Meeting Summary - College of Business

Center for Human Resource Management
March 26th-27th
Thursday, March 26th
College of Business Hall of Fame Dinner
We had a lovely dinner and we honored some very well
accomplished College of Business alumni at our Thursday night
dinner. Here is the list of inductees:
Allan Bense – 2015 Inductee
MBA '74
Chairman, President and CEO
Bense Enterprises Inc.
Former Speaker, Florida House of Representatives;
Chairman, Florida State University Board of Trustees
Dean Cash – 2015 Inductee
MBA '75
President and CEO
ATEL Capital Group
John Culver – 2015 Inductee
Hospitality Management '82
Group President
Starbucks Coffee China and Asia Pacific
Channel Development and Emerging Brands
Fred Tresca – 2015 Inductee
Accounting and Finance '82
Co-founder, Principal and Managing Director
Branta Group
Center for Human Resource Management
March 26th-27th
Friday, March 27th
Center for Human Resource Management Meeting
The focus of this year’s meeting was on career success. We had
some fabulous presentations and a lively panel discussion among
our CHRM board members and our undergraduate and MBA
Friday Meeting
We met at a new venue this year; the Gus Turnbull Conference Center at Florida State
Corporate Partners: Pat Ahern, Darren Brooks, Suzanne Calfee, Linda Bond Edwards,
David Faulkenberry, Jennifer Foreman, Cynthia Fraser, Charles Johnson (who brought
two guests; Erin Vickory and Raina Harrison), Tom Shea, Michael Spellman, and Janet
Florida State Faculty and Staff: Deb Armstrong, Randy Blass, Shanna Daniels, Jerry
Ferris, Jack Fiorito, Susan Fiorito, Myrna Hoover, Tim Kinney, Bruce Lamont, Charn
McAllister, Pam Perrewé, Chad Van Iddekinge, Gang Wang, and Calvin Williams.
We also had twenty (20) students attend the afternoon session on career success,
including six (6) MBA students.
Morning Business Meeting
Charles Johnson updated the board on our “Graduate Career Success Team” which is
comprised of Charles Johnson, Janet Wincko, Suzanne Calfee, and Cynthia Fraser.
Members of his committee also helped to update all of us on their communications with
the Florida State Career Center Myrna Hoover (Director, Career Services) and Calvin
Williams (Program Director for Employer Relation and Recruitment Services).
Doctoral Presentation
Charn McAllister presented some of his work on ‘connectivity in the workplace’. His
research is looking at some of the downsides to being constantly connected to the
workplace via smart phones and email. His PowerPoint presentation is available for all
of you to see and if anyone is interested in opening up your firm for Charn to collect
some data regarding this timely topic, please contact me at or Charn at
Career Center Presentation
Myrna Hoover (Director, Career Services) and Calvin Williams (Program Director for
Employer Relation and Recruitment Services) presented an overview of their career
center operation at Florida State University. They discussed ways in which individual
companies can connect with the career center for recruiting. Please see the PowerPoint
presentation that contains all of the relevant information. Impressive Statistic: The FSU
Career Center continues to be ranked in the top five (often one or two) career centers in
the nation.
Undergraduate SHRM Student Scholarship
The Management Department at FSU has an endowment for undergraduate scholarships
and our new Department Chair, Jack Fiorito, has graciously agreed to designate one
scholarship each year for our SHRM student scholarship. The award is now a $2,000.00
scholarship. This year’s recipient was a surprised Hannah Weinbaum. Hannah has an
exceptional grade point average and she has worked tirelessly with Shanna Daniels (our
SHRM faculty advisor) as well as the SHRM chapter at FSU. Congratulations, Hannah!
Afternoon Career Success Presentations to FSU students
Career Success Strategies
Tom Shea discussed his own personal career strategies and presented some very
interesting statistics on the workplace traits of different generations in the workplace. I
have already had numerous requests from our students for his PowerPoint presentation!
Keys to Career Success
Myrna Hoover (Director, Career Services) and Calvin Williams (Program Director for
Employer Relation and Recruitment Services) presented information on career services
and keys to career success to our undergraduate and MBA students. Their presentation
was very well received by everyone and we look forward to a long and productive
relationship with them.
Panel Discussion - Question and Answer session with MBA and Undergraduate
Myrna Hoover & Calvin Williams (FSU Career Services representatives)
Tom Shea (Chair of the Center for HR Management)
Career Success Team (Charles Johnson, Janet Wincko, Suzanne Calfee, and
Cynthia Fraser).
Our students were completely absorbed by the panelists and asked very good questions
related to careers until we simply ran out of time. Thank you to all who participated!!