22 Chapter Transformations cyan magenta 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 C D E yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\403IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:07:37 AM PETER Reflections and line symmetry Rotations and rotational symmetry Translations Enlargements and reductions Tessellations 95 A B 100 Contents: black IB MYP_1 404 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) TRANSFORMATIONS Translation, reflection, rotation, and enlargement are all transformations. For example: a translation a reflection mirror line shift a particular distance in a particular direction an enlargement a rotation about O O When we perform a transformation, the original shape is called the object. The shape which results from the transformation is called the image. OPENING PROBLEM Consider an equilateral triangle. Things to think about: ² Can you draw a mirror line on an equilateral triangle? The figure must fold onto itself along that line, so it matches exactly. How many of these mirror lines can you draw? cyan magenta yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\404IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:07:59 AM PETER 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 ² Can you find the centre of rotation of an equilateral triangle? The figure must rotate about this point and fit exactly onto itself in less than one full turn. How many times would an equilateral triangle fit onto itself in one full turn? ² Make a pattern using equilateral triangles so there are no gaps between the triangles and the edges meet exactly. black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 405 CONGRUENT FIGURES Two figures are congruent if they have exactly the same size and shape. We are congruent. If one figure is cut out and it can be placed exactly on top of the other, then these figures are congruent. The image and the object for a translation, rotation, or reflection are always congruent. The image and the object for an enlargement are not congruent because they are not the same size. ACTIVITY 1 TRANSFORMING CATS Following is a fabric pattern which features cats and pairs of cats. The rows and columns have been numbered to identify each individual picture. Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 Col. 5 Col. 6 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 What to do: 1 Start with row 1 and column 1 cat. a Give the row and column numbers for translations of this cat. b Give the row and column numbers for rotations of this cat. c Give the row number in column 1 for an enlargement of this cat. d Give the row numbers in column 3 for cats congruent to this cat. cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\405IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:24:13 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 2 Start with row 1 column 2 cat. a Give the row and column numbers for translations of this cat. b Discuss why row 4 column 2 is not a rotation of this cat. c Give the row and column numbers for rotations of this cat. d Give the row number in column 1 for a reflection of this cat. black IB MYP_1 406 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 3 Start with row 4 column 5 cat. a Give the row numbers for any column 2 cats congruent to this one. b Give the row and column numbers of any cats that are a rotation of this cat. c Give the row and column numbers for any cats that are a reduction of this cat. A reduction is the opposite of an enlargement. It makes the figure smaller. 4 What is the transformation shown in the pair of cats? 5 Which two transformations are used to move the cats in a row 1 column 1 to row 1 column 5 b row 2 column 4 to row 5 column 4 c row 2 column 5 to row 5 column 5 d row 3 column 6 to row 2 column 6? A REFLECTIONS AND LINE SYMMETRY REFLECTIONS object To reflect an object in a mirror line we DEMO draw lines at right angles to the mirror line which pass through key points on the object. The images of these points are the same distance away from the mirror line as the object points, but on the opposite side of the mirror line. image mirror line Example 1 Self Tutor Draw the mirror image of: object mirror image EXERCISE 22A.1 1 Place a mirror on the mirror line shown using dashes, and observe the mirror image. Draw the object and its mirror image in your work book. a b c cyan magenta yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\406IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:08:05 AM PETER 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 MAHS black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS 2 (Chapter 22) 407 a Draw the image of the following if a mirror was placed on the mirror line shown: i ii iii PRINTABLE DIAGRAMS b Check your answers to a using a mirror. 3 On grid paper, reflect the geometrical shape in the mirror line shown: a b c LINE SYMMETRY A line of symmetry is a line along which a shape may be folded so that both parts of the shape will match. For example: DEMO fold line line of symmetry or mirror line If a mirror is placed along the line of symmetry, the reflection in the mirror will be exactly the same as the half of the figure “behind” the mirror. A shape has line symmetry if it has at least one line of symmetry. Example 2 Self Tutor For each of the following figures, draw all lines of symmetry: cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\407IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:37:23 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 c 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 b 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 a black IB MYP_1 408 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) a c b 4 lines of symmetry 3 lines of symmetry no lines of symmetry EXERCISE 22A.2 1 Copy the following figures and draw the lines of symmetry. Check your answers using a mirror. a b c 2 d e f g h i a Copy the following shapes and draw in all lines of symmetry. i ii iii iv b Which of these figures has the most lines of symmetry? 3 How many lines of symmetry do these patterns have? a cyan magenta yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\408IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:08:09 AM PETER 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 a How many lines of symmetry can a triangle have? Draw all possible cases. b How many lines of symmetry can a quadrilateral have? Draw all possible cases. 100 50 75 25 0 5 4 b black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS ACTIVITY 2 (Chapter 22) 409 MAKING SYMMETRICAL SHAPES You will need: paper, scissors, pencil, ink or paint 1 Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. 2 Cut out a shape along the fold line. 3 Open out the sheet of paper and observe the shapes revealed. 4 Record any observations about symmetry that you notice. 5 Try the following: a Fold the paper twice before cutting out your shape. b Fold the paper three times before cutting out your shape. In each case record your observations about the number of lines of symmetry. 6 Place a blob of ink or paint in the centre of a rectangular sheet of paper. Fold the paper in half and press the two pieces together. Open the paper and comment on the symmetry observed. ink fold line fold ink blot 7 Make symmetrical patterns by folding a piece of paper a number of times and cutting out a shape. How many folds would you need and what shape would you need to cut out to get the result shown? B ROTATIONS AND ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY We are all familiar with things that rotate, such as the hands on a clock or the wheels of a motorbike. cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\409IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:27:15 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 DEMO black IB MYP_1 410 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) The point about which the hands of the clock, or the spokes of the wheel rotate, is called the centre of rotation. The angle through which the hands or the spokes turn is called the angle of rotation. The globe of the world rotates about a line called the axis of rotation. During a rotation, the distance of any point from the centre of rotation does not change. A rotation is the turning of a shape or figure about a point and through a given angle. DEMO For example: 180° O 90° 90° O O The figure is rotated anticlockwise about O through 90o . The figure is rotated anticlockwise about O through 180o . The figure is rotated anticlockwise about O through 90o . You will notice that under a rotation, the figure does not change in size or shape. In mathematics we rotate in an anticlockwise direction unless we are told otherwise. You should remember that 90o is a 360o is a full turn. 1 4 -turn, 180o is a 1 2 -turn, 270o is a Example 3 3 4 -turn, and Self Tutor Rotate the given figures about O through the angle indicated: a b c 180° 90° 270° O O O a b c 180° 270° 90° O O cyan magenta yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\410IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:08:13 AM PETER 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 O black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 411 EXERCISE 22B.1 1 Consider the rotations of which follow: O A B C O D O O O Which of A, B, C, or D is a rotation of the object through: a 180o b 360o c 90o d 270o ? 2 Copy and rotate each of the following shapes about the centre of rotation O, for the number of degrees shown. You could use tracing paper to help you. a b c O O 90° d O 180° f e 270° O PRINTABLE WORKSHEET O 360° O 90° g 270° h i O 180° O 90° 3 Rotate about O through the angle given: b 180o a 90o 90° c 270o O O O d 180o e 90o DEMO f 270o O O cyan magenta yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\411IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:08:15 AM PETER 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 O black IB MYP_1 412 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY A full rotation does not mean that a shape has rotational symmetry. Every shape fits exactly onto itself after a rotation of 360o. A shape has rotational symmetry if it can be fitted onto itself by turning it through an angle of less than 360o, or one full turn. O The centre of rotational symmetry is the point about which a shape can be rotated onto itself. The ‘windmill’ shown will fit onto itself every time it is turned about O through 90o. O is the centre of rotational symmetry. This fabric pattern also shows rotational symmetry. DEMO If a figure has more than one line of symmetry then it will also have rotational symmetry. The centre of rotational symmetry will be the point where the lines of symmetry meet. Example 4 Self Tutor For the following figures, find the centre of rotational symmetry. a b a b c c O O O centre is O centre is O centre is O THE ORDER OF ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY DEMO cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\412IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:27:45 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 The order of rotational symmetry is the number of times a figure maps onto itself during one complete turn about the centre. black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS 413 (Chapter 22) For example: A B C D 180° rotation D C A B D C 360° rotation B A centre of rotation DEMO The rectangle has order of rotational symmetry of 2 since it moves back to its original position under rotations of 180o and 360o: Click on the icon to find the order of rotational symmetry for an equilateral triangle. EXERCISE 22B.2 1 For each of the following shapes, find the centre of rotational symmetry: a b c 2 For each of the following shapes find the order of rotational symmetry. You may use tracing paper to help you. a b c d e f g h 3 Design your own shape which has order of rotational symmetry of: a 2 b 3 c 4 ACTIVITY 3 d 6 USING TECHNOLOGY TO ROTATE In this activity we use a computer package to construct a shape that has rotational symmetry. ROTATING FIGURES What to do: 1 Click on the icon to load the software. 2 From the menu, choose an angle to rotate through. 3 Make a simple design in the sector which appears, and colour it. cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\413IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:28:19 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 to see your creation. 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 4 Press finish black IB MYP_1 414 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) C TRANSLATIONS A translation of a figure occurs when every point on the figure is moved the same distance in the same direction. Under a translation the original figure and its image are congruent. DEMO 4 A object 3 In the translation shown, the original figure has been translated 4 units right and 3 units down to give the image. A' image EXERCISE 22C 1 Describe each of the following translations: a b c object image object image image object d e object object cyan magenta describe the B A Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\414IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:49:41 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 50 C 75 25 0 B to A C to B C to A 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 2 For the given figures, translation from: a A to B b c B to C d e A to C f image 100 image black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 3 Copy onto grid paper and translate using the given directions: a 3 right, 4 down D b 6 left, 4 up 415 DEMO c 2 right, 5 up ENLARGEMENTS AND REDUCTIONS We are all familiar with enlargements in the form of photographs or looking through a microscope or telescope. Plans and maps are examples of reductions. The size of the image has been reduced but the proportions are the same as the original. Most photocopiers can perform enlargements and reductions. The following design shows several enlargements: In any enlargement or reduction, we multiply the lengths in the object by the scale factor to get the lengths in the image. Look at the figures in the grid below: A B C enlargement scale factor 2 D DEMO enlargement scale factor 3 For the enlargement with scale factor 2, lengths have been doubled. For the enlarement with scale factor 3, lengths have been trebled. If shape B is reduced to shape A, the lengths are halved and the scale factor is 12 . If shape D is reduced to shape A, the lengths are quartered and the scale factor is 14 . cyan magenta yellow y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\415IB_MYP1_22.CDR Thursday, 10 July 2008 9:08:24 AM PETER 95 100 50 75 25 0 ² greater than 1 for an enlargement ² less than 1 for a reduction. 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 A scale factor is: black IB MYP_1 416 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) ACTIVITY 4 ENLARGEMENT BY GRIDS You will need: Paper, pencil, ruler What to do: 1 Copy the picture alongside. 2 Draw a grid 5 mm by 5 mm over the top of the dog as shown alongside: 3 Draw a grid 10 mm by 10 mm alongside the grid already drawn. 4 Copy the dog from the smaller grid onto the larger grid. To do this accurately, start by transferring points where the drawing crosses the grid lines. Then join these points and finish the picture. 5 Use this method to change the size of other pictures. You may like to try making the picture smaller as well as larger, by making your new grid smaller than the original. PRINTABLE WORKSHEET Example 5 Self Tutor Enlarge using a scale factor of: a 2 a 1 2 b b 1 2 2 4 EXERCISE 22D 1 In the following diagrams, A has been enlarged to B. Find the scale factor. a b c A B A B B cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\416IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:30:24 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 A black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 417 2 In the following diagrams, A has been reduced to B. Find the scale factor. a b c B B A A B A 3 Enlarge or reduce the following objects by the scale factor given: a b scale factor 2 scale factor Qw_ scale factor 3 d PRINTABLE WORKSHEET c e f scale factor Qe_ scale factor 4 scale factor 2 4 Find the scale factor when A is transformed to B: a b A c A A B B B 5 For each grid in 4, write down the scale factor which transforms B into A. E TESSELLATIONS A tessellation is a pattern made using figures of the same shape and size. They must cover an area without leaving any gaps. The photograph alongside shows a tessellation of bricks used to pave a footpath. cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\417IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:31:25 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 Tessellations are also found in carpets, wall tiles, floor tiles, weaving and wall paper. black IB MYP_1 418 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) This brick design is not a tessellation as it is constructed from two different brick sizes. The following tile patterns are all tessellations: For a tessellation the shapes must fit together with no gaps. ACTIVITY 5 PAVING BRICKS What to do: 1 Using the “2 £ 1” rectangle , form at least two different tessellation patterns. One example is: 2 Repeat 1 using a “3 £ 1” rectangle . Example 6 Self Tutor cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\418IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:31:57 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 b 25 a 0 b 5 95 a 100 50 75 25 0 5 Draw tessellations of the following shapes. black IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 419 EXERCISE 22E 1 Draw tessellations using the following shapes: a b c 2 Draw tessellations using the following shapes: a b c ACTIVITY 6 CREATING TESSELLATIONS What to do: Follow these steps to create your own tessellating pattern. Step 1: Draw a square. Step 2: Cut a piece from one side and ‘glue’ it onto the opposite side. Step 3: Rub out any unwanted lines and add features. Step 4: Photocopy this several times and cut out each face. Combine them to form a tessellation. Make your own tessellation pattern and produce a full page pattern with 3 cm by 3 cm tiles. Be creative and colourful. You could use a computer drawing package to do this activity. DISCUSSION IN GOOD SHAPE 1 Research the shape of the cells in a beehive. Explain why they are that shape. cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\419IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 11 July 2008 4:32:11 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 2 Look at the shapes of paving blocks. Explain what advantage some shapes have over others. When building walls, what are the advantages of rectangular bricks over square bricks? black IB MYP_1 420 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) ACTIVITY 7 COMPUTER TRANSFORMATIONS What to do: 1 Pick a shape and learn how to translate, reflect and rotate it. TESSELLATIONS BY COMPUTER 2 Create a tessellation on your screen and colour it. 3 Print your final masterpiece. ACTIVITY 8 DISTORTION TRANSFORMATIONS In this activity we copy pictures onto unusual graph paper to produce distortions of the original diagram. For example, on becomes What to do: PRINTABLE GRIDS 1 On ordinary squared paper draw a picture of your own choosing. 2 Redraw your picture on different shaped graph paper. For example: KEY WORDS USED IN THIS CHAPTER magenta ² ² ² ² ² Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\420IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 18 July 2008 3:38:03 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 axis of rotation enlargement mirror line rotation tessellation 75 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 cyan 25 ² ² ² ² ² angle of rotation congruent line of symmetry reflection scale factor 100 50 75 25 0 5 ² ² ² ² ² black centre of rotation image object rotational symmetry translation IB MYP_1 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) 421 REVIEW SET 22A 1 Draw the mirror image of: a b mirror line 2 Draw the lines of symmetry for: mirror line 3 Rotate the given figure about O through 90o anticlockwise. O 4 For the given shape: a draw the lines of symmetry b state the order of rotational symmetry. 5 a Translate the figure three units left and one unit up. b Enlarge the figure with scale factor 2. 6 In the diagram A has been reduced to B. Find the scale factor. A B 7 Draw tessellations of the following shapes. cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\421IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 18 July 2008 3:40:07 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 b 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 a black IB MYP_1 422 TRANSFORMATIONS (Chapter 22) REVIEW SET 22B 1 Draw the mirror image of: a b mirror line mirror line 2 Draw the lines of symmetry for: 3 a b a Rotate the figure shown through 90o anticlockwise about O. b Enlarge the figure with scale factor 13 . O 4 b Rotate the given figure 180o about O. a Find the order of rotational symmetry for: O cyan magenta Y:\HAESE\IB_MYP1\IB_MYP1_22\422IB_MYP1_22.CDR Friday, 18 July 2008 3:40:50 PM PETER 95 100 50 yellow 75 25 0 5 95 6 Draw a tessellation using the given shape. 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 95 100 50 75 25 0 5 5 Translate the given figure one unit to the right and 3 units down. black IB MYP_1
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