April 2015 Newsletter - Grumman Retiree Club

April 2015
Volume 48, Issue 4
Circulation: 3105
We’ve Moved!
Bethpage, New York
President, Betty Bohlander, (516-575-3777)
California - Golden West / Pt. Mugu
President, Fred Syrett (805-647-4934)
California - San Diego / San Diego
President, Pete Belay, (858-484-7307)
Florida - First Coast / St. Augustine
President, Fred Bauer (904-819-9817)
Florida - Manasota West / Bradenton
President, Ted Martines (941-926-8891)
Florida - Mid-West / Spring Hill
President, John Cornacchia (813-995-2902)
Florida - Southwest / Locations Vary
President, Carolyn Moors (239-283-8294)
Florida - Spacecoast / Melbourne
President, Bob Prais (321-242-5782)
Florida - Suncoast / Pinellas Park
President, Benjamin Hurley (727-527-7281)
Florida - Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie
President, Dan Knowles (772-288-2758)
Georgia - Peach Pit / Milledgeville
President, Janet Sills (706-485-0839)
Maryland - Glen Arm / Belair
President, Rick Swinder (410-977-7829)
New England - New England North / Dorset, VT
President, Bill Egner (802-446-2062)
New Jersey - Garden State / Lakehurst
President, Bill Staples (732-350-9454)
New York - Bethpage Chapter & Club HQ
President, Betty Bohlander, (516-575-3777)
New York - Eastern Long Island / Riverhead
President, Bert Moller (631-864-4377)
North Carolina - Eastern Carolina / Locations Vary
President, Peter McNamee (252-288-4569)
Pennsylvania - Northeast PA / So. Sterling
President, Charles Dowd (570-491-2125)
South Carolina
Coastal Carolinas / Myrtle Beach
President, Ronald Girardin (843-903-7116)
Texas - Houston / Houston
President, Angelo LaCognata, (281-326-1665)
Virginia - Central Virginia / Monticello
President, Fred Meiners (434-589-2882)
Northrop Grumman has moved its Bethpage HQ from Plant 25 to Plant 15, on
South Oyster Bay Road in Bethpage. All NGC employees and Retiree Club
HQ have been relocated to Plant 15. Effective immediately, the Club’s mailing
address is:
Attn: Grumman-Northrop Grumman Retiree Club
Northrop Grumman Corporation
925 South Oyster Bay Road, M/S Retiree/BP15
Bethpage, NY 11714
One unfortunate result of the packing and unpacking of the office was the
toll it took on the way we were able to function. Processing of applications,
answering phones, and responding to e-mails were all slowed down, but we did
as much as was possible. We shut down phones and computers on March 31,
and everything was moved on April 2. We had four days the following week to
regain a semblance of order. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused by
the move, and we do appreciate your patience and understanding.
Navy EA-6B Prowler Sunset Celebration
June 25-27, 2015
NAS Whidbey Island, WA
All Navy EA-6B operations will end in 2015. The Commander, Electronic Attack
Wing, US Pacific Fleet (CVWP), is organizing a celebration to commemorate
the conclusion of 44 years of VAQ Prowler history. The objectives of the
celebration are to: Provide a place and time for the EA -6B community (active duty, veterans,
industry personnel, and their families) to meet and celebrate.
Inform current EA-18G personnel of the EA-6B community’s accomplishments,
and Share the celebration with the local community, which has supported
the base, the squadrons, and service personnel families throughout EA-B
Information and registration: www.whidbeyroost.org
Additional information: www.grummanretireeclub.org
2015 All Chapter Scholarship Awards Program
DEADLINE: All completed applications, with all required documentation, must
be received by the Scholarship Program no later than May 12, 2015. Applicants
should submit the items as soon as individual documents are available. Applications should be sent to: Grumman Retiree Club Scholarship Fund, Inc.,
PO Box 0748, Bethpage, NY 11714-0748.
Scholarship Program Contributors
The Scholarship Fund Directors and the
Retiree Club thank the following for their
Auteri, Marie
Collorone, Corinne
Datz, John
Di Rocco, Frank
Campbell, Francis
Cronin, Jeremiah
Depinter, Edmund
Diannone, T. L.
Dietz, Charles
Emmons, Arthur
Foertsch, Henry
Frenke, Helen
Dunton, Harlow
Errig, Bette
Forte, Elva
Gilleran, F
Goldstein, Robert
Hadjigeorge, Norma
Harris, Robert
Ingold, Jack
Grumman, David
Harding, Thomas
Hejl, Joseph
Juengst, Stephen
Keenan, Charles
Lane, Florence
Lewin, Norman
Lugbauer, Peter
Kernis, Charles
Leib, Kenneth
Loonan, John
Macchio, Matthew
Scholarship Program Contributors
Neyssen, Michael
Page, Marjorie
Parente, Margaret
Pedersen, Paul
Pernick, Benjamin
Ragas, Donald
Saffron, Stanley
Savasta, Robert
Schauer, Berthold
Schineller, H. Joseph
Schwarz, Jakob
Semick, Irene
Stanziale, Anthony
Taylor, Mimi
Tedesco, James
Troje, Adolf
Tweedy, George
Westerback, Sonya
Winsten, Jerry
Yerden, Raymond
North Carolina Chapter
in Memory of Joseph Ram
Mancilla, Frank
Maniscalco, Leonard
Marrocco, Anthony
Martin, Robert
McCaffrey, Ronald
Mirchin, Seymour
Moore, Thomas
Thank you for continuing the Grumman tradition
of supporting education. Your contributions are
the Engine that enables our Scholarship Award
Program to be a continuing benefit for all Retiree
Club Members.
Please Keep Your (Tax Deductible)
Donations Coming . . .
(USPS # 023-096) Volume 48, Issue 4, April
2015, is published monthly except August and
September by Grumman Retiree Club, Inc., 600
Grumman Road West, M/S Z49-25 Bethpage,
NY 11714-5000. Periodical postage rates paid
at Bethpage, NY. Subscriptions rates of $13 are
paid through membership dues. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to: Grumman Retiree
Club, Inc. c/o Command Direct / 310 Oser Ave /
Hauppauge, NY 11788-3608
Send your checks (payable to Retiree
Scholarship Fund) to: Scholarship Fund, PO
Box 0748, Bethpage, NY, 11714-0748
2015 Scholarship Program
50/50 RAFFLE
Members of All Chapters May Participate!
Enter often. Multiple winners possible.
Max prize: $500 for any one person, in any
one drawing.
Winners announced in the Newsletter, after
each quarterly drawing.
Send a filled-in raffle ticket (below) and a check
(payable to Grumman Retiree Club Scholarship
Fund), to PO Box 0748, Bethpage, NY, 117140748. Each raffle entry is $5. (Please indicate
how many raffles you are purchasing.)
Everyone has a chance to win.
This Raffle benefits the
Scholarship Fund only.
Bethpage Chapter Calendar
Membership luncheon-meetings are generally
held on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
April 22: Crest Hollow
Reservation form: page 22 of this Newsletter.
Members will relate their personal Nostalgia stories.
May 27: Crest Hollow
Speaker: Jake Bussolini, on his new book
Reservation form: page 22 of this Newsletter
Note: Jake’s book will be on sale after the meeting;
Jake will sign copies and answer questions.
2015 Defensive Driving Course
Last Call
We need a volunteer to take over the coordination
of Defensive Driver Courses.
If no one steps forward, the Club will be forced
to end all Defensive Driver activities.
This is the last call for a volunteer.
A little bit of time; a small amount of effort;
a very big help to many Club Members.
Please volunteer now . . . .
Call the Club office: 516-575-3777
Scholarship Program
Town _______________State ____ Zip _______
Phone (optional) _____________________
Senior Blood Drive
Northrop Grumman has graciously invited our Club
to participate in future NGC blood drives, which will
be held in Plant 15, in Bethpage. For details about
participating in the NGC blood drives, and for nonNGC blood donation locations around Long island,
call the Club office, 516-575-3777.
Number of Raffles Purchased _____
Bethpage / Parent Chapter
March 25, 2015
Happy to see that all the snow that blanketed LI on
the first day of Spring was now melted, our lively
crew came to the business meeting at the Milleridge
Inn. The second meeting of the year started with
past President Marion Abbott leading the Pledge of
Allegiance. A moment of silence was observed for
our departed friends and for the well-being of the
men and women in the service of our country who
fight and die for our freedom.
are first hand revelations and testimonials that rank
as important as photos or videos that are historically
invaluable. The data has been listed on an EXCEL
spreadsheet with Year and Month of Issue, List of
Nostalgia related stories, Contributor’s name, and
- whenever possible - the contributor’s Permanent
number (often 3 digit perms, in early Newsletters). All
this data has been sorted into three categories: Key
Company Players; Aircraft Programs and Activities
(ranging from F-14 to Hellcat, and including canoes);
and Company Culture, with subcategories of Women
in the Workplace and Turkeys & Christmas”.
Since the March Newsletter has not been received
as of this meeting, the notes as written cannot be
President Betty Bohlander introduced guest speaker
John Eagan who is a Research Historian for the
Grumman History Center. John spent 17 years
in Commercial and Private Security after which
he joined Grumman in 1988 to work in Corporate
Services -Security. John was RIF’d by NGC in 1999,
but was rehired at NGC Melville (the old Norden
Systems Sector). He managed Security, Safety
and Health, Fire Protection and Ethics programs
from 1999 to 2013. Altogether, he spent 25 years at
Grumman -Northrop Grumman.
After his final departure in 2013, he immediately
volunteered at the Grumman Historical Center,
where he just finished an extensive research project
on the records of the center. This resulted in a
program that will allow easy access to Grumman
Nostalgia Stories.
John mentioned that the center decided to, among
other memorabilia, catalog old Grumman Retiree
Newsletters. Initially, only 50% of the entire repertoire
of Newsletters was in the Center; with the help of the
Club, most of the vast number of missing Newsletters
was obtained raising the count to approximately
85%. As John looked through the Newsletters
he was struck by the Nostalgia stories that were
available and this gave rise to the “Nostalgia Stories
Archiving Project”, which noted stories from 1967 to
the present.
There are some 400 issues. These have provided over
1200 stories and articles that have been chronicled.
John described them as” Historian’s Gold”, since they
John gave the audience a flavor of some typical
stories. The first example was called the “Calvertonto-Grumman Pony Express Story”, written by a man
whose function was to bring daily Time Cards from
Calverton to Bethpage every day, starting in 1955. He
related the horrors of traveling Jericho Turnpike (no LI
Expressway in those days!) in the snow. His solution
was to use his International station wagon with
Positraction, to prevent skidding. However, during
or after a big snow, on the return trip to Calverton,
he would only drive to Smithtown where he would
leave the station wagon at a tavern (the owner was a
friend), borrow the tavern owner’s horse, and ride the
remainder of the trip with time cards and company
mail in the saddle bags.
After the audience roars subsided, John related
two George Skurla stories from George’s Calverton
oversight years. The first was how George interacted
with F-14 assembly line people day and night
(George often slept at Calverton during those times)
and the second was a humorous story as told by a
Calverton employee who, at George’s behest, was
touring an entourage of Japanese VIPs. At the end
of the tour, George asked the guide what the VIPs
were talking about during the tour of the F-14 plant.
The tour guide responded, “After looking around at
the facility, the head VIP said, ‘How did we lose??’”
George knew it was a joke. Both George at the time
and the audience now enjoyed the joke.
Next, John told a cute S-2 Tracker story called,
“Lighting Up LI Sound.” This nostalgia piece had
been written by a Grummanite who flew test flights
and recorded in-flight test data in 1955. One night
mission took the plane over Long Island Sound. At
the completion of the scheduled tests the test pilot
wanted to experiment with the on-board search
light which, operationally, was intended to illuminate
enemy submarines for further action after being
detected on the surface. The light had a whopping
70 million Candlepower capacity. When the pilot
turned on the switch, the town of Northport was
illuminated and looked like noontime on a sunny day.
Dousing the light immediately, the pilot said, ‘If asked
where we were operating tonight, say ’off the South
Shore’“. They later learned that Northport police
were inundated with calls reporting everything from
UFO’s to space aliens.
John related a few “Women at Grumman” stories,
including one that involved the first woman hired to
work on the production floor (you can imagine the
catcalls and whistles), and concluded with a story
about how, initially, women draftsmen were not
permitted to smoke at the drawing boards while men
were and the actions of one young lady that reversed
that rule.
John described a History Center effort to determine
the final Permanent number ever issued by Grumman.
They haven’t been able to ascertain that number,
but put it at approximately 200,000, estimated from
John’s perm of 185,177 in the year 1988.
In conclusion, John recited some memorable
statements made by employees about Grumman’s
uniqueness. John recalled his one of his favorites:
“Grumman -an aircraft factory that became a social
force for good.” Another was, “Kitty Hawk - the birth
of flight; Bethpage – the birth of aviation”.
John then explained how to access all of these
stories a by contacting the History Center. The staff
will tirelessly help and are continuing to try to improve
the access. Presently, they are exploring providing
access and sorting via the Club website, to enable
access from home. You can contact the History
Center Office: 516-349-5941 (Mon. & Wed, 9AM3PM) or: ngc600history@aol.com
They also are asking for your help in obtaining
Newsletters from the years 1976 through 1982,
plus the latter part of 1991. If you have saved any of
these copies please contact the History Center. Also,
please share any other stories that you might have.
A short Q&A followed. John was presented with a
gift and the Club’s appreciation.
(As of this meeting, it is not known if the History
Center will be relocated.)
Business – Betty Bohlander:
• Retiree Club HQ is in the process of packing up
and cleaning out the HQ office in Plant 25 in order
to move to Plant 15. We are due to move on April 2;
all phones and computers will be packed on March
31. Plant 15 will be closed on Friday, April 10, so we
won’t be operational until April 13. We are presently
processing membership renewals but because of the
move delays are inevitable. Please be patient: Please
do not call or e-mail to ask if we received your check.
We are caught up with the applications received as
of March 24.
• Betty reminded the attendees of the April 16th
celebration of the 45th Anniversary of the Apollo 13
flight at the Cradle of Aviation, with Astronauts Jim
Lovell and Fred Haise, who will be joined by NASA
Flight Director Gene Kranz. The celebration will recall
the flight in which, two days into the trip to the moon,
there was explosion on the Service Module, which
then made the Grumman Lunar Module become the
“lifeboat” for the crew. This use of the LM was never
planned for, but the LM successfully returned the
crew and allowed for a safe landing on earth.
Committee Reports
Treasurer Reports
Frank Rizzo presented the Treasurer’s report for the
Grumman Retiree Club. It was accepted as read.
Harry Daum presented the Scholarship Fund
Treasurer’s report. It was accepted as read.
Scholarship Program - Harry Daum: Everyone who
is eligible for a Retiree Club scholarship should be
working on the application now. Cutoff for Application
acceptance is May 12, and the Awards Luncheon is
June 24. Harry thanked everyone for the generous
contributions that have been made to the Scholarship
Blood Drive – Harry Prod: The code number
3863, which credits Northrop Grumman with a
blood donation, is the same number we have used
for years when donating at the Golden Donor Blood
Drive. Obviously, it has been transferred to Northrop
Travel - Nick Bazzicalupo: Prime Time has been
sold but will retain its name. However, Grumman
retirees will no longer receive the long-standing perks
and discounts, so Nick opted to not discuss trips
anymore. He is, however, strongly advised to have
at least one joke available every meeting. This day,
he finished his talk with two fabulous jokes that had
the audience hysterical. Way to go, Nick!!
Birthdays –Andy Tomaiko 74 on 3/28; Marguerite
Burt 85 on 2/28; Harry Daum 82 on 3/29 and Peder
Jakobson 72 on 3/7. Happy Birthday to all.
January/February Anniversaries- Peter and
Frances Murray 64 yrs. on 4/7. Congratulations on
your milestone.
Out of Town Visitor – Pauline Sandmann, from
Eastern LI chapter. Welcome again, Pauline.
Prize Winners
Door Prizes: John Vosilla and Harvey Knopf
Community Relations 50/50: Pete Fales (2 prizes),
Howie Schilling, and Joe Carlino.
Scholarship 50/50: Marion Abbott
Next Meeting: April 22, at the Crest Hollow CC.
The meeting was adjoined with the singing of “God
Bless America”.
By: Lou Kubat, Sec’y.
CALIFORNIA / Golden West
Our March 10th meeting, with eighteen members
present, was held at the Eagles Lodge in Oxnard.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance
led by Sergeant-at-Arms John Urgo and a prayer
led by President Fred Syrett.
We then had lunch followed by a short business
meeting. Tom Maloney gave the Treasurer’s report.
Craig Kaston put on a program about the F-14,
which included videos of the
Phoenix Missile being launched from the F-14
during testing.
50/50 Winners: Bill Judd, Dick Bartick, and Craig
By: Fred Syrett, President
We met on March 19, at one of our favorite places,
Filippi’s Italian Restaurant, in Mira Mesa. Ten
members and guests arrived early to visit and
then enjoy a delicious lunch. What makes this
especially fun is the wonderful server we’ve had for
many of our Filippi’s luncheons. Trisha, originally
from Wantagh, Long Island, always greets us with
a smile as she happily takes our orders and always
goes out of her way to take care of every request
we make. Our numbers may have been small but
the positive spirit and camaraderie of those in
attendance was large.
The 50/50 lucky winner was Barbara Mosley.
It is with sadness that we report the passing on
January 26 of retiree and past President of our
club, Cliff Robinson. We also lost Joan Riley,
widow of deceased Site Manager Frank Riley. Our
condolences, as well as our heartfelt thoughts and
prayers, go out to their families.
From January through March, the following folks
celebrated birthdays: Charlie Askins, Sy Glick,
Frank Huttle, Dennis Klapwyk, Sherry Lossick,
Gayle Quebedeaux, John Reika, Barbara Robinson,
Bill Roeckl, Dick Sarraffe, and Ed Vasely.
Wedding anniversary good wishes go out to: Jim &
Betz Bartels, Pete & Mary Belay (their 30th), Frank
& Kay Huttle, Mike & Sherry Lossick, John & Mitzie
Reika (their 60th) and Tom & Ella Whitehead.
The date and place of our next meeting will be
announced at a later date.
By: Bill Roeckl, Sec’y. billroeckl@cox.net
FLORIDA/ First Coast
Thirty-three members, two guests, and a guest
speaker attended our luncheon on 3/17. Even
with the variety of food, there was no corned beef
and cabbage for St. Patty’s Day. As usual all of us
managed to feed ourselves well.
Treasurer Bob Rathje has sent our 2015 dues
payment to Bethpage and collected two “better late
than never” dues payments, which he will forward
to NY. This makes 90 members enrolled this year.
March Birthdays: Werner Langhauser, Ralph
Davies, Chuck Osborne, Art Maguire, Barbara
Mehl, Jim McDonald, Ruth Goehler, Gerri Newman,
Eileen Cacace, Allen McCaffery, Tony Miller, Kay
Heagy, Shirley Jennings, Ann Walsh, Joe “Waxy”
Decrescenzo, Rena Oakley.
Anniversaries: Gwen & John Saar, Kay & Paul
Heagy, Jennifer & Peter Foster, Ann & John Walsh,
Alice & Tom Downs, and Marge & Fred Bauer.
Seven 50/50 prizes were distributed.
Next Meeting: April 21 at Icibahn restaurant on
US 1 South, in St. Augustine
By: Steve Cacace sremkkc@comcast.net
Fred opened the meeting, as always, with the
Pledge followed by Chaplain Janet’s opening
FLORIDA / Manasota West
Fred introduced guest speaker Jake Bussolini, who
has authored the book “The Last Chapter”. Jake
gave a detailed outline of the events leading up
to and following the Grumman /Northrop merger.
Jake is a former executive in the company, who
was present at many of the events he spoke
about, giving us a perspective we all found quite
interesting. Jake claims the book is well detailed
and totally true. Several of us, including myself
purchased a copy, which Jake was happy to sign,
after the meeting. Thanks, J.B.
President Ted Martines called the meeting to
order at 12:05PM, with eight members and one
guest present at Pier 22 Restaurant. Our guest,
former GAC VP Jake Bussolini, was here to catch
up with old friends and provide an overview of his
latest book, “The Last Chapter.” Ted led us in the
Pledge of Allegiance followed by the Secretary’s
and Treasurer’s reports.
Fred went on to our usual business. We will have a
speaker from the sheriff’s department, next month,
presenting a talk on senior safety. Also, please
note: our June meeting date has changed to
June 9, 2015
March 11, 2015
Secretary John Zinna has been in contact with
Frank Poplawski, who is doing well and hopes to
join us for one of our upcoming meetings. We were
also in contact with Rick Koening, who is interested
in carpooling to meetings with anyone in the
Palmer Ranch area. Contact John for more info, if
you can help. Notably missing from this meeting
was Jim Murray, who we hope to see at the April
meeting. If you are unable to make a meeting, but
would like to comment to the Chapter, please drop
John a line and it will be forwarded on.
Jake Bussolini gave an interesting review of his
book and his first-hand knowledge of the facts
about the last days of Grumman. His inside
knowledge certainly answered some questions
lingering in the minds of those of us who were not
behind the closed doors of Grumman’s executive
offices. And his easy way of walking our Chapter
through the chronology of events connected the
links that took us from merger to acquisition. At
the conclusion of Jake’s review, our Chapter
purchased a copy of Jake’s book, which will be
available to our membership, on loan.
Month two of our Grumman Trivia contest was won
by our VP Bob Nyberg. Last month’s winner (me)
made up the questions and facilitated the quiz.
There were five questions, ranging from details
of Grumman’s first aircraft (FF-1), through space
program chronology, Grumman Trucks, Aircraft
Names, and - lastly - Jimmy Buffett’s Grumman
aircraft and it’s relationship to his song title. It was
again a fun game and even our guest Jake couldn’t
beat our Bob Nyberg, who is now responsible for
next month’s questions. If any other chapters
would like copies of our Quiz, please contact John
The snowbird season is nearing an end for many
our January-to- March part-time residents, but if
you are a Grumman or Northrop Grumman retiree
or current employee in the area, please join us for
our Next Meeting, on April 8th, at Noon, at Pier 22
Restaurant in Bradenton, FL.
For future planning: Our meetings are held at Noon
on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in our private
dinning room, at Pier 22 Restaurant, Bradenton,
By: John Zinna, Sec’y/Treasurer
(941-705-2690) ezjohn1028@gmail.com
March 19, 2015
The meeting was opened by President John
Cornacchia at 11:30AM. Greetings: Welcome to
the Grumman Retirees Club, Mid-West Florida
Chaplin Gus Krayer opened our meeting with the
invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were eleven members and one guest
We had one birthday for March, John Cornacchia,
and one anniversary, Gus & Charlotte Krayer, 35
A motion to accept the minutes for February 2015
was made by Gus Krayer and seconded by Hank
Mehl. The minutes were accepted unanimously.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Gus Krayer.
The motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was
made by Kathy Cornacchia and seconded by Bill
Shay. The report was accepted unanimously.
Sunshine Committee:
-- Citrus County:
All is well.
-- Hernando County:
1. We missed Joan Mehl and Madeline Arso, and
we look forward to seeing them at the next meeting.
2. Joan Bellion passed away on January 14, 2015
and several of our members attended a very nice
Memorial Service, on January 28.
Our speaker for today was Mr. Terry, from the
Hernando Sheriff’s Office.
The meeting adjourned at 1PM.
A fun time was had by all.
Future Meetings: held at the Buffet City
restaurant on Rt. # 50 in Brooksville, at 11:30AM:
April 16 and May 21.
We will be off for June, July and Aug.
Returning September 1
Oct 15: Our picnic
Nov 19
Dec 17: Our Christmas party.
By: Kathy Cornacchia, Sec’y.
FLORIDA / SouthWest President Clem Moors opened our March meeting
with 20 members and guests. After the pledge to
our flag and a prayer, we broke for lunch.
After lunch, Clem introduced Jake Bussolini, our
invited speaker. Jake discussed his book, “The
Last Chapter”, which goes behind closed doors of
both the executive offices and the Corporate Board
room to disclose details about the corporation that
have never before been revealed. He describes
the tense events that lead to the decision to change
the basic business strategy of the company. Jake
also tells several political tales that help the reader
understand how a major player in the defense
industry could be bought to its knees by the
signature of one highly placed Washington official.
Jake retired as Senior Vice President. He has
been touring the Grumman Retiree Club chapters
promoting his book. He is a worthwhile invitee
to any Chapter. Jake gave a very good talk and
answered questions.
After Jake’s talk we continued our meeting, starting
with members’ birthdays:
February Birthdays:
Tony Perre, John Vecchione, and Clare Milar.
March Birthdays: Jim Hodder (94), and Janet
We discussed our May Meeting. We considered
having a day trip but, since the May meeting is
the last meeting of our season and attendance is
usually lower than normal, we decided to meet at
the Golden Corral.
50/50 winners: Beverly Urban, Ethel Czerwinski,
Gloria Conklin, and George Daly.
Next Meeting: May 12, 11:30AM, at the Golden
Corral, Punta Gorda.
By: Tony Perre, Sec’y. (239-731-7146)
FLORIDA / Space Coast
March 18, 2015
Eighty-two club members filled the Suntree Country
Club, socializing before the Noon call to pledge,
prayer, and buffet lunch.
Program VP John Lau introduced our main
speaker, Gregory Weiner, Senior Director, Business
Development, for the Economic Development
Commission (EDC) of Florida’s Space Coast. Greg
came on-board in Brevard in 2010, at the time the
down sizing of the manned space program at KSC
was threatening the loss of some 15-20 thousand
well paying jobs.
To counter this, Greg has led a team that has
landed numerous high profile projects and brought
thousands of high wage jobs to the Space Coast,
with our EDC ranking1st in the state in new capital
investment and 5th in jobs created.
Greg dwelt on the positive aspects of this
change in culture, with the economy of our
communities now being more diversified with more
manufacturing jobs: Brevard is now the lead county
in manufacturing jobs in Florida. He touched on
how complex the recruiting industry has become
with the need to obtain political support, arrange
for zoning/permits, and negotiate incentives while
maintaining secrecy. Illustrating this was our own
Project Magellan, announced in May of 2014, as a
project that will create 1800 jobs with an average
wage of $100,000 . . . to this day, Greg does
not know what will be going on in the building.
The final negotiations took over a week in an
off-site location with representatives of Northrop
Grumman, the county, the airport, the state, and
USAF all participating - over 50% of the people in
the room were lawyers!
Much of the EDC’s work is with existing companies
and a separate group, “GO Contracts” has been
set up to help small businesses do work with the
government. Ironically, many of our people do not
want manufacturing jobs for their children and are
wary of the cyclic nature of the aerospace industry
- not unlike some of the things we heard on Long
President Bob Prais thanked Mr. Weiner for his
very informative report, noting that we appreciate
having such a talented and aggressive organization
working for the economic health of our community.
The expanded Northrop Grumman work force,
from both relocations and new hires, might bode
well for the health of our retiree chapter.
Historian/Gremlins: George Graefe reported
on a fabulous air show in Titusville with great
weather, record crowds on Saturday, and terrific
displays. He also reported that the hanger where
our Gremlins do their magical renovations has now
been officially named the Harold Larkin hanger in
honor of the original Grumman Gremlin founder.
Treasurer Bill Waldron reported both accounts
are in good shape. There are seven 50/50 awards,
plus two specials, and a grand St. Patrick’s Day
prize of a $25 gift certificate to Publix and a green
Travel: Maureen Ayers joyously reported big sales
on U.S. river cruises are going on. The American
Queen Steamboat Company is offering 50% off on
Mississippi River Cruises and 60% off on Columbia
and Snake River Cruises, while smaller
discounts are available on Un-Cruise Adventures,
Blount, and American Cruise Line.
Angela Romano, original Scholarship Committee
Chairman, introduced our guest, Jason Panzarino,
the first recipient of the George Skurla scholarship,
in 2008. Angela glowingly read her report to the
club when Jason was selected, recounting the
unanimous selection of the Scholarship Committee
who felt that Jason’s record, including being a
licensed teen-age pilot, was true to the George
Skurla tradition.
Jason gave an illustrated presentation recounting
his undergraduate days at the University of FloridaGainesville, where he was president of the AIAA
chapter. While there, he did intern work on a large,
unmanned aircraft for the Army and worked for the
United Launch Alliance on an Atlas 5 rocket and at
the launch facility at KSC.
After graduation, he won a scholarship to the
University of California-Irvine, where he got his
Masters degree last year, and continued fascinating
intern work in their Materials Lab. Jason showed
us some of the crystalline material analysis he is
doing, citing how smaller crystals provide greater
strength but are more brittle, a flaw that they are
working to overcome. He anticipates getting his
PHD next year. Jason was in town to deliver a
paper in Orlando
Marie Skurla expressed her joy at Jason’s
accomplishments, presenting him with a bag of
“goodies”, specifically giving him a pure silver bullet
as she dubbed him her “Lone Ranger”. In the eyes
of this scribe, Jason’s visit was a real shot in the
arm for our scholarship program as we got to see
how we could play a small part in promoting a fine
young man’s progress in a career we all have been
associated with.
Fittingly, Jason’s presentation was followed by a
report by Scholarship Chairman Jim Glover. We
will be receiving the appropriate data from the
Brevard School Foundation by the end of March
and will have a meeting of the committee the first
week in April to select this year’s two scholarship
Communications: Don Powell’s only input was
the question “What do you call the rabbit that
assists the anesthetist during operations? Answer:
The Ether Bunny!
Old Business:
• The gala Air Show sponsored by Northrop
Grumman will be at the Melbourne Airport March
21-23. Featured will be the Navy Blue Angels,
USMC Ospreys, and USAF F-22s.
• Retiree Club HQ has forwarded a “Thank You”
letter from the Honor Flight for the $300 donation
the Club contributed in our name.
New Business: President Bob announced that
the Stewart Chapter will be celebrating their 25th
anniversary on May 5th and would welcome
visitors from other chapters.
Belated February Birthday Greeting to Sheila Bigel.
Employee Birthdays March: James Lawler, Nick
Milonas, Richard Dillinger, John McDonald, Robert
Filipi, James Williams, and Ron Sidorski
2015 Meeting Schedule:
4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 9/16, 10/21, 11/18, 12/16
No meetings in July & August
FLORIDA / Suncoast
Our 3/18/15 Meeting was opened at Noon at the
Hibachi Buffet, in Pinellas Park, FL, by President
Ben Hurley with thirteen in attendance. Sergeantat-Arms John Kucin led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Patricia Newark gave the Invocation,
with a special prayer for our Armed Services
personnel men and women serving in harm’s way.
We had three happy 50/50 winners: John Kucin,
Sofia Giouvalakis, who gave back, and Caesar
Colasuonno, who also gave back.
Sickness and Distress: We send Get Well Soon
wishes to Lyn Mohr, who fell and broke her arm.
March 17, St. Patrick’s Day: Irish Patricia Newark
March 20: Robbie the Clown (Bob Barth)
March 21: Ed William
April 10: John Kucin
Congratulations and our hopes for Many More!!
Our guest speaker was Jake Bussolini, who spoke
about the last days of Grumman as told in his new
book, “The Last Chapter”.
Spouse Birthdays March: Elizabeth SanFilippo,
Pat Belmont, Diane Bennett, Pat Klein, Dolly
Casko, Anita Leslie, Pat Deuster, and Diane
Next Meeting: 4/15/15. We hope to see you there.
Anniversaries March: James & Carol Lawler, Joe
& Pat Mullings, and Walter & Pat Duester.
50/50 Drawing: There were seven 50/50 winners
and the grand prize (a $25 gift card to Publix and
a bottle of green liquor) was won by Annie Kuhn.
Congratulations to all!
By: Patricia Newark, Sec’y.
FLORIDA / Treasure Coast
The March 19 meeting of the Treasure Coast
Chapter was held at Manero’s Restaurant, in
Palm City, Florida, with 54 members and guests
By: Bill Steenson, Sec’y.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of
Allegiance led by President Danny Knowles. The
Pledge was followed by the Invocation, which was
given by our Chaplain, Lawrence Regier.
Regier also announced that absent member and
friend of many, Ilse Rauchen, sent her warmest
regards to the chapter.
Bob Watkins introduced our guests: Nick
Maniscalco and Marie; Aileen and Bob Watkins
Jr.; my sister, Barbara Coates; and our speakers,
Vicki Davis and Jake Bussolini. (I apologize if I
missed other guests.)
Nancy Schaefer reminded members of the May
5th dinner being spearheaded by Ken Tolve.
It is a rebirth of the 25 year luncheons held in
Stuart for many years. It will be at the Knights of
Columbus, and the price is $14. Any employees
(former or present) of Grumman and/or subsequent
companies are invited to attend. Please contact
Tolve (772-287-5918 or knmtolve@bellsouth.net)
for more information.
Lunch of Corned Beef and Cabbage or Basa
Picata was enjoyed by all.
Our first speaker, Vicki Davis, is the Martin County
Supervisor of Elections. She gave an informative
and insightful address about elections in general
and specifically about Martin County, which has
106,000 registered voters, 50% Republican, 27%
Democrat and the remaining 26,000 “other”. In
the last national election (2012), 73% of all voters
in the county voted prior to election-day. This was
up from 69% in 2008. Absentee ballots and early
voting polls make this a growing trend. She noted
that the counties to our South, Broward and MiamiDade, make news for their slow return results. But
their ballots, because of the percentage of nonEnglish speaking residents, are printed in three
languages, English, Spanish, and Creole, and
are 12 pages long, tripling the processing time.
Her office has eight full time employees, adds six
more during national elections, and relies on 300-
400 poll workers on Election Day. (By the way,
poll workers are not volunteers, they are paid.)
There will be three national elections in 2016: the
presidential primary (3/15); the primary (8/30); and
the general election (11/8). Anyone interested in
getting involved can call her office at 772-2885637. Ms. Davis answered questions and we thank
her for taking the time to speak to us.
Our second speaker, Jake Bussolini, has written a
book entitled “The Last Chapter”. His book concerns
the demise of our company, Grumman Aerospace.
As an officer, he was involved in discussions to
determine the direction that Grumman was going
to have to take to stay in business. The process
began in 1990 in Washington, DC, where aircraft/
aerospace officers were called and told that budget
cuts could severely impact their government
contracts and actions should be taken to merge
or diversify their companies to stay in business.
Grumman and Martin Marietta were ready to
merge when Northrop made an offer that was
higher ($62/share vs. $55/share), creating a hostile
takeover. Jake’s book was available for purchase,
which he signed, along with copies brought to the
meeting by members.
No birthdays or anniversaries were on the list.
The 50-50 prizes were awarded..
Next Meeting: April 16, at Manero’s restaurant.
Please send $15 dues for 2015 to Charlene
Castagnero, 611 SW Pine Tree Lane, Palm City,
FL 34990
For more information, please contact me at
772-528-8169 or nmscha@aol.com
By: Nancy Schaefer
GEORGIA / Peach Pit
Our March 17, 2015 meeting at Triumph Group’s
Vought Aircraft Division Plant [the former Grumman
Plant 66] in Milledgeville, GA, started at 12:45PM.
with 25 present. President Janet Sills called the
meeting to order and asked VP Ted Zarkowsky
to lead attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chaplain Willie Collins gave the Blessing, which
was followed by the meal and fellowship.
Old Business:
A motion to accept the February 17, 2015 Minutes
was made by Florella Crouch and seconded by Hans
Borstell. There were no changes either by those
present or received by proxy so the motion passed.
New Business:
1. President Janet wished members a Happy St.
Patrick’s Day
2. March Happy Birthday to: Elmer Baumgart
[31st], Tom Blenk [25th], Pat Borstell [12th],
Geraldine Collins [20th], Gene Donovan [7th],
Dennis Klingener [20th], Joe Sansotta [26th], and
Barbara L. Stevens [19th].
3.There were no Wedding Anniversary
congratulations to report this month.
4. Treasurer Joe Sansotta reported a positive bank
5. Brenda Miller had a Medical procedure
completed. She is on the road to recovery and we
extend best wishes for a speedy recovery
6. Past President Earl Seagle discussed having
Chapter members participate in activates to
include golf events and day trips to various sites.
Accordingly, Earl made a motion that was seconded
by Brenda Gruwell to get input from members as to
their interests. And, coordinating this initiative are
Earl and Ted Zarkowsky, with a progress report
due at the April meeting.
7. Ted Zarkowsky won the 75/25 Fundraiser raffle
and donated the winnings to the Community
Service Fund. Thank You, Ted.
Community Service:
Volunteerism continues as members and spouses
aid various causes including Pints of Blood/
Today’s Program was a Site overview presented
by Merlin Fechner, Site President. It was very
informative and was followed by a Plant Tour.
Thank you Merlin, and Staff, for hosting this
Chapter annually as it not only brings back fond
memories but also is evidence of a bright future as
the Plant celebrates its 40th Anniversary this year.
When asked what he thought after a long absence,
newest Club member John Noack said, “This looks
like a Plant on steroids”.
Also, this Site’s Employees enjoy “profit sharing”
for excellent quality, schedule, and good cost
performance. And, FY 2015, which will end in two
weeks, was very good.
In addition, to thank the roughly 600 years of
seniority at this meeting, Merlin thanked all present
for their prior Company service and for contributing
to making current successes possible. As part of
his demonstration of the company’s appreciation,
he conducted a “Show me the Money” raffle,
in which Florella Crouch, Tom Blenk, and Bill
Gruwell were given cash. Thank you, Merlin, for
the generosity.
A motion to end the meeting was made by Paul
Bernichon and seconded by Carole Ewers. The
motion carried and adjournment was 2:00PM.
Next Meeting: April 21, 12:30PM, at Crockett’s
Cafeteria on Hwy 441 in Milledgeville, GA.
By: Lew M. Iuliucci, Sec’y. (478-452-135)
Maryland / Glen Arm
Our meeting was held March 17th, at 6:30 PM.
We had a fair showing. Topics covered were: the
Treasury Report, our Chapter’s paid-up Roster,
our Charity Donation, and the Future Meeting
The 2015 Club dues collected were forwarded to
NY with 45 members paid up as of meeting date.
Rick Swinder continues to research charity
organizations and will inform us of his findings at
an upcoming meeting. We may make a donation
to the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars or to the Veteran’s
Hospital at Perry Point.
We discussed scaling back on meetings over the
Summer, with June’s evening meeting being our
last meeting for the Summer, and picking back up
in September. (This is still to be confirmed.)
Our Treasurer, Joe Svach, announced he will step
down after five-and-a-half years in the position. He
agreed to continue in the position until June when
we will have our next evening meeting; this will give
our Chapter time to elect a replacement.
If you would like to be considered as a nominee
for the Treasurer position, please let Rick Swinder
We are sorry to inform the Club of the passing of
a former member and fellow Grummanite, Ralph
Andrew Mowinckel. Ralph worked for many years
in the Inspection Department at Plant 56, Glen
Arm. He lived in Bel Air, Maryland, the last several
Ralph passed away on March 7th, after a heroic
fight with Cancer. May he rest in peace. Our
Sympathy goes out to his Family. We took time in
remembrance of Ralph.
John Kennedy, one of our long time members who
moved to Florida several years ago, called to let
us know he will be in Maryland in May and hopes
to stop in at our May meeting.
March / April Birthdays:
Bill Meininger - March 15
Joe Sann - March 24
Jerry Lambert - April 16
Happy Birthday to you all!
Unless Notified Otherwise:
Our Chapter meetings are held the Third Tuesday
of the month. Daytime meetings are held at 1PM;
Evening meetings are at 6:30PM.
Meeting Schedule:
April 21 - 1PM.
May 19 - 1PM.
June 16 - 6:30PM.
All meetings are held at the Golden Corral
Aberdeen Md.
Topics for our April meeting:
> Charity selection for chapter donation
> Treasurer’s Report
> Membership
> Treasurer stepping down
> Summer meeting Schedule
> Group event
Remember, the club is still recruiting members, If
any current members have contact info for fellow
Glen Arm Grummanites that aren’t members,
please pass on our club contact info.
If you have and questions or suggestions, please
President: Rick Swinder (410-977-7829,
Sergeant-at-Arms: Rolfe Feser (410-661-2580,
Treasurer: Joe Svach (443-567-6433, jam.
By: Joe Svach
New England North
Chapter is on Winter break.
New Jersey
Garden State Chapter
No report of March activity..
Contact: Carolyn Kerr, Sec’y. (732-244-4483)
Eastern Long Island Chapter
President Bert Moller called our March 18 Meeting
to order with 17 Members present.
VP Bob Albert read the minutes of our previous
meeting and Treasurer Lynne Miller gave her
report. Both reports were seconded and approved.
Treasurer Lynne asked to be relieved from her post
(health reasons) and Pauline Sandmann agreed to
take over as Treasurer.
From Prez. Bert:
(1) We received Thank You notes from Wounded
Warriors and from the Millneck Home For The Deaf
for our Chapter’s December Donations.
(2) Joan Day wants to rejoin the Club . . . Welcome!
(3) The number of our Dues-Paying Members is
down to 92 from last year’s 103.
Reminder to All: No Dues – No Newsletter!
Bert then Thanked Paul Ziems for connecting our
group with the Coram Diner.
Members discussed COLA and Health [Insurance]
issues with Towers Watson Group.
A vote was then taken for a location for lunch in
April, and the Coram Diner was chosen
Mytko Report:
We lost another of the Greatest Generation:
Charles Diamont passed on Feb 17, 2015, after
a long battle with Parkinson’s. He was a WWII Vet,
and is survived by his wife of 68 years and their
three children.
Leonard (Mike) Murphy passed on March 3,
2015. Mike worked in Bethpage, Calverton, and
Great River. He is survived by his wife Joan and
his daughter.
William C. Schoen passed on Jan 14. We
received a note from his daughter Joanna.
Our Condolences go out to all
who have lost a Loved One.
Frank DeQuarto reported his wife Leona had
Bypass surgery. She will be in our prayers for a
speedy recovery.
To report illnesses, deaths, etc, contact Bill Mytko
(1-864-225-4927 or ermytko@yahoo.com)
Next Meeting: April 15, at the Coram Diner
[Route112 and Jericho Turnpike (Rte25)]. Lunch
($15) at Noon; Meeting to follow.
Future Meetings:
May 20: Location TBD
June 18, at Pauline Sandmann’s
Clubhouse: our Annual BBQ
FYI: God grant me the senility to forget the
people I never liked anyway; the good fortune to
run into the ones that I do; and the eyesight to tell
the difference!
Happy Easter and Passover!
By: VP Bob Albert (631-585-7987)
Eastern Carolina Chapter
Jim Karika and Tom Schroder were Program
Directors for our March 11th meeting. Twenty
members enjoyed a delicious meal, including drinks
and dessert, at “Logan’s,” in Jacksonville, NC. Tom
greeted everyone, thanking them for making the trip,
and led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Invocation
in the absence of Ken Gruebel. He then turned the
meeting over to President Pete McNamee.
Pete informed members that Jake Bussolini, author
of the book, “The Last Chapter”, which is about the
takeover of Grumman by Northrop, would be guest
speaker at our April meeting. Later he learned that
Jake will be in Florida promoting his book during
April, but will attend our planned May meeting.
Program Directors for the April meeting, to be held
in New Bern, NC, will be Joe Mele and Flossie
Johnson. Information regarding the venue will be
Our May meeting will be in Oriental, NC on May
13th, with Bob and Grace Lamberson as Program
Directors. Rudi and Marlene Wiehl are taking care
of the June meeting at the “Clamdigger” in Pine
Knoll Shores, NC.
Pete mentioned that he received a call from one of
the chapters in Florida regarding the late Joe Ram.
Joe was a member of their chapter when he lived
there and they were looking for information about
his death.
Treasurer Bob Lamberson gave his report. He
stated that the treasury is still in the black. We have
60 members and he will have a new list ready for
the April meeting. $50 donations were sent to the
Retiree Scholarship Fund in Joe Ram’s name, and
to Craddockville, VA United Methodist Church, in
Robert Dunlop’s name.
Tom Schroder then pulled out his bag of jokes and
entertained everyone!
Pete read the March birthdays and anniversaries.
Bob Lamberson called the 50/50s, which were won
by Flossie Johnson (3 times but donated 2x back
to the Club), which was then won by Jim Karika.
Pete wished everyone a safe trip home and a
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
3/3 - Kathy Kuntz 3/7 - Allan Brown
3/8 - Katherine Torrens
3/8 - Janet Savastio
3/10 - Pete McNamee 3/19 - Rudi Wiehl
3/20 - Marilyn Lindblad.
3/9 - Ken & Evie Gruebel (68 yrs.)
By: Dottie Karika (dotjimk@att.net
Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter
Yea - Spring! We have been getting a few warm
days here recently, but at night the temperature
plunges. Good thing is the SNOW is melting. I have
a yard again and a driveway. Hope it continues.
Can’t wait to get back into the swing of things and
greet our snowbirds who will be coming North soon.
The Lunch Bunch met on March 19th, at the Alpine,
in Honesdale.I was not able to attend myself,
however, the Zupps, Dowds, Rademachers, and
Anker Petersen attended. From what Fred tells me,
everyone had a great time.
It was decided that the April 16th meeting will be
at Kays Restaurant, in Lake Ariel, at Noon. At that
time, we will make a decision as to where we will
continue to meet. We also need to some up with
a date when we are going to invite Jake Bussolini
to join us.
So Come On Down and Be Part of the Decision
Making Process.
Sickness Report;
— Marianne Sparkowski had a partial knee
replacement done at the end of February.
Everything went well and within two weeks she
was walking without the walker and cane. She is
now in therapy to get the strength back.
— Do not have any word on anyone else.
Birthdays for March - Linda Alongi, Peter
M. Coniglio, Ed Drydol, Cheryl Hirsch, John
P. O’Malley, Fred Rademacher, and Edward J.
Anniversaries for March - John P. & Mary O’Malley.
Otherwise everything else is going well. See you
in April at Kays. For those heading North soon:
stay safe.
Congratulations to our 50/50 drawing winners: Judy
Scott (1st prize), and new member Marge Rapenport
(2nd prize).
Next Meeting, April 16, Noon, at Kay’s.
There was no old or new business to discuss, but Don
Webber raised the subject of ID theft protection and
what we can do in order to prevent becoming victims
of identity theft. Research can be done on the most
reasonable and efficient means of protecting identity,
and it is up to individuals to chose the services that
apply to them. There are many available.
By: Edward J. Sparkowski, Sec’y/Chaplain
(570-698-7182) firefly417@verizon.net
Coastal Carolinas Chapter
Our March 14, 2015, meeting was held at Friendly’s
Restaurant, in Myrtle Beach, with fourteen members
and one guest in attendance. President Ronald
Girardin called the meeting to order. Sergeant-atArms Eldon Scott led the group in the Pledge of
Allegiance, followed by a moment of silent prayer
for our country, military, and those members not
present at the meeting.
It was so nice to see Marge Rapenport and meet her
husband Artie. We welcomed them as new members.
Marge is the sister of Helen Timoney, who founded the
Coastal Carolinas Chapter of the Grumman-Northrop
Grumman Retiree Club, in 1996, when the Club was
known as The Grumman Retiree Club. Helen remains
a member of our chapter, but has resided in New York
for a number of years. Also welcomed was Teresa
McMahon, although not a member, but a longtime
guest at our meetings.
A very “Happy Birthday” to both Carol Joyce and
Marty Fleischer.
Nancy Webber read the Secretary’s minutes, which
were then seconded and approved.
Don Webber gave the Treasurer’s report. The report
was seconded and approved.
Dot Hoffmann, in charge of the Sunshine Committee,
called Lee & Bernard Mascara, and Janice Hanlon.
Please keep these members in your prayers, and
also include Club member Sally Banker, as well. If
you are ill, or if you know of any club member who is
ill, please notify Dot (910-754-8268).
Future Meetings:
May 6: Picnic at Lorraine & Ronald Giardin’s
Sept 2: Logan’s Roadhouse
Oct 7: Damon’s Restaurant
Nov 4: Ryan’s Family Steakhouse
Dec 2: The Sea Captain’s House
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each
month, promptly at Noon. If you are interested
in attending the meetings, please call me, Nancy
Webber, (843-347-2113) for the addresses of the
meeting places.
We welcome all Grumman, Northrop Grumman,
and Northrop retirees and their guests to our
meetings, as well as new Club members.
By: Nancy Webber, Secretary (843-347-2113)
TEXAS / Houston
Our March 17, 2015 meeting was held at the Clear
Lake Park Building, on NASA #1 Pkwy, with a Happy
St. Patrick’s Day.
Some sad news was received of the passing of
Margie Bransfield, on March 14, 2015. Marge was
a long-standing member with her husband, Kenny
Bransfield. Our condolences and prayers are with
the family.
The meeting opened with our guest Mr. Paul Downs,
FAA Safety Inspector, leading us with the Pledge
of Allegiance. The 50/50 was won by Mrs. Sue
Mr. Downs showed a film on the Phoenix, AZ
Aircraft Grave Yard. Refreshing review of retired
reciprocating engines. Sure was nice remembering
and seeing the old military and general aviation
Following the presentation, Ken Maloney came in
with the Irish Soda Bread his wife, Sue, baked. She
shared the recipe with us for Nanna McCarrick’s
Irish Soda Bread. Very tasty.
Nanna McCarrick’s - Irish Soda Bread Recipe
4 cups white flour (sifted)
1 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp. salt
4 oz. softened butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 ¼ cup buttermilk
1 tbsp. caraway seeds
1 cup raisins
Put everything in a bowl in sequence as listed. Mix
all ingredients well. Place mixture in a greased
cast iron 10-inch frying pan. Take a sharp knife
and slice the top “X”. Bake at 335° for one hour. (If
using a spring pan, 350° for one hour). Test with a
toothpick: it should come out dry when done. Brush
with melted butter.
P.S. Happy St. Patty’s Day!
See you all next month, April 21, 2015.
Time and location will be noted prior to the
By: Charles Ashford, Sec’y. (281-474-7260)
VIRGINIA / Central Virginia
Our March 11, 2015 meeting was held at the famous
Blue Mountain Brewery, 9585 Critzer Shop Road.
Afton, VA. (Very close to Charlottesville, VA.) The
Restaurant/Brewery we visited is in Nellysford, VA.
We had only six members present: Frank Edwards,
Maryanne Muller, Rich Benske and friend Jackie
(she is becoming a regular), Bev & Frank Purstell.
The lunch was very good and, of course, we
sampled their excellent Brew.
We were notified via a letter from his wife Jean of
the passing of Ed Riley on January 31, 2015, after a
long illness. The members present at the meeting
voted to send a donation to “Military Order of the
Purple Heart Service Foundation” in Edward Riley’s
Margaret Crider recently notified us that she had
moved to Westbury, NY and has left our chapter.
Her new address is 619 Roman Avenue, 115903528. We wish her good health and happiness.
We are finally enjoying GREAT spring weather, after
a very cold winter. The snow has all melted away,
grass is starting to turn green and the golf courses
are beginning to see heavy traffic.
Treasurer Frank Purstell reported all is well, with only
one unpaid dues. Thank you, all, for your prompt
Meeting Schedule:
April 15, 12:30PM, Francesco Restorante Italiano
(757-345-0557) on Richmond Road (Route 60)
in Williamsburg, VA. From I-64, take Exit 234 for
Humelsine Parkway (Route 199) South. Go to 2nd
exit (Richmond Road - Route 60). At bottom of ramp,
make a Left. Restaurant will be on the RIGHT, in a
strip mall just past the traffic light at Lightfoot Road
(before the NY Deli). Restaurant is tucked into a
small corner. For reference: the Old Williamsburg
Pottery is just up the road.
May 13, 12:30PM, Crab Louie’s, Midlothian Turnpike,
Midlothian, VA
Last Meeting in Spring: June 10, 12:30PM, Tavern
on the Green, at Spring Creek, Gordonsville, VA.
Located at Spring Creek Housing Development, 1
1/2 miles North of Route 64 exit on Route 15. About
3 miles North of 250 in Gordonsville VA.
We truly wish to see all our members from
Williamsburg, Chesapeake, Norfolk, etc.
We hope to see you all at the meetings!
Please notify Frank Purstell (srpurs@gmail.com or
434-282-1303) or Fred Meiners (434-589-2882) by
the Monday before each meeting if you are coming
to the meeting, so we can make arrangements.
In Memoriam
We extend heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of those who have passed away.
Barnard, William H.
Middlebury, VT
Crosby, Claudette “Sue”Washington, NC02/28/2015
Duffy, Joseph B.
Huntington, NY
Finno, RuthHauppauge, NY07/04/2014
Haeberle, TheodoreEast Northport, NY02/06/2015
Hooson, Reginald (Eric)
Huntington, NY
Imgram, Donald A.Fairport, NY01/18/2015
Jacob, CharlesMerritt Island, FL02/19/2015
Jeskin, EugeneNorth Bellmore, NY09/17/2014
Lentino, RobertPalm Coast, FL02/24/2015
McCloughan, Donald A.
Huntington, NY
Palazzolo, Salvatore
Port St. Lucie, FL
Riley, Edward
Locust Grove, VA
Turk, George
Stroudsburg, PA
Zimmerman, FrederickBay Shore, NY02/18/2015
When reporting a death, provide the person’s Name, Date of death, and the City & State of residence prior to death.
Notices of member deaths should be e-mailed to the Club (grumrc@gmail.com), with “Death Notice” as the subject.
Grumman History
Chapter 29
Grumman had a full plate. While the back room was churning out new ideas, Grumman’s mantra was: Current
Contract Performance Perfection. After all, the ability to win new business required great performance on current
contracts. Also, with government’s high emphasis on cost containment, program performance was a must (Note:
It has not changed, even to this very day). The defense budget had been declining each year for 10 years. Since
its peak of $449 million in 1966, the budget had dropped a whopping 37%, to just $284 million in 1976. In the
face of these budget challenges, it was the four hot production lines (Tomcat, Hawkeye, Intruder, and Prowler)
that kept Grumman’s coffers full. Grumman’s 1976 production scorecard was great, with 94% of the required 165
aircraft to be delivered either on time or ahead of schedule. Record sales and profits were Grumman’s reward.
The Tomcat/Hawkeye team was put to a critical test during their seven month Mediterranean deployment on the
USS John F. Kennedy. There were the exercises conducted during NATO “National Week” as well as the French/
British simulated attacks. The Tomcat/Hawkeye team compiled a perfect 100% fleet protection record, “killing
off” all the Mirage 3s, 4s and Tiger sorties. Simultaneously, the E-2C exceeded its reliability requirements and
the Prowler (EA-6B) received the “Golden Tailhook” award for flying over 1,700 accident free hours. Operational
performance of Grumman’s products was flying high,
Some programs were winding down. Most notably was the completion of the General Dynamics’ F-111 subcontract.
Over a fourteen-year period, Grumman successfully delivered 569 F-111 “ship sets”; each ship set consisted of
a F-111 fuselage, landing gear and horizontal stabilizers.
After 23 years, the last of the S-2 Trackers was retired by the US Navy. The Tracker’s lifetime record included
seven million flight hours, 800 thousand carrier landings, and an excellent safety record of just 0.69 accidents per
ten thousand hours. Finally, the HU-16 Albatross made its last flight for the Navy, 25 years after its introduction.
It was nicknamed “Marilyn Monroe” by many of the rescued airmen because the Albatross looked so beautiful as
it swooped down to recover them. The Albatross would continue for many years, saving lives for other services
and countries.
On the up-side, the USAF EF-111 Raven development was going full tilt, the A-6E pilot production TRAM
completed its trials, and 21 Prowlers were to begin an update program. Internationally, Israel became the first
purchaser of the Hawkeye, ordering four with the new AN/APS-125 radar. Japan continued to show great interest
in both the Hawkeye and the Tomcat.
While Grumman’s emphasis was performance excellence, management made important moves to secure the
future. Grumman created the Product Development Center as a means of dramatically reducing the cost and
time, years in many cases, to bring a concept to the prototype stage. This capability was necessary to align with
the Department of Defense’s “fly before buy” philosophy. Mike Pelehach, Senior Vice President of Business
Development, also revamped Business Development with an Offsets Office to facilitate international sales, and
a Proposal Operations Center to streamline and improve the proposal process. Mike placed increased emphasis
on winning more Research and Development contracts to strengthen the Grumman’s product pipeline and formed
a Business Planning group to improve the company’s investment approach.
Grumman History
Chapter 29
Meanwhile, Grumman’s desire to diversify was going at full tilt. Over the previous three years, the non-aerospace
portion of Grumman’s business had grown from 18% to nearly 23% of total revenue.
Starting with energy conservation services, Grumman Energy Systems launched the $995 “Sunstream” solar
pump heating system in a house at Quechee, Vermont, and started field testing a residential/farm sized wind
generator in Alaska, in Rocky Flats, Colorado, and on a farm in upstate New York. Energy conservation services
reached new levels when NASA awarded the team $1 million to develop energy savings concepts for all their
aero-test centers located at Langley, Ames, Lewis, and JPL. Later in the year, this group would win a $450,000
contract from the Energy Research & Development Agency (ERDA, the predecessor to the Department of Energy)
to identify energy conservation ideas for the Argonne National Labs.
While these low-tech energy approaches were being pursued for near term business, Grumman was also looking
for long term energy solutions by teaming with Ebasco to pursue a five-year fusion energy concept as part of a
national team to design and build the Tokomak Fusion Test Reactor at Princeton. This technology could provide
limitless energy for mankind as it harnessed the way the sun produces energy. Grumman’s energy portfolio was
further broadened when it purchased exclusive rights to a European-proved technology that produced energy by
burning trash and sewage sludge in an environmentally clean way.
Grumman continued to pursue hydrofoil development. Starting with the Dolphin, developments led to the Denison,
then the Flagstaff and - with a $1.2 million contract from the Navy - Grumman was to build the Flagstaff PH(H)
Mark II, featuring new high strength HY-130 steel.
In addition, Grumman Allied was now offering unique coronary care ambulances that were saving lives. Allied’s
new fire truck subsidiary (Howe Fire Apparatus Co.) secured a record breaking $1.1 million contract from the
city of St. Louis, beating out nine competitors. Dormavac, the storage concept for transporting highly perishable
products, continued its successful development with production slated to begin in 1977. Also, Pearson (the yacht
division of Allied) had a record backlog, with plans to expand manufacturing capacity and its product line.
Despite concerns about rising fuel costs, Grumman Aviation continued to grow. Gulfstream II, the ultimate
corporate jet, and the Super Ag-Cat, the standard of agricultural aviation, were now joined by the Cheetah, named
the “1976 Plane of the Year” by Plane & Pilot, a magazine with a circulation of 100,000. They cited this four-seat
airplane for its fuel efficiency, simplicity, and a finish that gave it a perpetual look of having been just waxed.
Demand was building for an even higher performance corporate jet. To meet that need, Grumman announced
it would develop the Gulfstream III, featuring a new “supercritical” wing that would enhance performance while
providing even more passenger and crew comfort by incorporating some fuselage modifications.
Grumman’s aircraft were receiving accolades from domestic and foreign customers while its growing portfolio
of diversified non-defense products were continuing to broaden Grumman’s presence. The “Perform and
Diversify” strategy was on track.
By: Ken Speiser and Larry Feliu
Copyright © 2015 by Kenneth Speiser and Larry Feliu, All rights reserved
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Member Name (print)
Guest Names (print)
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No. of Guests attending _____
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Member Name (print)
Guest Names (print)
No. of Members attending _____
No. of Guests attending _____
No. of Chicken _____
No. of Fish _____
Luncheon coupons should be mailed to
Grumman Retiree Club, Inc.
PO Box 476
Luncheon coupons should be mailed to
Grumman Retiree Club, Inc.
PO Box 476
$10 per member - $20 per guest
$10 per member - $20 per guest
Bethpage, NY 11714
Bethpage, NY 11714
The Grumman Retiree Club does not specifically endorse or represent advertisers.
Menu Choices: Roast Beef, Shrimp Oreganato or Chicken Milanese
I wish to reserve seats at the June 24, 2015 Luncheon (Noon – 4PM) for these
dues-paying Grumman Retiree Club members, their spouses and/or guests:
Check One
Check One
Full Name (please print)
Phone No.
Beef Fish Pasta
Retiree Guest
1. _____________________________ _____________
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3. _____________________________
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____ ___ ____
5. _____________________________
____ ___ ____
6. _____________________________
____ ___ ____
7. _____________________________
____ ___ ____
8. _____________________________
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10. ___________________________
____ ___ ____
11. ___________________________
______________ ____ ___ ____
12. ____________________________
______________ ____ ___ ____
Attached please find $_______representing $35.00 per person for _________ people.
Table Captain:_____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Ticket Purchase Deadline:
June 17, 2015
E-Mail address:__________________________________________________________________________________________
Please make all checks payable to: GRUMMAN RETIREE CLUB. Please send this form and checks to:
Marion Abbott, PO Box 476, Bethpage, NY 11714.
No tickets will be issued.
To verify that your check has been received, please call Marion or Pat, at 516-575-3777.
Grumman Retiree Club, Inc.
925 South Oyster Bay Road, M/S Retiree/BP15
Bethpage, NY 11714
Benefits Center 1-800 - 894 - 4194
Investment Plan 1-800 - 894 - 4194
Monday - Friday 9 AM TO 6 PM ET
Benefits On Line:
1-855 - 832 - 0976
Monday - Friday 8 AM TO 9 PM ET
Editor: Neil Klaskin
Nostalgia Coordinator: Charles Mooney
Grumman Retiree Club, Inc.
Phone: (516) 575-3777
(516) 575-8715
Website: www.grummanretireeclub.org
Betty Bohlander Bob Ripp Pat Sullivan Lou Kubat Frank Rizzo (vacant)
- President
- 1st Vice President
- 2nd Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Sgt.-at-Arms
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