the flier - BVR Machine Repair & Rebuilding

BVR Machine Repair & Rebuilding, Inc.
A completed Helitronic Power machine
ready to ship to a happy BVR customer
A “good as new” machine for less than
½ the cost of a new machine!?
complete overhaul at BVR Machine will make
your WALTER Helitronic Power function
like new and run reliably for up to 10 years
afterward. Because a BVR overhaul is much more
comprehensive than a repair or even a rebuild:
Making your machine like new
Outstanding benefits
■■ Grind higher quality, more profitable tools due to
improved machine function and alignment
■■ Higher productivity and faster deliveries thanks to:
□□ Shorter set-ups (less “dialing in”)
■■ All linear and rotary axis components replaced
□□ Less tweaking during production runs
■■ All motors and motor cables replaced (eliminating
many problems that follow a typical rebuild)
□□ Higher uptime
■■ All drives rebuilt to original factory specs
■■ Grinding spindle and belt replaced, plus air purge
installed if not on machine
■■ All way covers replaced
□□ No need to retrain operators
■■ Lower maintenance costs and fewer headaches
■■ Happier operators and lower turnover
■■ No need to purchase different wheel adapters or
work holding
■■ Probe replaced
Over for more
■■ Glass scales replaced, if applicable
■■ Critical wiring replaced (e.g. junction box main
cable, probe body, Festo block cable, etc.)
■■ Central lube system overhauled and pump replaced
■■ Festo block replaced and pneumatic gages, lines,
and fittings replaced as needed
■■ Windows replaced
■■ New paint on interior and exterior
Call for details
Phone: 540-623-9200
Can’t wait? Trade it in!
An overhaul takes 10-12 weeks, so most shops schedule
the work during a slow period or while rearranging their
production floor. If you can’t wait, consider
trading your WALTER for an overhauled
machine from our stock. This will cut your
downtime to a two-day switchover. We can
even help install the machine and prepare the
old one for removal.
Supercharge the control?
BVR can supercharge the HMC 400 control
with 733 MHz boards that shorten the calculation time. An HMC 500 control can be upgraded to Windows XP to run Tool Studio software.
But even if you don’t upgrade the control,
we’ll replace the operator panel with a larger
model featuring raised buttons that’s better
than the original!
BVR completely strips your
machine and overhauls virtually
everything. Above left, a C-axis
workhead starts the overhaul
process on a bench, while to
the right, new cables are being
pulled through a newly painted
water cabinet
Why BVR?
■■BVR is owned and operated by
Rick Brown, whose 40 year career
in grinding included a stint as
WALTER’s North American service
manager. If it’s a WALTER grinder,
Rick has probably run it, sold it,
and serviced it.
■■ BVR employs outstanding sub-contractors like
Dan Liggett, a former WALTER field service tech,
instructor, regional service manager, and control
specialist, plus other former WALTER technicians
who built machines in Fredericksburg.
■■ We perform a 40 hour run-in of the rotary axes,
a 24 hour run-in of the entire machine, and we
guarantee our work for 6 months.
BVR Machine Repair & Rebuilding, Inc.
4905 Commerce Dr.
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Phone: 540-623-9200
In addition to extensive
testing, we grind
several ballnose &
corner radius endmills
to ensure your machine
will delight you from
day one
An overhauled electrical cabinet.
Contrast this photo with your memory of
the service hassles you’ve had lately with
your old machine. What a difference!
Call now!
Schedule your overhaul for
2015 & enjoy 15% off the cost
of an XP upgrade