CJM/HV June 2015 Dear Parents This time of year at school is an odd one. Due to the exam season many classrooms lie empty when they would normally be hives of industrious students, corridors at social times are much quieter as many take the opportunity to sit outside, timetables are being written for next year and staff appointments and resignations are a preoccupation. The last half of the summer term is unique as it wraps up one academic year, while preparations are put in place for the forthcoming September. It would seem from a quick glance that the year is effectively over, the school is merely winding down and only looking ahead to the new year. That is far from the truth as I would hope you all appreciate. Yes, Year 11 and Year 13 will leave as they finish their final exams in the next few weeks. Yes, the new Year 7 will come to visit on their transition days, but they are just two events in a mutlitude of on-going activities. The school is continuously focussed on ensuring every student continues their learning up to the very last day of the summer term. Year 10, for example, will work on their coursework and controlled assessments and Year 9 will be doing preparation work for their full GCSE courses next year. The greater flexibility in the timetable does allow us to undertake a few more external visits and organise some other important events. These support and enrich what the students are learning and are all worthy of mention, many of which I will try to briefly alude to: Year 11 Celebration Day and Prom Our traditional Leavers’ Assembly with Year 11 will take place on Friday 19th June. It is chance for the year group to come together for one final time as they finish their exams and in September many will progress to apprenticeships or college and others move into 6th Form. It is an opportunity for the students to say goodbye, reminisce and take a humourous look at their time at Caldew. Many of the students will gather that night at The Greenhill Hotel for their prom, organised entirely by themselves with some guidance from Mr Foulkes, our Business Manager. It promises to be a glittering farewell to a well-liked year group who we hope reach their potential in their exams. Junior and Middle Awards Evening The younger students of the school in Years 7 and 8 have finished their exams and are working on final improvements before the summer. These year groups contain some exceptionally talented individuals who deserve recognition academically and for their attitude. Invitations will be sent to parents inviting them to celebrate these students’ achievements with us on Wednesday 1st July. Those nominated for the Middle Awards for Years 9 and 10 have been notified and will receive their accolades at their event on Thursday 11th June. It is only right that those who excel in their studies are recognised and I would like to congratulate all those students nominated this year. It is important to recognise that there are many students who work tirelessly and receive a mulititude of other awards and certificates throughout each year. The comprehensive rewards system is in place to ensure that everyone’s endeavours are acknowledged whenever possible. Year 7 in September 2015 Our normal intake number (PAN – Pupil Admission Number) is 174 students in each year group. This makes Caldew a ‘6 form entry’ school (6 x 29), though in reality in every year group we are slightly oversubscribed. In September we have taken the decision to admit 189 students in Year 7, a ‘7 form entry’ (7 x 27), as a one-off variation of the PAN. This decision was taken due to the unprecedented number of first choice applications we received, making us the most oversubscribed school in Cumbria. The number in Year 7 may yet grow as over the next few weeks we have 35 appeals for admission to be heard by the Independent Appeals Panel. Work Experience All Year 11 and Year 12 students have the chance to complete a work experience placement in the latter part of this half term; Year 10s who study GCSE Environment and Land Based Studies will also be on placement as part of their coursework. Many students take advantage of this opportunity and Mr Greenwood has worked with them to secure a variety of placements. Some are arranged by the students themselves and this shows growing independence and confidence. Where a student is not as self-confident, support is in place to help them through the process. As always the students will find the experience invaluable and a huge thank you must go to the employers whose support is vital. SALAD Day This year, we have already enjoyed three SALAD days and on Monday 22nd June, the whole school will take part in our fourth. These are ‘Speaking And Listening Active Development’ days where all lessons are based on speaking and listening activities. Evidence suggests that talking together is really effective and helps students learn better. It also supports students’ literacy skills as they can develop ideas and rehearse them aloud before committing them to paper. Students have really valued the activities, explaining how they’ve enjoyed the days: it has helped them to become more confident and encouraged them to join in. St Michael’s and Caldew Dance Display Miss McCormick, as well as being a teacher at Caldew, is also employed by St Michael’s to teach PE one day a week. Through this link she has been working on a joint dance display to take place on Monday 29th June (6.00pm) and I am sure it will be an excellent display. Students are working hard in rehearsals and would appreciate as much support as possible for the event, to be held at Caldew. PE The fine summer weather sees activity in the PE department move from team sports to more individual endeavours in track and field events. Athletics thrives at the school and it is good to see that some students are representing Cumbria in wider championships, competing in the North West Finals. Team games don’t disappear fully, students will be competing against other schools in the traditional summer sports of cricket and rounders. Year 8 Archives Visit Year 8 will visit the Carlisle Archive Centre this half term. It is a truly fascinating place and worth a visit. The students will not only see the work that is done but also be able to access some of the many historical documents. We should all be proud of our local history as it defines where we live. Enabling the students to glimpse the rich records that are kept on the area and its people is a worthwhile opportunity indeed. Physics Visit While we have well-equipped laboratories there is no doubt that facilities are more impressive in higher education institutes, especially those engaged in cutting-edge research. Year 12 Physics students will travel to Lancaster University to see the research being done with the specialist equipment. We hope that this sparks the inquisitveness we would want all our university-bound students to have and that it inspires some of them to apply to study this crucial subject. School Council – Prefects The Head Boy and Head Girl have been working on behalf of the School Council with Mr Clarke to develop their ideas around a prefect system they wish introduce next year. Much work has gone into their proposals and they successfully presented their ideas to the school’s Senior Leadership Team before half-term. I would not want to steal their thunder but suffice to say that Year 9 and Year 10 students will be having assemblies in the next two weeks to explain the proposals and the vital role they could play in ensuring that the school has in place a prefect system from September that is both high-profile and effective in what it aims to do. Year 7 Community Challenge Day All of Year 7 have been completing the Archbishop of York’s Young Leaders Award over the last few months. As well as learning about leadership they have been completing a personal volunteering task at home and working on a school action project. On Wednesday 17th June they will complete their Community Challenge events. Some students will raise money for charity with a stall in front of the Co-op in Dalston selling plants, flowers biscuits and cakes. Others are spending time working with St Michael’s and Cummersdale Schools, others making and delivering hampers to members of the community, lastly some students will spend time weeding and planting in various locations around the village. We hope the weather is kind to them and I would encourage anyone who can to go out of their way to support the students. It is important that all our students nurture that sense of community and volunteering from an early age and this award scheme is an ideal way of doing that. Duke of Edinburgh Award The students in Year 11 and 13 will be completing expeditions at the start of July to ensure this crucial element of their award is complete. These expeditions are only possible due to many staff volunteering large tranches of time. A special thank you should always go to Mrs Dunn whose work organising and coordinating the dozens of students doing the awards is, at times, nothing short of miraculous. I hope the students enjoy the finest of weather, though without too much heat! Non-Catchment Transition Days Our catchment-area students experience a wide variety of activities at Caldew which allow them to familiarise themselves with the school before their eventual transition, but non-catchment students do not receive the same beneficial experiences. As a result, over the last few years we have introduced additional days when our non-catchment students who will join Year 7 gain some of those experiences. We hope these days are enjoyable and make the transition to secondary school a little easier for them. We look forward to welcoming the students on the first one on Tuesday 30 th June. Year 5 Science Days Over the coming weeks, Year 5 students from various schools will visit to take part in experiments and investigations as our laboratories are freed up by classes who have finished their exams. Our staff enjoy these days and I know the primary students find them exciting and rewarding. This year we will welcome record numbers of students as they engage in the Forensic Science Challenge. Year 9 and 10 Exams As we finish the external exam season we start the vital internal exams for Year 9 and 10 students. For Year 9s these will help decide classes and sets for subjects next year as well as providing us with a final measure of how well each student has progressed over Key Stage 3. In the case of Year 10s they are the first opportunity to focus on honing techniques for their GCSE exams next year. This is something that develops over time; learning how to revise and organise time in preparation for exams is something we are keen that all students do. We wish them the best with the exams that start on Wednesday 17th June and hope that they all have prepared well so they can demonstrate their potential. A level and GCSE Results Thursday 13th August Thursday 20th August from 8:00am Year 12 and 13 results are available from 8:00am Year 11 results are available from 10:00am Year 10 results are available Any student wishing to have their results sent to them by post must leave a self-addressed envelope and a written, signed, request with Ms Maccoll, the Exams Officer. Results cannot be given out over the ‘phone or to other students without prior written notification. Geography Field Work Year 10 will be completing their GCSE Controlled Assesments in the remainder of this term and part of the preparation for this is their fieldwork. Fieldwork is an integral and vital skill for all Geography students so I wish the Year 10s well with their coursework and hope the Year 8s have a similarly enjoyable and informative day out later this term. School Transport – Bus Routes The bus routes to school that are provided by School Transport have recently been up for tender. This may result in some changes to the companies running the routes and possibly to the bus stops used. Once we know the full outcome of the tendering process we will work with School Transport to ensure that any changes are communicated in good time before the start of September. As well as routes provided by School Transport, we also have several commercial operators providing transport to the school. Cumbria Coaches will be running a new service from the St Nicholas area with various pick-up points through to Scalegate Road. Further information is available directly from the company: enquiries@cumbriacoaches.co.uk or 01228 404300. Attendance Does Matter A summary of what constitutes good attendance is included in every report we send home. 95% or better is considered ‘good attendance’; this is the national average and equates to 1 day off in every 20. A child with 95% attendance could still have absence of over half a term in total during Years 7 to 11. High attendance is linked to achievement and students should try to maintain as high an attendance rate as possible. An Attendance Plan will be put in place for students whose attendance at school drops below 90% as this is classed as ‘persistent absence’. Parents of students with attendance below 85% are in danger of prosecution. As a school we do use the legal powers available to fine, and in extreme cases, prosecute parents who do not ensure their child attends school regularly. In a prosecution case last year the court ordered the parents and a grandparent of a child to pay a fine, a curfew was imposed and they were also ordered to wear electronic tags. This year we are awaiting a court decision on an Education Supervision Order. Such cases are rare and as a school we will exhaust all other avenues first, however ultimately it is the legal duty of every parent to ensure their child attends school and I thank you for your normally unstinting support in that. Holidays in Term Time I am ever conscious of the upset caused when we have no choice but to decline to authorise holidays during term time. I have listed next year’s terms dates to help you plan your holidays: Autumn Term: Start: Half-term: End: Monday 7th September 2015 Monday 26th – Friday 30th October 2015 Thursday 17th December 2015 Spring Term: Start: Half-term: End: Tuesday 5th January 2016 Monday 15th – Friday 19th February 2016 Thursday 24th March 2016 Summer Term: Start: Half-term: End: Monday 11th April 2016 Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June 2016 Thursday 21st July 2016 Holiday from school can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. This does cause some confusion but it is fair to say that if a holiday has been booked where the parent has the ability to book leave during normal holidays or it is to attend an event that is taking place that could have been arranged at a different time it is highly unlikely to be authorised. Holidays that would be authorised would include leave of a parent from a deployed unit in the military or other instances where a holiday cannot under any circumstances be arranged at a different time. If a student does not have a good attendance record e.g. it is not 95% or above it is highly unlikely that a holiday would be authorised. Future Scholars Programme In May a group of five Year 9 students were given a taste of studying at a Russell Group University via a trip to Glasgow University through the Future Scholars programme. The day included a number of activities: a university-level lecture on Taming the Tsunami, delivered by Dr Gordon Curry, a geologist who experienced first-hand the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a guided tour of campus facilities led by current Glasgow students and finally an interactive workshop entitled Zombie Science: Worst Case Scenario – a light-hearted approach to the serious science behind disease, infection control and containment. The five students were unanimous in their appreciation of the experience which succeeded in demystifying university life and inspired participants to aim for Higher Education. Year 12 University Applications: 2015-16 Many Year 12 students will be considering applying to university and the cycle of application has already started in school. An important aspect of the university application process is the completion of a personal statement and all students will work on this in their General Studies lessons this halfterm. For those students who at this stage do not intend to apply for university, we support them with advice and guidance for jobs and apprentice positions, however it is useful to keep all options open and completing personal statements is a good basis for non-university applications as well. Now is the time when universities offer open days for students and parents to visit. These days are very useful because they give insight into what the place is like as well as the university. It is true that when considering where to study that it has to be the right course and the right place; open days offer the chance to help students to make those choices and we would encourage students to attend them this term. You can also find out about eligibility for university bursaries and other financial support packages on these visits. Sometimes students travel together to the same universities, particularly if parents cannot make it. Absence from school to attend open days will be authorised but you need to let us know when your child is going. On Friday 3rd July 2015 the UCAS Universities Convention is being held at The Sands Centre. We have reserved an allocated time slot for all Year 12 to attend in the morning and have arranged return transport from school on that morning. This is a good opportunity for students to talk to representatives from many universities as well as from Student Finance England. All Year 12 students should attend so that they can gather information which will help them to make choices. On the UCAS website there are useful guides for parents and students about the process of applying as well as links to help compare universities and courses. It can seem a daunting process, particularly if a student is the first generation in a family to apply for university. If you have any queries about the process please contact Mr James at school and he will explain. We are a partner school with Newcastle University and this is a link which particularly helps students whose family have no history of studying at university. Universities like Leeds and Durham offer similar progression schemes and students have successfully applied for these in the past. Again Mr James can explain these schemes to any parents interested, so please contact him at school. Finally, below are some useful dates and deadlines for the process this year: • • • • • • Mid-May 2015: UCAS goes live so students can register and start to fill in their basic details. September 2015: Newcastle University Partners scheme talk to students in school September 2015: students circulate subject reference forms to their subject teachers. 15th September 2015: first date for completed applications to be sent to UCAS. 15th October 2015: UCAS deadline for applications to Oxford and Cambridge universities and also for Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry courses. 14th November 2015: Caldew School deadline for students to complete all UCAS applications for other courses. 15th January 2016: UCAS deadline for most applications. Contacting School I would like to remind parents that we welcome prompt contact with the school from you over any issue. There is an email link under the staff section on the school’s website for all staff. We aim to respond to these within the maximum of one a working day and they are often a good way of contacting staff in the first instance. It can be difficult to respond to ‘phone calls due to teaching commitments, meetings or missing callers when returning messages; I know in my case this is certainly true. If you do ‘phone, please try to leave times when it will be possible to contact you so we have the best chance of reaching you. In the first instance any pastoral issues should be directed to Tutors or Heads of Houses and similarly, subject matters directed to the Class Teacher or indeed the Subject Team Leader. If you do feel that a matter has not been resolved then I would encourage you to contact the Deputy Headteacher, Ms Jackson, or myself. We will normally respond the same day and we do follow up concerns responding appropriately to them. Free School Meals As I hope you are aware, students whose parents are on low incomes are entitled to free school meals. The eligibility criteria can be found on www.cumbria.gov.uk in the schools and learning section, where there is detailed information. The criteria and form (which can be filled in online) can be accessed here. If you have any queries regarding the process please contact Sheila Taylor in Student Reception who will be happy to assist. The school receives the Pupil Premium for all students on free school meals which we use to support them in their learning and wider participation in school life. How we spend this money each year is detailed on our website. I would encourage anyone eligible to ensure that they have received their entitlement as the additional money can help students achieve and participate more widely. So while school becomes in some ways a little quieter without the presence of Year 11 and Year 13, it remains a busy place. The other year groups have much to do and to experience. They all need to remain focussed on their learning. So while the varied and rich tapestry of school life continues it is on their academic progress that all students should concentrate over the coming weeks. The summer break is not far away but much remains to be done if they are to continue on the path to success that we all want them to secure. Yours sincerely Mr Chris McAree Headteacher Chris.McAree@caldew.cumbria.sch.uk
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