A Software Life-cycle Model… Which part will we talk about today? 2 Maintenance Validate Requirements, Verify Specification Introduction to UML and Design Patterns Acceptance Test Requirements (Release testing) Verify System Design System Design System Testing (Architecture, High-level Design) (Integration testing of modules) Module Design DF14900 Software Engineering CUGS (Program Design, Detailed Design) 2011 Verify Module Design Module Testing (Integration testing of units) Verify Implementation Implementation Unit testing of Units (classes, procedures, functions) Christoph Kessler and Kristian Sandahl Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University, Sweden Project Management, Software Quality Assurance (SQA), Supporting Tools, Education Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects The goals of module design 3 Part II: Short Introduction to Design Patterns § Contribute to quality, eg: Performance Usability Reliability ... Part III: Behavioral Modeling with UML State Machines, Sequence Diagrams, Use case diagrams, Activity Diagrams Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 5 Part I Modeling Structure with UML Classes and Objects Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns 4 Agenda Esp., Classes and Objects Separation of concern Testability Understandability Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I: Structural Modeling with UML § Provide the expected function § Prepare for change: Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Modeling as a Design Technique § § § § Testing a physical entity before building it Communication with customers Visualization Reduction of complexity § Models supplement natural language § Models support understanding, design, documentation § Creating a model forces you to take necessary design decisions § UML is now the standard notation for modeling software. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 1 UML: Different diagram types for different views of software Literature on UML § Official standard documents by OMG: www.omg.org, www.uml.org § Current version is UML 2.0 (2004/2005) § OMG documents: UML Infrastructure, UML Superstructure § Books: Modeling (logical) structure of software: § Static view: Class diagram § Design view: Structure diagr., collaboration d., component d. § Use case view: Use case diagram Modeling behavior of software: § Activity view: Activity diagram § State machine view: State machine diagram § Interaction view: Sequence diagram, communication diagram Pfleeger: Software Engineering 3rd ed., 2005 (mostly Chapter 6) Rumbaugh, Jacobson, Booch: The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley 2005 Blaha, Rumbaugh: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2005. Stevens, Pooley: Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components, 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley, 2006 And many others… Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Modeling physical structure of software § Deployment view: Deployment diagram Modeling the model, and extending UML itself § Model management view: Package Diagram § Profiles Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 9 A Single Class Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Relationships (1/6) - overview and intuition - Association 10 Association Class name (with navigability) attributes Multiplicity 1 exactly one 0..1 Zero or one * Zero or more (same as 0..*) 2..8 Between 2 and 8 operations visibility + public - private # protected ~ package Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Parameter Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Return type Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relationships (1/6) - overview and intuition - Association 11 Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Relationships (1/6) - overview and intuition - Association class 4 Both representations are almost equivalent attributes 12 Explicitly show that navigation is not allowed Navigation - mycar can reach the wheels, but not the opposite role name objects wheel1 directed association mycar {ordered} {unordered} {unique}{nonunique} Default is unordered, unique Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. wheel2 mycar has links to 4 wheels Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns wheel4 wheel3 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 2 Relationships (1/6) - overview and intuition - Association 13 Relationships (1/6) - overview and intuition - Association 4 What does it mean to have a * here? 14 4 What if we have multiplicity 1 instead? "*" Associations are the "glue" that ties a system together "1" association instance = link mycar1 mycar1 mycar3 mycar2 A wheel can only be liked to one car instance wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects A wheel can be linked to more than one car instance Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns mycar1 mycar2 An association describes a relation between objects at run-time. wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Relationships (2/6) - overview and intuition - Aggregation Association (with navigability) {(mycar1,wheel1), (mycar1,wheel2), (mycar1,wheel3), (mycar1,wheel4)} Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 15 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Relationships (2/6) - overview and intuition - Aggregation 16 A major source of confusion Common vague interpretations: "owns a" or "part of" "A" has a reference(s) to instance(s) of "B". Alternative: attributes 4 Aggregation What does this mean? What is the difference to association? Inconsistency and misunderstandings Vague definitions Aggregation was added to UML with little semantics. Why? Jim Rumbaugh "Think of it as a modeling placebo" Recommendation: - Do not use it in your models. - If you see it in other's models, ask them what they actually mean. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Relationships (3/6) - overview and intuition - Composition Association (with navigability) Aggregation 17 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relationships (3/6) - overview and intuition - Composition 18 Any difference to association? "A" has a reference(s) to instance(s) of "B". Alternative: attributes 1 4 Avoid it to avoid misunderstandings Yes! First, multiplicity must be 1 or 0..1. An instance can only have one owner. Composition But, isn't this equivalent to what we showed with associations? 1 mycar1 4 mycar2 Well, in this case... wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 3 Relationships (3/6) - overview and intuition - Composition 19 Using composition... 1 Relationships (3/6) - overview and intuition - Composition 20 Using composition... 4 1 2 1 4 2 1 Can mycar1 and mybike1 share the same wheels? Ok for wheels to be part of mycar1 or mybike1 mycar1 wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 wheel5 wheel6 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relationships (3/6) - overview and intuition - Composition Using associations... NO! Not with composition! mycar1 mybike1 21 Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Relationships (4/6) - overview and intuition - Generalization (Note the difference. The diamond is removed.) 4 Association 22 "A" has a reference(s) to instance(s) of "B". Alternative: attributes 1 2 Can mycar1 and mybike1 share the same wheels this time? Yes! Associations do not have a "no sharing" rule. mycar1 Key concepts • "No sharing" rule • The owner is responsible for managing its parts, e.g. allocation and deallocation. wheel5 wheel6 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. (with navigability) 1 mybike1 Aggregation Avoid it to avoid misunderstandings Composition An instance of "B" is part of an instance of "A", where the former is not allowed to be shared. Generalization mybike1 However, in this case it is a strange model... wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4 Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns wheel5 wheel6 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relationships - (4/6) overview and intuition - Generalization Class with code for the drive() 1. Inheritance operation ~ relation implementation 23 Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Relationships - (5/6) overview and intuition - Realization Visible Type: Vehicle. Instance of: MotorCycle. Can we drive()? Can we reverse()? Association Visible Type: Car. Instance of: Car Can we drive()? Can we reverse()? Aggregation Avoid it to avoid misunderstandings Visible Type: Vehicle. Instance of: Car Can we drive()? Can we reverse()? Composition An instance of "B" is part of an instance of "A", where the former is not allowed to be shared. Generalization 1) "A" inherits all properties and operations of "B". 2) An instance of "A" can be used where a instance of "B" is expected. (with navigability) reverse() is not visible! Overrides drive() An instance of a class can have many types = (subtyping) polymorphism Inherits the code for drive(). New operation reverse() Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns 24 "A" has a reference(s) to instance(s) of "B". Alternative: attributes Realization 2. Subtyping ~ relation on interfaces static typing: safe substitution Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 4 Relationships - (5/6) overview and intuition - Realization 25 Relationships - (5/6) overview and intuition - Realization Realization ~ provides a specified interface What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class? Can we create an instance of Vehicle? Yes! It is concrete. AnotherVehicle Realization + drive() + open() Specifier Interface Interface Can we create an instance of AnotherVehicle? No! Implementation (no implementation) Correct? Must implement the interface Provides the Door interface Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Abstract class Non of them can be instantiated Cannot contain implementation Can (but need not to) contain implementation Abstract class (Italic) An abstract class with only abstract operations is conceptually the same as an interface Abstract operation Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relationships - (6/6) overview and intuition - Realization 27 (with navigability) Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Relationships - (6/6) overview and intuition - Dependency "A" has a reference(s) to instance(s) of "B". Alternative: attributes Association 26 28 Dependency Aggregation Avoid it to avoid misunderstandings Composition An instance of "B" is part of an instance of "A", where the former is not allowed to be shared. Generalization 1) "A" inherits all properties and operations of "B". 2) An instance of "A" can be used where a instance of "B" is expected. Realization "A" provides an implementation of the interface specified by "B". client supplier Dependency Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relationships - (6/6) overview and intuition - Dependency 29 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Relationships - overview and intuition Association UML as sketch § § § Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns (with navigability) Help to communicate some important aspect of system Common media: whiteboard Reverse engineering can be very In documents: focus on communication compared to useful to see dependencies completeness 30 "A" has a reference(s) to instance(s) of "B". Alternative: attributes Aggregation Avoid it to avoid misunderstandings Composition An instance of "B" is part of an instance of "A", where the former is not allowed to be shared. Generalization 1) "A" inherits all properties and operations of "B". 2) An instance of "A" can be used where a instance of "B" is expected. Realization "A" provides an implementation of the interface specified by "B". Dependency "A" is dependent on "B" if changes in the definition of "B" causes changes of "A". between classes and modules! UML as blueprint Forward engineering UML model Round-trip engineering Programming Code Reverse engineering UML as programming language UML model Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Compile Executable Code Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 5 Class model with inheritance and abstract classes Classes and objects Classes: Abstract class (cannot be instantiated, only extended/specialized) CoffeeCustomer buys CoffeeCustomer 0..* 0..* CupOfCoffee pay( c: coin ) Objects: c1: CupOfCoffee IndividualCustomer getCup() Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Kristian: CoffeeCustomer Porter pay() method is inherited from CoffeeCustomer getCan() Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. c2: CupOfCoffee Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 34 Reasoning about an arbitrary object Like this: aCoffeeCustomer: CoffeeCustomer buys theCupOfCoffee: CupOfCoffee buys : CupOfCoffee Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns ...or simply like this: : CoffeeCustomer Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. TAPESTRY OF LIGHT AND DARK Christopher Alexander Create alternating areas of light and dark throughout the building, in such a way that people naturally walk toward the light, whenever they are going to important places: seats, entrances, stairs, passages, places of special beauty, and make other areas darker, to increase the contrast. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 6 Software Design Patterns A Design Pattern is a standard solution for a standard design problem in a certain context. Goal: reuse design information “A pattern involves a general description of a recurring solution to a recurring problem with various goals and constraints. It identifies more than a solution, it also explains why the solution is needed.“ (James Coplien) “... describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice” (Christopher Alexander) Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Example: Facade Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Example: Facade Facade Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. How to describe design patterns? Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Pattern Catalog in Gamma et al. 1996: The GoF book describes each pattern using the following attributes: The name to describes the pattern, its solutions and consequences in a word or two The problem describes when to apply the pattern: intent, motivation, applicability The solution describes the elements that make up the design (structure with participants), their relationships, responsibilities, and collaborations/interactions The consequences are the results and trade-offs in applying the pattern Also: implementation notes, known uses, related patterns. All examples in C++ and Smalltalk Remark: Patterns exist also beyond the OO world… Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 7 Facade Facade Intent Applicability Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use. Use the Facade pattern when: § you want to provide a simple interface to a complex subsystem. This makes subsystems more reusable and easier to customize. § there are many dependencies between clients and the implementation classes of an abstraction. Introduce a facade to decouple the subsystem from other subsystems, thereby promoting subsystem independence and portability. § you want to layer your subsystems. Use a facade to define an entry point to each subsystem level. Motivation Structuring a system into subsystems helps reduce complexity. A common design goal is to minimize the communication and dependencies between subsystems. … example … Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Facade Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Observer 50% Consequences 40% 50% 30% 40% The Facade pattern offers the following benefits: 1. It shields clients from subsystem components, thereby reducing the number of objects that clients deal with and making subsystem easier to use. 2. It promotes weak coupling between subsystem and its clients. Weak coupling lets you vary the components of the subsystem without affecting its clients. 3. It doesn't prevent applications from using subsystem classes if they need to. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Observer 10% 20% 0% 10% a b c 0% a b c a = 10% b = 30% c = 40% Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Observer, structure Subject Applicability § When an abstraction has two aspects, one dependent on the other. § When a change to one object requires changing others. § When an object should be able to notify other objects without making assumptions about who these objects are. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 20% 30% Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. attach(Observer) detach(Observer) notify() Observer * update() ConcreteSubject ConcreteObserver subjectState observerState getState() setState() update() Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 8 Observer, collaborations Observer, consequences § Abstract coupling between Subject and Observer § Support for broadcast communication § Unexpected updates Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 51 Strategy Name: Strategy Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 52 Strategy Reference to a strategy type Structure: Also known as: Policy Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Problem: § Need to use different variants of the same algorithm in a class § Different algorithms will be appropriate at different time. § Abstract In example: e.g. class EncryptAlg It is hard to add new algorithms and to change existing ones. Example: Input (Plain Text) Algorithms: Cryptographic Module DES Output (cipher text) Intent (from GoF): AES 3DES RC5 "Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it." Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns In example: Part of crypto module. Holds data, keys etc. Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. In Example: Implements e.g. algorithm AES Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns E.g. AlgDES E.g. AlgRC5 Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 54 Design Pattern Space [Gamma et al.’96] Creational Patterns Structural Patterns Behavioral Patterns Factory Method Abstract factory Builder Prototype Singleton Adapter (class based) Adapter (object-based) Bridge Composite Decorator Facade Flyweight Proxy Interpreter Template method Chain of Responsibility Command Iterator Mediator Memento Observer State Strategy Visitor Part III Modeling Behavior in UML: State Machines etc. Further UML Features Creational patterns Deal with initializing and configuring of classes and objects Structural patterns Deal with decoupling interface and implementation of classes and objects Behavioral patterns Deal with dynamic interactions among societies of classes and objects Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 9 55 State machine diagram Can formally describe protocols For class CoinHandler: transition state machine course attempt start state marker orthogonal state Studying this object Lab 1 falseCoin()/returnCoin(self) checking idle lab1 done pass Final exam trigger event, causing transition Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects action, reaction to the event fail Failed orthogonal region Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 57 Explicit exit points lab2 done Lab 2 project done Project insertCoin()/checkCoin(self) state 56 Orthogonal, composite state Passed Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Sequence diagram course attempt role Studying : Interface Lab 1 lab1 done lab2 done Lab 2 Message : CoffeeCustomer project done Project insertCoin pass Final exam Life line of object machineReady fail pressButton(b1) time Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns pourCoffee passed failed Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Procedure is active Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Sequence diagram with several objects Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Combining fragments of interaction diagrams 60 SD processOrder : Interface : CoinHandler : Brewer :Order ref A insertCoin :TicketDB :Account create : CoffeeCustomer Get existing customer data transport loop {C-A < 5s} litIndicators pressButton(b1) C pourCoffee coinAccepted warmUp loop [get next item] reserve(date,no) makeOrder(o1) loop condition add(seats) pourCoffee answer destruction Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 10 61 More fragments of interaction diagrams :Order Use-case modelling :TicketDB A use-case is: loop [get next item] reserve(date,no) alt guard condition nested conditional [available] add(seats) “… a particular form or pattern or exemplar of usage, a scenario that begins with some user of the system initiating some transaction of sequence of interrelated events.” alternate branches [unavailable] reject Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Jacobson et al.1992: Object-oriented software engineering. AddisonWesley Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects A CoffeeDrinker approaches the machine with her cup and a coin of SEK 5. She places the cup on the shelf just under the pipe. She then inserts the coin, and presses the button for coffee to get coffee according to default settings. Optionally she might use other buttons to adjust the strength and decide to add sugar and/or whitener. The machine processes the coffee and rings a bell when it is ready. The CoffeeDrinker takes her cup from the shelf. CoffeeDrinker Actor: a user of the system in a particular role. Can be human or system. Detail of use-case Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Stereotype: extended classification of meaning <<include>> <<include>> Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns ”Reuse” <<extend>> Add change ”Separating scenarious” (often conditional) Please, keep as simple as possible. Clean the Machine Get coin in return Add substances System boundary Service Collect coins Pour hot water Brew a can of coffee TeaDrinker Porter Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Identifying classes: noun analysis Open machine Collect coins CoffeeDrinker Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Relations between use-cases Clean the machine CoffeeMachine Buy a cup of coffee Buy a cup of coffee Service Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Use-case diagram for the coffee machine Use-case diagram Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns A CoffeeDrinker approaches the machine with her cup and a coin of SEK 5. She places the cup on the shelf just under the pipe. She then inserts the coin, and presses the button for coffee to get coffee according to default settings. Optionally, she might use other buttons to adjust the strength and decide to add sugar and/or whitener. The machine processes the coffee and rings a bell when it is ready. The CoffeeDrinker takes her cup from the shelf. •machine – real noun handled by the system •cup – unit for beverage •coin – detail of user and machine •shelf – detail of machine •pipe – detail of machine •button– handled by the system •sugar – detail of coffee •whitener – detail of coffee •cup of coffee – handled by the system •indicator – not discovered Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 11 Extended class model Revised class model buys CoffeeCustomer 0..* buys CoffeeCustomer CupOfCoffee 0..* 0..* CupOfCoffee 0..* Generalisation association buys Porter Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 0..* Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects The coffee machine class model Interface Brewer 1 1 1 buys CoffeeCustomer 0..* 0..* CupOfCoffee 0..* Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns 1 makes 0..* 1: insertCoin 6: pressButton(b1) : Interface 5: litIndicators 9: pourCoffee 1 1 4: coinAccepted : CoinHandler Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects buys 0..1 0..* Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns CanOfCoffee Even small models take space. You need good drawing tools and a large sheet. Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Activity Diagram Short Introduction to Design Patterns 3: warmUp : Brewer Shows message flows with sequence numbers Similar information as sequence diagram Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Activity diagram § Graph brew coffee Nodes are activities (actions) • Method invocations, operations, sending / receiving messages, handling events, creating / accessing / modifying / deleting objects, variables … • Data flow by input and output parameter pins Edges are control flow transitions To some degree dual to the state diagram § Might be refined to a low-level specification; cf. control flow graph (~ compiler IR) § A Petri Net Interpretation by moving tokens along edges Models concurrency by multiple tokens for ”current state” Fork / join for synchronization §PartModels real-world workflows Part III I Part II Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects 8: pourCoffee 7: makeOrder(o1) : CoffeeCustomer machine 2: transport Porter CanOfCoffee 0..* Communication diagram CoinHandler 1 buys Porter CanOfCoffee 0..* Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. initial node insert coin final node decision [no] coin accepted? fork [yes] brew coffee add hot water to adjust strength add sugar/whitener join pour coffee Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 12 Other UML features… UML Summary § Comments § Constraints in OCL (Object Constraint Language) {self.npages >10} Copy constraint in a comment is a copy of 0..* 1..* {xor} 1..* is a copy of 0..* § UML – the standard for modeling software § Modeling before/during design, precedes coding § Different diagrams for different views Book Journal a binary constraint § Profiles: Collections of stereotypes for specific domains, e.g. Realtime-profile for UML Customize (specialize) UML elements, e.g. associations Can introduce own symbols More in the lecture on Model-Driven Architecture… § MOF (Meta-Object Facility): UML is specified in UML MOF, a core subset of UML MOF is the meta-model of UML – a language to define UML Powerful mechanism for extending UML by adding new language Part III elements Part II Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Short Introduction to Design Patterns Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Model a software system only partially, focus on a certain aspect and/or part at a time Problem: Maintaining consistency across diagrams § § § § UML is customizable and extendible: Profiles, MOF UML is semi-formal, messy, imprecise Tools Trend towards more detailed modeling Stepwise refinement ”executable UML”: UML 2 is almost a programming language… § Trend towards automatized partial generation of models and code from models (MDA – model-driven architecture) Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. Homework Exercise § Draw a class diagram for the following scenario: A customer, characterized by his/her name and phone number, may purchase reservations of tickets for a performance of a show. A reservation of tickets, annotated with the reservation date, can be either a reservation by subscription, in which case it is characterized by a subscription series number, or an individual reservation. A subscription series comprehends at least 3 and at most 6 tickets; an individual reservation at most one ticket. Every ticket is part of a subscription series or an individual reservation, but not both. Customers may have many reservations, but each reservation is owned by exactly one customer. Tickets may be available or not, and one may sell or exchange them. A ticket is associated with one specific seat in a specific performance, given by date and time, of a show, which is characterized by its name. A show may have several performances. Part I Modeling Structure: Classes and Objects Part II Short Introduction to Design Patterns Part III Modeling Behavior: State Machines etc. 13
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