Car Parking and tickets on the day at Page`s Park Station, Billington

Come along and support the 1st Buzzrail Ale Trail. There is much to see and do as well as eat and
drink. Travel on a vintage Steam or Diesel Train between the Engine Shed Bar at Pages Park, the Clay
Pipe pub with its own temporary station, and the Bottom Yard Beer Hall at Stonehenge Works.
All Train Tickets include free entry to the Ale Trail – OR - entry to the Engine Shed Bar only is £2.
CAMRA members get £2 discount on either option. There are some great activities to be enjoyed as
you travel along the line: A re-enacted Train Holdup from the Wild West, Live Music, a Bouncy
Castle, a Craft Shop designed to appeal to those keen on other things than railways and our unique
historic collection of narrow gauge locomotives and rolling stock.
The choice of beers and ciders will be unique to each venue so you need to travel to each bar to
have a chance of sampling them all.
If you or an organisation, business or pub that you know want to sponsor a barrel then we will
advertise that on the barrel, the list of beers, and on signs around the venues. The cost is a very
economic £20 per barrel. Please contact the festival organiser - Nick Burton - at if you want to join this promotion
Car Parking and tickets on the day at Page's Park Station,
Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 4TN - D1 bus from
Leighton Buzzard mainline Station every 45 mins. Children
welcome at all 3 venues until trail closure at 1730.