Volume 9 ~ Issue 2 June ~ July 2015 An Official Publication of Elks Lodge ~ 2679, Calabash, North Carolina The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 1 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR EXALTED RULER Lounge Hours 4 Greetings Fellow Elks, Now that summer is nearly here, we have many Events in the coming months that should encourage all of you to get to your Lodge and enjoy them. Check the schedule in this edition of your “Sandpiper” Newsletter. It behooves me to mention that one of our important fund-raisers for our Veterans Affairs Committee (VAC) will occur on Saturday, June 6th. This event enables our VAC to do their great work supporting Vets in Brunswick County and beyond. Remember . . . "So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them." I attended the District Deputy Clinic at the New Bern Lodge on April 12th, along with 10 other members of our Lodge. I was surprised to learn that the North Carolina Elks Charitable Trust has given over $400,000 to Camp Carefree, and $500,000 to the North Carolina State Veterans Homes over the past years. Elks really do care. Monday –Friday 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. * Saturday Noon – 9:00 p.m. * Sunday Noon -7:00 p.m. * * Closing Times May Vary as Business Warrants Lounge Phone 910-579-4600 Lunch is Served Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lodge Meetings Lodge Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each Month, EXCEPT in July & August When we meet ONLY on the 4th Wednesday. See the Calendar! NOTICE Also in May, I attended the North Carolina Elks Convention in Wilmington, along with 12 other members of our Lodge. This was the last meeting that our own Teddy Acton presided as President. Our new state President, Ron Dickson, along with the other state Officers, were installed at that time. A ceremony commemorating Flag Day will be held at the Lodge on Sunday, June 14th at 12:00 Noon, to which ALL Lodge Members are Invited. Also, we were pleased to learn that Tom O’Brien was accorded the honor of Exalted Ruler of the Year for both the East District and the State! PLEASE NOTE: – The Lounge will be CLOSED until the Ceremony, which will take about 30 Minutes, has concluded. My focus this year is to improve the financial viability of the Lodge – it is early in the year; however, due to the efforts of some outstanding members at our lodge, we are off to a good start. Let’s keep it going. Fraternally, Malcolm Jaggard Exalted Ruler Secretary’s Corner Cynthia Wilson Secretary Office Hours Monday and Friday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Phone: 910-575-8900 The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 2 MESSAGE FROM THE LODGE SECRETARY Honorary Life Membership Nomination For Teddy G. Acton Whereas Teddy G. Acton joined the Calabash Elks Lodge in 1990 and has served the Lodge tirelessly and unselfishly for 25 years, the Past Exalted Rulers of the Calabash Elks Lodge hereby nominate Teddy G. Acton for Honorary Life Membership. In 1961 Teddy enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and served eight years as an Air Policeman before leaving with an honorable discharge. Following his enlistment, Teddy joined the Washington D.C. police department where he worked for 21 years before retiring in 1990. After retiring, Teddy was appointed a judgeship as Magistrate for the 17th Judicial District of the State of Virginia, where he worked for two years before moving to Sunset Beach, North Carolina In the Calabash Lodge Teddy was active working on the Entertainment Committee, House Committee, Hoop Shoot, and Children’s Halloween and Christmas parties. Teddy also wrote, directed, and acted in two dinner mystery theaters to raise money for the Lodge. Teddy became an Officer in 1992 being elected to Lecturing Knight. He has also served as Exalted Ruler on three occasions, 2003-2004, 20082009, and 2011-2012. As Exalted Ruler, Teddy led the Lodge to compete in the State Ritual contest twice, and won the Exalted Ruler of the Year award twice. In 2006-2007, Teddy served as Tiler for the North Carolina State Elks Association. He was elected to East District Vice President for the 2010-2011 year, then was appointed District Esquire in 2011-2012, and as District Deputy for 2012-2013. Teddy was elected President of the North Carolina State Elks Association for 2013-2014 year and was installed as State President in May for the 2014-2015 year. The Past Exalted Rulers, Calabash Elks Lodge #2679 Balloting for Honorary Life Membership for Teddy G. Acton will take place at the July 22, 2015 meeting in accordance with Section 14.270 of the Grand Lodge Annotated Statutes. Cynthia Wilson Lodge Secretary A Note from the Editor: Part of our Mission is to “Entertain” You, our readers. As such, we occasionally use “Humor” and “Satire” in certain pieces of this newsletter. It is “Humor,” and – we respectfully request you take it that way. Each piece containing Humor or Satire is identified with this Symbol - Calabash Elks Business in our BINGO Parlor has picked up, and - The BINGO Committee needs Help. They especially need people who can stay for the entire evening and help them Clean-Up and Close-Up the Dining Room and Lodge. Please consider helping by Volunteering for just 1 Tuesday evening a month. Call Diana Rettig @ 843-399-2945 to sign up. The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 3 Message from the Lodge Secretary As I write this message, we still have well over 100 members who have not paid their 2015-2016 Membership Dues. It is never too late to send them in, as we have already had to send in the Per Capita fees for the Grand Lodge and the North Carolina State Association in the amount of $18.50 per member, which includes those members who have not yet paid. This is a large dollar amount which the Lodge could use to help pay our bills. I thank the Lapsation Committee who came into the office on Monday, May 4th and called all those members who are delinquent. I would like this year to be a year where our membership increases. Bring a friend or neighbor to the Lodge for lunch, - Monday Nite Special Dining, - Friday Nite Comfort Food, - our TRIVIA Challenge, - a Dinner Dance, or - any of the many other events we have at our great Lodge, and offer to sponsor them for membership. Applications are available at the bar. Let’s make this year a year where we have attained the Plus-One-Goal set by the Grand Lodge. Also, please remember, if you should have a change of address, phone number, or e-Mail addresses, please notify me of such. Cynthia Wilson Lodge Secretary The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 4 . . . the Calabash Elks Lodge supports Hope Harbor Home. Did you know? . . . the Calabash Elks Lodge has donated almost $10,000.00 to Hope Harbor Home via Charity Dinner Dances & Auctions. Did you know? . . . the Calabash Elks Lodge, through ENF Impact grants, has refurbished Hope Harbor Home. Did you know? . . . you can continue to support this home for battered men, women and children here in Brunswick County by donating shampoo, deodorant , toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, cosmetics, canned goods, school supplies and Pampers Diapers and placing those items in the blue bins in the lobby of the Lodge. Did you know? . . . over 400 men, women and children (serviced by Hope Harbor per year) will thank you forever! Contact Juanita Adams for More Information or to Help We Fondly remember our Brothers who left us during 2015. David Avery January 2015 Initiated January 2006 Martin Gilbert January 2015 Initiated - March 2001 Bruce Kibblehouse February 2015 Initiated – December 1987 George Griffin February 2015 Initiated - April, 2000 Credits and Publication Guidelines The “Sandpiper” is an Official Publication of The Calabash Elks B.P.O.E. Lodge ~ 2679, Calabash, North Carolina Richard Whalen February 2015 Initiated – January 2006 Published Bi-Monthly 6 Times per Elks Year in April, June, August, October, December, and February Exalted Ruler ……..………………..……..….. Malcolm Jaggard Editor ………………..…………..……. Michael “Mike” Trescak Advertising …………….…………………. Gerald “Gerry” Ward Staff Writers & Photographers ………….……………Vacancies Cover Design, Layout, & Graphics………..……... Mike Trescak Distribution ……….…Maggie & PER Richard “Dick” Morrisey, …………………. Janet & Ronald “Ron” Luba, Alan “Al” Harm, …………………. William “Bill” Tmay, Gerald “Jerry” Kimble, ………………..…. Terrence “Terry” O’Rourke, Agnes Norcia, ………………Mary Noorigian, Terri Gregorio, Ruby McMillen Color Printing by ..…“The Printing Shoppe, Inc.”, Shallotte, NC Send Electronic Items and Inquiries to the Editor at: Communications@CalabashElks.Org Charles Schneider March 2015 Initiated – March 2008 Thomas McCoy March 2015 Initiated – November 2001 The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 7 WANTED Send us your Articles, - your Stories, - your Announcements, - your Photos, - Whatever . . . The Sandpiper Staff is always looking for items with which to fill the pages of “Your” News-letter consistent with our Mission to “Inform,” “Entertain,” and “Educate” our readers. Share your Stuff with your fellow Elks – It’s “Your” Newsletter! Send your Stuff to our NEW e-Mail Address Communications@CalabashElks.Org Michael Trescak, Editor P.S. – We also gladly accept Cash – Just leave it in the Sandpiper Mail Slot at the lodge, ATTN: Editor - The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 8 YOU COULD WIN A CRUISE FOR TWO ~ or ~ $1500.00 in CA$H DRAWING TO BE HELD AT “BEACH PARTY DINNER DANCE” ON JUNE 12, 2015! The Calabash Elks Past Exalted Rulers are sponsoring a fund raiser cruise to benefit our Lodge. The cruise will be from December 7, 2015 to December 12, 2015, leaving from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, - sailing to Cozumel, Mexico and Key West, FL, - returning to Ft. Lauderdale. The cruise line is Celebrity and the ship is the Constellation (Pictured above). Additionally, the PER Association is conducting a FundRaising Raffle in which one can WIN a Cruise for Two or $1,500.00 CASH! Tickets are on sale between now and June 12, 2015 for $20.00 each. See the complete Flyer for this event on our Web Page at www.CalabashElks.Org , or on the bulletin boards in and about the lodge. Call Frank Blue at 910-575-8188 for additional information. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS The “Sandpiper” and our Lodge have 40 Advertisers who have graciously paid to support the production of this newsletter – Their Business Cards being proudly displayed throughout the pages of this Newsletter. Calabash Elks The next time you visit their place of business, be sure to tell them you saw their ad in the Calabash Elks “Sandpiper” Newsletter, and how much you appreciate them for supporting our lodge. The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 9 ARE YOU ON THE “LIST?” Did you know Your Lodge has a “LIST?” It is an extremely Important “LIST,” and everyone at the Lodge should be on it. Are You on the “LIST?” One of our members, Terry Gregorio, has stepped up to the plate and has Volunteered to resurrect and Manage the “LIST.” The “LIST” contains the Names of those members who have come forward and have Volunteered to help in Your lodge’s Kitchen on Monday & Friday Evenings, and for Special Events. Terry is currently Cleaning Up the “LIST,” and is now looking for Names of other members to add to it. Volunteering for at least One Day-a-Month, 3 - 4 hours of your time, is all that it takes – More will always be appreciated. Here’s what will be expected of you in our Kitchen: No cooking is involved ( unless you have previous experience) Prepping of food stations Assisting with serving and or busing when needed Clean up as needed Washing of dishes Call Terry Gregorio at 301-467-8074 or send her an e-Mail at TGregorio750@GMail.Com to get on the “LIST.” Terry, and others, tell us from their Experience, - Working in our Kitchen is Truly a “Team Sport,” – You will have fun and Camaraderie, and – the Time goes Quickly! Plus, - You Feel Good about having done a Good Deed! Being on the “LIST” only means that you are available (sometime) to work in the Kitchen and perform the Duties described above when you can. Terry will send out a “Call for Volunteers” message about 2 months in advance listing the Dates of the Events and Time Slots on the schedule she needs to fill. You can then decide on “What Day” you want to help, and give as much, or as little, time as you want. Get on the “LIST” now! Elks Share, - Elks Share! Michael Trescak – Editor – on Behalf of Your House Committee SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS The Calabash Fire Company has been assigned responsibility for Parking and Crowd Control for th the Town’s 4 of July Celebration this year, and - has asked for our Help in providing Resources. We need as Many Volunteers as we can get! Activities will be conducted at various venues around town from 5:30 p.m. until 10:00 p.m., with Fireworks to be held down at the Water Front. Volunteers will be provided with Shirts. Call Al Harms @ 910-579-1529 to Sign Up for this project. The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 10 The Pledge of Allegiance History of the Pledge of Allegiance The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy. It was first given wide publicity through the official program of the National Public Schools Celebration of Columbus Day, which was printed in The Youth's Companion of September 8, 1892, and at the same time sent out in leaflet form to schools throughout the country. School children first recited the Pledge of Allegiance this way: "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." "The flag of the United States" replaced the words "my Flag" in 1923 because some foreign-born people might have in mind the flag of the country of their birth instead of the United States flag. A year later, "of America" was added after "United States." No form of the Pledge received official recognition by Congress until June 22, 1942, when the Pledge was formally included in the U.S. Flag Code. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The last change in language came on Flag Day 1954, when Congress passed a law, which added the words "under God" after "one nation." Originally, the pledge was said with the right hand in the so-called "Bellamy Salute," with the right hand resting first outward from the chest, then the arm extending out from the body. Once Hitler came to power in Europe, some Americans were concerned that this position of the arm and hand resembled the Nazi or Fascist salute. In 1942 Congress also established the current practice of rendering the pledge with the right hand over the heart. The Flag Code specifies that any future changes to the pledge would have to be with the consent of the President. Source: The American Legion - http://www.legion.org/flag/pledge All Members and Guests are Invited to attend our FLAG DAY Ceremony to be held on Sunday, June 14, 2015 at the Lodge, beginning at 12:00 Noon. Please note: The Lounge will be CLOSED until the Ceremony has Concluded. The Pledge of Allegiance "I pledge allegiance" (I promise to be true) "to the flag" (to the symbol of our country) "of the United States of America" (each state that has joined to make our country) "and to the Republic" (a republic is a country where the people choose others to make laws for them -- the government is for the people) "for which it stands," (the flag means the country) "one Nation" (a single country) "under God," (the people believe in a supreme being) "indivisible," (the country cannot be split into parts) "with liberty and justice" (with freedom and fairness) "for all." (for each person in the country) The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 13 “CALABASH ELKS CHARITY BINGO DONATES TO LOCAL COMMUNITY” A Charity BINGO event, open to the public, is held every Tuesday evening at the Elks Lodge located at 937 Carter Drive, in Calabash, North Carolina. During the night of BINGO, one Game is selected every evening on which the event is held, and - the monies garnered from that game are set aside to be donated to local charities. The BINGO Committee has 22 local charitable organizations on their list of potential organizations to which to donate, and then – a group of volunteer lodge members, along with some regular BINGO players, meet and select the charities from the list to which donations will be made. The committee makes 10 donations each year. During our last Fiscal year, which ran from April 1, 2014 thru March 31, 2015, Cash Donations were made to the following organizations: Boys & Girls Home of North Carolina, Inc. Brunswick Animal Shelter Brunswick County Homeless Family Shelter Brunswick Family Assistance Calabash Fire Department Calabash Volunteer EMS Hope Harbor Home Little River Volunteer Fire Dept & Horry County Station #2 Lower Cape Fear Hospice Providence Home of Family Emergency Teen Shelter Reprinted from Press Release Published by the Brunswick Beacon Newspaper The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 14 “So long as there are Veterans, - We shall never forget them!” The Leadership and Members of Your Veteran’s Affairs Committee “Thank You” for All your Donations th for our 7 Annual Indoor Yard Sale to Benefit Veterans and Veteran’s Programs Tell your Friends and Neighbors to come out and Support the Event LODGE FOOD COLLECTION PROGRAM There is a Wooden Box in the Lobby of our Lodge designated for the Collection of Non-Perishable Food Items. This food is Donated to the Brunswick Family Assistance Food Pantry located in Shallotte, NC. Last year, our Lodge donated over 700 Pounds of Food to this worthy cause. Please consider Donating, so that we may Exceed last year’s Donations. Questions or requests for Additional Information may be directed to George Scheidle @ 910-575-6922 SICKNESS & DISTRESS “Elks ‘Care,’ . . . Elks Share” Please remember our members with a Prayer, - a Card, - a Visit, - or a Caring Gesture during their episode of Sickness or Distress. Information – Kathryn Powell 910-575-8969 ATTENTION ALL AMAZON.COM SHOPPERS!! If you are an Amazon.com shopper, this is for you. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to The Elks National Foundation, if you sign up with their Amazon Smile program. The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 15 ENF by the Numbers for Elks Year 2014 - 2015 There are 35 Lodges in North Carolina Calabash ~ 2679 was 5th in Grand Exalted Rulers per capita at $14.98 per member Calabash ~ 2679 was 2nd in State of N.C. in total donations with $12,285.60 Calabash ~ 2679 was 1st in East District in per capita and total donations Calabash ~ 2679 was 1st in Chairman’s Challenge in State with 102.863 points Amazon Smile is the same products, services, and prices as the Amazon you already know. All you have to do is to go to www.smile.amazon.com, enter your regular Login ID and Password, and then select the Elks National Foundation, Inc. from the drop-down menu. These donations will be used either to supplement your existing contributions or add you to the growing list of Calabash Lodge ENF supporters. This is a no-cost way to support our core belief of Elks giving back. Elks Care – Elks Share All 11 Lodges in the East District met or surpassed the Grand Exalted Rulers per capita. This is four out of the last five years this has happened and the East District is the only District in N.C. to reach this goal for those years. Thank You Members of B.P.O.E. Lodge 2679! Donate to ENF The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 16 DINING AT YOUR LODGE HAUGHEY – NOORIGIAN TEAM DOES IT AGAIN ! You may recall, when our Pop Corn Machine Popped its Last Pop last Fall, - Leon Noorigian stepped in and bought us a New One, and – Jim Haughey paid for the Tax and Shipping. Well, - it Happened Again! Like most other things at our lodge (including us members), our Pizza Oven at the Bar was Old and suffered from various maladies. Well, - one day this past March, it (as they say) just Crapped Out! But Never Fear, when Leon Noorigian, our soon to be Nonagenarian, heard of our dilemma, the Haughey – Noorigian Team came to our rescue once again! Say Hello to our Brand New WISCO 00560E, 16 Inch, Deluxe Pizza Oven. Jim and Leon Split the Cost, and Jim (Once again) picked up the Tax and Shipping. Thanks Guys! Elks do Care, and – Elks do Share st Sunday, June 21 is FATHER’S DAY! Why not Treat Dad to Breakfast at the Lodge Sunday Breakfast Buffet At the Lodge Sunday, June 21, 2015 8:45 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. and again on Sunday, July 19, 2015 Same Time, -- Same Place! To ALL Our Members who are Celebrating their Birthdays in June & July The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 19 ~ Calabash Elks ~ June 2015 ~ Sun Mon 1 2 Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 7 Tue 8 NARFE Meeting & Luncheon New Member Orientation 6:30pm 3 Thu 4 PER Meeting 6.30 p.m. BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 10 11 Membership Meeting Initiation 7:00 p.m. Fri 5 VAC Meeting 7:00 p.m. BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 9 Officers Meeting 5:00pm Wed Sat 6 Comfort Food Menu 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. 12 VAC Indoor Yard Sale Lodge Dining Rooms 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 13 House Committee Beach Party Meeting Dinner & Dance 4:00 p.m. See event flyer for details Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 14 15 Flag Day Ceremony 12:00 p.m. Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aux Officers Meeting 7:00 p.m. 21 Father's Day 22 Summer Solstice Sunday Breakfast Buffet 8:45 – 10:45 p.m. 28 Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 29 Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 16 17 BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 23 BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 30 18 International Picnic 19 Ladies Aux Membership Meeting 7:00 p.m. 24 Day BOD Meeting 2:00pm Comfort Food Menu 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Trivia Challenge 7:00 - 9:00p.m. 25 Membership Meeting 7:00 p.m. 20 26 27 Comfort Food Menu 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Notes: BINGO 6:30 p.m. Don’t Forget to Buy Lots-of-Drinks for Your Kitchen Opens at Communications Guy and Your Webmaster! 5:15 p.m. The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 20 ~ Calabash Elks ~ July 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 12 6 7 Officers Meeting 4:00pm NARFE Meeting & Luncheon Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 13 Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aux Officers Meeting 7:00 p.m. 19 Sunday Breakfast Buffet 8:45 – 10:45 p.m. 26 20 Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 27 “Sandpiper” Folding Party 9:00 a.m. Monday Nite Special Dining 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 14 8 3 4 Independence Day 9 10 11 Comfort Food Leon Noorigian’s Menu 90th Birthday! 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Bar Holiday Hours 12:00 – 6:00p.m. House Committee Red White & Blue Meeting Dinner Dance 4:00 p.m. See event flyer for details VAC Meeting 7:00 p.m. 15 BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 21 BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. 28 BINGO 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Opens at 5:15 p.m. Sat 2 PER Meeting 6.30 p.m. 5 Fri 16 Ladies Aux Membership Meeting 7:00 p.m. 22 BOD Meeting 2:00pm 18 Comfort Food Menu 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Trivia Challenge 7:00 - 9:00p.m 23 24 25 Comfort Food Menu 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Membership Meeting 7:00 p.m. 29 17 30 31 Comfort Food Menu 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Notes: The Sandpiper June - July 2015 Page 21 The following members have generously Donated $10.00 to the Sandpiper Newsletter as a “Booster” to help defray Printing and Mailing Costs. If one’s name appears more than once, this means they have Made Multiple Donations. The “Sandpiper” Staff extends our sincere “Thank You” for your generous donation(s). (Names are Carried on the List for 1 Year from the Date of the Donation – This List includes Donations made from June 2014 thru June 2015) Sandpiper Booster List - June 2015 Name & Month of Donation Acton, Acton, Adams, Adams, Ballard, Bendy, Bensen Broughton Carpinello, Corbett Coulter, Drobish, Grant, Gregorio Gregorio Harms, Hartman, Hartman, Johnson, Kozlowski, Kozlowski, Kraut Teddy Vicki Juanita Joseph Donald Jack John A. Herb J.D. John Geraldine, G. Thomas Nancy Roger Theresa Alan BB Mike Diane James James James Dec '14 Dec '14 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '14 Apr '15 Apr '15 Dec '14 Jun '15 Oct '14 Oct '14 Oct '14 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Sandpiper Booster List - June 2015 Name & Month of Donation Lewellyn, Malcolm, Mayo, Meyers, Jr. Moyer, Noorigian, Noorigian, Noorigian, Noorigian, O'Hagan, Palombella Pompeii, Putnam, Jr. Riebesehl, Rismiller, Scheidle, Sellers, Uher Walker, Walker, Walker, Wetherell, Darius Ronald Ron T.H. David Leon Leon Mary Mary John Jack Mark Raleigh Harold Richard George Richard Richard Don Don Don Gerry Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Dec '14 Jun '15 Dec '14 Jun '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Apr '15 Jun' 15 Apr '15 Dec '14 Jun '14 Jun '14 Apr '15 Apr '15 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid SHALLOTTE, NC Permit No. 64 An Official Publication of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge ~ 2679 937 Carter Drive, Calabash, North Carolina 28467 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Please Deliver to:
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