pupils study Mathematics, English, Science and RE to GCSE Level. Most study French to GCSE although some pupils are identified for an alternative provision during French curriculum time. We strongly recommend that most pupils should choose either History or Geography as well. In English, most can study English Literature as an extra subject alongside their Language work in core time and gain GCSE in English Language AND English Literature. The arrangements in regards to English are changing nationally and these changes may affect you. All pupils will study all three Sciences to GCSE Level as most gain two GCSEs in Science, but as indicated above, it is also possible through a choice to study the three sciences as separate sciences, each leading to a GCSE – again subject specialist teachers will advise you as to which course to follow. The following courses are all offered at GCSE level in the option system. GCSE ART AND DESIGN The GCSE Art and Design is a broad course exploring practical and critical/contextual work through a range of 2D and/or 3D processes and new media and technologies. It is an unendorsed course where candidates can work in appropriate art, craft and design materials and processes. The course requires candidates to explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design, from the past and from recent times, including European and non-European examples which should be integral to the investigating and making process. Responses to these examples must be shown through practical and critical activities which demonstrate the candidates‟ understanding of different styles, genres and traditions. Candidates should produce practical and critical/contextual work associated with two or more of the following endorsements: Fine Art; Drawing and Painting; Mixed Media; 3 Dimensional Design; Printmaking; Graphics; Textiles. You will also work in sketchpads to support the work of the endorsements. The Art and Design course consists of two units: Unit 1: Portfolio of Work 60% Unit 2: Externally Set Task 40% The externally set task consists of candidates making a personal response to one starting point or project brief from a question paper. They are given a period of preparation time followed by 10 hours of sustained focused study under examination conditions Candidates must cover all the four assessment objectives listed below in both the portfolio of work and the externally set task. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to: AO 1 Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. AO 2 Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. AO 3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms. AO 4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realistic intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements. Independent work / homework You will be expected to work at home to support the projects that you are doing in class. The majority of homework will be completed in sketchpads. GCSE DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Under National Curriculum Orders, all pupils have the right to study a Design Technology subject. Whichever of the three courses below is chosen, the learning processes and activities used on that course will be similar to those used on the other courses. All of the courses are about designing and making. The differences between the courses are to do with the materials used and, therefore, the items produced. All the courses will require pupils to design solutions to a problem they have identified and to make one of these solutions to see if it will solve the problem. Finally, they will examine the solution to see how well it has worked. GCSE Design and Technology: Food Technology The course will be based on working with a variety of foodstuffs as well as designing and making a whole range of products. Much of the learning will be from “hands - on”, making activities where you will develop your skills and have the exciting opportunity to make different food products. Pupils must be prepared to bring ingredients on a regular basis to be successful on this course. They will gain valuable skills such as the ability to work independently or in teams and organisational and ICT skills can all be improved through taking this subject. GCSE Design and Technology: Product Design This course will be based on using different styles of drawing and modelling (both practical and computer based) to provide solutions to problems. Pupils must produce three dimensional products using card, paper, plastic, wood and metal though other materials will be considered. GCSE Design and Technology: Resistant Materials This course will be based on working with wood, metal and plastics to solve identified problems. Pupils must be prepared to purchase their own materials, if necessary, for their major project. However, this is not usually required if their project is selected carefully. Assessment (for GCSE) All courses are assessed in two ways. Coursework: This provides 60% of marks and will take 45 hours of supervised time. A design folder consisting of approximately 20 pages of A3 paper (or equivalent) must be produced alongside a finished product or products. All folder work and practical work must be completed in school. Terminal Examination: This provides 40% of marks and pupils will be entered for one, untiered paper. The final written examination is 2 hours in length. Payment for Materials: Whichever main course is followed, pupils who wish to take home the items they have made will be required to make a contribution to the cost of materials used. Pupils will not be under any pressure to pay for items if they do not want to keep them. Deadlines: Because of the high contribution of coursework towards final grades, it is essential that deadlines are met if pupils are to remain organised and achieve to the best of their ability. GCSE DRAMA GCSE Drama is an exciting and varied course in which students learn about many aspects of drama and theatre and develop a wide range of performance skills. During the course students engage in creating, performing and analysing Drama. They work with scripts and develop their skills of improvisation. Theatre visits are an integral part of the course, giving students the opportunity to experience and analyse a wide variety of theatrical styles. Seeing professional performances also gives opportunities to explore other aspects of theatre, such as set design and costume. We generally go to evening performances as this gives students a better experience of the etiquette of theatre-going. Enthusiasm about theatre and performing, along with teamwork, are essential qualities for anyone considering this option Assessment 60% of the overall mark is for practical work. This is assessed using their two best marks from the following options: Acting: a performance using a published play script, e.g. “Blood Brothers” Devised: a performance based on a theme, e.g. decisions, growing up, relationships – and including scripted and unscripted work Improvisation: a performance in which the students have created their own drama. Theatre-in-Education: a performance about a particular issue, performed to a specific audience, e.g. personal well-being to Year 7, anti-social behaviour to Year 9. 40% is for an externally assessed written examination - students answer questions on work they have been involved in, as well as scripted plays they have performed or performances they have seen at the theatre. They must write essay-type answers and cannot take any notes into the exam with them. GCSE ENGLISH The English GCSE involves students studying the nature, uses and functions of English Language and English Literature leading to the achievement of two separate GCSE qualifications. In English Literature there is a strong focus on how writers have used language to create characters, influence readers, manipulating their emotion, and communicating interesting and unusual ideas in novels, plays and poetry. GCSE Language has a focus on understanding non-fiction or media texts and students investigate the works of other writers to improve their analytical skills and their own writing skills developed during KS3. English is a key component of many further and higher education courses and careers. GCSE GEOGRAPHY We shall be continuing with the very successful AQA „A‟ specification which includes relevant and exciting topics e.g. supervolcanoes, tsunamis and units on global tourism, world population and coasts. The GCSE is made up of three parts: Paper 1 - Physical Geography - 37.5% will be taken May Year 11 Paper 2 - Human Geography - 37.5% will be taken May Year 11 Controlled Assessment - 25% will be undertaken at some point during the course, (likely to be in September of Year 11) The units highlighted in bold are those we intend to study, although this is subject to change and the discretion of the classroom teacher. Unit 1 Physical Geography Section A: The Restless Earth; Living World Section B: Water on the land; The Coastal Zone Unit 2 Human Geography Section A: Population Change; Changing Urban Environments; Section B: Tourism Assessment: Units 1 and 2 are 37.5% written exam (1.5 hours). Answer three questions, at least one from each section plus one other. Controlled Assessment Local fieldwork investigation from titles provided by AQA (marked out of 60, maximum word limit 2500, 20 hours write-up time, worth 25%) Please note that the current course is a linear one, meaning both exams will be taken at the end of Year 11. There are no exams in Year 10. The controlled assessment, whilst still based on a field trip, is nothing like as onerous as the coursework it replaced. The controlled nature means that nothing is taken home and there are strict time limits on the work completed. The location of the field trip is Blackpool to study the effects of tourism on the resort. GCSE HISTORY Nationally, GCSE History is currently undergoing one of the biggest reviews for over twenty years. The GCSE course that your child follows from 2016 is still subject to OFQUAL approval. Below, I will outline the draft programme as they currently stand. Please note that the GCSE courses are still subject to formal approval! Year 9 is a transition year where students will be introduced to the main GCSE concepts and skills. In Year 9 we will study: Autumn term: The British Empire and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Spring term: Causes and outline of the First World War (1914-18). Summer term: The Consequences of the First World War/Rise of the Dictators. Years 10 and 11 - We provisionally intend to follow the OCR GCSE Schools History Project specification. Units of Study await confirmation but should include: Thematic Study: Crime and Punishment 200ad - the present day or Migrants to Britain 200ad - the present day. British Depth Study: The Norman Conquest 1065-87 or The Elizabethans 1580-1603. World Study: The making of America 1789-1900. A study of the Historic Environment European Depth Study: Life in Nazi Germany 1933-45 The GCSE will be assessed by three examination papers at the end of Year 11. There will be no controlled assessment. Success in GCSE History requires a high level of literacy. The study of History is valued by colleges and employers alike. The subject furthers skills of analysis, use of evidence/explanation and research. Critical analysis of written and visual sources will strengthen skills of purpose and reliability. Students will refine their extended writing skills throughout the course. Further study of History beyond school can lead to popular career paths including law, broadcasting, journalism, marketing, teaching and business leadership. OPTION COURSES IN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY In the world in which we live computer and information technologies are becoming more and more important. To be able to keep up with developments in this fast-moving industry, the ICT Department at Bury CE High School offers a choice of two different courses to provide students with the skills that they need to use computers effectively and efficiently and prepare themselves for work and further study in whatever career they pursue. GCSE Information Technology and/or GCSE Computing GCSE Information Technology Develops practical ICT and life skills, in areas such as databases, spreadsheets, desk-top publishing and web design. Work includes Desk-top publishing, audio and video editing, web design, and using databases and spreadsheets. Assessed by means of a written test on how computers impact on our life (40%) and a single extended controlled assessment project (60%) Key Skills to have: The ability to manage workloads. A good eye for design. The ability to work independently on the computers. GCSE Computing Develops an in-depth understanding of computer programing the theory of computer science, including networking, data structures and communication systems Work includes learning different programming languages and how to build databases, networks and studying how computers process and store data. Assessed through a written theory exam (40%) and two practical controlled assessments (30% each), one a technical investigation and the other set of programing challenges. Key Skills to have: A logical/mathematical mind An ability to work through and solve problems logically An interest in knowing in detail about how computers work GCSE MATHEMATICS All pupils in Year 11 are entered for the GCSE examination in Mathematics. From September 2015 this will be the new GCSE offered by Edexcel GCSE 1-9. Students will embark on this course after Easter in Year 9. This will be tested by a three part terminal examination; all of equal weighting. Each paper all have a range of question types, utilising both structured and unstructured questions. Some questions on the papers will be set on context (both mathematical and non-mathematical). The grading is from 1-9. Foundation grades 1-5 and Higher 4-9. More information can be accessed at edexcel.com Entry Level Mathematics This certificate is offered for any student for whom GSCE is inappropriate, to enable them to gain some accreditation for their study of the subject. It is assessed by a portfolio of short tasks and internally marked test papers GCSE MEDIA STUDIES The Media studies GCSE builds on students‟ ability to formulate their own responses to the range of media, old and new, that saturates modern life. Students are encouraged to develop their opinions on how the media represents the world. As part of the course students gain a range of abilities such as being able to develop their research, problem solving and creative skills. All of these skills focus on the three main areas for producing a media text: Pre-Production/planning skills. Production of a text (written, e-media, print, moving image etc.) Evaluation of all the processes used. There are three main assignments that students will complete over the final two years which count for 60% of the overall mark. The remaining 40% is an exam taken at the end of Year 11. MODERN LANGUAGES GCSE French Most students continue with GCSE French as a core subject following the Edexcel linear course. In Years 10 & 11, students will produce written work as continuous assessment. Speaking is assessed on several occasions during Years 10 & 11, the best work counting towards the final grade. There will be a final listening and reading exam at the end of Year 11. There is the opportunity to visit a French school on our exchange trip in Years 9 & 10. GCSE German Why study German to GCSE? German is a language that‟s quite easy to learn and pronounce The German Department gets excellent results – often the best in school and many pupils achieve higher than their MEG Our school‟s German results are higher than the national average – and we allow pupils of all abilities to take it German was voted by pupils in Years 8-11 at this school recently as the subject they make the most progress in Universities and colleges consider German to be a good GCSE to have German is a useful language to employers, as British companies trade with German manufacturers Germany is the largest country in western Europe and offers travel and employment opportunities We teach German in quite small groups where you can build up your confidence We run a very popular trip in Year 11 to Berlin with the History department You get to use words like „Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten‟ to impress your friends We have fun while learning a great life skill What do we do in GCSE German? We learn how to pronounce and speak German with confidence We practise other skills of writing and understanding German We learn about Germany We make videos and listen to songs We watch and discuss German films and TV programmes We act out scenes and have debates We learn about how language is built up, which can help you with other languages Pupils take the GCSE at the end of Year 11 Topics covered in GCSE German: Self and Family School Jobs The Media The Environment Health The Town Hobbies Holidays and Travel GCSE MUSIC GCSE Music provides students with the opportunity to develop their performing, composing and listening skills through five key areas of study (AOS): AOS1: AOS2: AOS3: AOS4: AOS5: Rhythm and Metre Harmony and Tonality Texture and Melody Timbre and Dynamics Structure and Form UNIT 1: LISTENING TO and APPRAISING MUSIC The five areas of study (AOS) listed above will be explored through three STRANDS: 1. THE WESTERN CLASSICAL TRADITION Baroque orchestral music, the concerto, music for voices, chamber music and sonata. 2. POPULAR MUSIC OF THE 20TH and 21ST CENTURIES Blues, 1960s pop, rock music, R „n‟ B, Hip-Hop, music theatre and film music. 3. WORLD OF MUSIC Music of the Caribbean, Music of Africa and the Music of India. This area of the course accounts for 20% of the final marks and is assessed through a written examination at the end of the course. UNIT 2: COMPOSING and APPRAISING MUSIC Students will compose one piece of music. The composition must show links to TWO of the areas of study (AOS) listed above and ONE STRAND. The composition must be completed within 20 HOURS of controlled (including the completion of an evaluation booklet under exam conditions) and must be recorded when completed. The recording may be made using live performers, ICT or a combination of both. This area of the course is externally assessed by an AQA examiner and accounts for 20% of the final mark. This area of the course is internally assessed and externally moderated. Performances are recorded. This area accounts for 40% of the final mark UNIT 3: PERFORMING MUSIC Students will perform one individual and one ensemble piece of their choice on their chosen instrument/voice. This area of the course is internally assessed and externally moderated. Performances are recorded. This area accounts for 40% of the final mark. UNIT 4: COMPOSING MUSIC Students are required to compose one piece of music based upon TWO or more of the AOS. The composition can be in any genre and for any combination of instruments and should be completed and recorded within 25 HOURS of controlled time. This area of the course accounts for 20% of the final marks and is assessed internally and moderated externally. CONSIDERATIONS This course places a great emphasis on performance. We expect those taking this option to be regularly having tuition on an instrument/voice. Further details regarding this course can be found on the AQA website: www.aqa.org.uk GCSE PE In addition to the compulsory PE in Years 9, 10 and 11, there will be a GCSE option. This course will be divided into two main sections: Practical Performance Students will need to select four sports from a list where ability, knowledge, of rules, training methods, health and safety issues and other related topics will be looked into in detail. This will be worth about 60% of the final mark. Written Examination An in-depth study of the factors affecting performance and participation in physical activity worth 40% of the final mark. GCSE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION All students study Religious Education in Upper School. In Year 9 all pupils follow the Edexcel GCSE Syllabus Religion and Society. Topics include Religion and Morality, Peace and Conflict, Crime and Punishment and Environment and Medical Issues. In Year 10 they follow the Edexcel GCSE Syllabus Religion and Life. Topics include Belief in God, Matters of Life and Death, Marriage and Family Life, and Social Harmony The final grade is the product of the exam taken at the end of Year 10 in both the above units SCIENCE GCSE Combined Science OR GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and GCSE Physics Science is a core subject within the school and all pupils must study it. All pupils will continue to study the three Sciences but a decision has to be made as to which Science course your child will take. All courses are AQA courses. Choice 1 (Triple Science) - GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics Pupils continue to study the three separate Sciences in depth and gain three separate GCSE qualifications. This will require you to use one choice on an options line. This course is suitable for students who are expecting to achieve at least a Level 6 in Science at the end of Year 9. Choice 2 (Double Science) - GCSE Combined Science Pupils continue to study the three separate Sciences, but in less depth and gain two GCSE grades. Both will be the same grade. This is studied in Core Science time and will not require an option choice. The AQA specifications will be published in the summer of 2015 and at this point the method of assessment will be clear. At the moment we know that all exams will be at the end of Year 11 and that coursework will remain, but coursework will count less towards the GCSE. GCSE ART AND DESIGN: TEXTILES Course Content The Art & Design Textile course is „creative‟ and the work done involves using a wide range of textile techniques – embroidery, collage, weaving, fabric printing, batik etc. The work is interesting and you will get a lot of opportunities to experiment and to find areas of Art and Textiles where you can be successful. Examination Details At the end of the course there is an externally set task (42042)(40% of the overall grade) which is held under examination conditions and lasts for a ten hour period. This takes place in your Art room with your Art teacher. You will be given the question paper four weeks before the test and asked to prepare by collecting information, making drawings and trying out ideas in the same way as you have prepared for coursework themes. The portfolio of work and externally set task marks are combined to reach a final GCSE grade. Controlled Assessments You will be asked to work on a minimum of two themes during the course. You will need to make sure that all the necessary skills are covered in the portfolio as a whole. The final assessment of the coursework is by exhibition. Each pupil mounts a display of his or her best work which is marked by the Art teacher/s in school and by an examiner from the examination board. The portfolio (42041) is with 60% of the final grade and combines with the 40% available in the Externally Set Task to give you a GCSE grade. Coursework Alongside the „finished‟ project work you must complete a sketchbook (or sketchbooks) which clearly show the sources of your work, your experiments and design ideas. Independent Study/Work You will be expected to work at home for several hours each week. The main purpose of homework is to research and support the work that you are doing in class. Sketchbooks are essential. Good quality pencils and access to paints, crayons etc. are useful. You will also want to take large pieces of work home from time to time. You may want to purchase an A2 sized portfolio for this purpose. Future Progression The creative industry is one of the few industries in the UK that is still growing. Studying GCSE Art Textiles will allow you to go on to study Art at A Level or BTEC at college and will also show employers that you are able to think creatively. There is a huge range of careers where a GCSE in Art Textiles can be helpful. Most importantly you should choose Art Textiles because you like the subject. Equality of Opportunity All pupils are welcome to study Art Textiles and can be successful. A genuine interest in the subject and willingness to work hard is just as important as talent. Art Textiles is accessible to all pupils who are willing to put in time and effort. Amount of practical/ICT work in the course ICT is used for artist research. Visual arts packages such as PhotoDraw are used in the department with all pupils but the amount of this is flexible depending on personal interests and skills in this area. Any Extra-curricular Opportunities We aim to ensure all groups are able to visit an exhibition or work with a visual artist during their course. Home Support Support from parents is essential. A quiet working space where work can be left to dry is important. It is important to be keen and interested and to be prepared to work steadily, every week. It is very important to attend well. Other To be successful in the examination you do not have to be an expert at drawing. Art and Design: Textile Design is hard work and it is important to be keen and interested and to be prepared to work steadily every week, and to act on advice offered by your teacher. If you like working in the Art rooms come and join us. Art Textiles and Technology Textiles are very different courses. Make sure you choose the right one for you. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION In Years 10 and 11 courses taught by Bury College become available and a small group of our pupils follow them. Pupils who would be suitable for these courses will still have the option next year. SUPPORT MAKING YOUR CHOICES (KEY DATES) Monday 23rd March onwards: Heads of Department will speak to pupils in lessons about their subject to explain the nature of the course and benefits of studying it. Tuesday 24th April: launch assembly for Year 8 – the process will be explained to pupils by Mr Jackson. After this assembly and during this week the course selection booklet will be given out. This will include advice and information on all the courses we offer and is meant to be read at home with parents. W/c Monday 30th March: a second assembly on making good choices led by Miss Broderick, Head of Year Wednesday 29th April: there will be a Course Selection Evening in school between 7 pm and 8:45pm. This is aimed at parents, to give them access to information pupils have been receiving in school, but pupils are also welcome to attend. Friday 8th May: Pupils will return indications of all subjects they are interested in (they are able to indicate more subjects than they will ultimately choose) so that we can offer specific advice on the forthcoming review day. Friday 15th May: Year 8 Flexible Friday will be a review day. On that day, Year 8 pupils will not have to attend school all day; instead Year 8 Form Tutors will make 10 minute appointments with each of their form. Pupils will be invited to come in on that day solely for the appointment, accompanied by parents as they are able. Form Tutors will have access to progress information for each child and will have been given collated information for their form based upon the subjects each showed an interest in; they will use these and knowledge of pupils to give advice on the best balance and suitability for preferences. Parents who are unable to attend this appointment but who see it as vital to take part in this element of the process should contact school so that we can work out an alternative arrangement. Thursday 4th June: all Year 8 pupil preference sheets must be handed in by this date – that is they will make their final selection. MAKING YOUR CHOICE I trust that you have read the Course Selection Booklet carefully. It is best if you make your decisions with help from your parents. In school you can get advice from all staff, your Head of Year, your Form Tutor, Subject Teachers and Careers Adviser (Mr K Welch). We will have representatives of the Connexions Service at our Course Selection Evening, plus our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, all of whom are valuable sources of advice. The key is to study the information provided. Try and decide which subjects you need most and enjoy. Consider your strengths and interests. Give thought very seriously to the suitability of the subject and whether you can manage it at the level described. Do not take too much on but do not drop anything you may need later. TRY NOT to be influenced by classroom friends and gossip. Reflect seriously upon the issues. You will find the Course Selection Evening essential and will find your school reviews beneficial. When the Options form has been filled in correctly, it should be given to your Form Tutor on Thursday 4th June 2014 (no earlier and no later). We must stress that the form must not come in late. You will learn whether you have obtained your choices or not later by the end of the summer term. If you need to get in touch with the school, please contact Mr I Jackson on 0161 797 6236 but please bear in mind that we are unable to offer any more choices than we do or to change the form to suit individuals. Remember, no choice is guaranteed and, in some cases, we will have to allocate pupils to their second choice on the basis of teacher recommendations. When choices have been made, it may still be possible in a small number of cases for pupils to change their minds above some selections. If you do think you have made a mistake, please ask your parents to contact me by letter. No changes in your options will be considered until this is done. Do not approach individual teaching staff directly once the Options Form has gone in. Although we cannot guarantee all 1st preferences being met, we do intend to work hard to meet your preferences. The decision as to whether you receive your 1st or 2nd preference on each line will be made by Mr Jackson in consultation with the Head of Year and appropriate subject leader. The decision will be based upon our judgement of your suitability for the courses, given your past performance. Career interests will also be considered wherever possible, as will issues of fairness and availability of places. We will interview all Year 8 pupils for whom there are issues to be discussed regarding their option choices in the last part of the Summer term. Interviews will be conducted by Miss Broderick and Mr Jackson. Mr I Jackson - April 2015
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