COB IMMERSION PROGRAM APPLICATION – INDIA 2016 **Deadline: Monday, March 30, 2015 ** Complete this ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƵƐŝŶŐĚŽďĞZĞĂĚĞƌŽƌĚŽďĞĐƌŽďĂƚ͘^ƵďŵŝƚĂůůƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚĚŽĐƵŵĞŶƚƐƚŽKŝ;ϰ.04.26)͘&ŽƌŵŽƌĞ inĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͕ please comeby or call 21Ϭ͘ϰϱϴ͘ϲϰϰϳ͘/nĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞor emailedapplications will not be coŶƐŝĚĞƌĞĚ͘ Qualification Requirements Please check all that apply to you. These are minimum application requirements. Graduate Students Undergraduate and MACY Students GPA 3.0 or higher GPA 2.5 or higher Completed 6 COB credits Completed 9 credits at the COB Completed 12 credits at UTSA Application Materials Application – All sections of this application must be completed, this form must be dated and signed. Official Transcript – Must include your grades as of the end of the fall 2014 semester. Reference Letter(s) – Must be completed by someone who knows you well, ideally a COB faculty member. The recommendation form can be downloaded from our website Personal Information Name (exactly as it would appear in your passport) __________________________________________________________________ Banner ID @ ___________________________________ Network ID (abc123) ___________________________________________ Citizenship / Nationality __________________________________________________ DOB _________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred phone # _____________________________________ Alternate phone # _______________________________________ Preferred e‐mail ______________________________________ Alternate e‐mail _________________________________________ Do you have a valid passport?* YES NO Passport number __________________________________________________ Expiration date _______________________________________ Country of issuance ______________________________________ Emergency contact name ___________________________________ Relationship ________________________________________ Emergency contact phone # _______________________________ May we share information with this person? YES NO * Students who do not have a current passport need to apply for one as soon as they are accepted to the program UTSA Information Contact your academic advisor for accurate information about your GPA Level as of December 2014: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Major(s) ___________________________________________ Minor(s)__________________________________________________ Cumulative GPA (as of December 2014) ______________ COB GPA (as of December 2014) _______________ Expected graduation date ___________________________________ Are you a MACY student? YES NO Have you participated in one of our immersions or Honors’ College Study Abroad Program before? YES NO If yes, where? ____________________________________ When? _____________________________________________________ Are you an active member of the Global Business Club (GBC)? YES NO Questions about You Please write a carefully composed answer for each question below. Each answer should be 200 to 400 words in length. Make sure you answer all questions completely. Please type your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Applications with incomplete answers will not be reviewed. 1. Write a short bio about yourself. In your bio you should let faculty know who you are, explain why you are interested in participating in an immersion, and what your learning objectives are. 2. Please discuss your prior international travel experiences. This does not have to be an academic program. It can be time spent living abroad, volunteer activities, or personal travel experiences. You may also include comments about your domestic travels. Do not leave this question blank. If you do not have prior travel experience, please type “no prior experience.” Essay Questions Please write a carefully composed answer for each question below. Each essay should be 400 to 600 words in length. Make sure you answer all questions completely. Please type your essays on a separate sheet of paper. Applications with incomplete essays will not be reviewed. 1. Compose an essay about a time when you had to adjust to a new culture, environment, or circumstance. You can discuss a personal life or professional experience. Your answer does not necessarily have to be international in context. 2. Compose an essay about a recent leadership position you held or other extracurricular activities. Your answer can include volunteer work and employment experiences. 3. Compose an essay describing, in your own words, what it means to have a “global mindset.” Please provide personal or business examples illustrating the concept. Repeat Immersion Disclaimer Students are limited to two immersions per COB degree. This includes students who have complete an Honor’s College Study Abroad Program. Students who have already completed an immersion receive secondary admission priority. Certification I certify that the information disclosed in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. _________________________________________________________ Student Name (please type) _________________________________________________________ ___________________ Student Signature Date For Official Use Only ___ Recent official transcript ___ All sections of this form have completed ___ Form has been signed and dated ___ Reference letter(s) ___ FB / NL / Flyer / Class / _________ COB IMMERSION PROGRAM REFERENCE FORM – INDIA 2016 This form should be completed by someone who knows you well. We strongly suggest that you ask a UTSA faculty member to complete it for you. This form can also be completed by former or current supervisors, coaches, volunteer supervisors, etc. You should NOT ask friends or family members to complete this form. Applicant’s name _____________________________________________________ Banner ID @_____________________________ To the student: Under US Federal Law, students are permitted access to certain education records. Section 438 (a)(2)(B) of Public Law 90‐247 provides that a student may waive the right to inspect confidential letters of recommendation. If you waive your right to view the information on this form, please sign below. Applicant’s Signature Date To the recommender: This student is applying to participate in a COB International Faculty‐led Immersion Program. Your opinion about his/her abilities and attitudes will help us evaluate his/her application. Please return the form to the student or directly to BB 4.04.26 for confidentiality. This form can be downloaded from our website if you prefer to type your responses. Recommender’s name ____________________________________________ Title _______________________________________ E‐mail _____________________________________________ Phone number ____________________________________________ May we contact you? YES NO How long have you known the student? _________________________________________ In what capacity? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide your opinion based on your prior interactions with the student: Above Below Unable to Excellent Average Poor Average Average Judge Ability to work in groups Motivation Maturity Interpersonal communication skills Class participation Ability to represent UTSA positively Additional Comments (Optional) Please use the space below or a separate sheet of paper to provide additional information that may help us know more about this student and assess his/her suitability for the International Business Immersion Program. What are the student’s major strengths? Are you aware of any weaknesses (e.g., performance, character) that may affect this student’s performance? Overall Evaluation As a first As a strong Average With I do not Unable to I recommend this student: priority candidate Candidate reservations recommend Judge __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Recommender’s signature Date Thank you for completing this recommendation! Please return this form to the student in a sealed envelope or email it to from your UTSA email account.
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