Future of payments YOUR AWARD-WINNING SUPPLEMENT 2015 campaign DISTRIBU TED WITH YOUR AWARD-WINNING SUPPLEMENT The campaign We are producing a fully integrated campaign with a special focus on Future of payments in 2015. What’s it about? 2014 saw a raft of content outlining the innovations that are driving the world of payments into the future. In 2015, we will witness a continuation in this evolution of how payments are made and received, but will it be the year we see adoption and implementation levels start to rise? Mobile wallets, contactless platforms and loyalty schemes now appeal to higher numbers than ever before. However, questions remain over what technologies and platforms will be the favoured ones to implement, with security and “frictionless” ease-of-use at the top of the agenda. As demand swells it becomes harder for solution providers to differentiate their offerings. As competition intensifies, merchants are left ever more confused about what will work best for their business. The retail industry is undoubtedly a driving force in what new payment platforms will flourish, but who is really driving the adoption of these new payment platforms? Will the merchants implement the infrastructure required for their customers to make payments in the most widely accepted manner? Or, will it be the customers putting pressure on the merchants to react? Will the payment platforms themselves provide such a compelling case to merchants that they steer the industry? No matter what, change is afoot, and with global powerhouse brands like Apple now entering the fray, you can be sure that 2015 will be a year of change in the payments community. Throughout the year Lyonsdown has a comprehensive campaign planned to serve the payments industry, providing a platform for this community to learn more about the business case behind new payment platform technologies and innovations across a variety of channels – from print, to digital, to roundtable events and more. Our reports target a senior decision making C-suite audience, reaching these people through distribution in The Sunday Telegraph, City AM and also through our partnerships with the leading industry event Cartes, and with others expected to be announced as the year progresses. What follows is an outline of activities we have planned throughout the year for you to be a key voice throughout this campaign, educating the industry on the insights and expertise you have which is driving the world of payments into the future. CONTACT Justin Payne campaign director Direct: +44 (0)20 8439 6488 j.payne@lyonsdown.co.uk Lyonsdown Ltd, Shakespeare House, 7 Shakespeare Road, London N3 1XE www.business-reporter.co.uk | +44 (0)20 8349 4363 YOUR AWARD-WINNING SUPPLEMENT Why it’s tim e to move From Mas terCard to RBS: Exclusiv e interview Future of with Marion payments King | 2014’s front pages The calendar DISTRIBU TED WITHIN THE DAILY Expert vie w TELEGRAPH, PRODUCED AND PUBLISH ED BY LYONSDO WN WHICH Shane Rich mond gets into his time to check on mac the future of cash | Page hine 2 Future of The power payments behind decis ions TAKES SOLE RESPONS IBILITY FOR The power beyond ca sh Pages 8-9 OCTOBER 2014 THE CONTENT S Just the tic ket… Joanne Frea rson on the next stop for Oyster cards | Page s 8-9 business-tech nology.co.uk MAY 2014 May 2015 Special on the report future of paym ents Future of Payments report, distributed in The Sunday Telegraph and through the Cartes database We have lift-off! DISTRIBU TED WITHIN June 2015 Single sponsor breakfast meeting • 10-15 handpicked delegates in a five star London restaurant behind decis ions Plotting the best route through the crowded pay ments spa ce THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, PRODUCED AND PUBLISH ED BY LYONSDO WN WHICH TAKES SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTEN TS The Body B an hands mea k ns When shak ing the deal re ally is done September 2015 Single sponsor breakfast meeting • 10-15 handpicked delegates in a five star London restaurant October 2015 Information Future of Payments report, distributed in The Sunday Telegraph and through the Cartes database December 2015 Single sponsor breakfast meeting: Summary of what 2015 has seen and forecast for what needs to happen in 2016 • 10-15 handpicked delegates in a five star London restaurant Ad hoc options City AM Be the sole sponsor for a special 8 page report within City AM, distributing to 400,000 professional readers within London and also receiving 2,000 glossy copies of the report re-printed for your own corporate activities Video studio debate Visit The Telegraph studios and debate a key issue affecting the Future of Payments anchored by a journalist. We will then edit the footage to between 3-8 minutes and your video is hosted on Telegraph.co.uk Lyonsdown Ltd, Shakespeare House, 7 Shakespeare Road, London N3 1XE • Readership 1.45 million • Circulation 405,000 Expo date November 17-19, 2015 • Circulation 1,000 copies at event • Digital report Report hosted on Cartes website • Newsletter Email distribution of the report directly to their 80,000 strong payments specific database www.business-reporter.co.uk | +44 (0)20 8349 4363 YOUR AWARD-WINNING SUPPLEMENT Options Audience Sponsorship is available at the below rates and sizes, with additional sizes also available. All prices exclude VAT and agency commission. Full page Business Technology · October 2014 B ig data has become a big talking point these days, but there are many different interpretations, contrasting views and conflicting arguments surrounding it. Dan Ariely of Duke University provides what is in my opinion, a great analogy: “Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it.” At Boston we have been providing HPC (High Performance Computing) solutions for more than 20 years. HPC has always involved big data for things like large-scale analysis and huge storage requirements. Boston has provided systems to a range of users from various scientific backgrounds, all of whom needed to generate, store and analyse immense volumes of data. One such customer was CERN, which was generating 15 petabytes of data on a daily basis (roughly 250 million MP3 songs). Producing data at this scale can create numerous technological challenges and requires some highly innovative HPC solutions that push the boundaries of science and technology. The SKA Project (Square Kilometer Array) is another venture Boston is currently engaged with. This project aims to analyse approximately one exabyte of data a day (an exabyte is 1,000 petabytes – you can do the math on the number of MP3s this equates to!). These are just two examples of the current scientific challenges with regards to generating and analysing data – but still not necessarily what people mean when they speak about Big Data. Technology is becoming more and more ubiquitous in our society. This has been the main driving factor in the evolution of big data. Our standard means of communication has been digital for some time (email, text messages) – however, thanks to mobile technology and an increasing number of smart devices (TVs, watches, games consoles, cars, some domestic appliances), more of our daily Business Reporter AN INDEPENDENT AN INDEPENDENT 12 · Business INSIDE TRACK Reporter · October REPORT FROM LYONSDOWN, • Print distribution at the show will increase your brand awareness and target your global audience Lyonsdown Ltd, Shakespeare House, 7 Shakespeare Road, London N3 1XE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE SUNDAY Phil Grannum MD, hosting, UC and cloud, Easynet d Join the clou computing evolution However, many send uch has been companies now the to the cloud, written about their backups times a day. cloud computing often several to backups But, for most Online access revolution. restore cloud is more and more frequent companies, less downtime revolution. points mean evolution than and – and less and data loss Consider backup (BDR). impact on customers, disaster recovery employees the Aberdeen partners and According to strikes. costs the – when disaster Group, downtime planning, £100,000 In terms of DR average business even budgetremaining cloud enables per hour, so essential. To conscious organisations always-on is and “hope for the to move from ensure applications if for the even “prepared to best” data are available power business stays worst”. So the a natural disaster, failure or and everyone in business, outage, equipment out all their job. takes gets to keep other calamity has an centres, data Unless a company or part of their make significant ageing BDR system, cloud organisations e” in BDR. is rarely a “rip-and-replac investments protected Instead, cloud proposition. But how well And are into existing can be integrated or used are these companies?money more BDR infrastructure they spending For example, necessary? alongside it. and effort than and BDR their in disk-based traditional Without cloud are used they might cloud repositories infrastructure, “D2D2C” (diskbecause together for well be. That’s d) backup. Or a new, more cloud provides way to-disk-to-clou unchanged, convenient backup remains affordable and virtual machines fundamentals and standby to address two Risk separation are introduced in the cloud of BDR: physical in big-data technology. to the innovations on demand. protection. limited added services resources for longer and cloud no the cloud are ideal modelling is Off-the-shelf It’s time to join on each company’s Local backups unattainable. for highly and not designed resources available a purpose-built cloud from everyday in the cloud computing evolution, are costly and for recovery Using oing business of like the insurance place to start. own servers. for many as employees BDR is a smart from the limitations regulated industriesdata privacy is a disasters such is an easy decision highly frees companies which allowing for deleting data. what about industry, for accidentally procurement, sectors, but trial of in-house IT For most companies, scale disasters, like insurance? in the core business. For a free 30-day key concern. But for larger cloud regulated industries d backup and are still own private focus on innovation enables are needed. companies system also cloud-enable building their offsite backups visit A cloud-based Many insurance systems that are unrealistic proposition. sharing this meant disaster recovery, platform is an information Historically, legacy the need for working on om/evolution more extensive The RMS of physical respond to Recognising and clients. www.veeam.c daily transport and slow to train drives. siloed, rigid cific cloud solutions, between partners 24-hour – the inter-city to power insurance-spe tapes or removable encrypted, with the RMS Cloud real-time events However, the recent Cloud is fully supported RMS developed disaster recovery ent platform, the of the data railway. extreme events has uptime and of its new risk-managem to locations around specifically shift in the scale across strategic the RMS industry model, which it designed to the future, the insurance to efficiently in shown that world. Looking enable companies for new, ever-evolving risk. incubate innovation open must prepare an platform will communicate relying on legacy industry as interpret and . is far from a risk-modelling threats. Companiesat the station. the Cloud The The RMS and entrepreneurs be left systems will cloud architecture. API for developers risk is growing analysis is a generic, public and set of rails Real-time risk today’s Uncertainty a dedicated must-have in insurance company It is a company built bullet train. daily. Tomorrow’s and insurance industry. for a risk-modelling designed to do one this challenge, for cloud, understands to Unfortunately purpose-built the bullet train extremely is jumping on deliver results many companies, by modelling. thing only – capacity presented real-time, flexible access to tools cores fast. The elastic VP offers compute capable of handling (left) is senior the RMS Cloud Paris Georgallis operations, RMS to perform calculations massive risk on demand, . unimaginable of cloud platform modelling will at a speed once the RMS Cloud datasets 020 7444 7600 What’s more, to scale m remains sales@rms.co immediate access latest give clients with the in a safe environment, solution: The speedy to A bullet train ling del real-time mo D REPORT FROM TELEGRAPH 2014 M • Targeted digital distribution to Cartes’ database - over 80,000 executives David Power (inset bottom left) is head of HPC at Boston www.boston.co.uk/hpc david.power@boston.co.uk Other advert sizes Distribution benefits • Exchange your information with key decision makers lives are being carried out online. This sort of information may seem worthless on an individual scale, but if you start to look at it from a holistic point of view or as an aggregated data set, there is huge opportunity for extracting information that can have a global impact. Using Google flu trends as an example, something as simple as an individual searching for a flu remedy online when combined with geolocation and time stamp information regarding similar search terms across multiple states and countries, can suddenly become hugely impactful. This sort of big data analysis could potentially alert us to, and help stop the spread of, more powerful epidemics and pandemics besides the flu. I sat in on a talk recently which was conducted by the University of Warwick, who used big data techniques to identify correlations between internet search terms and fluctuations in financial markets by taking the same approach as Google flu trends, but mapping search sentiment to movements in the stock market. The long and short of their findings is that they were able to outperform the basic “buy and hold” approach (where people buy stocks and hold onto them over a period of time) by almost 20-fold over a number of years with simple strategies such as selling when the search term “debt” appeared as a top search term. I’ve hugely oversimplified their sophisticated algorithm, but the point is they used big data techniques to take everyday data that was freely available and create value from this information. If we look into the future, the Internet of Things is going to have a further impact on big data. Not only will we have mobile phones generating data, but personal sensors, smart watches, cars, homes, fridges – in fact, anything that you have in the house could potentially be a smart device in the near future. One can only begin to imagine a world where your fridge texts you about the low stock of alcohol available having reviewed your calendar and noticed a big sporting event coming up. The sporting event in question could have athletes wearing sensors and GPS tracking devices, which will be automatically collecting measurements and statistics to feed back to coaching and medical teams. The team that wins in the future may be the team with the best analytical capabilities rather achievements captured via Google Glass, and everything in between. One thing is for certain: big data is a truly exciting space to be in and is going to become increasingly applicable and desirable to companies in the future, regardless of their size or budget. Business leaders are rapidly facing up to the implications of this growing phenomenon. If they have not already done so, they are upgrading their data management approaches and processes in order to meet the challenges. They are changing the way they work and they are retasking people within their organisations to take advantage of the insight and business intelligence that can be generated by these critical numbers. If your business is starting to look at big data solutions or is planning to in the future, Boston and Intel have the tools, optimised server solutions, software platforms and the in-house expertise to ensure your big data project is a success. LYONSDOWN, DISTRIBUTED WITH THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH My view Why be the hybrid may by discrediting cloud begins are MY VIEW on myths. Enterprises one of its biggest are a cheaper types of cloud led to think all data on-premises. hosting their alternative to there are many often the case, While this is a dedicated environment Certainly, instances when lowest cost solution. from provides the cheaply cloud storage but you can buy the pun) of providers,print. a host (pardon small to check the businesses need often and public cloud A mix of private enabling ideal solution, a provides the agility from optimise their enterprises to cost perspective. security and performance, and cloud services Businesses evolve, an organisation and move with should should be fluid needs. They to meet its ever-changingtype of cloud for their the right cost savings, be able to select or needs, balancing They applications compliance. security and performance, · October 2014 best option data is stored to choose where should be able And they should is supported. and where it engineers, from qualified people who receive a service service, but real their not an automated and understand speak their language we call this hybrid by Easynet cloud. business. At ultimate in pick’n’mix design – the 0808 278 8480 t.com/cloud www.easyne · 13 IndustryVIEW Telegraph readers are networked business people with successful careers. They know people across an array of social, cultural, professional and economic circles. They also have an instinctive and natural gift for making social connections. They are key opinion formers, spreading knowledge far and wide as they debate new ideas and concepts. What they read in their newspaper has an impact far beyond the general readership. In November 19,000+ attendees from the financial, retail, government, identity and access, telecommunications and transportation sectors – coming from 175 countries – will converge in Paris to explore how our digital society is evolving. IndustryVIEW Inspire, connect and share CARTES SECURE CONNEXIONS is the only industry-defining event bringing together the world’s most comprehensive offer of solutions for payment, identification and mobility. than just the best team on paper. This has already been proven in the baseball arena with Oakland Athletics, who employed statistical methods to put together the optimal team, on about 30 per cent of the budget that the top teams had (check out the book or film Moneyball for all the details). Devices being able to query, analyse and make intelligent decisions will be a big part of the future – these will all be powered by big data solutions. I have a one-year-old daughter – she already has a larger online presence than I do thanks to my wife posting pictures of her either in a new outfit or using her dinner as face paint! She’ll have all this information logged and recorded and available at a moment’s notice. I’ve no idea what I did on this date 10 years ago. In 10 years’ time, however, she will. At this stage, I’m not entirely sure as to whether this eventuality should fill me with intrigue or fear… or both. This lifelong digital presence will become the norm for our children and our children’s children. They’ll have the ability to access all their data, anytime, anywhere – from pictures posted by parents when they were young to videos of their life t: The dream ticke security and scalability of both your management last t the end of clouds is consistent. year, IT industry With data and moving analyst house applications that half to device and from device Gartner claimed will cloud to a from a private of large enterprises cloud it is vital that public one, be using hybrid security – a combination policies, particularly computing enforced policies, are of external cloud business. and in-house across the entire computing can and – by 2017. Access control management at are should be consolidated Enterprises delivery the combination for application the looking policies scalability tier. This means of public cloud location of the security covering the allied to the they’re running user, what device conferred by data they’re centre. what using and a private data uniform want the accessing are Customers and across the business public benefits of externallyand computing, in both private provided cloud . scalability cloud environments cloud such as increased without hybrid costs, Ultimately, and reduced best presents the g on security. computing compromisin over the scalability handing worlds: of both fear of The ness of a Boston al data and and cost-effective mission-critic this performance, To guarantee coupled with to support to a third party public cloud applications up with Mellanox back to individual has teamed of a private and is also the security services billed is still present, reference architecture.with le. of a hot its CloudX™ virtualisation cloud deployment. of a of surveys business units. totally understandab is that he cloud is somethinggiven the out been a number CloudX incorporates and lowest latency moment, To get the best There have What is important cloud topic at the it is cloud technologies, the fastest bandwidth Built around of your of certain celebrity hybrid environment to wider conducted around the public part solutions. recent leaking and barriers some that your interconnect is provided of 40/56Gb/s – and it’s raised vital to ensure and the concerns align around: – whoever it material online cloud the fastest technology is managed seem to integrated CloudX public cloud adoption all by – is fully questions around and Ethernet, way as interesting cloud. control InfiniBand transfer and in just the same Do users have of cloud with your private fastest data technologies. and reliability storage provides the cloud. means concerns your private Integration • Performance use of compute, can security over it? How stop using most effective dynamically ever be users can services Will components. traffic cloud be addressed? and Flash SSD to deploy is technical rolling Gary Newe • Complexity ” as their password? Boston is also routed to a public In addition, “Password123 and security F5 a private VMware has transformed director at • Compliance if demand on powered by about data Cloud computing use validated 000 out solutions high. It should organisations disaster +44 1932 582 • Lack of transparency integrated and cloud is too hardware, and the way business EVO:RAIL, fully benefits to users. It is centre facilities, www.f5.com hardware. EVO:RAIL the economic be seamless providers IT. In spite of on Supermicro public cloud ged ensure that cloud services, recovery by hyper-conver also vital to offered by public is a complete, to move combines are reluctant appliance. It address organisations infrastructure solutions can and storage outside their Private cloud can their infrastructure concerns, and compute, networking 2U, four-node many of these a single part of the premises. rolled out as resources into easy-toalso want Keep potentially be to create a simple, However, they form factor from model for business. softwarecloud and block for the hybrid cloud lessons learned to apply the cloud. over your private cloud for deploy building the tight control to optimise centre and private need . leverage public public clouds defined data reduces the in their infrastructure then potentially This dramatically through its resource usage clouds additional needs. cloud! Private resources concerns above, Enter private for in-house operation To address the solution to help ge install and a number of with offer an easy deploy some easy-to-mana of worked can bring Boston has take advantage Our customers partners to businesses dashboard. cloud in a of cloud computing, leading technology entire private market. In on of the benefits capacity and set up an solutions to to compromise and scale up private cloud vendors without having few simple clicks with hardware storage and and partnership control. of compute, Supermicro security and (Both in terms scalable like cloud? such as Mellanox, with a simple, So what is private software technologies networking) are cloud working with private clouds private cloud Simply put, building block. and VMware, based on dedicated Openstack the daunting infrastructure of the at is no longer the control deployment is head of HPC on hardware under David Power was. task it once offering services cloud portal. is critical for organisation, Boston Limited and a self-service Performance that was need predictable demand through 01727 876 100 provide elasticity adoption. Users .co.uk levels of performance Private clouds www.boston in the traditional repeatable high in the cloud. rapid previously unavailable applications running their models, including with computing provisioning computer resource A a chance of ate! Cloudy with – keep it priv naked celebs T | Follow us on Twitter: @biztechreport Three top tips to future-proof the cloud and the network Inspector Dogberry materials in heat conduction. could be used to develop faster and reliability equals In 2004, a breakthrough in transistors and more compact performance graphene research opened the hard drives. The default to access cloud door to new innovations using Yulin Chen, a University of applications and services is Newshounds like Dogberry are the material. Oxford physicist who led the Remote Locations the public internet. While this all about discoveries, whether The two University of study, said the new material may be adequate for Manchester consumer researchers behind could “provide a significant this means breaking news or applications, enterprises digging up gossip. But in the this work were even awarded improvement in efficiency in should not rely on a bestworld of electronics, a different the Nobel Prize for Physics in many applications because of effort network Consumer Cloud kind of discovery could to besupport 2010. their Now other researchers its 3D volume”. Public Applications Internet mission-critical business of huge importance to the have discovered what serves Electronics is already an industry. operations. The internet as a 3D version of the material, industry goingEtherCloud through great variable performance Graphene,has a two-dimensional bringing a range of potential changes. This could speed some Data characteristics, lacksnew an endmaterial, consists of a single advances in electronics. of those up. Center Headquarters Mission-Critical Enterprise Applications ® to-end service-level agreement and can beIsdetrimental there anywheretoconsumers the end-user of canexperience feel safe from hackers? applications from anywhere, anytime, from any device. These cloud services are generally hosted in the major data centres of the world. January 2014 Business Technology To maximise their cloud investment, enterprises should seek network partners with global reach and connectivity to these same major data centres. The combination of high-performance network connectivity and close proximity solution is only as good as to cloud-based applications the network supporting it. makes an enterprise’s cloud As today’s enterprises do investment even more valuable. business around the globe, While maintaining control over they need a ubiquitous network their network configurations, able to reach any location it will have direct access to the worldwide, whether offices are By Matt Smith, web editor best-of-breed applications, around the corner or across the u Editor’s effectively making them part globe. Private, securepick access to of the corporate network, thus corporate Gizmodo resources is a must. gizmodo.com offering a better user experience. CIOs should also consider Cloud computing success whether a private network has From gaming to gadgets and requires the right network the flexibility to scale bandwidth cameras to tablets, Gizmodo partner. GTT provides whenever necessary. An onis perfect for keeping up with enterprises with a complete demand, burstable bandwidth technology gossip. The Gawker cloud architecture solution model gives enterprises the Media blog covers a wide built on its ubiquitous global confidence of having the spectrum, with articles ranging network infrastructure. GTT necessary bandwidth at all times, from tongue-in-cheek news operates more than 200 PoPs without the financial burden stories to insightful opinion pieces in 54 of the world’s major of paying for idle capacity. about new technologies and their metropolitan centres, providing effects on the world. direct connectivity to any Easy access to location on the planet and any cloud IT applications Digital Dialogue Gear Live application in the cloud. and services www.ce.org/blog www.gearlive.com The advent of cloud services Future of electronics | 11 Andy Johnson is MD, EMEA/ and capabilities means Smartwatches, curved screens, As the official blog of the APAC, GTT enterprises can get bestprivacy scares… There’s a lot Consumer Electronics www.gtt.net of-breed services and to keep up with in the world Association, Digital Dialogue Vac to the future Not, it seems, in the kitchen. James Dyson, a man set on and several years on the of technology and electronics. provides news and insights on Security concerns about reinventing the vacuum cleaner, is technology, which it hopes will Luckily, Gear Live helps you to all things technological, including the Internet of Things, the at it again. save hassle and attract customers. do just that. It’s also a great coverage of the recent Consumer concept of a network of His company recently Punters may be less than thrilled place to find industry news, Electronics Show 2014 in Las smart, connected devices announced a new device that by the idea of a new vacuum. But including acquisitions, Vegas. Check this blog for events, from cars to toasters, are ditches filters, which users this could make cleaning the living innovations, and new industry developments, and already rife, with experts must in theory clean to keep up room a tad simpler. product announcements. public policy news. warning the devices could performance. be prone to cyber attacks. The new Dyson vacuum cleaner Raspberry Pi These worries were highlighted recently, when uses cones with flexible tips inside www.raspberrypi.org a web attack used more than 100,000 devices to the cylinder. The airflow inside the metrics: revenue employee infrastructure help drive that? IT e are rapidly moving to a conduct a spam email campaign. cleaner causes generation, these tips to move Need inspiration for your next productivity, business agility, customer needs to remove the friction. situation where almost The devices, which fell victim to malware attacks, all of back and forth, preventing Raspberry Pi project, or just satisfaction and cost The effectiveness of this step can the most signifi cant customer ranged from laptops to smart TVs and kitchen dust fromsavings. sticking to not sure where to start? The be seen in top-line revenue growth, wesending conduct are digital. The appliances.interactions Even a fridge was out spam the inside of the Raspberry Control Tech News Tube official blog offers a mix of with tighter integration of the innovation unleashed by that the App Store Consolidate to bring cost emails. David Knight of Poorpoint, the firm device. (Free – Android) (FREE – iOS) posts about the ideas behind business and the infrastructure hasmany revolutionised many saving and reduce complexity spotted themodel attack, said of these devices are aspects Dyson has the project, details of updates potentially driving new of both The first thing to identify is that many Manage “poorly protected at our best”.daily and business lives. Keep up with the latest tech and monitor the status allegedly and developments, and plenty to stakeholders organisations crave the flexibility What next?Business A toaster on the loose? within news from sites including Ars of yourrevenue Raspberrystreams Pi projects spent of suggestions and how-tos theAndroid business. your organisation will want to take the cloud can offer, but live in a world with your Technica, The Next Web, and phone using £7.5million describing the amazing things Twitter: @dogberryTweets When revenue advantage of this trend, and will look constrained by previous generations The Verge with this free app. this free app from LukaszisSkalski. Raspberry Pi users get up to. impacted positively to the CIO and IT organisation to help of infrastructure and applications. redefine those digital relationships. Increasing the amount of virtualisation and employees are more productive, It is now generally accepted that cloud is the first step in building out cloudthe business is more agile and computing (or the “third platform”, a term capable infrastructures, and converged delivers greater customer satisfaction. coined by market research firm IDC) can infrastructure provides an optimum deliver agility, flexibility and cost savings platform for creating these environments. and free organisations to focus on areas of Legacy applications can be reInnovate to drive massive IT that add greater business value. But how platformed, workloads that previously agility and change process and driven new tools and growing very fast such as smart to the network finally, to do you build a cloud infrastructure that ran on disparate infrastructure canand be many other The fisectors nal piece of the puzzle is to the system level, applications for the level usersand to employ building for residential and commercial properties) the cloud level.in This we are creating one common continues to deliver this value? Converged centralised, licensing and(both enterprise theway previous steps, it is vital that innovation. There are three critical andcan smart retail are also picking upthat momentum. architectural framework from which many and infrastructure offers a transformational licence agreements be re-evaluated areas affect the way an innovative we maximise the potential ofservices it all. is solving this issue byenterprise looking beyond the manyand delivers products, across several up and coming markets, can be approach, and is widely recognised as and overall costs canCSR be reduced. communicates Customers of VCE are already varied vertical markets and building very scalable and easily created, demonstrating developed, managed provisioned. INDUSTRY VIEW one of the simplest solutions, and its customer service to its customers – both how itand positively architecture solutions from the chip level, toects see connectivity brought to devices, implementation has benefits that extend inside and out of the organisation.CSR is keenaff the measurable metrics: a more Integrate forhorizontal productivity and our approach is centred on helping customers he Internet is moving beyond smartphones and beyond the pre-integrated hardware agile business, with more productive The most important step here is linking differentiate their productsathrough a unique tablets andthat is now helping to power billions of process to intelligent, cloud and software stack it represents. employees, reimagined customer • Social integration business combination of silicon, software and services; integrated everyday from parking meters and home How can customers’ In order to fully devices, understand the experience and top-line revenue growth • Big Data & analytics infrastructure. that reduce the complexity thermostats toconverged heart rate monitors and glasses. Technoladvantages that infrastructure being delivered from new sources. • Transforming experiences cost-effective platforms everyday business processes be made of designing impressive products that are built to last. ogy is moving from just connecting can bring, market-leading firm VCE people through more effthe ective? What can be done to By extending CSR‘s core technology services and Internetadopting to connecting almost everything. This represents advocates a three-step plan www.vce.com/about/company/ simplify the methodologies customers Having built a baseline of technology building on our strong heritage in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi massive for the electronics industry inhow not can a cloud-based which can opportunities be measured against five our-customers use and that is tightly coupled with the business connectivity, voice and music, location and imaging just hardware, but also in software, devices and services. technologies, we are able to create a set of common The core problem though is that there are so many tools, middleware platforms and APIs to make entering solutions and industries that exist within the sphere the age of the IoT a much more plausible reality. of ‘IoT’. This could prove disastrous if not managed properly or made scalable. The market is extremely Hamid Ahmadi is chief innovation officer at CSR fragmented and it is difficult to predict which sector 01223 692 000 is going to explode next. The domain of wearable and www.csr.com personal devices which we call ‘Internet of My Things’ is ale rt! con tain s spam! Unlocking the potential of cloud: consolidate, integrateThird and innovate page W Making the Internet of Things a reality Impressive products that are built to last T Front page banner Eighth page Sixth page Business Zone & Inside Track 14 · Business Reporter · October 2014 The future Marc Benioff “ If someone asks me what cloud computing is I tell them that, simply put, a better wayit’s to run your business Business Zon e My data is bigger than your data How to tap into powerful predictive capabilities from public information INDUSTRY VIEW chairmen, CEOs, MDs and directors than any other quality daily newspaper. This includes 66,000 readers who are C-class executives of companies with more than 250 employees. That’s 11,000 more than The Times and 45,000 more than the FT. These powerful decision-makers trust the contents of their newspaper. This is your chance to influence those people. Follow us on Twitter: @biztechreport C ExpertInsight ExpertInsight Find us online: business-technology.co.uk Find us online: business-technology.co.uk | Join us on LinkedIn: Business Technology UK loud adoption has moved beyond the tipping point, and enterprises are driving the trend. By 2017, will spend £142billion an independententerprises report from lyonsdown, distributed with the sunday telegraph globally on infrastructure and cloud-related services, Like us: facebook.com/biztech Find us online: business-technology.co.uk predicts market research firm IHS. According to a Frost and Sullivan survey of CIOs, a cloud-ready network is the biggest infrastructure element ethernet and/or MPLS based cloud-based services. It is needed for further deployment IP-VPNs and backed by strong not engineered to meet the of cloud-based services. SLAs, delivers carrier-grade imperatives for business A fundamental requirement performance in support of applications – guaranteed for realising the benefits of cloud mission-critical enterprise data delivery, quality of service computing is high performance applications and services. or service prioritisation. network connectivity. CIOs Enterprises should consider a should consider three key private-network approach, one elements when evaluating Global reach and layer of carbon atoms and has The group of researchers at specifically designed to deliver potential network-connectivity capacity great advantages in conducting the US Department of Energy’s cost-effective reliability, security solutions and partners. Just as all enterprises are not electricity as efficiently as Lawrence Berkeley National and performance. A privatealike, neither are all networks copper and outperforming other Laboratory claim the material network solution comprised of the same, meaning a cloud Privacy, security, AN INDEPENDENT or years, businesses trying to anticipate have been customer needs and identify buying habits to get and stay in order ahead of the competition; not an easy task. But what if you read the minds could of your customers, or better still, knew what they were thinking before they even thought Well, cloud-based it? business intelligence (BI) software makes that a possibility, and it’s exactly why sales-i was created. Driven by the demand for more efficient and successful ways of selling, sales-i helps businesses of all shapes and sizes make sense of the huge amounts customer data, of which, prior to sales-i, they were storing, but not using productively, if at all. With the right tools to make of it, however, this data becomes sense absolute goldmine an of new opportunities. Simply put, a BI system proactively analyses customers’ alerting salespeople buying behaviour, to upcoming opportunities. selling It will when a customer’s tell the salesperson monthly spend down, or notify is them buying something if a customer is not that they should so they know be, when phone and, more to pick up the importantly, exactly how to direct the conversation. The beauty of sales-i is that, thanks to the flexibility of the cloud, businesses can access their data anywhere, anytime, and at even store and to access timely backup information documents within the system, remotely, from smartphones, accessible to tablets and laptops. anyone with Leading UK a username, automotive password and tool supplier, internet connection. Sykes-Pickava nt has been Most salespeople using sales-i since 2008 to aren’t chained reinforce its desks; they are to their outstanding reputation for out in the field quality meeting and greeting customers and Managing director and service. prospects. So a cloud-based Paul Archer “sales-i keeps says: system was us fully abreast the viable option of our for sales-i, enabling only customer buying patterns, any users changes in their buying behaviour and any areas LYONSDOWN, DISTRIBUTED WITH THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT Meeting the demands of the modern workforce The portfolio career has arrived. Globally, skilled workers are choosing to work for multiple companies at once – the notion of a career for life has long gone. These kinds of shifts are creating opportunities for progressive organisations to redesign HR to cope with the realities of the modern workforce, and they are turning to the cloud. According to recent PwC research*, many HR professionals don’t believe they’re prepared for meeting the needs of a workforce that demands more freedom and flexibility, a view shared by many CEOs. Often, part of the underlying problem is that their people management systems are simply not up to the job of supporting change. Many HR systems are pre-cloud, on-premises, and only automate parts of the workflows necessary to manage modern styles. Consequentlywork where improvement , HR teams are overwhelmed s can be made. “This can all by low value, boring, be done from the comfort of the manual tasks, using customer’s office, email and workshop or showroom floor, attachments to patch without any disruption up processes, and to their business spreadsheets to the cloud-based thanks to aggregate nature of sales-i.” information in an attempt to produce the Paul Black is CEO of sales-i information necessary for 0800 0124 669 management. HR leaders www.sales-i. com are frequently trapped overseeing this work, than using real-time rather workforce information to participate in strategic decision making. Now, however, there is a new breed of cloudbased software that can help transform the workforce enables data experience, to move freely from acquiring from on-premise and onboarding, data centres to engaging, to public cloud managing, developing and back. and at some point, Businesses large off-boarding and small have been people. This end-to-end at times both seduced and set of global confused by services is the grand promise accessible from of the cloud. any But when they and implemented device, talk about in a matter “hybrid cloud,” of weeks (not they are really months). just seeking Delivering an the flexibility ROI almost to use it as an extension immediately, HR leaders now of their own data centre. have the means The to focus on performance to extend on-premisesability more strategic, and reliability. 21st-century data centres into workforce matters the cloud for that drive Cloud Fabric disaster recovery growth, scale At Zerto we business and and data recommend migration takes gain a seat in leveraging a data centre the C-suite. cloud fabric flexibility to strategy to easily new levels of migrate in and efficiency and *PwC 17th Annual out of clouds. cost savings. Global CEO Survey The optimal foundation for today’s data +44 (0)118 949 0118 321 5430 centre, cloud 7212 fabric www.zerto.co www.fairsail m .com In focus: Wh y you should care about bus iness cloud W REPORT FROM Mind readin g made easy: tapping into the gold min e F hat is a hybrid cloud? The concept, touted by many vendors and service providers as the next big thing, enables IT to use both on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure seamlessly for significant cost reduction, IT load balancing during peak times, disaster recovery and other use cases. But does your company need or want it? Here are two cases for hybrid cloud that can help create experienced efficiencies up to 10 hours in your company’s of unplanned datacenter: downtime over the past 12 months. Disaster Recovery With disaster recovery as a Service IDC the cloud, companies in research can indicates that replace costly more investments cent of companies than 70 per in a secondary data centre surveyed while ensuring higher IndustryVIEW an independent report from lyonsdown, distributed with the sunday telegraph 8 | Big data AN INDEPENDENT REPORT FROM LYONSDOWN, DISTRIBUTED WITH THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH Cloud computing IndustryVIEW 10 Business Technology March 2014 Industry leaders and decision makers The global event for payment, The Telegraph’s readership includes more identification and mobility Half page REPORT FROM LYONSDOWN, DISTRIBUTED WITH THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH The debate How can the cloud benefit your busines s? Business Reporter Andy Johnson Managing director GTT Simon Hansford Skyscape CTO · October 2014 · 15 Nigel Moulton Cloud Services Cloud is a hot EMEA CTO Pravin Kothari topic today, for several good reasons. VCE Founder and For businesses Buying services Anthony Foy CEO across the board as utilities offers – whether in CipherCloud enormous benefits Cloud computing the public or CEO enterprises in to private can be a sector – the terms of productivity significant benefit Workshare many benefits In the past five and operating of the to your business cloud are significant, years, the cloud efficiency. Cloudas it has the has transformed potential to lower enabling rapid based applications The cloud is and flexible into the preferred your overall dramatically and services deployment delivery model IT costs while, more cost efficient, are of solutions, impacting the little or no upfront of how enterprises at the same time, delivering way people work, investment and consumers and deploy faster scale more easily allowing them in infrastructure increased access and share than agility, customer to be more productive , and lower costs information. product or in-house traditional satisfaction anywhere, on where the consumer This shift produced and new revenue solutions. any device. With many innovations only pays for opportunities. It’s easy to adopt technology what they need that have made analysts such Sound too good when they need businesses more gradually. Individualthe cloud as Gartner predicting that, The benefits it. competitive read on. Deploying to be true? Well applications can be realised by the end of and people more or entire work-streams 2017, without nearly half of your the consumer connected. The business applications large enterprises can be needing to be cloud has also expanded outsourced in the cloud will have cloud tied lengthy and to the cloud the attack surface you spend considerably means deployments, inflexible contracts. into piece by by connecting piece, to see for businesses millions more which ones This level of focused on traditional less time that want to perform flexibility means devices and best and gain stay competitive platforms to that business IT tasks such a good understanding as maintaining in a mobile workplace, the vast consumers can stores of data of performance infrastructure moving to the respond rapidly now available characteristics , upgrades and cloud is online. to the needs . Certainly, the so on. This provides Infrastructure of their customers, Cloud collaborationa necessity. record-breakin resources are an opportunity and to changes breaches and g applications available 24/7. to focus valuable for the enterprise in their markets. surveillance Managed cloud resources on leaks of the make working In the UK we past year highlight providers assume important tasks with multiple therefore expect the security hardware and which directly parties cloud to underpin and privacy risks software responsibilitie benefit your seeing businesses easy. We’re the growth in to sensitive data. relationships the UK’s digital s for the turn towards But just applications as the cloud service, so valuable with your customers. has fostered economy, where that offer more enterprise innovations This can lead the UK has for productivity, IT employees than to new revenue the usual file aspirations to entertainment have more time streams, increased synchronisati be a world leader. cyber-crime, and to focus on other on and sharing levels it has also inspired Security and of capabilities, business customer satisfaction data privacy to those that new ways to Cloud applications priorities. offer valuable are understandab and the protect information. ability to more productivity ly a top priority accessible anywhere, are Security innovations features. proactively engage These include for businesses today, in changing being such as any time and and reputable extending data-level from any device, market dynamics multiple document able to compare cloud suppliers which means protection and that can have will versions from visibility into employees can a significant, a mobile device against rigorous be assessed cloud applications be productive positive effect to instantly see accreditation complement inside and outside on your business. what’s changed, frameworks, network and the office. providing customers or being able device security tools. More and more to strip sensitive with confidence Extending this businesses information that a move approach to now recognise from a document to the cloud can the cloud protects that adopting before it’s shared. be achieved information cloud solutions without compromising By allowing from hacks, is not secure access breaches on data security. and accidental – it’s a competitive an option to content at any exposure. Just necessity. time, businesses as importantly, benefit from cloud information an empowered protection also +44 (0) 20 7489 workforce that enables organisations 7200 is no longer to comply with Andy.johnso confined to 01252 303300 data privacy n@gtt.net the walls of the and residency office. www.skyscap regulations. ecloud.com I n the case of the public sector – where squeezed budgets and the use technology of legacy are common challenges – the cloud presents an unmissable opportunity to deliver streamlined services far more efficiently and costeffectively online, ultimately benefiting each and every UK citizen and tax payer. A key example of this in action GOV.UK, which is was launched central place to provide one for citizens to find government services and information simply, clearly and quickly, while drastically reducing costs for the Government Digital Service Another example (GDS). of the cost savings that can be achieved by moving is the DVLA’s new “View driving to digital platform, which record” provides secure access to driving online records for up drivers and to 40 million the insurance industry. By hosting the platform using computing, DVLA has managed cloud per cent against to save 66 its original cost estimate. The public sector’s has been supported digital transformatio n policies including by government “Cloud First” and by www.vce.com +44 (0)1628 421775 sales_emea@ ciphercloud.c om Spotlight: How cloud is ena the digital transforbling mation +44 (0)20 7426 0000 www.worksh are.com procurement frameworks such as G-Cloud. The G-Cloud programme was launched two years ago in order to facilitate needed change a muchin the use and of IT services procurement in the public sector. Since then, the framework has gone from strength to strength, greater transparency,succeeding in creating opening the to SMEs, and boosting competitionmarket was previously in what a stagnant marketplace, dominated by large incumbent suppliers. Thanks to the tremendous success of initiatives such as G-Cloud, public sector the is fast becoming vibrant, varied a marketplace that is delivering true innovation. The momentum of this digital revolution will continue regardless outcome of of the next year’s general citizens continue election, as to expect a better experience online and as buyers respond to this by demanding higher quality and more cost-effective services from suppliers. 01252 303300 www.skysca pecloud.com Sponsorship is also available in our Business Zone and Inside Track sections, with pieces ranging from 500 to 160 words www.business-reporter.co.uk | +44 (0)20 8349 4363 YOUR AWARD-WINNING SUPPLEMENT Breakfast meetings The breakfast club: top executives share privileged insights. What’s it about? Chief executives, finance directors and board directors are busy, hard to reach people – but they still have to eat. Get in the room with the people you want to meet, understand industry problems and get insight as to how to improve your service and solve their problems. 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