CABOOLTI]RE, & DISTRICT PASTORAL. AGRICIJLTI]RAL & INDT]STRIALASSN LTD CABOOLTI]RT, SHOW FRIDAY 6th, SATIIRDAY 7rh and SIJI\DAY Bth JUNtr 2014 SECTION T2. NEEDLEWORK SCHEDULE CABOOLTURE & DISTRIGT PASTOR^AL, AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIAL ASSN. LTD Friday 6h, Saturday 7* & Sunday 8h June, 2014 SECTION 12 - NEEDLEWORK STEWARD: Mrs Roslyn Keillor (07) 54951277 ASSISTING STEWARDS: Mrs Jan Finn; Mrs Susan Daines; Mrs Betty Goodwin: Mrs Pauline Mclntosh (a) All exhibits must be the work of competitor and MUST HAVE BEEN COMPLETED lN THE LAST 12 MONTHS AND NOT PREVIOUSLY ENTERED lN THIS SHOW. (b) Exhibit must not be soiled or worn. (c) The same exhibit cannot compete in more lhan one class. (d) All entries and exhibits will be received; upslairs of the WD Wlliamson pavilion, Caboolture showgrounds, on Saturday 31't May 2014 between the hours of 9.00am and {2.00 noon and Wednesday 4th June between the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm. Stewards will be in attendance. No late entries will be accepted. (e) Receipts will be issued on entry and must be produced on Sunday afternoon for collection of entries. NO ENTRIES WILL BE GIVEN OUT BEFORE 3.30PM. (0 ENTRY FEE $r.00 (g) Prize Money I st g7; 2nd $5 unless otherwise stated. NO RESULTS (h) Prize money for most oulstanding exhibit in section $10.00 WLL BE GIVEN OVER THE PHONE. The MYRTLE LINDSAY MEMORIAL TROPHY is awarded to the exhibitor with the most points. 3 points for 1st, 2 points for 2nd and 1 point for 3rd; where applicable. (i) Any class with trophy or voucher for first prize no prize money will be paid. O All classes must be strictly adhered to, if there is a class already listed, entries must go in that class and NOT in any class not specified, as no alternative classes will be made. (k) The novice class is for entrants who have not won a first prize in any show in a parlicular class (l) Exhibitors please make sure all frames are securely fastened and suitable for hanging. (m) Framed items to be judged on needlework only show. Monies will not be forwarded. lf erhibitor cannot pick up their exhibit or prize money (if any awarded) please make anangements with a sleward to collect exhibiUprize money on your behalf at the end of the show. (o) Stewards shall be in attendance from 3.30pm Sunday 8th June 2014 to deliver out exhibits to owners. (p) The Association accepts no responsibility for loss or damage or return postage or costs if mailed or railed. (n) Prize monies are to be collecled at the Secretary's Office at the Showgrounds after 3pm Friday 6th & before the end of the ilAcHtNE HoMEsEwNc 2l.Anyarticlemachineembroidered(freehand) 1st$20 IAEESIBY 1. Anyarticleoftapestry,traditional. 2. 3. 4. Tapestry using mixed yams and varied stitches (min 5 Any artide of Petit Any article of tapestry not mentioned Point stitches). above. 23. Adult's garment (men's or ladies). 24. Any article computerised machine embroidery. 1st $20 Gift Voucher donated by Sew This & That, Morayfield. AANDEUEBQIDEBT 5. Any artide featuring cross stitch. 't't $20 Donated By Caboollure Regional Arts & Crafts Picture in cross-stitch and Any artide using a variety of framed. stitches. 7. 8. Any artide in chicken scratch. 9. Table @ntre or runner6. 10. Duchess 1 Society work. MISCELLANEOUS 25. Covered article suitable for a gift (not a coat hanger). 26. Three articbs suitable for stall - distinctly difierent. 27. Best dress hanger. set. ln memory of Julia Lindsay. lst $7, 2nd $5, 3rd l.Tablecloth. Gift voucher donated by Sew This & That, Morayfield. 22. lnfants/Child's garment (including sleepwear). 12. Any article of stump 13. Any article of hardanger work.13 $20, 2d $15, 3'd Donated By Caboolture Regional Arts & Crafis Society 14. Any article in ribbon 15. Any article Candlewick 16. Any article of Brazilian '17. Any article in gold $10 embroidery. embroidery Embroidery. work. 18. Any article in black work. 19. Any article of Crewel embroidery. 20. Any article of embroidery not mentioned above. $3. 28. Any article in smocking. 29. Thrift article (something new from something old or recycled). 30. Any article with beading. 31. Any type of bag. 32. Any article of any other needlework not mentioned above. CBjJCHE 33. Handkerchief edge. U. Table centre fine cotton No. 60 or over. 35. Table centre coarse cotton No. 40 or under, ln memory of Myrtle Lindsay. 1st $7, 2nd $5, 3rd $3. 36. Duchess set. 37. Two Doyleys, different designs. ln memory of Enid Froggatt. lst $20 Donated by Caboolture Regional Arts & Crafts. Cloth. 38. Supper 39. Crocheted Centre No. 40 cotton across. 71. Any patchwork article with or under. Not less than 35 crn For BEST EXHIBIT lN PATCHWORK & OUILTING. cotton. 40. Any article not mentioned in 41 . Rug. 120cm or over. ln memory of Enid Frogatt. 1st Donated by Caboolture Regional Arts & 42. lnfant's crocheted 43. Crocheted Pram orCot Cover. 44. Child's matinee 45. Exhibit of any other crochet not mentioned Crafis. set. lnc offer an Encouragement Award consisting of one yea/s individual membership (valued at 945) Crazy Quilters Caboolture Inc. will also sponsor 5 'Highly Commended' awards at $5 each. QUEENSLAND QUILTERS $20 jacket. NOvtCE 72. Any article of crochet. above. LACE 46. Article in 73. Any article 74. Any article 75. Any article 76. Any adicle 77. Any article 78. Any article Tatting. 6NILIIN9 47. Hand-knitted matinee iacket for a a Christmas theme. GIFT BASKET DONATED by COUNTRY BEGINNINGS, BELLMERE, child. 48. lnfant's Hand-knitted outfit. 49. lnfant's Hand-knitted Bonnet or Beanie. 50. lnfant's Hand-knitted Booties or Shoettes. of knitting. of machine sewing. of patchwork and quilting. of embroidery. of long stitch or cross-stitch. not mentioned above. Any Article using at least 2 different textile techniques E/or a melody of different fabrics, threads, stitches or other embellishments to create a 51. Child's Hand-knitted Jumper or Cardigan 3 to 5 ply. 52. Child's Hand-knitted Jumper or Cardigan. Heavy ply. 53. Adults Jumper or Cardigan. 54. Hand knitted garment in cotton. 55. Hand knilted article not mentioned above. uniquely designed piece, suitable to be worn. (excludes patchwork & jewellery) 79. Fashion ltem - for example (but not limited to) - top/vest. - for example (but not limited to) purse/scarf/hat. 81. Embellished ltem - a commercially purchased item that has been embellished to look different (eg. purse/haucushion) 80. Fashion Accessory EELIIilG 56. Any article featuring hand felting. r!)s & GENTS 57. Best Sculptured Cloth Doll. SENIOR CI7IZENS -7O YEARS & OVER LADIES 82. Any article of hand embroidery. 58. Best made Teddy Bear. 59. Best Dressed Doll or Teddy Bear. 60. Best Country Doll. 61. Best made Toy in Material or Felt. 62. Best Toy Knitted or Crocheted. 83. Article of knitting. 84. Article of crochet. 85. Any article of Patchwork & Quilting. 86. Piclure worked in cross-stitch or long stitch. 87. Exhibil of any other needlework not mentioned above. W Classes 6$71(inclusive) + class 75 Prize moneydonated by Crazy Quitters Caboolture lnc.1d $15, 2"d 63. Any article of Patchwork & Quilting all hand sewn. No stitching. (&nall item eg(wall hanging, stitchery) 64. Any article of Patchwork & Quilting all hand sewn. No stitching. Large item eg (quilt) $10 machine machine lrlork) TEENAGE SECTION to 19 yea6. Entry fee 50c. State age on Entry. Prize money. tst $5, 2nd $3. 88. Picture worked in cross-stitch or long stitch. (to be ftamed). 89. Any article of sewing. 1st $10 gift voucher 13 Donated by Sew This & That, Morayfield. 90. Any article of knitting or crochet. 91. SoftToy. 65. Any Patchwork article. Machine & hand sewn (All owner's (Small item). 66. Any Patchwork article. Macfiine & hand sewn (All owner's work) (Large 67. Any patchwork articb. Machine and/or Professionally 68. Best quilt by Professional 92. Picture worked in cross stitch or long stitch (to be framed) 93. Any article of sowing. lst $10 Gift Voucher 70. Any articb of Crazy Patchwork. ln memory of Betty Armstrong. 94. Any article of knitting or crochet. item). Quilted. Quilter. 69. Best Cushion - any method. handmade. Entry feo 50c. State age on Entry form. Prize money 1st $5, 2nd $3. Donated by Sew This & That, Morayfield. CABOOLTURE & DISTRICT PASTORAL. AGRICULTURAL & INDUSTRIALASSiI LTD ANNUAL SHOW FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY6TH.ITH & g TH JUiIE 2O1t+ GENERAL ENTRY FORM Class Section Office Use Particulars of Exhibit NAME OF EXHIBITOR (in block letters) i $ Mr{tirs/f,iiss Address: Date: Phone: I undertand ttt t ontrlcq atr rccopted en0nly !t tho ownore rbk and competltott ln Rlng Eventr periorm et thelr own rlrlc The Socll0B lervrnt3 tnd lgont! wlll not bc lhbh ior try locsoc or damage b tfta exhlbltr or .ny prcporty whats@ver and howaoovor rnt/ ety, auch loccoc or dsmgo be cautcd. "' posted erhtbl' r,' to tncludo co.' or ,"tum portase *o t'* ,-; signed ;;;;;r;*;;. "rt as pootaos and bankins costs now provont th€ fowarding of cfieques. Prize money shouH be colected on show days at th6 Slrowgrounds 1. lf you do not quote yourABN or sign the hobby dedaration below we will be mqulrcd to dedud,l8.5% wihholding tax ftom any prize money you win. OR 2. DECLARATION I hereby dodars thattho activity I am engaged in whlch relates to seruices provided by me is a reoeational hobby undertaken by me. NB. lflnsuffidcnt space on this Entry Form for your exhlhls, please attadr another sheot
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