【Bushiroad Buzz】 Vol. 12 | April 2015

【 B u s hi r o a d Bu z z 】 V ol . 1 2 | Ap r i l 2 0 1 5
Dear Valued Partners & Supporters,
Welcome to the April issue of Bushiroad Buzz and thank
you for your continuous support!
The Bushiroad Spring Fest 2015 will kick-start the first
tournament in Mexico this weekend! We hope everyone
gets ready for this exciting worldwide festival and all
freebies that you may receive at the tournaments.
Last month, we had met so many distributors and retailers
at GAMA show in Las Vegas. We would like to thank
everyone who dropped by the Bushiroad booth at GAMA
2015, especially those who flew in to attend this exciting
event with us. It was amazing to see the high interest in
our games.
We are also proud to announce that the tickets of
CharaExpo 2015 will be available from 18 April! More
information about CharaExpo is available below.
Photo Information:
Masayuki Goto - Director of Bushiroad USA Inc.
Michelle Ng - General Manager of Bushiroad USA Inc.
Kazuma Takenaka - Sales Team Leader of Bushiroad USA Inc.
【Bushiroad Spring Fest 2015】
Bushiroad is proud to present to you Bushiroad Spring Fest 2015! The event will feature all English
Edition Bushiroad Trading Card Games, which includes Cardfight!! Vanguard, Future Card Buddyfight
and Weiss Schwarz.
Bushiroad Spring Fest 2015 will be held at 15 different locations across the world!
Website: www.bushiroad.com/en/ | Email: sg_support@bushiroad-gp.com | ©bushiroad All Rights Reserved.
The PR Exchange Campaign is on going now. Players participating in the Cardfight!! Vanguard monthly
tournament will receive a special coupon, which they can use to exchange for an exclusive PR card
during Bushiroad Spring Fest 2015.
Visit our official websites for more details:
Cardfight!! Vanguard:
Future Card Buddyfight: http://fc-buddyfight.com/en/events/springfest2015/
Weiß Schwarz:
【CharaExpo 2015】
CharaExpo 2015, a brand new event featuring Japanese Anime, Manga, Games and Cosplay, will be
happening in Singapore on June 20 & 21. The tickets will be available from April 18 at various Sony
Stores, card games and hobbies stores in Singapore, as well as online via Peatix.
Do expect a new wave of announcement about the special guests and feature contents on April 10!
Stay tuned to the official websites and social media for the latest information.
Date: June 20 and 21, 2015
Location: Singapore Expo Hall 8
Website: http://www.chara-expo.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CharaExpo
Website: www.bushiroad.com/en/ | Email: sg_support@bushiroad-gp.com | ©bushiroad All Rights Reserved.
【GAMA Trade Show, Las Vegas USA】
Bushiroad had a great 5-day event at GAMA Trade Show last week! We were so happy to see so
much support from our partners and fans! In case you were not there to see it, here are some event
photos to share with you.
【New Products】
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Thank you everyone for the support of Cardfight!! Vanguard G series! We have sold out of all the new
G Trial Decks and the latest G Booster Vol. 1. We are pleased to announce that by the end of April,
reprints will be ready for the following titles:
VGE-G-TD01 [Awakening of the Interdimensional Dragon]
VGE-G-TD03 [Flower Maiden of Purity]
VGE-G-BT01 [Generation Stride]
In addition to the reprints, do not forget to pre-order the following products before too late!
VGE-G-TD05 [Fateful Star Messiah]
VGE-G-LD01 [The Dark "Ren Suzugamori"]
VGE-G-FC01 [Fighters Collection 2015]
Weiß Schwarz
Weiss Schwarz fans, get ready to trample your opponents with Titan power! Attack on Titan Trial
Decks and Booster Packs, pre-orders will be up and ready within this month. Get your pre-order
numbers ready as we bring this amazing series into the foray!
Future Card Buddyfight
Website: www.bushiroad.com/en/ | Email: sg_support@bushiroad-gp.com | ©bushiroad All Rights Reserved.
This month, we proudly introduce our new Hundred series! It debuts with two new Trial Decks; Vol. 1:
Crimson Fist and Vol. 2: Radiant Force. Crimson Fist introduces the all-new archetype “Crimson”,
while Radiant Force brings in the brand new <<Hero World>> and the new skill [Transform], allowing
you to transform into a Superhero and fight alongside your Monsters! A new exciting experience
awaits, pre-order with your distributor now!
That’s all for this issue of Bushiroad Buzz! Email us at sg_support@bushiroad-gp.com to let our team
know your feedback and opinions!
Website: www.bushiroad.com/en/ | Email: sg_support@bushiroad-gp.com | ©bushiroad All Rights Reserved.