TRACTION ACTION Cairns 4WD Club Magazine “Fun, Friendship & Four Wheel Driving” Formed in 1975 by a group of adventurous minded individuals with a passion for four wheel driving, camping, exploration and camaraderie. April 2015 Meetings held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron 42-48 Tingira St, Portsmith In This Issue • Cairns 4WD Club Info • From the Editor • Minutes of General Meeting 4/03/2015 • Minutes of Management Meeting 18/03/2015 • Vehicle Familiarisation & Driving Tips • Trip Reports: - Woodleigh Station - Andy’s Mystery Tour - Lappa Junction Cairns 4WD Club trip to Lappa Junction, 8 March 2015 • Members Notice Board • Upcoming Trips • Contact details for Committee Members and Office Bearers • Club Calendar Cairns 4WD Club Information For membership and general enquiries, please contact the Secretary: Cairns 4WD Club Cairns 4WD Club Pack Available for download from PO Box 1614, Cairns QLD 4870 Email: Or visit: Contributions to Traction Action Magazine To contribute to this magazine, please email all articles, trip reports, photos and other information to the Editor: Email: Please provide contributions to the Editor by the Wednesday prior to the General Meeting. Late contributions will be printed in the next magazine. The opinions expressed in the articles appearing in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Cairns 4WD Club. The Editor reserves the right to delete, where necessary, any section of any article which has been sent in for publication in the newsletter. Acceptance of the advertisements does not imply endorsement of the products, companies or individuals by the Cairns 4WD Club. 2 Cairns 4WD Club is a member of : Welcome, from the Editor Rebecca Clear, 28 March 2015 I’ve been a member of the Cairns 4WD Club for a couple of years now and always looked forward to receiving the Traction Action magazine each month. Having completed my first edition of Traction Action, I now have a full appreciation of the work that Rigo and Dennis put into the magazine to make it great for all of us. I’d like to extend my thanks to Rigo and Dennis for showing me the ropes. Also the Management Committee for giving me this opportunity and inspiring me to be creative! I hope you enjoy this new look Cairns 4WD Club magazine. I’ve honestly had a lot of fun working on it! In future editions, I’d to include articles on: • Our Members - why they got involved in four wheel driving, how long they have been members of the Club, what 4WD they drive, where their favourite places are and what they do for a living (or to sustain expensive hobbies!) etc. • Your 4WD Modifications/Improvements - what improvements have you made to your 4WD and why? Has it achieved what you hoped for or has it now created another thing that you will have to do down the track? We love our 4WDs and will do anything to improve their performance despite the ‘mouth opening fee’ every time. Share your stories! • Your Recipes - have you got a winning happy hour treat or a favourite camp-oven meal that your family requests time and time again. Share your secrets and send in a photo. • Other Ideas - this is your magazine and I aim to provide stories/articles about things that interest you and/or others in the club. Let me know if you have an idea. If you have any suggestions, story ideas, complaints or constructive feedback, please send me an email - - I’d love to hear from you and will reply. About me, to get things started… This is me (Rebecca Clear) and my partner (Stephen Lagerroth). We drive a Nissan Patrol GU wagon and have a 4WD Trackabout Safari Camper Trailer, with a tinny. We fulfilled a life long dream of a 4WD trip to the tip of Cape York Peninsula in September 2014. Although it’s a big place and we still have lots to see up there! Fortunately, I get to explore parts of the Cape via 4WD and helicopter for work - it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it :) Just before our big trip to the Cape, we upgraded the suspension on the Patrol—we went with King Springs and Bilstein Shockies, with a 2 inch lift. We also upgraded the tyres to BFG Goodrich All Terrains 285 75 R16. We’re very happy with the combination and it handled all that Cape York threw at it. Next, a dual tyre carrier…. 3 Steve and Bec - at the tip of Cape York Our Patrol, Camper Trailer & Tinny 4 Minutes of General Meeting Held on Wednesday 4 March 2015 at the Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron, Tingira Street, Portsmith Meeting commenced at 19.30pm. In the absence of the President, Sam Zappala chaired the meeting. Members welcomed. APOLOGIES – Rigo and Jannemieke, Leanne & John P, Terry Casey, Derrick Coetzee, Wayne Tonkin, Doc Elliott, Roger Millroy, Warren Packham, Barry Short, Claire & Steve Pennington, Vince & Lucy Musumeci. VISITORS – Welcomed by Matthew Small. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – Moved by Michael Moore, 2nd Riley Munro. Carried. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES – Nil CORRESPONDENCE FOR February 2015 – IN National Australia Bank – Bank statement Magazines from other clubs – Brisbane Four Wheel Drive Club, Toyota Landcruiser Club Victoria Dept of Transport – trailer rego renewal Network News magazine Emails Four Wheel Drive Queensland – Fraser Island cleanup; Explore Australia Expo Cairns Regional Council – In Focus and Go Clubs newsletter February QORF – eNews February Magazine advertising invoices from Treasurer OUT Nil Emails Group email to members requesting new magazine editor The above Correspondence In and Out read and moved by Debbie Gierz, 2nd by Lynne Zappala. Carried. 5 TREASURERS REPORT – Report read by Kathy Small. Treasurers Report - Prepared by Kathy Small 28th February 2015 1st February 2015 to 28th February 2015 NAB General Cheque Account Opening Balance Plus Deposits Less Expenses Closing Balance $6,382.58 $158.70 $495.00 $6,046.28 NAB iSaver Account This account was closed on the 29th November and transferred into the General Cheque Ac- NAB Term Deposit Opening Interest Paid Balance Rolled Over Matures on November May 29th 2015 $14,040.36 $222.96 $14,263.32 $14,263.32 Moved by Kathy Small, 2nd by Andrew Denyer. Carried. EDITOR – Sam spoke and announced that Rebecca Clear will take over the position as magazine editor. Steve Lagerroth will assist. Dennis – thanked everyone during his time as Editor, thanks to Rebecca and also to Keith Jeffery who offered to be Editor as well. 4WD Skills & Safety – Andy Gierz – Next day 14 & 15th March WEBMASTER – Emma - Nil ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER – Chris – nil to report CLUB MERCHANDISE – Garry – asked Maria to tell members of special 40th anniversary Tshirt; stubby coolers that he will make. 6 TRIP REPORTS – Maria Becroft Mt Spurgeon 8th February - Malcolm Chainsaw course 7 & 8th February – Matt will be coordinator for future courses Magical Mystery Tour – 15th February - Andy UPCOMING TRIPS – Induction Day 8th March Skills & Safety – 14 & 15 March Natural Bridge – 22 March Cobold Gorge – Easter Richmond – Easter Mt Garnet area – Easter Mt Mulligan – 18 & 19 April Cape Flattery – ANZAC Day weekend GENERAL BUSINESS Best wishes to Vince who is having an operation this week AGM office bearers – positions will be available SERGEANT-AT-ARMS – Riley conducted the fines. RAFFLE – Mirella Berryman and Larry Davy conducted the raffles. Sam declared the meeting closed at 20.25pm. Debbie Gierz Secretary 7 Minutes of Management Meeting Held on Wednesday 18 March 2015 at Andy & Debbie Gierz’s house, 6 Araminta Street, Bentley Park. In the absence of the President, Sam Zappala chaired the meeting. Meeting commenced at 18.58 pm. Present – Malcolm Bailey, Barry Short, Debbie Gierz, Sam Zappala, Maria Becroft, Rosemarie Mack, Emma Baker, Andy Gierz, Rebecca Clear, Chris Cameron Apologies - Rigo van Meer, Kathy Small, Matthew Small, Vince Musumeci Minutes of Previous Meeting – Moved by Chris Cameron, 2nd by Malcolm Bailey. Carried Business Arising from Previous Meeting – Nil Ratification of new members – Nil General Business Sam – Mt Mulligan organisation – council, food, trip leader, trailer Suncity Motors sausage sizzle – general discussion but declined offer, send email, and information for advertisement in magazine Malcolm – Nil Maria – Nil Emma – update club pack in a second section; put old mags on website – get Rebecca to do Rebecca – new editor, new ideas for magazine Debbie – 40th anniversary celebrations – suggestion from John Guthrie to invite previous members, ?cake and dinner at Yacht club Rosemarie – Nil Andy – last Skills & Safety cancelled due to weather Chris – Kirrama range road trip – road in good condition; CCC no news Barry – Nil Next meeting will be held at on Wednesday 15th April at Malcolm & Mo Bailey’s house, 139 Kamerunga Road, Freshwater. Meeting closed at 19.43pm Debbie Gierz Secretary 8 9 Vehicle Familiarisation and Driving Tips Compiled by Andy Gierz from the experience of 4WDers all over Australia. MUD DRIVING—How many different kinds of muddy tracks are there? In general for our region there are four types: • Greasy surface • Greasy inclines and descents • Bog holes • Bottomless mud. Driving on muddy tracks, begs the question, do I really need to be here? Unless there is a dire need to drive on muddy tracks, look for an alternative. Apart from the damage that vehicles do to the wet tracks, mud has the ability to penetrate many moving parts of a vehicles drive train and brake assembles, causing premature wear or damage (mining vehicles being the classic example). If you do need to traverse muddy tracks the best approach is apply 1st law of 4wding (i.e. to stop, get out and have a look). Secondly, drive on the mud the same way you would walk on it. Should you need to walk gingerly because you’ll fall over, then drive the same way, gingerly. Should you need to run through the mud because you’ll get stuck, then you’ll need to use momentum to negotiate that obstacle. Driving up slippery inclines requires momentum while avoiding wheel spin. It is best to approach the bottom of the incline in 2nd low with some speed and as you ascend the slope start backing of the throttle, so as you crest the slope the vehicle engine rpm’s are just above idle (this approach can be used on other slopes that have loose surfaces or have poor traction). 10 Driving down slippery descents especially in an automatic can be difficult, as using your brakes can cause wheel lockup and loss of steering control. st Apply 1 law of 4wding. Select the lowest first gear then start your descent as slow as possible, if you start losing directional control apply a small amount of throttle to regain steering control, it can get very exciting as you get to the bottom of the hill. Always apply the 1st law of 4WDing: Stop, get out and have a look Bog holes must be treated with respect, apply 1st law of 4wding. Check holes for depth, high points, rocks, tree branches and obstacles that can cause the vehicle to be stranded or can cause damage to your vehicle. There is a high chance of getting stranded in the bog hole, so having a recovery plan in place is essential. If you feel you are unable to recover yourself don’t proceed, look for an alternative route. Bottomless mud, if you don’t have a winch and a good anchor point don’t proceed. Lowering tyre pressures can significantly improve a vehicles ability to traverse muddy tracks, Try lowering tyre pressures by 20% to 50% off highway pressures. Remember to lower your speed accordingly, avoid sharp turning manoeuvres as the mud can cause the tyre to unseat from the rim causing a flat tyre. Other hints • Keep to existing wheel ruts unless they become too deep, reverse back out before becoming stranded. • Travel at a constant speed, applying throttle control, avoid wheel spinning. • When losing traction, try turning the steering wheel quarter turn left to right to assist with traction. • Sometimes use of a high range gear is suitable. • If the gentle approach doesn’t work try a different gear, or vary engine revs to find the best traction. • Snow chains or mud chains driven with care, can turn the slipperiest tracks into a Sunday drive with less damage to the track. Driven without care can cause significant track damage. Stuck in the mud at Yourka, July 2014 11 12 13 Woodleigh Station—Australia Day Long Weekend Mo & Malcolm Bailey, 24-26 January 2015 A later than intended start meant a quick call to Maria that we would meet up in Ravenshoe as we were twenty minutes behind as we passed the ‘Golden Gates’ rendezvous. Thinking that this would probably mean we would be too late for smoko by the time we caught up with everyone we were puzzled that we couldn’t make contact over the UHF and there was no group waiting impatiently for us at Ravenshoe. Somehow we had recouped our lost time and we were the ones waiting but delighted that we had a few minutes to exercise the dog – the first time we had taken him camping. Despite a mix up with camping spots with someone already in the area intended for our group we ended up with what turned out to be a far more secluded spot and set up camp. Access to the Millstream was a little muddy but the water was fine for swimming and kayaking/canoeing. Rowena and Will had to take extra care with Eva since they had left all kiddies flotation devices at home but a noodle provided an answer and J’Leigh (neighbour’s daughter) was quite at home in the water. Maria, Rowena, Will and girls went for a drive on Sunday along the Lappa road and were delighted to find some mud to prove they had been somewhere rather than just in the Mt Garnet pub. Narelle, Tony and ourselves relaxed in the river. We also canoed up past the other camp sites and down to the nearby mine with Captain Canine on board checking every move. Happy Hour (perhaps it should have been written into the revamped by-laws as an obligatory feature of all camping trips) became the venue for My Camp Rules with Tony serving up spicy spring rolls the first night and Will attempting a knockout the next night with his spicy chicken pieces. Needless to say while they competed the rest of us benefited. Pot luck breaky - a crowd pleaser! 14 We had been told that the station has a large number of goats which wander the station under the protection of two Maremma dogs which relate more to animals than people. The goats and dogs were unlikely to pass through the camp but should the dogs spot our domesticated dog they could become aggressive. As it happened the goats and dogs passed the camp several times but all without incident. Both nights we had rain but only after pleasant evenings around the multi-coloured camp fire, courtesy of a special concoction Will had brought along – definitely worth getting some for both young and old ones to enjoy. The toasted marshmallows later on were yummy and contrary to various expectations from those who had (supposedly) witnessed marshmallow conflagrations in the past from the same culinary whiz, not a single one was lost or burnt to a cinder. The Monday was not only Australia Day but Maria’s birthday and so we had a pot-luck bring and share breakfast – worthy of any of the plush hotels. Much to everyone’s relief, the fine weather allowed us all to dry out the canvas before we packed up early afternoon. All in all, a great weekend. Thanks, Maria for organising it at short notice. PS The dog gained his camping and canoeing badges but totally failed his enthusiasm-forwater test. ‘Another feather in Maria’s cap’ as the breakfast was in honour of her birthday 15 Andy’s Mystery Tour Great wheel articulation—lousy wheel placement! Mo & Malcolm Bailey, 15 February 2015 Changing a wheel in uneven terrain is not always easy! 16 17 Lappa Junction Linda Smith, 8 March 2015 What a great time we had after meeting at Simms Sawmill. 7 cars left to tackle the Gillies Range then up to Malanda where we stopped to take in the McHugh lookout. There were 4 Japanese students, all boys, being told what the different mountains were. So we listened to their host and found his knowledge of the area very interesting. Went to Ravenshoe for a toilet break and saw the wind turbines all turning nicely except one - it looked like a plane. Left Ravenshoe turned right and went past someone’s pride and joy - an old purple and green home. Lots of comments about that one. On and past Millstream - always looks great that creek. Went past Archer Creek, the markets were on. Over the new bridge at Innot Hot Springs. Cuppa at Mount Garnet then off to the Lappa Junction Road which is an old railway line. Awesome scenery. Stopped to lock hubs. Spectacular scenery from McHugh Lookout, Another successful induction day with Members and Visitors 18 Lappa Junction Railway Station Along the track some people had dumped cars so Maria took some pics. She picked up a jaw bone which we all talked and joked about but the old story, “what’s said on trip, stays on trip”. Hahaha. Turned onto Lappa Road. The drive went well saw this beautiful rock arch - it was perfect shape, all hand done. We were all amazed. Another thing was the stone wall - in such great shape after all these years. All done by hand it’s amazing. We stopped for lunch down by the river side. The inductions were done by Maria who got down on all fours which was a site to behold. Off to Lappa Junction pub and railway station which have been tidied up and look great. It makes it more interesting to look at. The pub had no beer so we said our goodbyes and went on home. But some of us had ice cream at the Emerald Creek Ice Creamery. Wow, did that go down well. Thanks for a great day to Leanne, Tony, Samantha, Michael, Linda and Michael, Graeme, Allan, Charmaine, Linda and Pete. A great big thanks to Maria who just made our day that much more enjoyable. 19 Trip Leader Notes Maria Becroft Thanks Linda, it was an awesome day out. Easy drive but interesting for its scenic and historic values. Quite a lot of work has been done on that road—no longer a track! Was the first visit to the Emerald Creek Ice Creamery. Wow, they have a delicious selection. Won’t be my last visit! Fun day out with lovely people. Thanks Michael for the induction assistance! Members Notice Board For Sale Wanted We have been looking for a hard floor camper trailer. ABC Trailer, Edmonton have the MAXXY IV which we like, as we need 2 bed's. Unfortunately our X-Trail is too weak to pull it. Therefore we are looking for a second hand 4x4 upgrade. As I have not much experience, I’d like to ask our members for advice. Make or model and age is not important. Has to be reliable, relatively low km and full service record. Do you know a private seller or can you recommend a dealer? Is there another camper trailer seller in Cairns area? We looked at JACO but does not sell what we want. Or private seller but needs to be hard floor with sitting area which can be made to a second bed. 4wd Outback Storage Box $100 - to fit with Outback (4WD Interiors) drawer system. Purchased to fit Landcruiser 100 Series but will fit 80 Series and Patrols with Outback drawer system. See website for more information: Contact Mo & Malcolm Bailey on 4055 1268 or 0428 551 139. Thanks for your help. Hanspeter Brenn For Sale mobile: 0415075111, home: 40556348 or email: Nissan Patrol Springs $80 - off a 2010 Nissan Patrol GU Wagon. Have upgraded suspension so genuine springs no longer needed. Price for all 4 springs. Ideal for your spare parts kit. Contact Rebecca Clear on 0418 656 877. 20 Message from Sue & Colin Fabish 15 March 2015 Well we have settled into a great lifestyle. Colin is involved with the Rural Fire Service, playing Cricket for the first time in his life and helping out with the Dalgety Show Society. I have also joined up with the Show Society, Garden Club, Walking Group of ladies and Social Tennis which had the finals last night – great way to meet some of the locals. Over the Christmas period we were VERY busy in the camping/caravan section but that has quietened down and the cabins are starting to get busy – this is great but it means more cleaning!! In fact we actually tripled the population of Dalgety over the Christmas break – great to see. We have been averaging about 15mls of rain per week for the last couple of months so the garden and lawns are looking great. The vegie garden is growing. For my birthday Colin bought the materials to build a large above ground veggie garden. This means I should be able to have veggies all year round – I will be able to cover it in the winter to save it from the frosts! Maintenance is ongoing – have spent about $30,000 already and more to go – the park has been let go so we are needing to bring it back up to a certain standard. All visitors are liking what we are doing and we are getting HEAPS of return visitors and lots of word of mouth references – so this makes us feel we are doing the right things. There is heaps to do if using us as a base – good place to spend at least 5 days. More visitors welcome!!!! Check us out on / wikicamps / Tripadvisor. Snowy River Pet friendly cabins 21 22 Cairns 4WD Club - Trips Information Maria Becroft, Trips Coordinator Phone Trip Leader Wednesday or Thursday Before Your Trip! Unless otherwise stated, Club trips depart from either Simms Sawmill or Caravonica, meeting at 7.30am for an 8.00am departure. Simms Sawmill—is located at 101 Riverstone Road, Gordonvale. It is on the road to the Gillies Range. We meet somewhere along there between the lights and the roundabout. Caravonica—refers to the area outside Caravonica State School, located on the Western Arterial Road, Caravonica, near Tjapukai Cultural Park. Caravonica State School Simms Sawmill Trip Sheets—It is important to be at the meeting point at 7.30am to fill in the trip sheet which also includes filling in your next of kin details (in case of emergencies), so please have this information with you. It is a legal requirement that all persons over 16 years of age sign the trip sheet. If you are a couple we need both names and both signatures on the trip sheet. Visitors—It is a great idea if visitors can look at the Club Pack on the website ( and check out the trip grading details, convoy procedures, minimum recovery gear and camping equipment requirements. UHF Radio—The Club uses channel 10. If Channel 10 is busy, the Trip Leader will give you another channel when required. Please let the trip leader know if you do not have a UHF radio. Day Trips—bring a camping chair, water to drink and lunch with you. It is not always possible to buy food or drinks on the day. Camping Trips—bring all your camping gear and a porta loo. We always have a happy hour so bring some snack food to share for this. Happy hour usually happens between 4-5pm. Afterwards, we all head back to our own tents/camper trailers to have our own dinners. Enjoy! 23 Upcoming Trips Details correct at time of printing—check Cairns 4WD Club website for further details. Event/Date Cobbold Gorge, 3-6 April 2015 (Easter Weekend) Contact Maria Becroft, Mob 0419 762 103 Meet/Time Simms Sawmill, Gordonvale, at 7.30am Depart 8.00am (Note: it’s a 6 hour drive from Cairns) Rating 2 Vehicle # 8 Comments Places limited. Camping fees apply— Adults $13/night; Kids (5-15years) $6.50/night; or Family (2 Adults & 2 Kids) $38/ night. Prices are for non-power sites. Power sites are also available, but trying to arrange a group area. Dogs Ok. Optional Gorge Tour departs at 10am or 1.30pm—Adult $82; Kids $40 or Family $205. Pot luck dinner Easter Sunday. Cairns 4WD Club Trips Information regarding trip destinations is exclusively for members and visitors attending club trips. Prior permission to traverse tracks is obtained from the appropriate source only for the Cairns 4WD Club on the pre-arranged date. This information is not for private use of members or the general public. Always contact the trip leader the Wednesday or Thursday before your trip to confirm your participation. Event/Date Cardwell Station, 3-6 April 2015 (Easter Weekend) Contact Tony Baker, Mob 0417 763 598 Meet/Time Platypus Park, Atherton, at 9am Depart 9.30am Rating 2 Vehicle # 8 Comments Dogs ok. Camper trailers ok. Bring porta loos. Event/Date Richmond 3-11 April 2015 (Easter Weekend) Contact Debbie or Andy Gierz, Mob 0427 628 895 Meet/Time Gordonvale, at 7.30am Depart 8.00am Rating 1-2 Vehicle # All welcome Comments You don’t need to do the whole week—stay however long suits you. Camping at Richmond Van Park—camping fees apply. No dogs. There are amenities in the van park, however you might like to bring a porta loo for the trip there and back. Event/Date Free Accredited Chainsaw Course, 11-12 April 2015 Contact Matt Small, Mob 0400 280 029 Meet/Time Mareeba at 7.30am Depart 8.00am (i.e. time course starts in Mareeba) Rating 1 (Members Only) Vehicle # 8 Comments Wear long sleeve pants, shirts, hat, sunscreen, work boots etc. All gear including chainsaw, PPE etc and smoko provided. May be possible to do course for free, if not eligible for funding. 24 Event/Date Mt Mulligan & Thornborough Working Bee, 18-19 April 2015 Contact Trip Leader TBA / Maria Becroft, Mob 0419 762 103 Meet/Time Caravonica at 7.30am Depart 8.00am Rating 2 Vehicle # All Welcome Comments Annual clean-up of Mt Mulligan and Thornborough cemeteries. Bring rakes, old tarps, whipper snippers, gloves, long sleeves, hats, sunscreen, water bottles etc. Camping at Thornborough so porta loos needed. Event/Date Cape Flattery, 24-26 April (Anzac Day Weekend) Contact Maria Becroft, Mob 0419 762 103 Meet/Time Caravonica at 7.30am Depart 8.00am Rating 2 Vehicle # 8 Comments Friday 24 April is not a public holiday, but great if you can get the time off work. Vehicle height restrictions apply for this trip - actual measurements of tunnel to Connie Beach is 2.4m x 2.4m. Camp may be changed with a fun run to Connie Beach (TBA - due to depth of creek crossings). Event/Date Stannery Hills, 2-3 May, 2015 Contact Barry Short Ph 4055 2122 / 0419 754 083 Meet/Time Caravonica at 7.30am Depart 8.00am Rating 2 Vehicle # 8 Comments Weekend offers tracks for members and visitors - something for everyone. Camper trailers ok. Dogs ok. Bring porta loos. Event/Date Karma Water, 6-8 June 2015 (Queens Bday Weekend) Contact Barry Short Ph 4055 2122 / 0419 754 083 Meet/Time Caravonica at 7.30am Depart 8.00am Rating 2 Vehicle # 8 Comments Lovely venue for a social getaway on long weekend. Camping fees apply. Camper trailers ok. Dogs ok. Bring porta loos. Event/Date Brooklyn Working Bee #1, 21-22 June 2015 Contact Maria Becroft, Mob 0419 762 103 Meet/Time Caravonica at 7.00am Depart 7.30am Rating 2 Vehicle # 8 Comments Bring gloves, wire cutters, work clothes and the usual camping gear. Club provides BBQ dinner for this. 25 25 Upcoming 40th Birthday Celebrations The Cairns 4WD Club will be celebrating its 40th birthday in July 2015. If you have any old editions of the newsletter and/or any old photos from earlier club trips, please email them to the Editor or post them on the Cairns 4WD Club Facebook page so that we can share the memories with everyone. Did you know that early newsletters were done on a Roneo Machine. It often took up to six members, two nights to produce. Here’s a peak at what was reported in the 13 March 1990 edition of the Club Newsletter. The full edition will be uploaded to our website for your viewing. Many thanks to John Guthrie for sharing this little beauty! Roneo Machine Where the Club went in March 1990 Natural Bridge, Dora Gorge, Tinaroo Mine Road and Rocky Bluff What was reported in ‘The Exhaust’ (by the Phantom Fart) - “On a Saturday night after dark, one female member was having a glorious bush shower when someone decided to shift his truck! On went the spotties and also a flash in the dark. Won’t mention any names, but not much glamour and plenty of glitter!!” Cape York Fever - March was the time of year some club members were frantically trying to organize that “Big Trip” to the Cape. Club members share a few points from their previous trips to the top. Cairns 4WD Club Newsletter , 13 March 1990 26 2014-2015 Cairns 4WD Club Committee Contacts/Office Bearers President: Environmental Officer: Rigo Van Meer 4054 2270 / 0417 194 477 Chris Cameron 4036 1792 / 0403 814 311 Membership Officer: Vice President: Matthew Small 4058 2390 / 0400 280 029 Sam Zappala 0438 541 932 Skills and Safety Coordinator: Andy Gierz 4045 5255 / 0427 628 895 Treasurer: Kathy Small 4058 2390 / 0418 851 100 Skills and Safety Trainers/Assessors: Secretary: Barry Short 4055 2122 / 0419 754 083 Debbie Gierz 4045 5255 / 0439 103 263 Cameron Robinson 4033 5689 / 0421 978 488 Doc Elliot 0438 889 787 Management Committee: John Guthrie 4054 1428 / 0407 645 005 Andy Gierz 4045 5255 / 0427 628 895 Larry Davy 4045 5369 / 0439 660 650 Barry Short 4055 2122 / 0419 754 083 Malcolm Bailey 4055 1268 / 0428 551 139 Chris Cameron 4036 1792 / 0403 814 311 Maria Becroft 0419 762 103 Colin Fabish 4056 5533 / 0429 984 828 Michael Moore 4055 4003 / 0431 694 055 Malcolm Bailey 4055 1268 / 0428 551 139 Sam Zapala 0438 541 932 Larry Davy 4045 5369 / 0439 660 650 Tony Baker 4092 3578 / 0417 763 598 Rosemarie Mack 4055 4091 Vince Musumeci 4054 2132 / 0439 700 756 Vince Musumeci 4054 2132 / 0439 700 756 Warren Pointing 4034 1679 / 0417 004 937 Assistant Trainers: Trips Coordinator: Position Vacant Maria Becroft 0419 762 103 Editor: Rebecca Clear 0418 656 877 Trips Committee: Andy Gierz 4045 5255 / 0427 628 895 Chris Cameron 4036 1792 / 0403 814 311 Assistant Editor: Malcolm Bailey 4055 1268 / 0428 551 139 Position Vacant Riley Munro 4054 5047 / 0400 324 489 Webmaster: Rowena Quinlan 4036 4526 Sam Zapala 0438 541 932 Emma Baker 0400 794 868 Steve Lagerroth 0416 042 804 Sergeant-At-Arms: Vince Musumeci 4054 2132 / 0439 700 756 Riley Munro Raffles Officer: Club Property Officer: Rosemary Mack 4055 4091 Publicity Officer: Tony Baker 4054 5047 / 0400 324 489 4092 3578 / 0417 27 Mirella Berryman 4065 2247 / 0427 652 247 Wendy Davy 4045 / 5369 / 0439 660 650 Accountant: Phillips Accountants 27 Cairns 4WD Club Calendar APRIL 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 Good Friday General Meeting (all welcome) 6 Easter Monday 7 Trip #1 cont’d Trip #2 cont’d Trip #3 cont’d 13 20 8 9 10 Sat Sun 4 Easter 5 Easter Trip #1—Cobold Gorge Trip #2—Cardwell Station Trip #3—Richmond 11 12 Chainsaw Course 14 21 15 Management Meeting 16 22 23 17 18 19 Mt Mulligan & Thornborough Working Bee 24 25 Anzac Day 26 Cape Flattery 27 28 29 30 Traction Action Contributions Due MAY 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Sun 3 Stannery Hills 4 5 6 7 General Meeting (all welcome) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 Traction Action Contributions Due 29 30 31 Fri Sat Sun Management Meeting 25 26 JUNE 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 General Meeting (all welcome) 5 6 8 Queens Bday 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 Management Meeting 18 19 20 7 Karma Waters 14 Karma Waters 15 22 23 29 30 21 Brooklyn Working Bee #1 24 25 Traction Action Contributions Due 26 28 27 28
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