Calderdale CTC April - September 2015 This magazine is produced twice yearly and distributed free to all CTC members resident in the area. This is made possible through generous support from advertisers and benefactors. Occasionally there may be changes or additions to activities listed here. Up to date details are available on our web site at: The Calderdale CTC Gazette welcomes contributions from members and friends. Please contact Chris Crossland - Tel: 01422 832853 email: Calderdale CTC Gazette April - September 2015 In this issue 3 4 Weighty matters with Chris Crossland Online Twitter @ctccalderdale Facebook CTC Calderdale Other Cycling Clubs in Calderdale CAR ASSISTED RIDES For easy cycling somewhere different 5 CALDERDALE CTC SPECIAL EVENTS Rides and rallies, events, 6 CALDERDALE CTC AUTUMN TINTS Group cycling for cyclists of Calderdale MTB Web-based community of mountain bike riders. Weekly evening rides from Salterhebble suppers, something for everybody Calderdale Tri Club Saturday morning training rides from Mytholmroyd any ability, age or gender 8 Fast(ish)training runs with a cafe stop 11 including road racing, time trialling, touring, social rides, club runs etc. PedalSport Cycling Club 01422 361460 For disabled children and young people. Specialist bikes for all abilities. Tel: 01422 358621 (term time only) Todmorden Harriers Cycling and running on the fells and roads 01706 810967 VS Cycles Racing Team 01484 715230 WEST YORKSHIRE CTC CYCLING EVENTS Social events and sporting rides to suit everybody 13 Autumn Audax Events VERY popular rides 14 CYCLE QUEENSBURY Getting Queensbury Cycling 15 Ravenscliffe School Cycling Club CALDERDALE CTC THURSDAY EVENING RIDES Exploring Calderdale’s highways and byways Halifax Imperial Wheelers Most types of cycling 01274 604715 CALDERDALE CTC WEEKEND RIDES Sociable cycling on easy, club, and long rides. 10 Condor Road Club A WORD FROM THE SECRETARY Graham Joyce writes THE FUTURE OF WEST YORKSHIRE CTC ANOTHER DAY IN JUNE John Whiteley makes new friends Published by CALDERDALE CTC, the local member group of CTC (Cyclists' Touring Club), the national cycling charity. Secretary Graham Joyce, 3 Ewood Court, Hebden Bridge HX7 5QX Tel: 01422 885071 Email: A WORD FROM THE SECRETARY Welcome to CTC members living in Calderdale and adjoining areas of Bradford. I hope you have managed to keep riding safely through the cold grey days of winter and, like me, are looking forward to a good spring and summer season of cycling. Despite the weather we have been getting some great turnouts for our winter rides, regularly seeing 15 or 16 on a Sunday and over 20 on the Wednesday rides – we must be doing something right! I expect that we, as a club, are benefitting from the renaissance in cycling that I spoke about this time last year, as we looked forward to the Tour de France coming to Calderdale. We are beginning to see some of the 'legacy' actions that were promised when the planning began for the Tour's visit. The local authorities across Yorkshire signed up to delivering a range of actions called "More People Cycling More Often". As a club we have, and continue, to play our part in this. A major investment in cycling infrastructure across West Yorkshire was announced recently under the Cycling Ambition initiative, supported by £20m of Government funding. In Calderdale planning work is due to commence on building a traffic free route from Todmorden to Brighouse, mostly using the route of the canal towpath and incorporating the already improved sections of National Route 66. Crucially, this will go on to Cooper Bridge, completing the 'missing link' and joining the route through Huddersfield to the Colne Valley. In total we can expect to see a 35km surfaced cyclepath costing around £6.5m. This all helps to get more people out on their bikes for leisure and for accessing work. The CTC nationally is also committed to increasing levels of cycling and improving cyclists' safety. As a membership organisation, the CTC has always changed with the times, adapting to changing needs. However, if you follow the threads in the CTC Forum website, you may have noticed that some of the recent changes have created quite a stir. Things recently came to a head when the operational decision was made to make the Technical Officer redundant, citing lack of demand for his advice and services. This follows the closure of the Touring Department a few years ago. With limited resources, difficult decisions do sometimes have to be made and resources are being re-deployed towards campaigning work and support for member groups (like ours). We have yet to see what form this support might take but, in the meantime, we are doing what we can to increase participation locally with our improved website and communications. We are grateful to Kevin Merrison for his work in this respect. Despite the upsurge in cycling nationally the CTC national membership is static, which must be a matter of concern to CTC National Council. The perceived move away from meeting the specific needs of 'cycle tourists' towards becoming "the voice of all cyclists" has yet to win universal support. We have two new Councillors, Martyn Bolt from Kirklees, and Lizzie Reather of Leeds Cycling Campaign representing Yorkshire and the Humber on the Council and they are trying to get to grips with these changes and keep us informed. I am conscious that most of our local group members may not be aware of these changes or feel they have the opportunity to engage in the debate. However, you are free to express your views to your Councillors and to use the CTC Forum website: Personally, I share some of the concerns about loss of member services for cycle touring but a lot of information and help can be gained from web sources and social media. It also makes me question how much interest there is in traditional cycle touring, as opposed to say, utility cycling and challenge rides e.g. sportives. Most cyclists I know are happy to spend a day out on a club run or a sportive ride or Audax event, but I know fewer and fewer who undertake multi-day cycle tours in the UK or abroad. This seems odd as we all travel more than ever before, but not by bike it seems - if I am wrong (which I hope I am!), please let me know. Unfortunately, this decline has become part of the rationale for dispensing with touring and technical services despite the increase in general leisure riding. Our own club continues to thrive, and 57 members and partners attended our recent Annual Dinner and Awards evening where our previous CTC Councillor, Arthur Spurr, spoke about his passion for cycling and his 10 years on CTC National Council. Sadly, Arthur's former colleague on National Council, our other representative, John Radford, died in November 2014, about 15 months after being involved in an incident with a car that led him to suffer serious head injuries. John's death came just days after the driver involved had been found guilty of causing him serious injury by dangerous driving. The charge has since been up-rated to causing death by dangerous driving and a further trial will follow. John's contribution to cycling in Huddersfield and West Yorkshire was almost as immense as his participation. As President of Huddersfield CTC and past President and Secretary of West Yorkshire CTC, and as a friend and cycling companion to many, he gained the respect of CTC members. For his cycling exploits in Paris-Brest-Paris and other long distance endurance events, he earned the respect of many more. Over 150 cyclists paid tribute to him at a memorial service in Meltham. We lost another cycle touring stalwart when Frank Branch, who many will remember, died shortly after Christmas. Frank was a civilised and witty man whose prodigious strength allowed him to cycle up hills in improbably high gears and who seemed to go faster after two or three pints of best bitter than before. Sunday rides were sometimes embellished with his bursting into song as he demonstrated the power of his prodigious lungs. His long distance cycling exploits were also extensive with Paris-BrestParis in 1991 featuring strongly in his stories of long and fast rides of yore. Finally, our summer rides programme is featured in this Gazette with a number of new ride leaders and some new destinations. Details can also be found at Once again our thanks go to Martin Bird for pulling this together, despite having a badly broken leg due to a fall on black ice. On April 5th our Thursday evening rides commence with a supper run to Mount Tabor, while on April 12th we have the ever popular Spring into the Dales and Leap into the Aire Audax events. If you haven't been on one of our club rides before, come and give us a try some time – you will receive a warm welcome. There is also a full events programme with noncompetitive events ranging from 16 miles to 600 kilometres. The South Pennines Walk and Ride Festival runs from12-27 September, and once again we hope to see some of our Sunday rides included in the programme. See for details, as well as our own website. Graham Joyce Secretary, Calderdale CTC THE FUTURE OF WEST YORKSHIRE CTC The reforms of local CTC groups instituted by CTC National Council some years ago have had some farreaching effects. Gone were the District Associations and Sections which older members had grown up with. In their place came member groups, both formal and informal. Some former sections took the chance of leaving District Associations, and some groups became informal to escape the bureacratic but very sensible requirements involved in organising rides and events, as well as managing funds. West Yorkshire CTC lost Huddersfield CTC which craved independence, but continued to operate with formal group Calderdale CTC and informal group Leeds CTC. With the demise of Leeds CTC, the question arises of what future there is for West Yorkshire CTC. Most of the membership activity is in the Calderdale CTC area. and most of the work is done by Calderdale CTC members, who duplicate their activity across the two groups. The West Yorkshire CTC Committee has considered the situation and identified 4 options for the future: 1. Continue as we are. 2. Disband West Yorkshire CTC 3. Convert West Yorkshire CTC to an organising committee 4. Merge West Yorkshire CTC and Calderdale CTC The West Yorkshire CTC Committee has agreed that members should be consulted before a decision is made at General Meetings of West Yorkshire CTC and Calderdale CTC (where appropriate). The Committees of both groups will obviously have their say in representing themselves. If any individual members have a view on the issues involved, I would be pleased to hear it. Likwewise, anybody who would like more information on the issues, you can phone me on 01422 832853 or email to Chris Crossland Secretary, West Yorkshire CTC Calderdale CTC CAR ASSISTED RIDES There are 2 car assisted rides planned this year, 10 May to COXWOLD Meet at Stump Cross 8.30 am 26 July PEAK DISTRICT Meet at Stump Cross 8.15 am The rides are easy paced, up to 30 miles on quiet lanes and cycle trails, and suitable for all ages. Transport has been a problem in the past so if you would like to come and can offer (or require) transport, please let me know in plenty of time. Tel: 01422 2582782102 Reid Anderson Calderdale CTC SPECIAL EVENTS April - October 2015 Thursday 2 April OPENING THURSDAY EVENING SUPPER RUN to The New Inn, Mount Tabor. Meet at 7:00pm at Halifax Pool. Please book in advance; Saturday 20 June THE 3 COASTS 600 and THE EAST & WEST COASTS 600 A choice of 600 km routes with 40 hours time limit. A significant achievement for all cyclists. Meet at 5:45am. Sunday 21 June contact John Keighley 01422 345968 THE GOOD COMPANIONS 202km. A test for all keen cyclists. Meet 7:45am Sunday 12 April SPRING AUDAX RIDES All starting at Mytholmroyd Community Centre Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 SPRING INTO THE DALES. 115 km. A test for keen racing, touring and fitness cyclists. Meet at 8:45am LEAP INTO THE AIRE. 58 km. Scenic ride for club and leisure cyclists. Meet at 9:45am Both start at Mytholmroyd Community Centre. Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Sat 27 June through Sun 28 June MORECAMBE MIDNIGHT MIDSUMMER MADNESS 130 miles Standard Ride The popular Morecambe midnight ride. Breakfast and a snack included in the entry fee. Meet at 11.30 pm Saturday, at The Sunday 19 April WEST YORKSHIRE CTC MEET at Addingham. Meet 8:45am at Morrisons, Illingworth. Oddfellows Rooms, Unity House, Coleridge Street, Halifax. Details from David Dodwell 01274 815936 Tea, coffee, cakes etc., provided. Please bring a packed lunch Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Saturday 4 July CALDERDALE CYCLE QUEST Sunday 3 May LE TOUR DE YORKSHIRE Your chance to ride the Calderdale part of Stage 3 of the 2015 Tour de Yorkshire, and then watch the race come through. Meet 8:30 am at Elland Bridge Contact Reid Anderson 01422 258278 Saturday 9 May NORLAND CIRCUIT RIDES A choice of standard rides to suit cyclists of all ages: 16 miles in 2 hours for newcomers and youngsters, or 36 miles in 3 hours for the more experienced cyclist. Meet 1:45pm at Norland Town Bus Stop, Clough Road, Norland, Sowerby Bridge. Details from Charlotte Bromley 07724 838837 Sunday 10 May CAR ASSISTED RIDE for easy cycling somewhere different. Meet at 8:30 am at Stump Cross to go to COXWOLD Please contact Reid Anderson 01422 258278 if you would like to come along. Saturday 23 May A choice of 400 km. events for enthusiasts, to be completed in 27 hours. NOT QUITE THE SPURN HEAD 400 - a flattish 400km ride & THE OLD 240 - John Whiteley’s favourite: a hilly 400km ride, Meet at Mytholmroyd Community Centre 5:15am. Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Wednesday 3 June THE TREVOR LEVER MEMORIAL HALIFAX TO SKIPTON & BACK RIDES: Can you cycle from Halifax to Skipton and back inside 2 or 2½ hours? The 32 miles rides start at The Causeway Foot Inn, 13 Causeway Foot, Halifax HX2 8X X (approx. 4½ miles North of Halifax on A629). Meet at 6:45pm. This event is jointly promoted with Halifax Imperial Wheelers Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Meet at the Alma Inn, Cottonstones at 9.30 am. Use the map to plan your route to a wide variety of controls. Each control has a value: the nearer controls are worth less, the further controls more. You have 2 hours to visit as many controls as you can. The rider who collects the most points is the best Cycle Quester! Finish at the Moorcock Inn. Please email organiser Graham Lloyd to reserve a map: Sunday 26 July THE OTHER FLEET MOSS RANDONNEE Classic 200 km. trip into the Yorkshire Dales, and back via Lancashire lanes. Meet 7.45 am at the Oddfellows Rooms, Unity House, Coleridge Street, Halifax. Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Sunday 26 July CAR ASSISTED RIDE for easy cycling somewhere different. Meet at 8:15 am at Stump Cross to go to the Peak District Please contact Reid Anderson 01422 258278 if you would like to come along. Thursday 24 September CLOSING THURSDAY EVENING SUPPER RUN Details to be arranged. Contact John Keighley 01422 345968 for details Sunday 11 October AUTUMN AUDAX RIDES SEASON OF MISTS 105 km. Challenging touring in the Yorkshire & Lancashire hills. Meet 8:45am MELLOW FRUITFULNESS 55 km. Not quite as hard, really! Meet at 9:45am. Both start at Mytholmroyd Community Centre. Contact Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Calderdale CTC AUTUMN TINTS RIDES Contacts Colin Chapman Carol Hare Paul Barnes John Sutcliffe Graham Firth John Schorah Leslie Baker Group cycling for cyclists of any ability, age, or gender Colin Chapman writes: Spring has sprung (officially) and with Winter now behind us (??) we can look forward to warmer weather, shorts, ice creams etc. Destinations for all rides are listed below. Should you wish to join us, just turn up, or, if you have any queries, please ring me or the ride leader on the numbers listed or email Despite the perils of Winter, rides have continued to be well supported & we have only needed to cancel them on three occasions. Thanks & well done to all riders. Calderdale CTC Autumn Tints draws on the history & tradition of the Autumn Tints Cycling Comrades which was originally founded to attract cyclists over 50 to ride together. In line with the open ethos of CTC activities, we now invite cyclists of any ability, age or gender to take part, & promise a warm welcome to all, whether an inexperienced rider or someone who would like to try riding within the safety and camaraderie of a group. Rides are held every Wednesday & Saturday, at a steady pace &, wherever possible, on quiet & often very scenic routes. Occasionally, after our Morning Coffee stop, the group will divide. The main group completing the full ride, whilst those preferring a gentler ride, cycling a shorter leisurely run of about 15-20 miles. DATE Start 01422 834342 01422 340638 01274 670958 01422 365420 01422 355239 01422 345170 07580 835265 Ride Start Points GB SHL SBB SBL WVGC WC Godley Bridge,New Bank, Halifax Salterhebble Locks (Basin), Halifax Sowerby Bridge Baths, Station Rd. Sowerby Bridge Library, Hollins Mill Lane West Vale - Garden Centre Windmill Court, Causeway Foot York Cycle Rally Weekend - June 19th-21st We are holding a social Camping/Caravaning weekend at this event & invite all to join us. Members can pre register at or using the booking form previously circulated by me. Entering Calderdale CTC Autumn Tints under Group Name will ensure all members will be grouped in the same area. Everyone welcome, so come & chat, socialise, drink beer or wine, BBQ & even, maybe, go for a ride! Please contact me should you require further details or have any queries. Colin Chapman 01422 834342 TIME COFFEE STOP DESTINATION 10:00 9:30 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 Windmill Court SHIPLEY GLEN Watergate, Hebden Bridge HOLLINGWORTH LAKE Cookhouse Café, Slaithwaite MARSDEN Motorman's Café The Village Bakery, Queensbury BINGLEY Five Rise Locks Windmill Court SCAR TOP Granary Tea Room Watergate, Hebden Bridge TODMORDEN Morrison’s Motorman's Café, Marsden DELPH Edna’s Cosy Café Wetherspoons, Brighouse TONG GARDEN CENTRE J’s Cafe, Scholes DEWSBURY MARINA LEADER APRIL Wed 1st WC Sat 4th SBL Wed 8th WVGC Sat 11th GB Wed 15th WC Sat 18th SBL Wed 22nd WVGC Sat 25th SHL Wed 29thGB Carol Hare Colin Chapman Colin Chapman John Sutcliffe Paul Barnes Carol Hare Colin Chapman Graham Firth Paul Barnes DATE Start TIME COFFEE STOP DESTINATION LEADER 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 9:30 9:30 Wetherspoons, Brighouse OAKWELL HALL Carol Hare Morrisons, Waterloo CANNON HALL Paul Barnes Windmill Court KEIGHLEY Morrison’s Graham Firth Robin’s Nest, Rishworth HOLLINGWORTH LAKE Colin Chapman Bennett's Eggs, Hightown OAKWELL HALL John Sutcliffe Windmill Court OTLEY CC Club Room Paul Barnes Robin’s Nest,Rishworth DELPH Edna’s Cosy Café Colin Chapman Cookhouse Café, Slaithwaite HOLMFIRTH Corner House Cafe John Schorah Wetherspoons, Brighouse MIRFIELD Café Nosh Leslie Baker 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 Old Town CC HAWORTH Villette Café J’s Cafe, Scholes DEWSBURY MARINA Bolster Moor GC MELTHAM Ivy House Cafe Wetherspoons, Brighouse OAKWELL HALL Windmill Court OTLEY CC Club Room Watergate, Hebden Bridge HOLLINGWORTH LAKE YORK CYCLE RALLY - Camping Weekend Café Nosh, Mirfield NEWMILLERDAM Baguettes, Wyke TONG GARDEN CENTRE Colin Chapman John Sutcliffe Paul Barnes Carol Hare John Schorah Graham Firth Colin Chapman Paul Barnes Leslie Baker Carol Hare John Sutcliffe Colin Chapman Graham Firth Paul Barnes Graham Firth Colin Chapman John Sutcliffe Colin Chapman Graham Firth John Schorah Colin Chapman Paul Barnes Carol Hare MAY Sat 2nd SHL Wed 6th WVGC Sat 9th WC Wed 13th SBL Sat 16th GB Wed 20th WC Sat 23rd SBL Wed 27th WVGC Sat 30th SHL JUNE Wed 3rd SBL Sat 6th GB Wed 10th WVGC Sat 13th SHL Wed 17th WC Sat 20th SBL Sat 20th/Sun 21st Wed 24th SHL Sat 27th GB 9:30 9:30 JULY Wed 1st WC Sat 4th SHL Wed 8th WVGC Sat 11th GB Wed 15th WC Sat 18th WVGC 10:00 9:30 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 Wed 22nd GB Sat 25th SBL Wed 29th SHL 9:30 9:30 9:30 Windmill Court SHIPLEY GLEN Wetherspoons, Brighouse SCHOLES J’s Café Motorman's Café, Marsden DELPH Edna’s Cosy Café Baguettes, Wyke CROW NEST PARK Windmill Court OTLEY CC Club Room Ambry’s Community Café, Almondbury SHELLEY Dearne Lea Café J’s Cafe, Scholes TONG GARDEN CENTRE Robin’s Nest, Rishworth HOLLINGWORTH LAKE Wetherspoons, Brighouse DEWSBURY MARINA 9-30 9:30 10:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 9:30 9:30 The Village Bakery, Queensbury BINGLEY Five Rise Locks Watergate, Hebden Bridge COLDWELL ACTIVITY CENTRE Windmill Court SHIPLEY GLEN CAFÉ Kelly’s Café, Birkby SHELLEY Dearne Lea Café Wetherspoons, Brighouse MIRFIELD Café Nosh Windmill Court OTLEY CC Club Room Robin’s Nest, Rishworth HEBDEN BRIDGE Café Nosh, Mirfield BRETTON PARK Watergate, Hebden Bridge TODMORDEN Wetherspoons, 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 9:30 10:00 9:30 Bolster Moor Farm Shop MARSDEN Motorman's Café Paul Barnes Watergate, Hebden Bridge HOLLINGWORTH LAKE Carol Hare Baguettes, Wyke TONG GARDEN CENTRE John Sutcliffe Wetherspoons, Brighouse DEWSBURY MARINA Graham Firth Windmill Court OTLEY CC Club Room Colin Chapman J’s Cafe, Scholes CLECKHEATON Crown Café Leslie Baker Cookhouse Cafe, Slaithwaite DELPH Ednas’ Cafe John Schorah Windmill Court KEIGHLEY Morrisons Colin Chapman Old Town CC TODMORDEN Wetherspoons John Sutcliffe Colin Chapman John Schorah Leslie Baker Colin Chapman AUGUST Sat 1st GB Wed 5th SBL Sat 8th WC Wed 12th WVGC Sat 15th GB Wed 19th WC Sat 22nd SBB Wed 26th SHL Sat 29th SB SEPTEMBER Wed 2nd WVGC Sat 5th SBL Wed 9th GB Sat 12th SHL Wed 16th WC Sat 19th GB Wed 23rd WVGC Sat 26th WC Wed 30th SBL Calderdale CTC WEEKEND RIDES April - September 2015 There is a packed ride list this season, catering for all our riders, including two car assisted rides, a Cyclequest, Audax and other events. Our Regular Rides are easy-going affairs where the group stays together. The pace is quite relaxed (around 10 mph with stops), with lots of opportunities to chat and enjoy the scenery. Wherever possible these are on quiet roads. NEW RIDERS ARE WELCOME. Look at our web site and follow us on Facebook (CTC Calderdale) for ride reports and notices. Any queries, contact the ride leader, event organiser, or me ( Martin Bird We aim for all our rides to have quiet routes designed by experienced cyclists who lead the way and ensure that nobody gets left behind. Short Rides are up to 30 miles long at a moderate pace. Club Rides are generally around 50 miles, with a pace that cyclists of moderate experience can cope with. The group aims to stay together the whole of the ride. Long Rides are more suitable for cyclists with experience: the pace is faster and the distance at least 70 miles and sometimes 100 miles or more in a day. Standard rides & Audax events marked ** offer the chance to ride a set distance inside a set time limit. For more details, see the West Yorkshire CTC Events Calendar on pp.11-13. Date Meet MEETING POINT DETAILS for all weekend rides Please note that the times given on the rides lists are the times to meet and that the rides should start 15 minutes after this time. EB Elland Bridge, bus shelter on A6025 leading to A629 KX King Cross, One Stop supermarket My Mytholmroyd Community Centre, Caldene Avenue Nor Norland Town bus stop near Church/School SB Sowerby Bridge Market (Wharf Street) Hx Halifax - Oddfellows Rooms, Coleridge Street SX Stump Cross Inn, Stump Cross, Halifax Time Destination Type Leader 8:45 SHELLEY Short Dave Power April 5 12 12 19 EB My My I 26 SB 8:45** SPRING INTO THE DALES 115 km. Audax ** Entries to 9:45** LEAP INTO THE AIRE 58 km. Audax ** Chris Crossland 8:45** CTC WEST YORKSHIRE / HUDDERSFIELD CTC RIDE-OUT MEET 12 noon, Addingham Village Hall Club Graham Lloyd 8:45 HOLLINGWORTH LAKE 8:30 TOUR DE YORKSHIRE Short Alan Simpson May 3 9 Sat 10 10 17 EB Nor SX SX EB 23 23 My My Club Reid Anderson ** Charlotte Bromley HORBURY BRIDGE Short Keith Robinson CAR ASSISTED – COXWOLD Reid Anderson QUEENSBURY FAMILY FUN RIDES Short Reid Anderson To arrive at bottom of Station Road, Queensbury, at 10.00 am THE OLD 240 400 km. Audax ** Entries to NOT QUITE THE SPURN HEAD 400 km. Audax ** Chris Crossland 13:45** NORLAND CIRCUIT RIDES 16 & 36 miles 8:30 8:30 8:30 5:15** 5:15** Date Meet Time Destination Type Leader SX KX 8:30 8:30 NEWMILLERDAM TOWNELEY HALL Short Club Keith Robinson Dave Dodwell My EB My My My EB Hx KX 8:15 8:15 WADDINGTON SLAITHWAITE 5:45** The 3 COASTS 600 km. Audax 5:45** The EAST & WEST COASTS 600 km. Audax 8:15** THE GOOD COMPANIONS 200 km. Audax 8:15 MYTHOLMROYD to meet the Audaxes 23:30** MORECAMBE MIDNIGHT RIDE 130 miles 8:15 UPPERMILL Club Short Graham Joyce Dave Scott ** Entries to Alma My SX KX Hx SX SX 9:30** CALDERDALE CYCLEQUEST Start at Cottonstones May 24 31 June 7 14 20 Sat 20 Sat 21 21 27 28 July 4 Sat 5 12 19 26 26 26 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15** 8:15 8:15 ** Chris Crossland Short Long ** Dave Dodwell Short John Southworth Graham Lloyd BARNOLDSWICK Club Kevin Merrison KIRKSTALL Club Alan Simpson HAWORTH Short Dave Power THE OTHER FLEET MOSS RANDONNEE 200 km. Audax **Chris Crossland HEPWORTH Short Dave Power CAR ASSISTED – PEAK DISTRICT Reid Anderson August 2 My 8:15 To be arranged 9 EB 8:15** MARSDEN Club Reid Anderson JOHN RADFORD MEMORIAL RIDE organised by Huddersfield CTC. For details please contact Peter Charnley 01484 539715 HOLLINGWORTH LAKE - Scenic Group Standard Ride 36 miles 16 23 30 SX I EB 8:15 8:15 8:15 HAWORTH SKIPTON HOLMFIRTH Short Alan Simpson Club John Southworth Club Reid Anderson DEWSBURY PADFIELD LITTLEBOROUGH CROSSING THE WATERSHED Short Club Short Club ** Simon Roberts September 6 EB 8:30 13 EB 8:30 20 KX 8:30 27 My 8:30 October - Advance Notice 11 My 8:45** My 9:45** SEASON OF MISTS 105 km. Audax MELLOW FRUITFULNESS 55 km. Audax John Keighley Kevin Merrison Simon Roberts Graham Joyce ** Entries to ** Chris Crossland ** Denotes a ride/event included in the West Yorkshire CTC Events Calendar RIDE LEADERS For further details concerning a particular ride or event, please contact the designated ride leader or organiser, who will be pleased to answer any enquiries. Reid Anderson 01422 258278 Kevin Merrison 07538 049200 Martin Bird 07720 350466 Dave Power 01422 647509 Charlotte Bromley 07724 838837 Simon Roberts 07954 176928 Chris Crossland 01422 832853 Keith Robinson 07802 923547 Dave Dodwell 01274 815936 Dave Scott 07455 907270 Graham Joyce 01422 885071 Alan Simpson 07443 895430 John Keighley 01422 345968 John Southworth 01422 365470 Graham Lloyd Calderdale CTC THURSDAY EVENING Rides DATE START DESTINATION LEADER APRIL 2 9 16 23 30 HP Opening Supper Run to The New Inn, Mount Tabor. Details from John Keighley 01422 345968 HP MEMORIALS RIDE EB STAINLAND SX THORNTON EB POLE MOOR JK AS DP DD GE KX SB SX EB JS AS DD SR MAY 7 14 21 28 MIDGLEY CRAGG VALE THORNTON NORLAND JUNE Wed 3 **STANDARD RIDE to Skipton and back in 2 or 2½ hours. Meet 6:45pm Causeway Foot Inn CC 4 11 18 25 EB SB EB SX SCAMMONDEN STEEP LANE CASTLE HILL SUNNY VALE GE GJ JS AS SB I EB KX LUDDENDEN DEAN ST. IVES RESERVOIR RIDE BOULDERCLOUGH DP DD JS DP JULY 2 9 16 23 30 **STANDARD RIDE to BUCKSTONES and back: 25 miles in 2 hours. Meet 7:00 pm at Junction of New Hey Road & Brighouse Road, near Ainley Top SR AUGUST 6 13 20 27 SB I KX KX COTTONSTONES LEEMING WAINSTALLS STOCKS LANE DS DD HN MB NORWOOD GREEN LUDDENDEN DEAN JAGGER GREEN Closing Supper Run AS DD GE JK SEPTEMBER 3 10 17 24 SX KX EB HP details from John Keighley 01422 345968 **Denotes a ride/event in the West Yorkshire CTC Events Calendar. More details on pp. 11-13 These rides use the longer evenings to explore roads, lanes, and sometimes tracks within an easy distance of Halifax. While we aim to finish the rides during the hours of daylight, we do sometimes get carried away so please remember to bring some lights with you. To take part, meet at 7:00pm for a 7:15pm start, except for Wednesday 3 June when meet 6:45pm for a 7:00pm start at The Causeway Foot Inn, 13 Causeway Foot, Halifax HX2 8X X (approx. 4½ miles North of Halifax on A629). Yes, this ride is still on a Wednesday. Martin Bird MEETING POINTS EB HP KX I SB SX Elland Bridge Halifax Pool King Cross - One Stop supermarket Illingworth - Morrisons Service Station Sowerby Bridge Market, Wharf Street Stump Cross Inn LEADERS AS CC DD DP DS GE GJ HN JK JS MB SR Alan Simpson Chris Crossland Dave Dodwell Dave Power Dave Scott Graham Ellis Graham Joyce Holly Norris John Keighley John Southworth Martin Bird Simon Roberts 07443 895430 01422 832853 01274 815936 01422 647509 07455 907270 07590 487603 01422 885071 07908 378585 01422 345968 01422 365740 07720 350466 07954 176928 West Yorkshire CTC CYCLING EVENTS 2015 As usual, the cycling events in this calendar cater for riders of all abilities. Standard Rides and Audax events offer the opportunity to complete noncompetitive touring rides over a variety of distances inside usually generous time limits. Audax events are organised under the rules of Audax United Kingdom, the long distance cyclists’ association, and are part of a national calendar, attracting riders from all over the country. Standard Rides are local events offering a little more informality but with a similar sense of achievement. More details can be obtained from the organisers or the Events Secretaries. Contact details are on Page 13. Sun 15 Mar 8.00am THE RED ROSE RIDE 200 km. Audax START The Oddfellows’ Rooms, Coleridge Street, Halifax ENTRY FEE £5.00 ORGANISER Dave Dodwell Through the Trough of Bowland to the Lancashire Coast and back. Sun 12 Apr 10.00am LEAP INTO THE AIRE 58 km. Audax START Mytholmroyd Community Centre ENTRY FEE £4.00 ORGANISER Chris Crossland 58 hilly km with 2 café stops, taking you from the Pennine centre of Hebden Bridge into Airedale, and back again, with a generous time allowance based on a minimum speed of 8 kph. Sun19 Apr, 12 noon CTC WEST YORKSHIRE / HUDDERSFIELD & DISTRICT CTC RIDE-OUT MEET at Addingham Village Hall ORGANISER Harry Wilcock / Chris Crossland Tea, coffee, cakes etc., provided. Please bring a packed lunch Sun 3 May 8:30 am LE TOUR DE YORKSHIRE START Elland Bridge ENTRY FEE Free ORGANISER Reid Anderson Group Ride on the Calderdale part of the 2015 Tour de Yorkshire culminating in the chance to watch the race go past on its final stage. Sat 9 May 2.00pm NORLAND CIRCUIT RIDES START Norland Town Bus Stop ENTRY FEE 50p ORGANISER Charlotte Bromley 16 miles in 2 hours, or 36 miles in 2½ or 3 hours Sat 23 May Sun 12 Apr 9.00 am SPRING INTO THE DALES 115 km. Audax START Mytholmroyd Community Centre ENTRY FEE £4.50 ORGANISER Chris Crossland 115 hilly km with 2 café stops, taking you from the heart of West Yorkshire into the foothills of the Dales and back again, with a generous time allowance of 9h 5m based on a minimum speed of 12 kilometres per hour. 5.30am A choice of 400 km. events: The Old 240 is scenic and challenging, the Spurn Head less so unless the wind blows. THE OLD 240 – 400 km. Audax START Mytholmroyd Community Centre ENTRY FEE £8.00 ORGANISER Chris Crossland One of Audax UK's toughest and most scenic events, climbing its way through classic Pennine landscapes NOT QUITE THE SPURN HEAD 400 km. Audax START Mytholmroyd Community Centre ENTRY FEE £8.00 ORGANISER Chris Crossland The Café at Spurn Point has closed and been removed, but a lot of the event remains, and the Isle of Axholme replaces the sand and pave. Wed 3 June 7.00pm 32 miles in 2 or 2 ½ hours controls are worth less, the further controls more. You have 2 hours to visit as many controls as you can. The rider who collects the most points is the best Cycle Quester! Please email organiser to START The Causeway Foot Inn, 13 Causeway Foot, reserve a map: Halifax HX2 8X X (approx. 4½ miles North of Halifax on A629) ENTRY FEE 50p ORGANISER Chris Crossland (In association with Halifax Imperial Wheelers) THE TREVOR LEVER MEMORIAL HALIFAX TO SKIPTON & BACK RIDES Sunday 26 July 8.00 am THE OTHER FLEET MOSS RANDONNEE 200 km. Audax START The Oddfellows’ Rooms, Coleridge Street, Sat 20 June 6.00am Halifax A choice of 600 km. events START Mytholmroyd Community Centre ENTRY FEE £10.00 ORGANISER Chris Crossland THE 3 COASTS 600 - 607 km. Audax Stage 1 (383 km): to Bridlington, then back to base. Stage 2 (224 km): to Blackpool & Glasson Dock, then to the weighvers' seaport of Hollingworth Lake; returning home on England's longest continuous downhill road. THE EAST & WEST COASTS 600 603 km. Audax Like The 3 Coasts but more time in the Fylde, less time in the hills and only 2 coasts! ENTRY FEE £5.00 ORGANISER Chris Crossland Up North and over Fleet Moss to Hawes, then back by Yorkshire and Lancashire lanes. Sun 21 June 8.30am THE GOOD COMPANIONS 200 km. Audax START Mytholmroyd Community Centre ENTRY FEE £5.00 ORGANISER Chris Crossland Join the riders of the Coasts 600 km. events as they are on their last legs on the last leg of their ride. Sat 27 June through Sun 28 June Start 12:00 midnight Sat MORECAMBE MIDNIGHT MIDSUMMER MADNESS 130 miles Standard Ride START The Oddfellows’ Rooms, Coleridge Street, Halifax ENTRY FEE £10.00 ORGANISER Dave Dodwell The popular midnight ride to Morecambe. Breakfast and a snack included in the entry fee. Sat 4 July Registration and Staggered Starts 9.30 am-10.30am CALDERDALE CYCLE QUEST START The Alma Inn, Cottonstones ENTRY FEE £2.00 ORGANISER Graham Lloyd Use the map to plan your route to a wide variety of controls. Each control has a value: the nearer Thursday 30 July 7.00 pm 25 MILES IN 2 HOURS Standard Ride START Junction of New Hey Road & Brighouse Road, near Ainley Top ENTRY FEE 50p ORGANISER Simon Roberts Sun 2 August JOHN RADFORD MEMORIAL RIDE START Fairburn, near Castleford Ride organised by Huddersfield CTC. For details please contact Peter Charnley 01484 539715 Sun 9 August 8.15 am SCENIC GROUP RIDE - 36 miles START Elland Bridge ENTRY FEE 50p A scenic route to Hollingworth Lake and back ORGANISER Simon Roberts Sun 11 Oct 9.00am SEASON OF MISTS 105 km. Audax START Salem Community Centre, Hebden Bridge ENTRY FEE £4.50 ORGANISER Chris Crossland Challenging Autumn touring in the Yorkshire and Lancashire hills. Sun 11 Oct 10.00am MELLOW FRUITFULNESS 55 km. Audax START Salem Community Centre, Hebden Bridge ENTRY FEE £3.50 ORGANISER Chris Crossland Autumn touring in the Yorkshire & Lancashire hills. OTHER DATES TO NOTE YORK CYCLE RALLY 20-21 June at the Knavesmire, York CTC BIRTHDAY RIDES 18-25 August at Newton Rigg College, Penrith, Cumbria. CONTACT DETAILS West Yorkshire CTC Events Secretary Chris Crossland, 14 Stanley Street West, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 1EF Tel: 01422 832853 Email: Other Organiser Details Charlotte Bromley 07724 838837 David Dodwell 01274 815936 Email: Graham Lloyd Email: Simon Roberts 07817 218128 Harry Wilcock 0113 2584818 For more details of West Yorkshire CTC Audax events, including route sheets and ride photographs, look at Most of the West Yorkshire CTC Audax events can also be ridden as “Permanent” events, i.e. they are available to ride all year round at the rider’s convenience. For most enjoyment, it is of course better to ride with others on the day of the event. There are more details on the above website. West Yorkshire CTC Awards West Yorkshire CTC makes awards to its members who (3) Season of Mists 105 km. Audax or Mellow complete any events in this calendar as detailed below. Fruitfulness 55 km. Audax To qualify you must be a member of the CTC and plus at least four other events, with the four rides resident in the area of the Association. Taking part in the totalling the most points to count. The rider amassing the ride automatically enters you in the scheme. most points will win the President's Cup. In the event of Award Min. No. Rides Min No. Points a tie the other rides completed will be taken into account Medal 3 25 - the highest number of points from the minimum Plaque 4 45 number of rides until the tie is broken. Gold Award 5 60 The Centenary Cup will be awarded to the junior Special Award 6 70 member with the highest tally of points under the The awards scheme aims to reward continuing Awards Scheme. A junior member for the purpose of this achievement over several years. The highest award you award is someone aged 16 years or under on the 31st can win when first entering the scheme is a Plaque. October of the year in which the rides are undertaken. Higher awards are achieved in yearly progression to the Published by West Yorkshire CTC, a Special Award. The scheme allows you to have one year member group of CTC, the national out without having to revert back to the beginning. cycling charity. How to earn points: Points are awarded for each completed event at the rate of 1 per 10 miles or 16 kilometres rounded to the nearest whole number, with half point rounded up, e.g. 50 miles in 5 hours – 5 Come and join us on the points, 32 miles in 2 or 2½ hours – 3 points, 200 km. Audax – 13 points. West Yorkshire CTC permanent Calderdale CTC Audax events also earn points, but at the abbreviated Autumn Audax Events rate of 1 point per 100 km. or part thereof to the nearest Among our most popular rides whole number as above. Other events where a distance is not specified earn points as determined by the West (about 180 riders last year) Yorkshire CTC Committee, e.g. Tour de Yorkshire - 5 SEASON OF MISTS points. Nominated organisers of Association events (one 9.00 am start per event) receive points as if they had successfully 105 hilly kilometres with 2 cafe stops completed the ride. Organisers must apply for these and points to the Events Secretary. Only actual points earned by riding will count for the following trophies. MELLOW FRUITFULNESS President's Cup: As a senior rider (someone over the age 10.00 am start of 16 on Oct 31st in year of event) members 55 hilly kilometres with 2 cafe stops automatically enter this competition by taking part in any ride. Points awarded are as per the awards scheme Sunday 11 October 2015 above. To qualify you must complete two of the Start: Mytholmroyd Community Centre, following events Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd (1) The Red Rose Ride 200 km. Audax or The Other Details from Chris Crossland Tel: 01422 832853 Fleet Moss Randonnee 200 km. Audax Email: (2) Spring Into The Dales 115 km Audax or Leap Into Web: The Aire 58 km. Audax CYCLE QUEENSBURY - The Third Year Dave Dodwell reports 3 years ago, Queensbury’s 150th Anniversary was the catalyst for new cultural, campaigning, and recreational Community Groups to start up. Cycle Queensbury was one of them. Our aim is to ‘get Queensbury Cycling’ by helping people overcome obstacles to cycling like lack of skills, experience, confidence, or bike! We’re not a Cycling Club and don’t organise regular rides, but are affiliated to CTC, and have 3 National Cycling Instructors on our Committee. So we have a certain amount of clout, and where we can’t do things ourselves, we can point would-be cyclists to local cycling events. Last year, we: Helped our local Tesco staff to Cycle to Lapland and raise money for Diabetes UK; Organised a Winter Warmer get-together on the Great Northern Railway Trail; Ran an Easter Ride and Egg Hunt on the Trail; Organised another Family Fun Rides Day, with the help of Calderdale CTC members. Over 200 people cycled a total of 1115 miles (equivalent of the first 10 stages of the Tour de France!); Ran a series of nine short (approx. 2 hour) Local Led Rides exploring the back lanes and tracks around Queensbury. Ran Bikeability Training courses in 3 of the 4 Queensbury Primary Schools for 80 children; Helped Queensbury Cub Scouts to gain their Cycling Badge, with support from Firth Cycles Provided cycle training to a number of participants of the Queensbury Triathlon; Planned our very own Tour O’ World cycle ride, a 17 mile route passing 11 place names from around the world. Pick up a route sheet and a clue find card from Firth Cycles. Find the route at Loaned out bikes from our small fleet of loan bikes which have been donated by the Community and refurbished; Supported the campaign to turn the old Queensbury Railway Tunnel into a cycle route; See Ran a Commuter Cycle Challenge for local organisations, won by Keelham Farm Shop. This year we are repeating the successful Family Fun Rides day, on Sunday 17 May. Can you help out on the day? Contact us on the email address below. We are also funding a feasibility study for safe cycle routes in and around Queensbury. For more information visit our Facebook page or website or email ANOTHER DAY IN JUNE John Whiteley makes new friends I reported an interesting “….One day in June….” a couple of years ago – and it happened again last year. My “Plan” was Hawes for lunch, up Widdale to Ribblehead, down to Chapel-le-Dale, Ingleton and home. That was the “plan” anyway. I’d started early and was passing the Flappit when I caught another cyclist, who “…..travailed and was heavily laden….”. It being early morning and quiet I came alongside him. He told his tale; he was on a LEJOG with two mates. He’d broken a spoke and his mates had gone on ahead to find a bike shop. It was early and still cold and depressing, and knowing the bike shop in Keighley I said I’d keep him company. It was slow going, but eventually we came to Aire Valley Cycles, where his two mates waited. It was before shop opening time, but the sign on the door said “closed Wednesdays” – and it was Wednesday. Another cyclist appeared, obviously heading for work but, being friendly and helpful as we cyclists are, he led us to another bike shop – one I never knew existed in Keighley. The proprietor was a star – and whilst he replaced the spoke the lads told me their story. They were Sheffield University students; they’d just finished their finals and were celebrating by cycle-camping Land's End - John O' Groats (LEJOG) They’d done their LE-Sheffield section, rested for a few days, and now they were on Sheffield-JOG. The only map they had was a motoring atlas, and they were on ‘A’ roads all the way. They’d ridden the A629 from Sheffield and pitched on a rugby field that night, which turned out to be Ovenden Park! They were intending following the A629 to Skipton, and taking the A65 to their next overnight at Kendal. I asked how they were finding the ‘A’ roads, and using student adjectives they described the experience. They hadn’t been on any quiet lanes! I couldn’t leave three young lads to their fate on the A65, now could I? I could show them our usual quiet lanes, at least as far as Kirkby Lonsdale, and they were pleased to accept my offer. They were amazed at how quiet and relaxed the route on “our lanes” is. We came off the A629 at Crosshills, and went – pay attention here because it’ll stir memories – Connonley, Carlton-in-Craven, Broughton and then Gargrave, we took the old 100-in-8 route to Bell Busk, through Otterburn and to Hellifield where we repaired to the station buffet. I had some of my sarnies with a cuppa, one of the lads got fish and chips but the others didn’t. Clearly they were of varying financial means. I bought them some chips and tea – I felt a bit awful at not feeding them more, but I hadn’t come financially equipped to feed two growing students. They were loving the scenery, and the relief from heavy fast moving traffic. We were back onto the lanes at Long Preston – crossing our well remembered ‘Cow Bridge’ and then by way of Wigglesworth, Rathmell, Giggleswick and Eldroth. By this time they were getting low on blood sugar (when I told them they were “bonking” they thought I’d gone mad! – I explained!) and we had to go by way of Clapham station to get to Ingleton to buy food at the co-op. It’s only about 5 miles then to Devil’s Bridge, and the lads were tiring. The A65 is mainly downhill from Ingleton and it was quiet at the time, so it wasn’t inappropriate to use it for those final couple of miles. We parted company there. I’d had such a good time with these youngsters – refreshing to be with them with their optimism and total lack of cynicism – and their lighthearted sense of humour. What I had to notice was that, whilst they were clearly not cyclists in our sense of the word, there they were with bikes loaded with tents, sleeping bags, stoves, tins of food etc, hardly any cycling in their background, and whilst we were not exactly cracking the pace, they were game and up for such a ride. I remember those days myself – I could just jump on my bike and be off. Now I have to keep up with it because if I don’t – it hurts. I came back into Ingleton for my lunch and rode up to Chapel-le-Dale and Ribblehead. The day was drawing on and my plan to visit Hawes was thwarted. I headed down Ribblesdale to Settle and – well – I don’t need to describe the rest. For all your cycling needs Cycle Sales and Service 46 Westgate, Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire BD19 5EY Tel: 01274 861747
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