Ladies Fashion Boutique Inner Brisbane with Profitable Online Store

Ladies Fashion Boutique Inner Brisbane
with Profitable Online Store
Code Number:
Business Description:
This long established ladies clothing boutique carries a substantial range of designer
labels, has a well-established clientele and is located in a prime location at the main
entrance of a very busy shopping centre less than 2 kilometres from the Brisbane CBD.
Special Features:
The business has a diversified income stream with now 22% of Sales generated from
Shoes alone and over 15% of total sales through the businesses online store.
This ladies boutique is located in a top location of a busy inner Brisbane suburb with
very little local competition. The premises has a large glass viewing area along one
side and at the front allowing for a large display of the current fashions.
Top opportunity for a new owner to make an excellent income and to be surrounded
by beautiful ladies designer labels, shoes, and accessories. This business has a wellestablished clientele and carries popular labels in ladies fashion.
Inner Brisbane
Sales Income:
2014 - $567,309
2013 - $603,851
2012 - $516,282
2011 - $411,221
2014 - $97,398
2013 - $93,219
2012 - $130,730
2011 - $62,618
(As net income to one full time
working owner)
Business Assets:
The assets of the business include modern fixtures and fittings of the business, the
customer database, the computer system and software and a functioning and
profitable website and online store.
The boutique was originally established in 2000 and the current owners purchased
the business in 2005. In 2012 the owners expanded into online sales which now
constitute 15% of total turnover.
Trading Hours:
Mon – Wed:
The shop area is approximately 113m2 and is very spacious located at the main
entrance of the centre
9.30am to 5.30pm
9.30am to 8.00pm
9.30am to 5.30pm
9.30am to 4:30pm
It has extensive window space along one side and at the front of the shop allowing for
substantial displays of garments. There is also ample space in front of the shop to
display specials and sale items.
The current lease is expiring on 22 October 2015 with the Current Rent $6,952.5 per
month with no outgoings.
Current Staffing:
The full time working owner is supported by one full time employee.
Asking Price - $65,000 + STOCK
Version: v1.3
Confidentiality Agreement
Unless this agreement is completed in full for each business you enquire on, we are unable to release information on any business.
The information provided by you will be used for the purpose of qualifying you as a prospective buyer. Please complete all fields and
return the form to either:
Mailing Address
(07) 3290 3655
Business Brokers Queensland
PO Box 1322
Springwood, Qld 4127
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Yes I want to receive auto email alerts for new advertised listings.
Source: Where did you see this business advertised?
Specific Business Enquiry:
Ladies Fashion Boutique Inner Brisbane with Profitable Online Store
Conflict Of Interest:
Please provide details if you are currently involved in or associated with a customer / supplier / competitor in a related field or industry of
the business. Disclosing a conflict of interest does not disqualify you from receiving information about the business however it is
considered unethical not to disclose a conflict where one exists.
No I do not have a Conflict of Interest.
Yes I may have a Conflict of Interest. Please supply details below.
Employment Status:
Employer’s name:
Business Owner. Business Name:
Other Conflict:
Terms and Conditions:
I / we, being the person/people named in the Schedule set out above, acknowledge that I / we are prospective buyer(s) of a business and
acknowledge and agree as follows:
All enquiries, inspections, offers, contracts and other correspondence regarding the business are to be arranged through
the Agent only, and I/we agree not to attempt to inspect the business or the premises upon which any business is carried
on or to contact the Seller, their accountant, solicitor, their employees or customers / suppliers of the business directly
other than through the Agent.
The Information Memorandum and all other materials connected and related to the business are confidential, and we agree not to
disclose them to any other person except our legal, accounting, financial advisers and bankers, but then only on an as needs basis
and they have agreed to keep the information confidential and that the said business is for sale.
I / we agree to respect and safeguard the privacy of the Seller by returning the Information Memorandum, and any related material
to the Agent, and destroy /delete any copies if I/we do not proceed to purchase the business.
All information supplied is my/our responsibility to verify and confirm, and I/we agree not to hold the Agent and / or its salespersons
and authorised personnel responsible for its accuracy, liability, or loss suffered by me / us in relation to any information supplied by
the agent.
I / we understand the Agent is providing the information as supplied by the Seller and has not:
o investigated the truth or accuracy of any information provided;
o conducted any due diligence process in relation to any information provided;
o made any professional or other judgement about the materials provided.
I / we understand that the Agent and or its personnel are not investment and financial advisors. Their role in this matter is to simply
relay information of the business in question, as provided by the Seller in their capacity as a representative of the Seller.
I / we agree to advise the Agent immediately if l/we have been previously introduced to the same business by another agent.
I / we acknowledge that I/we agree to the above conditions and agree to be bound by them.
I / we acknowledge that If I / we execute this agreement as a director of a company for and on behalf of a company or as a trustee
of a trust I guarantee the performance by the company or the trust of any obligation under this agreement.
How to Buy a Business
The steps involved in buying a business are unique to each buyer and seller however there are some typical steps that most
transactions follow. What follows is a very brief outline of these steps. If you require a more detailed view, please contact us
for more information. It is important to maintain communication with your business advisors throughout each step in the
Step 1 – Research and Identification
Write down your own requirements including income levels, skills, and stage of business life cycle (start up, growth,
maturity, decline) etc.
Enquire on lots of businesses – internet platforms enable efficient enquiry on lots of businesses
We provide – business opportunity advertisements on up to 18 Australian and international websites as well as our own
Step 2 – Evaluation
You are currently at this stage
Does this business opportunity meet your needs, capabilities, lifestyle, time and financial capacity? Narrow your criteria.
What do you like, what don’t you like? If you can see yourself effectively operating or managing the business then sign a
Confidentiality Agreement and return it to BBQld. Be prepared to be qualified by the broker prior to proceeding past this
We provide – one page sanitised initial summary of business information to help you match a business opportunity to your
Step 3 – Preliminary Investigation
Read this Information Memorandum in full including every attachment and schedule and discuss the information
provided with the business broker. Discuss the business opportunity and your needs and goals with your accountant and
other business advisors and conduct your own research into the industry and business being careful to ensure you
maintain confidentiality obligations.
We provide – comprehensive Information Memorandum to assist you with your investigation
Stage 4 – Inspection
By now you should be fairly confident that this business meets your requirements. Its now time to meet the owner and
inspect the business. Ask lots of questions to understand the operations, the owner’s role, the financial performance, the
business strategy and management and anything else you need to understand prior to committing to negotiation.
Negotiation does not take place during the inspection.
We provide – coordination of inspection time and place and facilitation of the inspection.
Step 5 –Negotiation
Once you have sufficient information and confidence to proceed with buying the business, its time to discuss the terms.
This can often be the stumbling block and the price may be affected significantly by the terms. Discuss your proposed
terms informally with the Business Broker. Then you should document your offer informally in an email, letter or nonbinding heads of agreement. The Business Broker will discuss your offer with the seller and provide feedback to you
with a view to achieving an acceptable outcome for both parties. At this stage you should also determine the appropriate
purchasing entity and structure in consultation with your accountant and business advisors.
We provide – a conduit for all correspondence in the negotiation of the sale price, terms and conditions.
Step 6 – Contract
Provide contact details and advisors details for the preparation of a draft contract by the Business Broker. The
Business Broker will formally document the agreed terms and conditions in a draft contract and send to your solicitor
for finalisation. Your solicitor should correspond directly with the Sellers Solicitor to finalise the details of the contract.
We provide – a draft contract information clarifying agreed terms and conditions on Standard REIQ Business Sale format.
Step 7 – Due Diligence and Meeting Contract Obligations
A strict schedule of activities occur once the business is under contract and both parties are obligated to meet the various
timeframes specified in the contract for verification of financial records, assignment of leases, training or tuition etc.
Your solicitor and accountant should be heavily involved in insuring you meet all your obligations and in protecting your
interests under the contract.
We provide – telephone support for any questions you may have regarding your contract obligations and deadlines.
Step 8 – Settlement and Handover
Your solicitor will facilitate handover of the business upon settlement at the agreed time and place once all obligations
have been fulfilled or waived.
We provide – telephone support for any questions you may have regarding contract completion and handover.
Code 3094
Version: v1.3