601 S. Morgan St., MC 243 2213 # University Hall Chicago IL, 60607 SAJNA IBRAHIM Cell : 607-240-7228 (Preferred) Email: sajna@uic.edu ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. (August 2014-continuing). EDUCATION PhD, Marketing, August 2009 – May 2014 Binghamton University, State University of New York (SUNY), NewYork, USA. Masters in Business Administration (May 2005) Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune, India. Bachelor of Technology, Electronics & Communication Engineering (October 1999) University of Kerala, Kerala, India. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE About nine years of professional management experience at Wipro Limited, (NYSE:WIT), a global information technology and consulting company. (2000-2008) Project management experience of managing multiple interdisciplinary teams, working out of varied locations. Experience in end-to-end product design solution projects in technology domains such as telecommunication & networking, consumer electronics, automotive infotainment, patient monitoring systems and surveillance systems. Worked with clients globally as US, Canada, Japan, South East Asia and Europe. Experience in training and mentoring new college recruits. DISSERTATION “Consumer-Product Interaction” – The Role of User Interface Design on Consumer Evaluation and Experience” Committee Members: Manoj K. Agarwal (Chair) (Binghamton University, SUNY), Kalpesh Kaushik Desai (Binghamton University, SUNY), Alan Hedge (Cornell University). Outside Reader: Pieter M.A. Desmet, Delft University of Technology, Delft, NL RESEARCH INTERESTS Product Design and Management, Innovation, Consumer experience, Marketing Strategy, Digital and Social media marketing, Interdisciplinary application of theories from OB/Leadership in marketing. April 15, 2015 PUBLICATIONS Agarwal,Manoj K., Hedge, Alan and Ibrahim, Sajna (2012). Will they buy my product - Effect of UID and Brand. In Book “Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design”, in the Series “Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series”, July 09, 2012, Edited by Yong Gu Ji, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group. ISBN : 9781439871188. Chatterji, Manas, Ibrahim, Sajna and Atav, Gizem (2012). Potential Contribution of Management Science to Peace Science: The Case of Peace Marketing. In Book Liber Amicorum, Hommage en l’honneur du Professeur Jacques Fontanel, Published by L’Harmattan, 2013. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Obal, Michael W and Ibrahim, Sajna (2014). “How Does Product Adoption Impact NPD Performance? An Investigation on the Role of Disruptive Technology Adoption on the NPD Process”. Presented at 2014 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference at Indianapolis, US. Agarwal,Manoj K., Hedge, Alan and Ibrahim, Sajna (2012). “Will they buy my product - Effect of UID and Brand”. Presented at 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics jointly with 1st International conference on Affective and Pleasurable Design, SanFrancisco, California. Chatterjee, Subimal and Ibrahim, Sajna (2012). “Your feelings matter” – Effect of Surrogate Emotions on Preference for Product Designs". Presented at 2012 Annual PDMA Research Forum, Orlando, Florida. Chatterji, Manas, Ibrahim, Sajna and Atav, Gizem (2012). “Peace Marketing: Application of Management Science to Peace Science.” Presented at Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Berlin, Germany. Gupta, Vishal.K. and Ibrahim, Sajna (2011). “Entrepreneurship research in management and organization studies: A contribution-based assessment of the literature.” Presented at Eastern Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA. Chatterji, Manas, Chatterjee, Subimal, Jayatilaka, Bandula and Ibrahim, Sajna (2011). “Peace Marketing: Some Theoretical and Regulatory Perspectives.” Presented at Eurasian Peace Science Conference, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey. Chibba, Amit, Ibrahim, Sajna, Mathew, Anand, Misra, Jitender K., Nanduri, Lakshmi P. and Patil, Rajsekhar S. (2008). “BDU — A Complexity Measure for a Board Design Project.” Presented at Design Con International Conference, organized by International Engineering Consortium at Santa Clara, California, USA. Other Conferences Attended : BBCRST (Buffalo, Binghamton, Cornell, Rochester, Syracuse, Toronto) Marketing Conference 2010, 2012, 2013. Winter AMA Marketing Educators' Conference, 2012, St.Petersburg, Florida. 2 CURRENT RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Ibrahim, Sajna and Agarwal, Manoj K. "Consumer -Product Interaction : The role of User Interface Design on Consumer Evaluation and Experience” Ibrahim, Sajna. "Emotional response to consumer's product interaction through the UI” Obal, Michael W and Ibrahim, Sajna. “How Does Product Adoption Impact NPD Performance? An Investigation on the Role of Disruptive Technology Adoption on the NPD Process”. Ibrahim, Sajna, Salim, Beena and Ellingstad, Paul. “Social Innovation Model and Power of Words in a Social Innovation Project”. Chatterjee, Subimal and Ibrahim, Sajna. “Preference for Product designs – Influence of Surrogate emotion and evaluation mode”. Ibrahim, Sajna and Kuan-Chou Ko. “Engaging Consumers through Innovation Contests”. Ibrahim, Sajna and Gupta, Alka. “We Built my OWN Creation – Group Influence on Consumer SelfDesign”. Agarwal, Manoj K. and Ibrahim, Sajna. “Crossing the divide - application of organizational behavior/leadership research concepts in marketing”. Ibrahim Sajna, & Wang, Qi, “The Stock Market Returns of Rivals in Response to International Merger and Acquisitions by Emerging Market Multinationals”. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Faculty at University of Illinois at Chicago (August 2014- continuing) Courses Taught : Digital & Social Media Marketing (In Undergraduate and MBA classes) Market & Business Intelligence (Undergraduate) Instructor at School of Management, Binghamton University, State University of New York, New York, USA (Summer 2011- 2014) Courses Taught : Introduction to Marketing (In Class and Online) Product management (In Class) Teaching Assistant at School of Management, Binghamton University, State University of New York, New York, USA (Fall 2009- 2014) (for both undergraduate and MBA courses) Teaching Assistant for classes on Intro to Marketing Marketing Strategy, Marketing Research, Product Management, International Marketing and Relationship Marketing. Course Preparation and Training conducted at Wipro Limited (2005-2008) (for corporate employees): 3 “Process Flow for System Design”. “Knowledge Management and Configuration Management” “Effective communication with customers from different geographies ” “Hallmark competency program” for competency development. TEACHING INTERESTS Product Management, Digital and Social Media Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, Crosscultural marketing and Marketing Strategy. ACADEMIC HONORS AND PROFESSIONAL AWARDS Fellow at 47th AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, 2012, at University of Washington, Seattle,WA. ( http://depts.washington.edu/amasheth/fellows.php) Featured in Binghamton Research Magazine for promising Graduate Research, Spring, 2012 Edition. (http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/binghamton/researchmag_2012springsummer/index.php?startid=41 ) GSEU Professional Development Award , Binghamton University, 2013 Binghamton Foundation Travel Award for Spring 2012. Graduate Scholar Enhancement Award, Binghamton University, 2011, 2012, 2013. Graduate/Teaching Assistantship, Binghamton University, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Green Belt certification on Six Sigma DMAIC methodology. “Trail Blazer award” for Best Project delivery in Wipro Technologies, Product Engineering Solutions Group in 2007 and 2006. “Dear Boss” award for exceptional people management for DVR Surveillance System Solution Project. Completed “PMElite Program” training covering project management principles, similar to PMI certification. Certificate for contribution to SEI CMMi V1.2 audit in 2007. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Reviewer for Academy of Management Conference, 2014. Reviewer for Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2013,2012 Reviewer for Summer American Marketing Association Conference, 2012 Reviewer for Annual PDMA Research Forum, 2012 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Marketing Association Product Development and Management Association Association for Consumer Research ----------------------------------------- 4
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