AmeriMont Academy Elementary 2015 Summer Program

AmeriMont Academy Elementary 2015 Summer Program
June 15th- August 14th Monday- Friday 7:00am-6:00pm
In addi on to having lots of fun, experiments, and ac vi es, our students will u lize a collabora ve and produc ve approach to learning through
research and problem solving by implemen ng a 21st Century style of learning...shhh, they won’t even realize they are learning!
Students will explore the
week's topic through a variety of engaging mediums:
teacher instruc on, SMART
board, iPads, text, and discovery based ac vi es.
Students will ask ques ons
that inspire them to research
the week's topic. Students
will be guided and given
tools necessary to research
Students will get first hand
experience interac ng with
the week's topic. Collaborave groups will ac vely engage in purposeful and authen c ac vi es.
Students will summarize
informa on and data collected and work collabora vely
with others to prepare innova ve ways to share
knowledge of the week's
Students will work independently and with others to
share their work; we will
celebrate them as they creavely show what they have
learned. This is also a water
play day!
Week 1, June 15-19:
Engineering the Future
We will transform into junior engineers with ac vi es that focus on how mathema cs and science play a role in building structures and various devices. From the most simple form of engineering with Lego’s, to learning Minecra , our junior engineers will experiment and learn from building their own crea ons. This week we will also be introduced to some physics with the Forces in Mo on lesson at the Discovery Science Center, where they can use their new skills in interac ve building ac vi es, have a blast
with a Dinosaur dig, and see a brand new 4D movie.
Week 2, June 22-26:
Healthy Global Ci zens
This week is all about ge ng reconnected with our roots; we will be learning the importance of taking care of our bodies and our environment. We will learn about healthy
ea ng as well as becoming aware of the different types of amazing gi s this world offers. The expedi on will begin with research on the various types of habitats our world
is home to as well as how it’s our duty to ensure those habitats are protected and cared for. We will par cipate in physical ac vi es and have compe ons with prizes. We
will also have the chance to visit a habitat, the Oak Canyon Nature Center, where we will get a closer look at the plants and animals that call it their home. As ci zens of the
world, it is our global duty to par cipate as a team to help keep our earth and our body’s healthy and clean to enjoy all of life’s beauty!
Week 3, June 29-July 3:
Ocean Adventure
This week we will be diving into the deep blue sea to learn about a world underwater! Students will explore the Long Beach Aquarium and learn about the history of ocean
explora on, current missions, new discoveries, and challenges and opportuni es for the future. Ge ng a closer look at underwater ecosystems, discovering unique habitats,
and ge ng an up-close look at some sea cri ers are just a few ac vi es our oceanographer students will experience. Our Friday reports will be a beau ful display of each
student’s individuality and what they learned.
Week 4, July 6-10:
Time Travel to the Past
This week our students will be jumping in their me machines to explore exci ng adventures that took place in the past. Star ng with a fossil dig at our very own campus,
our junior archaeologists with have the opportunity to reveal secrets from our past. Our students will solve the mystery behind each fossil through inves ga on and research
and end in a presenta on of their scien fic findings. Traveling forward a few million years but s ll in our past, we travel to the medieval mes and learn about castles,
jous ng and knights. We will then experience the Medieval Times with a trip there where our students will be able to watch an epic ba le between knights while feas ng on
a lunch fit for a King and Queen!
Week 5, July 13-17:
Crazy Chemists
Week 6, July 20-24:
Zany Zoology
Week 7, July 27-31:
Fun with Physics
Our junior chemists will be pu ng on their lab coats for experiments that will blow their minds (not literally). Is it baking—or is it chemistry? Students learn that baking is
actually chemistry in the kitchen! Baking depends upon a number of different chemical reac ons in order to change basic ingredients into a yummy dessert. Once their lab
work is underway, our Jr. chemists will take a trip to a commercial kitchen where they will put all of their findings to work in order to bake some delicious treats. Thursday
we will summarize by sharing and assessing the differences in these treats and on Friday we will report what we liked the best and why.
This week our students will be ge ng up close and personal with some of the most recognized zoo animals! Students will be collabora ng to inves gate a zoo animal they
can become experts on; they will research their habitat, social behaviors, and diets. They will then be visi ng the Santa Ana Zoo where they will get to observe and take
pictures of many things like the Jaguar Explora on Outpost, Rainforest Adventure Maze, Amazon’s Edge, and an Aviary. On Thursdays they will summarize and on Friday
each group will present their findings on the animal they were in charge on researching.
This week we will be ge ng into mo on with physics! Forces, mo on, accelera on, velocity, and mass are all topics we’ll be jumping into. Our physicist students will discover how they are constantly in mo on through inves ga on and ac vi es that really get them moving. We will use all of our findings and research to experiment at Sky Zone
where bouncing off the walls is all in the name of science! Using a trampoline is a complex example of the most basic laws of physics. It’s all about energy, and at the same
me, proves Newton’s laws of mo on! Fridays repor ng will include crazy pictures of all the fun and exci ng poses we were able to do.
Week 8, August 3-7:
On the Move
We will be ge ng our students’ wheels in mo on this week exploring all the different forms of transporta on and what it really takes to get things moving. From airplanes
to automobiles, and on to the transporta on of the future. Students will learn about The California Story, which celebrates Endeavour’s many scien fic achievements and its
strong connec on to California, where all the orbiters were built. They will be able to see Endeavour up close at the California Science Center and discover some of the science behind this amazing vehicle.
Week 9, August 10-14:
Rocke ng Through Space
To con nue our explora on of outer space, our astronaut students will get the opportunity to gravitate through space to get a closer look at our solar system. In a special
space expedi on to the Kidspace Children’s Museum, our astronauts in training will experience a variety of hands on ac vi es including a special demonstra on about the
physics involved with space travel.
Having Fun with Learning in the 21st Century!
Available for children in K-6th grade
Full Day Program Cost: $259/week, includes field trips
9:00am-4:00pm, includes Extended Care from 7:00am-9:00am and from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Morning Program Cost: $159/week, can a end the full day field trips for an addi onal $29
9:00am-12:00pm, includes Extended Care from 7:00am-9:00am
A ernoon Program Cost: $159/week, can a end the full day field trips for an addi onal $29
1:00pm-4:00pm, includes Extended Care from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Daily Rate Cost: $45 per day or $74 for a field trip day
Daily Schedule
7:00am-9:00am Extended Care Ac vi es
9:00am-12:00pm Summer School Program- Our creden aled teachers will spend each morning focusing on fundamental skills, such
as reading, wri ng, and mathema cs. During the morning, depending on the day and theme of the week, students will work on
the daily theme to learn, research, experience, summarize, & report. Students will receive individual a en on from teachers
who specialize in making learning fun in a 21st century classroom!
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch and Recess- Student may bring a lunch from home or purchase a hot lunch for $5.00. A er lunch, students
have me for a variety of free play ac vi es.
1:00pm-4:00pm A ernoon Ac vity Rota ons- The a ernoons will include an exci ng blend of hands-on learning and experiments,
technology, art, science, music, special ac vi es, projects, and water play.
4:00pm-6:00pm Extended Care Ac vi es
To register for the AmeriMont Academy Summer Program, please complete and return this form by going to
h p:// or you can also email this form to or fax to 888-568-9885.
Student’s Name:
I would like to register my child for the following programs:
Week 1: June 15-19
Engineering the Future
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 2: June 22-26
Healthy Global Ci zens
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 3: June 29-July 3
Ocean Adventure
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 4: July 6-10
Crazy Chemists
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 5: July 13-17
Zany Zoology
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Grade going into:
Week 6: July 13-17
Zany Zoology
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 7: July 27-31
Fun with Physics
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 8: August 3-7
On the Move
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Week 9: August 10-14
Rocke ng Through Space
 Full Day Program (includes field trip)
 Morning Program
 A ernoon Program
 Field Trip Op on for Morning or A ernoon Programs
Parent Name:
Parent Signature: