IN FOCUS P C A C S 1 1 For your Diary THU 17 APRIL Administration early close 12.30pm WED 30 APRIL Students commence Autumn Term WED 30 APRIL School ANZAC Service, Y4-12 FRI 2 MAY Senior School Cross Country MON 5 MAY Co Curricular commences Music tuition commences TUE 6 MAY Senior School Teacher/Parent Interviews FRI 9 MAY School Ball TUE 13—THU 15 MAY NAPLAN TUE 13 MAY Senior School Year 7 2015 Information Evening, 6.00pm WED 14 MAY P&F Meeting PCACS Absentee Line 9411 4814 Before 9:00am or by emailing PCACS is an allergy aware school A school of The Anglican Schools Commission (Inc.) A P R I L E D I T I O N 2 0 1 4 1 1 8 From the Acting Principal Consideration Winter uniforms Some words seem to be going out of fashion! Consideration is one of them; however, it is a value worth taking a few moments upon which to reflect. At its core we find a kindly awareness and a thoughtful regard for other people and places ... in a nutshell, treating others and their space as you would have them treat you and your space (the Golden Rule). It’s a word that contains respect, care, politeness, empathy, kind words and loving responses. How we would like the world to be like this all the time! The Summer Term has now come to an end, and the holidays have arrived. It’s time to take winter uniforms out of the cupboard and to make sure that they still fit. Please look on the School website for winter uniform requirements and for the Uniform Shop opening times. Don’t forget that hair might need to be trimmed for the return to School. Sadly, the trend in society today seems all too often to contradict these qualities, and there are many influences that persuade us, no matter what our age, to behave selfishly, occasionally in mean and very inconsiderate ways, and sometimes in public – in full view of everyone else. What a difficult conundrum for us all to live with! For our young folk, the tensions are enormous; society’s trend frequently becomes the predominant pattern of behaviour that creates tensions at home, at school and in the street. There is often a rich wisdom to be found in “old-fashioned” qualities. As a School Community, let’s go out of our way to bring “consideration for others” back into fashion so that even more depth and a greater level of happiness can be experienced by everyone. ANZAC Day Service On the first day back next term, Wednesday 30 April, the School (Years 4 – 12) will attend a School Chapel Service to commemorate this special day. Students in the above years who belong to a cadet group may wear their cadet uniforms on that day instead of their school uniforms. Parents and friends are also most welcome to attend this Service. The Service will begin at 9.00am. Looking ahead – Tuesday 13 May at 6.00pm An Information Evening is being organised for the parents of current Year 5 and Year 6 PCACS students who are looking ahead towards their transition into the Senior School. Mrs Judith Stringer and Mr Shane Parnell will be on hand to offer insights into the development of teaching courses, options, future curriculum pathways and the diverse pastoral care programmes offered here at our Consideration for others is at the heart of our School ethos. School. There will be ample time offered for questions to be asked and responded to. This will be a very important evening and all parents are encouraged to put the date into their diaries. A letter has been sent home to these families. Please take the time to RSVP to ensure you have a seat reserved. Holy Week and Easter Weekend Wishing you all a reflective Holy Week, and deep peace as you celebrate the Passion of Good Friday and the joy of Eastertide. Mrs Maggie Dunnill ACTING PRINCIPAL 11 APRIL 2014 PAGE 3 Chaplain’s Chat EASTER Easter is the primary celebration of our Christian faith. The story of Jesus’ journey through the cross can be a very difficult one to understand, but actually gives us a good indication of human nature. Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph on the back of a donkey, being cheered by the crowds, however, by the end of the week they were crying for his blood. How quick we are as human beings to change course along the way, to choose an easier option over the right option. Jesus gave himself up freely to the cries from the crowd for his blood, and the injustice of the court that found him guilty, in order that a greater good may occur. The sacrifice of one’s self so that humanity may be better off is the greatest gift that anyone can give. We often hear of it in the story of Anzac and yet it was Jesus who epitomised it with him going to the cross in order to break through death. People called for him to come down off the cross and save himself, but that was the easy way. When Jesus died for our sakes he took upon himself all the short comings that we as humanity had mounted up over the years. Though he was innocent of any wrong he died so that we who fall short of that great goodness may have the opportunity of eternal life with him, if we so choose. The question is do we choose to follow him? Easter does not end with death, but is about new life. Jesus having died on the cross for us, did not stay there, but actually rose again to live with God in heaven. Christ broke through the bonds of death that had previously bound us so that we may have eternal life. The women disciples, especially Mary Magdalene, went to the tomb on that first Easter morn to anoint their dead master and friend as a last gift for him, only to find that he was no longer there. Mary discovered that who she thought was dead was now alive, not alive in this world that always eventually wears away, but alive in eternal life with God. Easter is therefore a wonderful time for celebration, what we thought was death turns into new life. I hope and pray that everyone has a blessed and Holy Easter, that those who are travelling do so safely, and that everyone has a good break in order to recharge the batteries ready for the new term. Fr David Lord SCHOOL CHAPLAIN KWINANA PARISH For those looking for somewhere to worship you may like to consider All Saints Anglican Church (corner of Bickner Way and Chisham Ave, Kwinana). Regular service times are: Sunday 8.00am and 9.30am. Holy Week and Easter Services include: Saturday 12 April—10.00am workshop making palm crosses in preparation for Palm Sunday. Sunday 13 April (Palm Sunday) — 8.00am service, then 9.30am family service with palm crosses. Monday 14 April to Thursday 17 April—Daily meditation for Holy Week, at 2.00pm. Thursday 17 April (Maundy Thursday) - 6.30pm service Friday 18 April (Good Friday) - Meditation, 9.30am. Saturday 19 April—Church open between 10.00am and 2.00pm for quiet prayer. Sunday 20 April (Easter Sunday) - 6.00am Dawn Service, followed by breakfast, then 9.00am family service followed by morning tea, and an Easter egg hunt. 11 APRIL PAGE 2014 Peter Carnley Anglican Community School presents Directed by Miss Jayde Clark and Mrs Laura Walker The Peter Carnley Anglican Community School musical for 2014 is Disney’s Mulan Jr. Students have been working diligently during rehearsals, focusing on learning scripts, songs and movement and their enthusiasm and commitment to the show has been a delight to work with. We are excited to announce the cast list for this production, as set out opposite. The dates for the production are Thursday 26 June and Friday 27 June. There will be two evening shows and a matinee performance on the Friday. Ticket information will be published shortly. Thank you to all of the parents and staff who have offered their support so far with costumes, sets and advertising. As two new staff members to the School, both Miss Clark and I have been impressed by the wonderful community spirit that we have here at PCACS. We are currently seeking assistance for the assembly of costumes. We welcome anyone with basic sewing skills to email for further information. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to sharing the production with you all next term. Mrs Laura Walker MUSIC TEACHER CAST LIST Mulan – Chloe Devenny Ancestors - Kat Fitzgerald, Alicia Moore, Hannah Kruger, Jaimee Sharrett Fa Zhou – Zac Brown Fa Li – Jodi Newell Mushu – Caelen Browning Matchmaker – Jack Good Captain Shang – Fraser Wipp Yao – Jarred Van Riel Ling – Leah Breese Qian-Po – Emily Price Chi Fu – Max Riseley Emperor – Sharni Lethorn Shan-Yu – Zac Brown Magyar – Jack Good Subar-Tu – Bevan Mulligan Ensemble Matthew Hendrickson, Britney Brookes, Courtney Monego, Shauna Follett, Repose Gwizi, Sophie Sieben, Caisha Janda, Katrina Hooper. The cast of Mulan Jr get down to rehearsals. 5 11 APRIL 2014 PAGE Sports & Athletics Year 7, 8 and 9 Lightning Carnival Each year, all students from Years 7, 8 and 9 compete in a Lightning Carnival fun sports day. Students will select a sport to participate in; they will play a series of shortened, modified games against other ACC Schools and students of the same age. Results and scores are not kept and the aim is to have fun in a semi competitive environment. This is a compulsory event during School hours, where all students are expected to join in and enjoy a fun day out. Our Year 9’s will have their Lightning Carnival on Monday 5 May 2014. Our Year 7’s and 8’s will have their Carnivals on Wednesday 7 May 2014. The sports will be played on various sports grounds across the metropolitan area. Students will receive a letter shortly outlining the details. Once again, for a big event like this to take place we need parent support. If you are able to assist, please fill out and return the form on the letter your child receives. Mr Roh Weddikkara FACULTY COORDINATOR – SPORT, HEALTH AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION Track and Field Success Madison Good, Jacob Tuitupou, Jacob Forsyth, and Tiana Laing. A number of students from PCACS recently took part in the WA Little Athletics State Track and Field Championship held at the WA Athletics Centre in Perry Lakes. Jacob Forsyth, Jacob Tuitupou, Declan Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Alexander Riseley, Tiana Laing, Eliza Griffin, Madison Good and Alexander Maude wore club colours and participated in a variety of events. Congratulations to Madison Good, who won first place in the Under 12’s 800m and 1500m competitions, Eliza Griffin, who won third place in the Under 12’s 1500m competition, and Tiana Liang, who won second place in the Under 10’s 800m competition. Interhouse Cross Country The third day back at School next term (Friday 2 May) will see all Senior School (Years 7-12) students take part in the annual Interhouse Cross Country race. Students have been walking and jogging parts of the course during Physical Education classes so they are familiar with the track and are ready for the big day. The event will run in the morning at 8.45am and races will be run in age groups – U/13, U/14, U/15, U/16, U/19. The course will still start and finish on Wellard Oval (approximately 3km). The Junior School (Years 3-6) will have their Cross Country race in Week 4 (Friday 23 May) starting at 9.00am. All students will compete in their year groups. The track is approximately 2km long, starting and finishing on the School Oval. All students are encouraged to go for a jog during the School holidays in preparation for the event. If you are able to assist as a course marshal please see me on the morning of the event (or Miss Janes for the Junior School) and we will allocate a job for you. Thanks and best wishes to all students. Mr Roh Weddikkara FACULTY COORDINATOR—SPORT, HEALTH AND OUTDOOR EDUCATION Continued overleaf 7 11 APRIL 2014 PAGE Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop would like to remind all parents that Winter Uniform will be required from the start of next term. Please come in and see us if you require any additional items of clothing for your children as a result. Please remember to label any new items clearly with your child’s name. The Uniform Shop will be open over the holidays. No appointments are necessary. Please note that the Second Hand Uniform Shop will not be open during the School holidays. OPENING DATES AND TIMES DURING THE HOLIDAYS Tuesday 15 April 8.00am—3.00pm Wednesday 16 April 9.00am—4.00pm Thursday 17 April CLOSED Friday 18 April CLOSED Monday 21 April CLOSED Caption describing Tuesday 22 April picture or graphic. CLOSED Wednesday 23 April 8.00am—3.00pm Thursday 24 April 9.00am—4.00pm Friday 25 April CLOSED “To catch the reader's attention, place an Monday 28 April interesting sentence or quote from the story 8.00am—3.00pm here.” Tuesday 29 April 9.00am—4.00pm Mrs Trudy Schulz UNIFORM SHOP MANAGER P&F News Another term is nearly over, and again Easter is just on the horizon. This term, the P&F hosted another successful Disco, held on 14 March. It was lovely to see so many teachers there dancing with the students, and we greatly appreciated their support and attendance on the night. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I find I am unable to continue in my role as President of the P&F Association. Thank you to everyone for your support over the past year—I have enjoyed volunteering at the School and look forward to continuing to assist the parent body to help build a vibrant and happy parent community. Next Meeting: Wednesday 14 May 2014, 6.30pm – 8.30pm in the Italian Room. Caption describing picture or graphic. Mrs Rosemary Johnson P&F PRESIDENT Finance Update Autumn Term fees will be charged on 18 April 2014. Please note that these are payable within 14 days from the date the account is issued, unless a payment plan has already been implemented. If you have supplied the School with Credit Card details for payment of your Music Fees, your payment will be taken out on 30 April. If you are unsure of the details you have supplied to the Finance Office, please feel free to give them a call, or you can email them at 9
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