Bradish Associates, Ltd.

Bradish Associates, Ltd.
Contact Person: Jordan Bradish, Producer / VP
Email Address:
Phone: 847-259-2400
Company Website:
Position Title: Marketing/Policy Services
Opportunity Type: Internship
Opportunity Location: Arlington Heights, IL
Opportunity Start Date: 06/01/2015
Opportunity End Date: 08/01/2015
Job Description: Looking for some general assistance in the agency to process policies, market to our
existing customers and bring an infusion of fresh ideas to our current practices. We are looking for a
"self starter" from the Chicagoland area who plans on a career in the insurance industry.
Preferred Skills: General computer skills (notably Excel) and ability to use an agency management
Salary/Wage Range: $10-15
Interested candidates should please submit cover note and resume via e-mail to Jordan Bradish at