Byrne Creek Community School BULLDOGS STUDENT BULLETIN FRIDAY MAY 8, 2015 DAY 2 WHAT’S HAPPENING TODAY: ABORIGINAL CIRCLE: Students who have attended Aboriginal Circle and want to participate in an all‐day youth gathering on Tuesday May 26. Please add your name to the signup sheet outside Mendo's office. Students will be selected from that list. We have limited spaces available to us please get signed up ASAP. Thanks Mendo COMING UP: MEDIA MONDAY: MAY 11TH AFTER SCHOOL For the next Media Monday head down to room C106 at 3:10pm to get some free popcorn, and watch the movie "Coraline". This event is brought to you by the Graphics/Media Arts Program :) BYRNIVERSARY – Thursday, May 14 – Bell Schedule Block A – 8:50 am – 9:50 am Block B – 9:55 am – 10:55 am Break 10:55 am – 11:05 am Block C1 – 11:10 am – 12:10 pm Lunch 12:10 pm – 12:50 pm Block C2 12:55 pm – 1:55 pm Block D 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm NEPAL EARTHQUAKE: On April 25th, an earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.8 struck Nepal near the capital of Kathmandu. It killed more than 7000 people and injured more than twice as many. Entire villages were flattened, rendering hundreds of thousands homeless. Starting this Monday (May 11th), Byrne Creek’s Social Justice League will be presenting information and collecting donations in the atrium at lunch. Five dollars from every t-shirt sale will also support relief efforts. Teachers are encouraged to collect donations during class as well. CHECK OUT the Learning Commons for daily poems created by Ms Dhir's Chemistry class. There is a link from the Byrne Creek web page. (Ms. Amy) ATTENTION: GRAD CLASS OF 2015 The table requests for the grad dinner and dance have been posted outside of the office. If you have paid and would like change, email Ms. Bloom at no later than TOMORROW - Friday May 8th. If you have not paid, pay now and email Ms. Bloom your table preference. Tables will be finalized this Friday, if you pay after that, you will be placed where there is space. PROVINCIAL EXAMS: Please check that you are registered and report any problems to Ms. Tonks in the office. For English and Social Studies, please check they TYPE of exam you are registered for – PAPER OR ELECTRONIC. PROVINCIAL EXAM REWRITES Any students wanting to Register to REWRITE or WRITE a MISSED past Provincial Exam the deadline is TOMORROW - Friday May 8 to register. BYRNIVERSARY! Our 10th anniversary will be celebrated on Thursday, May 14th after school. We will start in the gym with a staff/alumni vs student basketball game at 330 in the gym and then we will move into the atrium. Everyone is welcome! ALL ABOUT ME is happening THIS Saturday, May 9th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at Edmonds Community Centre. This event invites girls all over BC aged 13-18 to attend a day dedicated to self-card, enriching women’s health and embracing womanhood. The event includes youth-facilitated workshops about mental and sexual health, self-empowerment activities and a Zumba session. The event is free to attend and lunch will be provided. See Margaret Anteros for more details. GRADE TWELVE STUDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES are invited to participate in an art project to be permanently installed here at Byrne Creek. Each family will receive a plain white ceiling tile. You will be asked to tell your story using pictures and together you family will create a unique image of who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going.
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