The Wolf Pack, Clovis, CA May 2015 California’s First Place winning Newsletter Table of Contents Announcements/Table of Contents 2 Chapter Directors’ Article 3 Assist. Chapter Director’s Article 4 District Directors’ Article 5 Ride Educators’ Article 7 Rider Education Levels 8 Safe Mileage & High Mileage 9 Words from your M.E.C. 10 Ride to Parkfield by Dan Netz 11 Ride to Center of State by Dan Netz 12 After meeting Ride to Alpaca Farm 13 Quick ‘n’ Easy Pizza by Dan Netz 14 This month’s Calendar 16 Next month’s Calendar 17 Upcoming Chapter Events 18 2015 District Events 19 CA-2W Support Team 20 CA-2W Active Members 21 Birthdays and Anniversaries 22 California District Team 23 Region “F“ Team 24 GWRRA National Team 25 California Chapters, Meeting Times, and Places 26 Advertisements 27 A word from your editor 28 You can keep current on all the fun and exciting things we do by going to our website at: See for yourself what the Wolf-Pack is up to! Chapter Pride Wear any Chapter apparel to our monthly breakfast meeting and you’ll have a chance to win a “Surprise Gift” Your next Chapter Social will be on May 14 at 6:30 pm and will be at Golden Restaurant on Fulton Ave. Mmm...Chinese food! Words from our Chapter Directors Larry and Linda Jenkins April has been an exciting month. We have some excitement going on here…Larry got himself a new job began on April 13th. Sometimes you have to wait and something good will come your way. We are finally getting some April showers. We hope they will continue because we sure need it. We had our April chapter gathering on April 4th. We were surprised at how many people attended the gathering being the day before Easter. Hope everyone had a nice Easter. April 11th we attended CA-1A’s rally in Lancaster, California. We had a great time and it’s always great to see our GWRRA friends. At the rally CA-1A had a Chili Cook Off and the rally attendees judged the contestant’s chili. For lunch, you guessed it, chili. April 19th we attended CA-1Q’s rally in Silverado, California. Silverado is located east of Santa Ana in the LA area. This chapter goes all out with cooking the complete meal. If you can only make one event in the LA area, this might be the one you put on your calendar for next year. We have been to this event for several years and like always we had a great time. Next on May 2, 2015 will be CA-1K’s rally and also CA-2S's event. While some of our chapter will be up in the San Jose area for CA-2S's event we will be down in Van Nuys for CA-1K's event. Ken Freeland, Chapter Director, has a great rally planned for his event. Note: our chapter gathering will be moved to May 9, 2015 so that we can attend these events. As the weather should be nice, we will meet on the patio. On May 3rd we will be celebrating our 35th anniversary. It certainly does not seem that we have been married that long! Have a great May and enjoy the ride. Larry & Linda Jenkins Chapter Directors Words from our Assistant Chapter Director Tim Butters Here we are in April already. The weather has been great even though we could really use the rain. On April 11th a small group of us made the ride to the Lancaster rally. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time. The trip back was a bit windy but nothing we couldn't handle. The gumball rally in Madera was also this month. Unfortunately I could not make it but I hope many of you did. I understand it is a nice event. Just a reminder that our chapter meeting will be on May 9th since the rally in Canoga Park is on our regular meeting date. Also in May the rally in Fairfield with be on the 16th. This rally I have always enjoyed since it is held at the Jelly Belly factory and I love jelly beans. I look forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting. Tim Butters Assistant Chapter Director Editor’s Note: The Gumball Rally in Madera has been postponed to May 2nd due to rain (and snow in the mountains). Tim Butters Assistant Chapter Director CA-2W The Wolf Pack Words from our District Directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh TUCSON HERE WE COME!! We hope that you all join us at the Region F convention this year. We’ve always had a lot of fun at the Region F convention and I am sure this year will not be any different. Going to a Region F is another opportunity for you to see all your friends you’ve met along the way throughout our Region. What better way to stay in touch with all those marvelous people you’ve met. After all that is what GWRRA is all about, “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge, our motto that we live by. Always focusing on the “Friends” because frankly that is why we all hang out together, we’re “friends”, and many say we’re “family”. Below is a recap on what you are actually getting for your $119.00 per night hotel stay. A brief synopsis of what the $30.00 credit is all about and how it is used. We’ve always attached a schedule of events for the Region F convention so you can see what is happening each day. If you want education this is where you should be. The CA convention unfortunately will not be having a UTDP class. So if you want to become a seminar presenter this is where to do it. Also Region F is having the Amazing Team Challenge, so if you want to test your skills at riding at low speeds, come out and show us what you can do. Because of limited open areas at the CA convention we will not be having the Amazing Team Challenge. Shiny bikes, chrome and just pure beauty, come and enter your bike in the “Bike Show” at the Region F convention, we know how you all like those bragging privileges of winning that special trophy. There is something to do for everyone at the Region F convention, so we hope to see many of you there. Speaking about conventions and rallies, don’t forget those California Rallies in May. Starting out with CA-2S’s junk yard sale May 1 & 2nd, moving on the CA-1K Mother’s Day ride on May 2nd! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for CA-2K’s – A day with the Krows, sponsored by “Jelly Belly”, on May 16th and of course ending out the month with CA-2Q’s garage sale on May 30th. Always something to do in California! April proved to be a successful month for CA-1A and their chili cook-off, boy was there some delicious chili, and of course CA-1Q had a spectacular rally in the hills in Santiago Canyon, what a great venue and beautiful riding. Words from our District Directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh TUCSON HERE WE COME!! Cont. A big thank you to Robin Black for winning the tires, but not taking the prize and pulling a 2nd ticket . . . that second ticket pulled was ours, so a BIG thank you for allowing all of us a second opportunity to win. And boy do we need them!! Thanks Robin for your generosity. And speaking of fun, yes “Princess” entered the pie eating contest, along with 3 other female contenders we held our own and actually had fun. Although I was accused of only taking 2 bites, in my defense I did not “suck” it up like our male counterparts did I actually took bites and it was more than two! It was fun, and I’m sure you will see pictures posted of “Princess” having fun!! Take care and please travel safe, Until next month, ride well, ride often, Vincent & Pamela —————————————————————————————————————-Join your GWRRA friends in Tucson, Arizona - May 22-24, 2015, at the GWRRA Region "F"un Convention held at the JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort and Spa For Resort Registration go to: There have been questions about the $119 room rates for the Rally, so here is the breakdown. While it is true the rooms are $119 a night, your room will be credited $30 a night to use on anything you can charge to your room. It is accumulative and will be removed from the things you have charged to your room at check out. So let's say you have a meal and charge it to the room. When you check out, you will pay for your room and the dinner will be offset by your $30 credit per night. If you stay four nights, that adds up to a $120 credit for your room. What it boils down to is that the room rates equate to $89 if you use the $30 a day credit toward room charges. Hopefully that makes sense, because they really hope most of you come spend the time with them. This, to some of us, will be a once in a lifetime chance to stay at a 5 star Resort and Spa at such a discounted price. GWRRA Region “F”un Convention - 1-877-622-3140 Words from our Chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado Don’t buy more Bike than you can handle.. If you’ve been off a motorcycle for a while you may be surprised by the performance of today’s bikes. Even models with small displacement engines are notably faster and more powerful than they were 10 or 20 years ago. When shopping for a bike, start with one that fits you when seated; you should easily be able to rest both feet flat on the ground without having to be on tiptoes. Handlebars and controls should be within easy reach. Choose a model that is easy for you to get on and off the center stand. If it feels too heavy it probably is. A smaller model with a 250-to-300 cc engine can make a great starter or commuter bike. If you plan on doing a lot of highway riding, you might want one with an engine in the 500-to-750 cc range so you can easily keep up with traffic. Invest in antilock brakes. Now available on a wide array of models, antilock brakes are a proven life saver. IIHS (International Institute for Highway Safety) data shows that motorcycles equipped with ABS brakes were 37 percent less likely to be involved in a fatal crash than bikes without it. “No matter what kind of rider you are, ABS brakes are better than you,” says Bruce Blondo of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Motorcycle Safety Program. The reason is simple; locking up the brakes in a panic stop robs the rider of any steering control. That can easily lead to a skid and crash, which can result in serious injury. ABS helps you retain steering control during an emergency stop, and it can be especially valuable in slippery conditions. This critical feature is now standard on most high end models and adds only a few hundred dollars to the price of more basic bikes. You may be able to offset some of the cost with an insurance discount. Either way, we think it is a worthwhile investment in your safety. Until we see you next time be safe. Remember to Ride Safe and Ride your own Ride. Shirley and Joe Machado Rider Educators CA-2W Clovis CA The Wolf Pack Level I: Safe Rider Program Jim Conrad Ken Gong Mike Machado Athena Netz Beverly Pruitt Mary Richardson R R R R R C Level II: Tour Rider Program R = Rider C = Co-Rider B = Both As of: March 1, 2015 Level IV: Master Tour Rider Rich Richardson Steve Rippe Teri Rippe Level III: Certified Tour Rider Tim Butters Paty Clyborne Ross Clyborne Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Alan Larson Hans Mikkelsen Dan Netz Diane Netz R R R R C R R R C Senior Master Tour Riders R R C Joe Machado Shirley Machado R R To learn more about how you can move up to the next ride level, talk to your Chapter Educator, Shirley Machado. It’s easy, fun, and you will learn techniques to ride your bike more safely. Ride safety is what GWRRA is all about! Note: the above lists contain active members only. High Mileage: All the mileage on any motorcycle since be- coming a licensed driver of motorcycles. Lists updated as of March 01, 2015. 50,000 miles Tim Butters Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Hans Mikkelsen Teri Rippe 150,000 miles Steve Rippe 100,000 miles 250,000 miles Paty Clyborne Ross Clyborne Dan Netz Joe Machado 300,000 miles Rich Richardson 200,000 miles Shirley Machado Safe Miles: All the mileage without accident since joining GWRRA 5,000 Miles 25,000 Miles 75,000 Miles Ken Gong Mike Machado Athena Netz Beverly Pruitt Paty Clyborne Larry Jenkins Lindy Jenkins Alan Larson Dan Netz Rich Richardson Ross Clyborne 10,000 Miles Tim Butters Hans Mikkelsen Diane Netz Steve Rippe 200,000 miles 30,000 Miles Teri Rippe 15,000 Miles 150,000 Miles Shirley Machado 225,000 miles Joe Machado Words from our Membership Enhancement Coordinator Paty Clyborne I can’t believe that we are into May already. These are before and after pictures of our trip to Corbin, a motorcycle seat maker in Hollister California. Since acquiring my trike I had issues with the fact that the seat was too big and there was no back rest. So a trip was planned to correct this. Ross and I went up on Friday and were joined Friday evening by Dan and Diane and a little later by Joe and Shirley. We had a great conversation in the hotel room along with pizza. Early Saturday morning we all showed up at Corbin for the choosing of a new seat. It is really a process, first you have to pick the kind of material you want and then they customize the seat to fit your body. That entails sitting on the trike a few times to get the fit correct. The whole process takes about 4 hours. The guys there are very nice and they do beautiful work. As a side note, they fix anything that may be wrong with a seat they made (the stitching was coming out on Joe’s bike and they fixed it, no question asked). As the six of us were waiting, Mr. Netz pulls out the game of Pictionary. We had a hilarious time (none of us are that good at drawing) and it was a load of laughs. I think Dan could have been a game show host in a different life; he kept the game hysterically funny and made the day go by quickly. Thank you my friends for going with me and for making it a great and fun day. Paty Clyborne Membership Enhancement Coordinator Words from our Ride Coordinator Dan Netz Ride to Parkfield When: Saturday May 30th Leave: Point South – Brooks Ranch – South Chestnut Avenue at Cedar and Hwy 99 Alternate Meet: Bravo Farms – Kettleman City Time: 8:00 AM – Kick stands up – Fed and Fueled. Duration: 3.5 hours ride time - Total 5 to 6 hours. Dangers beyond normal riding include: Loose cows – Cow Patties – Earthquakes! Lunch will be at the Parkfield Café. Famous for their beef and ceiling adornments. RSVP’s are appreciated. LET’S RIDE! HISTORY OF PARKFIELD Parkfield, population 18, the V6 Ranch, and the surrounding areas offer birds and grasses, trees and critters, blue skies and white clouds all in their natural setting. Parkfield is located in the coastal mountain range of Central California surrounded by rolling hills covered with oaks and prominent mountains. The first to discover this special place were the Yokut Indians. They came to hunt and gather acorns, and named the valley in which Parkfield rests "Cholame," which means "the beautiful one." The first white settlers arrived in the area in 1854 and were followed by a steady stream of homesteaders. By the turn of the century, quicksilver and coal had been discovered, and the hope for oil discovery had transformed Parkfield into a robust town of 900 people. However, Parkfield's prosperity was short lived as the mines played out and water flooded the coal mine. The homesteaders were the last to go, unable to yield a living off of the land. Today only a handful of ranchers and farmers remain to enjoy a beautiful tranquil valley with four seasons and bountiful wildlife. Parkfield has risen in popularity again. Along with the natural beauty of the area, Parkfield is considered "The Earthquake Capital of the World". Geologists, as well as earthquake enthusiasts, flock to Parkfield. There are more ongoing studies of what it takes to have an earthquake, carried by the United States Geological Survey, than any other place in the world. The United States Geological Survey has been keeping a watchful eye on Parkfield since the last big earthquake in 1966, in hopes of using data gathered in the area to predict earthquakes. Parkfield has traditionally had a fairly large earthquake (approximately 6.0 Richter scale) every 22 years. Scientists saw this pattern and flocked to the area in hopes of gathering data from an earthquake of this magnitude. Since no one knows when and where an earthquake will occur, Parkfield gave the scientists at least a little bit of a head start. Words from our Ride Coordinator Dan Netz RIDE TO THE GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER OF CALIFORNIA When: May 9th –after the gathering Leave: Right after the meeting Duration: 3 hours or less. Many cities, North Fork among them, claim to be the Center of California. The debate has waged for a long time. But in 1996 a group of surveyors finally marked the Geographical Center of the state with a survey marker, a plaque and a pylon reading "CAL CENTER." I plan on ridding up to see this wonder. It’s just off the road with a short walk and flight of stairs. The road is great for 90% of the way. The other stretch is rough. Not that bad. But it will vibrate us a bit. Our ride will take us up to North fork where we will turn South East and drop down towards Redinger Lake We will stop at the marker and marvel that we stand at the exact center of California. We will continue down to Redinger Lake and swing over past Kerckoff Lane and down into Auberry. There is a nice Mexican place in Prather for Lunch or it’s straight on Hwy 168 back to Fresno. On a side note: Another spot claiming the title of the center of the state is on Hwy 99. Just North of Herndon Avenue and before Avenue 12 in the center divider are a Palm tree on the South side and a Pine tree on the North. Lots of stories surround this. No one knows for sure. I heard it was a midway point for LA travelers headed for the state capital. It was said they were planted by an inn keeper in the1920’s. It took two days to drive between LA and SAC back then. Here is a link to one blogger who gathered info about the Palm and Pine. I hope to see you on one or both of these rides!! Dan Netz Words from our Ride Coordinator Dan Netz Upcoming After Meeting Ride June 13th – Right after the meeting. Right after the meeting we will have an hour and a half ride to Catheys Valley just off Hwy 140. This will be a part Hwy and part country road route. We will have some fine country views along the way. If we are able to leave before 10:30 AM we will arrive by noon. An up to 45 minute tour has been planned. And since this is baby season there should be a lot of young ones there to see. For the ride back we can go through Snelling to Merced or simple retrace our route. Either way be are back before the day is fully spent. As your ride director I am always looking to find interesting things to do. Maybe some are outside the box. But if there are things you’re missing or not getting out of the stuff I plan. Get with me so we can plan stuff you like. Dan Words from our Ride Coordinator Dan Netz Easy Pizza Recipe by Dan Netz You may or may not know that I worked at several pizza parlors when I was young. Some chains, some that were more gourmet. I learned a lot about making pizzas. I played around with quick and easy home recipes to the more extensive ones that take 3 to 5 days to complete. Below is the easy version Diane and I have been using for the last 30 years or more. One word of caution, you can easily spend $20 or more making one if you get carried away with toppings. INGREDIENTS: For the Crust 3 cups of Flour 1 cup water - Warm not hot. You should be able to feel the warmth but not feel it’s hot. 1 teaspoon sugar 1 pack if quick rising yeast Spaghetti Sauce – Whatever your favorite is. I like Prego garden style. Mozzarella. Or you can blend cheeses together. Mozzarella, Monterey Jack and maybe Provolone. Toppings Any cooked meats Any vegetables or fruits you want. DIRECTIONS: Take one cup of warm to the touch water. Not hot! Add teaspoon of sugar and yeast packet. Let it stand for 5 minutes. A nice foam will rise to the top when it's ready Put the flour in a bowl and slowly add the water while you stir it up. The flour should form into a ball. Knead it several times, and add flour if needed or add water if it is too dry to hold together. A soft slightly sticky ball of dough is what you want. Put the dough ball in another bowl that has been covered with butter or sprayed with oil. Cover it with a towel and let it rise for 1/2 hour or more. Longer is better. Dough should rise and maybe double in size. Take a cookie sheet and spray with oil or spread Olive Oil with your hand all over the cookie sheet. Olive oil helps get the bottom nice and crispy. Continued on next page…. Words from our Ride Coordinator Dan Netz Easy Pizza Recipe by Dan Netz (cont.) Take the dough ball and pat it down on the cookie sheet until it has spread out to cover the cookie sheet. Sometimes I roll the dough edges to form a crust. Sometimes I squeeze it up so it forms a crust. Or you can leave it flat and it will rise just a little when you cook it. I like to brush olive oil on the edges so the crust gets nice and brown. Once the dough is spread out on the cookie sheet you can spread a spaghetti sauce on the dough. A lot of sauce and the cheese will float off when you serve it. Use too little and the pizza is too dry. Use any kind of sauce you want. Ragu, Hunts Traditional Meat or Mushroom are all good choices. Spread it out but leave it short of the edges so you have a crust area, maybe one inch or so from the edge. Now add a layer of cheese. I like mixing Mozzarella and Monterey jack. You can mix any kind of cheese you want. Have fun with different blends. I like mixing 50% Mozzarella, 30% Monterey jack and 20% Provolone together. Some people like a little yellow cheese added for color. So after the base layer is done sprinkle a little cheddar, not a lot. You’re adding color. Too much and it over takes the other cheeses flavors. Now add your toppings. Pepperoni, cooked sausage or any meat or vegetables you want. Keep in mind that greasy meats will leave puddles on top. These are easily dab up with a paper towel but they can build up. If you put raw sausage on top you need to make sure it’s cooked through before serving. So don’t make the size of the sausage too big or it won’t cook through. Pre-heat oven to 400 deg. Bake for 10 to 20 minutes depending on your oven and preferences. To make sure the bottom is cooked lift the bottom edge with a spatula or fork and look at it before you serve. Pizza comes in so many different styles. You can use the dough recipe and some variations to make different styles. A little dryer dough can be rolled out thinner if you prefer thin crust. If you get a deep dish pan you can do some Chicago style pizzas with Top and bottom crusts more like a pie. I have a deep dish pan that I oil up with Olive oil. I pat the crust down on the bottom but then I pat it up the sides. So the pizza is about 3 inches deep. Then it’s a layer of cheese, sauce, more cheese and toppings added to build it up. You can make Calzones if you like. You can even just make bread sticks out of the recipe. May 2015 Sun 3Larry and Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri 1 2Chapter Event CA-2S Garage Sale in San Jose CA-1K in Canoga Park, CA CA-2S Garage Sale in San Jose 8 9Chapter Gath- Linda Jenkins 10 ering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Meeting at 9:00 am 11 12 13 14Chapter 15 Social at 6:30 pm Golden Restaurant 1135 N Fulton St. at 6:30 pm 17 18 19Team Meet- 20 21 ing at Brooks Ranch dinner at 6:00 pm Larry Jenkins 24Region “F” 25Memorial Event in Tuscan, Day AZ Returning home from Tuscan, AZ. 31 Sat 26 16Chapter Event CA-2K in Fairfield, CA 22Region “F” 23Region “F” Event in Tuscan, Event in Tuscan, AZ AZ 27 28 29Friday 30 Night Out Cancelled CA-2Q Rally in Dublin June 2015 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6Chapter Event CA-1L in San Luis Obispo, CA 7Joe and 8Teri Rippe 9 10 Shirley Machado 14Chapter 15 Event CA-1D in Paramount, CA 21Returning 22Beverly Home from Reno, NV Lisa Styles Pruett 28 29 11Chapter 12Tim and 13Chapter Social at 6:30 pm at Luna’s in Clovis Sue Butters Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Meeting at 9:00 am 16Team Meet- 17Reno Ren- 18Reno Ren- 19Reno Ren- 20Reno Rening at Brooks Ranch dinner at 6:00 pm dezvous in Reno, NV dezvous in Reno, NV dezvous in Reno, dezvous in Reno, NV NV Richard and Mary Richardson 23 24 25 26Friday 27Chapter Night Out 6:30pm Event CA-2N in Sonora, CA 30 Upcoming Events for CA-2W: May 2015 May 1-2 CA-2S Garage Sale in San Jose May 2 CA-1K Rally in Canoga Park May 9 Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering start time is 9:00 am. After meeting ride to Center of California May 14 Chapter Social at Golden Restaurant on Fulton Ave. at 6:30 pm May 16 CA-2K Rally in Fairfield May 19 Team Meeting at Brook’s Ranch 6:30 pm Next Month’s Chapter Events June 6 CA-1L Rally in San Luis Obispo June 11 Chapter Social at Luna’s in Clovis at 6:30 pm June 13 Chapter Gathering at Yosemite Falls Café Breakfast at 8:00 am Gathering start time is 9:00 am. After meeting ride Alpaca Farm June 16 Team Meeting at Brook’s Ranch 6:30 pm June 17-21 Reno Rendezvous in Reno, NV June 26 Friday Night Out to be announced June 27 CA-2N Rally in Sonora, CA Meeting Locations: Point North will be at the Starbucks on Herndon at Golden State. Point South will be at Brook’s Ranch, Chestnut at Hwy 99. Seminars will be at Clawson’s Motorsports 6334 N. Blackstone, Fresno. Upcoming Chapter Events for California Chapters Date Chapter and Place Pre-register cutoff February 7, 2015 CA-1I in West Covina, CA 1/27/2015 March 27-29, 2015 CA-1R in Mesquite, NV 2/23/2015 April 11, 2015 CA-1A in Lancaster, CA 3/28/2015 April 19, 2015 CA-1Q in Buena Park, CA 3/30/2015 May 1-2, 2015 CA-2S in San Jose, CA May 2, 2015 CA-1K in Canoga Park, CA 4/18/2015 May 16, 2015 CA-2K in Fairfield, CA 5/1/2015 May 30, 2015 CA-2Q in Dublin, CA June 6, 2015 CA-1L in San Luis Obispo, Ca 5/29/2015 June 14, 2015 CA-1D in Paramount, CA 5/17/2015 June 27, 2015 CA-2N in Sonora, CA 6/5/2015 July 18, 2015 CA-C in Sacramento, CA 7/6/2015 August 8, 2015 CA-2W in Fresno, CA Cancelled September 26, 2015 CA-1Z in Rainbow, CA To Be Announced September 27, 2015 CA-1V in Victorville, CA To Be Announced October 10, 2015 CA-2R in Redding, CA 9/21/2015 October 17, 2015 CA-1M in Redland, CA To Be Announced October 24, 2105 CA-1F in San Diego, CA 10/1/2015 none To Be Announced Upcoming events for District, Region, National Date Location Pre-register cutoff May 22-25, 2015 Region “F” in Tucson, AZ June 17-21, 2015 Reno Rendezvous in Reno, NV September 3-7, 2015 District Convention in Bakersfield, CA August 17, 2015 September 3-6, 2015 GWRRA Wing Ding in Huntsville, AL See Wing World Mag. October 2014 issue May 1, 2015 See Wing World Mag. October 2014 issue Chapter CA-2W Support Team CA-2W Chapter Directors Larry and Lindy Jenkins 559-718-8665/8837 CA-2W Assistant Chapter Director Tim Butters CA-2W Chapter Educators Shirley and Joe Machado (559) 471-9190 CA-2W Treasurer Teri Rippe (559) 240-5966 CA-2W Membership Enhancement Coordinator Paty Clyborne CA-2W Ride Coordinator and Public Relations Dan Netz (559) 743-4443 CA-2W Chapter Store Teri Rippe (559) 240-5966 CA-2W 50/50 Chairperson Mike Machado CA-2W Sunshine Coordinator Lindy Jenkins (559) 718-8837 CA-2W Web Master Sean Lewis (559) 347-4278 CA-2W Ways and Means Dan Netz (559) 743-4443 CA-2W Newsletter Editor Steve Rippe (559)298-2456 CA-2W Individual of the Year Dan Netz CA-2W Sunshine Maryann Derfelt CA-2W Couple of the Year Ross and Paty Clyborne Chapter CA-2W Members Members Celebration Dates Last Name First Name Birthdate Allen Janice March 25 Butters Tim February 24 Butters Suzanne (Sue) Clyborne, Ross Clyborne, Anniversary Year Joining GWRRA April 2002 June 12 June, 2009 June 12 December 2014 July 28 July 28 June, 1987 Paty September 19 July 28 June, 1987 Derfeldt Dan November 15 November 17 2014 Derfeldt Mary Ann November 21 November 17 2014 Gong, Ken November 25 February 20 April, 2009 Gong Angie Jenkins Larry May 19 May 3 April, 2005 Jenkins Lindy November 18 May 3 April, 2005 Larson Alan September 7 September 28 June, 2011 Larson Sandra Ann November 25 September 28 June, 2011 Lewis Sean November 9 March 28 July, 2014 Lewis Diane September 23 March 28 July, 2014 Machado Jr Joe September 18 June 7 April, 1994 Machado Shirley March 17 June 7 April, 1994 Machado Mike February 13 Mikkelsen Hans February 15 Mikkelsen Barbara Netz Dan September 9 October 24 March, 2009 Netz Diane August 15 October 24 March, 2009 Netz Athena November 28 March, 2009 Pruett Beverly June 22 August, 2013 Richardson, Richard March 25 June 19 September, 2005 Richardson, Mary December 27 June 19 November, 2009 Rippe, Steve April 8 March 10 July, 2006 Rippe, Teri June 8 March 10 February, 2007 Styles (Netz) Lisa June 21 Vigil Lonnie May 5 September 5 January 2011 Vigil Margie March 26 September 5 January 2011 February 20 July, 2013 December 23 April, 2010 December 23 March, 2009 The above list is of active members only. If you think that there are any errors here, please contact Steve Rippe. Larry Jenkins Larry and Linda Jenkins We can’t include you if we don’t have your information. Contact Steve Rippe to make sure you’re on file! California District Team California District District Directors Vincent and Pamela Puterbaugh (951) 435-6000 (Vincent) (951) 453-9867 (Pamela) pamputerbaugh@gmailcom California District Assistant District Directors John and Linda Boman (951) 440-0657 (John) (951) 259-5277 (Linda) California District Assistant District Directors Bob and Nancy Clark 661-943-5663 California District Treasurer Diana Hibden (310) 638-2830 California District Educator Mike and Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 California District Assistant Educators California District Couple of the Year Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 Member of CA-1A California District Individual of the Year Ken Parmann Member of CA-1L California District Membership and Retention Coordinators Garrett (Gary) and Dee Bowers (661) 729-6754 California District Assistant Membership and Retention Coordinators Steve and Alma Sprenkle (619) 585-9112 California District Lady Ride Coordinator Special Interest Group (SIG) Diana Hibden (310) 638-2830 California District District Photographer Jim Miller 760-275-0314 California District Store Managers Robert and Tina Gulley California District Convention Coordinators Bill and Rene Johnson (707) 631-4102 California District Vendor Coordinator California District Trainers Steve and Teri Rippe 559-240-5966 California District Chapter of the Year Coordinators Steve and Alma Sprenkle 619-585-9112 California District Parking Lot Practice Trainer Mike and Elma Maury (858) 485-7216 California District Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year Coordinators Don and Beth Kuellmer 925-487-5750 California District Artist Ruth Burke (209) 536-1318 California District Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators California District Motorist Awareness Program Assistant Coordinators Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 California District Medic First Aid Coordinators Robert and Linda Harmon (661) 810-5154 (Bob) (661) 810-5157 (Linda) California District Medic First Aid Assistants Bob and Nancy Clark (661) 943-5663 California District Newsletter Editor Pamela Puterbaugh (951) 453-9867 California District Web Master Scott Wienke OPEN POSITION OPEN POSITION OPEN POSITION Southwest Region F (fun) Team Region F Directors Keith and Teresa Morrison (505) 922-9250 (505) 414-7239 (Keith’s) (505) 414-7238 (Teresa’s) Region F Assistant Directors Joyce and Rick Elmore (970) 619-8140 (303) 803-3748 (Joyce) (303) 803-5378 (Rick) Region F Assistant Directors Cathy and George Diaz (949) 551-4896 (949) 302-8664 (Cathy) (714) 813-6989 (George) Region F Assistant Director Mark Davis 505-379-1210 Region F Educators Mike and Ruth Burke 209-536-1318 Region F Assistant Educator Region F Treasurer Patti O’Neill-Esposito and Sal Esposito (408) 244-7722 (408) 639-0415 cell Region F Assistant Educators and Medic First Aid Training Coordinators Joel and Marti Winkler (626) 969-7486 Region F Assistant Educators and Motorist Awareness Program Coordinators Cliff and Char Simpson 602-904-0219 Region F Leadership Trainers Garry Howland (303) 677-0203 Region F Membership Enhancement Coordinator Kenneth and Cindy Kelly (623) 229-9339 (623) 297-3620 Region F Assistant Trainers Harry and Amy Jenkins (505) 730-6267 Region F Region Store Sallie and John Baldwin (480) 983-0823 Region F Public Relations Coordinators Dennis and Karen Long (262) 366-6206 Region F 2015 Chapter of the Year Colorado Chapter L Lakewood, CO Region F Couple and Individual of the Year Coordinators JoAnn and Jim MacLean (661) 251-5420 Region F Couple and Individual of the Year Assistant Coordinators Rich Mason (562) 315-5213 Region F Couple of the Year (COY) Bob and Jan Wills Region F Individual of the Year (IOY) Brian Lape Region F Convention Vendor Coordinator Donna Pickens (661) 726-5145 (661) 547-2733 (Cell) Region F Assistant Convention Vendor Coordinators Jan and Ken Pedder (661) 810-7606 (Jan Cell) (661) 943-7014 (home) Region F Newsletter Editors Tom and Vicki Lorenz (714) 968-4393 (714) 801-8664 (cell) Region F Seminar Presenter Coordinators and Couple of the Year Coaches Mike and Ruth Burke 209-536-1318 Region F Webmaster Tom and Lisa Evans (575) 652-3144 (732) 809-2184 (cell) OPEN POSITION GWRRA National Team GWRRA Nation Team Directors Ray and Sandi Garris (602) 404-6875 GWRRA Nation Team Directors of Divisions/Programs Dave and Gwen Carter (815) 477-9893 GWRRA Nation Team Director of Finance Jeffrey Liner (423)336-5835 GWRRA Nation Team Member Enhancement Directors Bob and Karla Greer (770) 473-1316 GWRRA Nation Team Rider Education Directors Tony and Michelle Van Schaick (919) 346-1433 GWRRA Nation Team Leadership Training Director Paul and Cheryl Brosher (260) 344-1646 GWRRA Nation Team Editor in Chief Wing World Magazine Kevin Whipps (623) 581-2500 ext. 253 GWRRA Nation Team Global Affairs Director Deputy Director Overseas Dan and Rachel Sanderovich 972-542-300-311 Israel GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Directors East Region A, B, D and N Bob and Nancy Shrader (352) 668-3164 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Directors Central Region E and H Bill and Dea Ann Gray (918) 231-9371 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Director Canada Bob and Carolyn Pinet (905) 336-6166 GWRRA Nation Team Deputy Director West Region F and I Anita and JR Alkire 4331 Summit Drive La Mesa, Ca 91941-7842 (619) 741-8893 (home) (858) 922-2251 (cell) (619) 741-8859 (fax) GWRRA Web Site GWRRA - go to Benefits to learn about the following: - Rescue Plus Towing - Gold Book - Financial Services and Insurance - Discounts at hotels - Wireless Discounts - Office Max - Sears - and much more! Call Customer Service for GWRRA – 1-800-843-9460 Email customer Service – Go Online – Gathering Times Chapter Chapter Director (s) Gathering Location 3rd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CAC Bob and Nancy Harris (209) 744-8560 ELKS Lodge #6 6446 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95822 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:30 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1A Lance and Dee Wilson (661) 992-7701 Greenhouse Café 1169 Commerce Center Lancaster, CA 93534 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1C Jim and Karen Miller (760) 275-0314 Burgers & Beer 72-772 Dinah Shore Dr. Rancho Mirage, CA 4th Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1D Cliff Kennish (323) 582-4398 Paramount Elks Lodge 8108 E. Alondra Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1F Chrystal Richardson (619) 929-6223 Broken Yolk Café 1851 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1I George and Norma Mocabee (626) 945-5988 Denny’s 546 W. Baseline Rd. Glendora, CA Last Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1K Ken Freeland (818) 370-3572 Denny’s Diner 8330 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91304 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA1L Bob and Barbara Dowdy (805) 226-9175 IHOP 212 Madonna Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 2nd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1M Trent and Denise Reid (909) Pepper Steak 26589 Highland Avenue Highland, CA 92346 2nd Sunday Breakfast @ 7:00 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1Q Robin and David Black (562) 505-6682 Black Bear Dinner 7005 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90602 1st Sunday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1R Michael and Gayle Davis (949) 916-4761 Home Town Buffet 1008 E. 17th St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1S Jo Jolitz (805) 216-6661 Carrow’s 2401 Harbor Blvd. Ventura, CA 93003 3rd Sunday Breakfast @ 7:00 Gathering @ 8:00 CA1V Pat Riley 951-204-1889 Maxwell’s 17772 Wika Rd. Apple Valley, CA 92307 1st Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA1Z Ginger and Danny Merritt (951) 285-3597 Home Town Buffet 40390 Margarita Rd. Temecula, CA 92591 4th Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2A John and Debbie Whitted (559) Old Salles Café 2082 N. J Street Tulare, CA 93274 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2J Alex and Marce Ageev (925) 497-4480 Home Town Buffet 2050 Diamond Blvd. Concord, CA 94520 4th Sunday Breakfast @ 8:30 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2K Bill and Rene Johnson (707) 631-4102 Benicia Grill II 2390 N. Texas St. Fairfield, CA 94533 2nd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 9:00 CA2N Nick and Terri Riolo (209) 462-6122 Pine Tree Restaurant 19601 Hess Ave. Sonora, CA 95370 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 7:30 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2Q Don and Beth Kuellmer (925) 487-5750 (925) 487-1931 Black Bear Diner 5100 Hopyard Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 2rd Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:30 CA2R Dave Wilson (530) 275-5521 Vittles Restaurant 2685 North Street Anderson, CA 96007 3rd Saturday Breakfast @ 8:00 Gathering @ 8:45 CA2S Sal and Patti Esposito 408-639-0609 Home Town Buffet 2670 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 85035 Law Tigers -- Nationwide Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Law Tigers is a professional association of motorcycle injury lawyers who help riders every day. Our association consists of a skilled group of personal injury lawyers whose mission is to support and promote the well being of motorcyclists. Dedicated to rider safety, awareness, and education, we are committed to the riding community. Benefits to Card Holders Toll-Free, 24-Hour Accident Hotline No Recovery, No Fee For Personal Injury Claims $10,000 Hit-and-Run Reward $10,000 Bike Theft Recovery Free Legal Advice for All Motorcycle Matters Free Representation for Motorcycle Damage Claims Free Online Registration of Emergency Medical Information Benefit Card As both riders and attorneys who have represented thousands of injured motorcyclists, we understand what is important. For this reason, we developed the Law Tigers Free Rider Benefit Card. This card represents a unique program that affords motorcyclists unparalleled peace of mind. Sign up for your free Rider Benefit Card today! Here's what you've been waiting for: The Streetmasters Precision Cornering Motorcycle Workshop is a one day workshop designed specifically for touring, sport-touring, cruiser, and sport bike riders. Personalized motorcycle training to take your skills to the next level. You'll be smoother, more confident, relaxed — ready to take on the curves and have fun doing it. No racing, just proven techniques from expert motorcycle instructors on your own personal highway. Your wait is over. Enroll today! Read about Nancy and Walt's Great Alaskan Adventure as they explore our 49th state and at the same time help raise money to help eradicate breast and ovarian cancer. Two Weeks On Two Wheels In Alaska STREETMASTERS MOTORCYCLE WORKSHOPS P. O. Box 1252 Corona, California 92878-1252 Words from your Newsletter Editor Steve Rippe What did the right eye say to the left eye? "Between you and me, something smells." A piece of string walks into a bar. Before he sits down the bartender yells "Hey! We don't serve pieces of string like you!" The piece of string goes outside, ties himself in a bow, and rolls around on the ground for a bit. Then he gets up, goes back into the bar, and sits down. The bartender says "Aren't you that piece of string?" The string replies "No. I'm a frayed knot." Two guys were out walking their dogs on a hot day, when they pass by a pub. The first guy says "Let's go in there for a pint." Second guy, says, "They won't let us in with our dogs." First guy: "Sure they will, just follow my lead." He goes up to the pub, and sure enough the doorman says, "I can't let you in here with that dog." He replies, "Oh, I'm blind and this is my seeing-eye dog." The doorman says, "Ok then, come on in." The second guy sees this and does the same thing. He goes up to the pub, and the doorman says, "You can't come in here with a dog." He replies, "I'm blind and this is my seeing-eye dog." The doorman responds, "You have a Chihuahua for a seeing-eye dog?" The second guy stops for a second, and exclaims, "They gave me a Chihuahua?" Two strawberries are about to be canned. One turns to the other and says "If you weren't so fresh, we wouldn't be in this jam!" I'll never forget the words my granddad said before he kicked the bucket.. "How far do you think I could kick this bucket?" What do Kermit the Frog and Attila the Hun have in common? They both have the same middle name. May 2015 First Class Mail GWRRA Chapter CA-2W Steve Rippe Newsletter Editor 3225 Keats Ave. Clovis, CA 93619 For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack Rudyard Kipling This newsletter is published monthly for the enjoyment of it’s members and friends of the Clovis chapter of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association for good riding and comradeship.
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