Monday, May 4, 2015 2 Here are tips from the experts. Finish the list by adding your own healthy tips. SUMMER IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER RECREATION SUMMER CAMPS FOR KIDS KAMP IWANNAHAVFUN 6/22-8/14 (GRADES K-4) ADVENTURE CAMP 6 WEEKS STARTING 6/22 (GRADES 4-8) FOOTBALL CAMP 7/27-7/30 (GRADES 2-8) BASKETBALL CAMP 6/22-6/25 (GRADES 3-9) SOCCER CAMP 7/27-7/31 (GRADES 1-12) TRACK AND FIELD (AGES 3-15) 6/22-7/29 802-751-2305 | RECFITSTJ.ORG 3 Learning with e Record Distorted Images Obesity is an eating disorder. According to, “Eating disorders are so common in America that one or two out of every 100 students will struggle with one. Each year, thousands of teens develop eating disorders, or problems with weight, eating or body image.” Do you know people with eating disorders? What can you do if you have a friend with an eating disorder or if you suspect that you may have a problem yourself? Do media images reflect what ordinary people look like? Do these images contribute to eating disorders? Have your teacher split your class into small groups. Discuss these ideas with your group members. Look in e Record for images in advertisements or pictures that glorify thinness or unhealthy body types. With your group, compile a list of movies and television shows that glorify thinness or unhealthy body types. Make a separate list of movies and television shows that celebrate body diversity. Look for ads and photos in the Times that celebrate body diversity. Write an editorial based on your findings. St. Johnsbury Pediatrics 97 SHERMAN DRIVE ST. JOHNSBURY, VT 05819 Call today. 802.748.5131 An active body is a healthy body. Go outside and play! 4 St. Johnsbury Dental Associates One Place Notre Dame, Suite #1, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 802-748-9357 Don’t forget a properly fitted Mouth Guard to protect that SPECIAL SMILE!! 5 Learning with e Record Making A Difference e doctors, nurses and staff at local hospitals are making a difference in their community. What type of jobs do you think there are at a hospital? Go to,,, and and write down all of the different jobs you can find. Choose five of these jobs and write a few sentences about how you think these people make a difference in their community. Next, find an article in e Record that depicts someone making a difference in the community. Write down the main points of the article. Share what you have learned with your class. Where W herre good good health healthh begins... begins... North Country Primary Care – Pediatric Services Dr. Jessica Jacobs Dr. Sunit Patel Dr. Tracy Wagner Serving Littleton & surrrounding communities Pediatrics Pediatrics Pediatrics Willing, Ethical, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Excellence – I CARE + YOU CARE = W.E. C.A.R.E. 6600 0 0 SST. T. JJOHNSBURY OH NSBU RY R ROAD, OA D, LITTLETON, L IT TL ETON, N NH H 003561 3561 • T TEL. E L . 603.444.9000 6 03.4 4 4 .9 0 0 0 • TOLL T OL L F FREE R E E 800.464.7731 8 0 0.4 6 4 .7731 • itt letonhea lt 6 Learning with e Record Analyzing Information Critically It is time to use your critical thinking skills. Using the electronic edition of e Record, review the articles and ads for a one-week time period. Save all articles that focus on health, fitness, food and cooking. Write down the main points for each article. Be sure to comment on whether the article is focusing on positive or negative choices. Choose one of the points represented in one of the articles to write a research paper. You can focus your research and paper on any aspect of the article. After your paper is written, create an oral presentation for your class. Explain whether the information you found is positive, negative, helpful or harmful. Call Toll Free: 1 (800) 499-9405 Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. COMPLETE, COMPASSIONATE CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, IN OUR HOME OR YOURS. Award Winning, Patient-Centered Primary Care, Dental Care & Hospice for the Northeast Kigndom and North Country ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 165 Sherman Drive St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-9405 HARDWICK AREA HEALTH CENTER 4 Slapp Hill Road Hardwick, VT 05843 (802) 472-3300 CALEDONIA HOME HEALTH CARE & HOSPICE 161 Sherman Drive St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802)748-8116 ISLAND POND HEALTH & DENTAL CENTER 82 Maple Street Island Pond, VT 05846 (802) 723-4300 CONCORD HEALTH CENTER 201 East Main Street Concord, VT 05824 (802) 695-2512 NORTHERN COUNTIES DENTAL CENTER 151 North Main Street Hardwick, VT 05843 (802) 472-2260 DANVILLE HEALTH CENTER 26 Cedar Lane Danville, VT 05828 (802) 684-2275 ST. JOHNSBURY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 185 Sherman Drive St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-5041 We accept most private / commercial insurances, Medicare and Medicaid. We also offer a Sliding-Fee Scale for uninsured patients. 7 Below, experts share some of their favorite shopping tips for finding the best foods. DAN WYAND PT & ASSOCIATES 30 Years Experience in the NEK Putting Bodies Back inMotion ST. JOHNSBURY PT 802-748-1932 or 802-748-3722 97 Sherman Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT LYNDON PT 802-745-1105 or 802-745-1106 195 Industrial Parkway Corner Medical Building, Lyndon, VT 8 CALEX CALEDONIA-ESSEX AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE PUBLIC TRAINING CENTER Offering SAFE-TEEN Sitter Certification in addition to the American Heart Association’s CPR & First Aid Certification* YOU CAN learn the skills that could someday save the life of a Child, A Loved One, or a Stranger *CPR & First Aid Certification is recommended for everyone regardless of age. For more information please email or call 802-748-7307 to sign up today. CPR classes are held 1st Wednesday every month and 1st Aid 2nd Thursday every month. P.O. Box 570, 1453 Hospital Drive, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 • 9 Learning with e Record Creating a New Food People love food that is convenient and fast, tastes good and is low in cost. Unfortunately, many of the fast foods people eat are unhealthy. Use your imagination to create a new food product. is food product can be anything you want, but it needs to taste good, be low-cost and appeal to the fast-food generation. e food can be anything from a new cookie mix to a new kind of soup. Using the advertisements in e Record as models, design a newspaper ad that will convince people to buy your product. In addition, create a press release to inform the media about the new product. Richard Gagnon, MD 41 SHERMAN DRIVE ST. JOHNSBURY, VT 05819 802-748-5361 Stay Fit –Be Active ... So you can live your dream. 10 Northern PT offers professional, personalized physical therapy and performance programs. We embrace and believe there is more to a patient than their injury. We celebrate accomplishments and encourage healthy lifestyles. Call today! 802.626.4224 11 Learning with e Record Exercise, No Problem All over the nation, doctors and health officials are worried that American kids are getting heavier and heavier. e number of teens and preteens who have become extremely overweight has tripled in the last 30 years. Many health experts say it’s because kids don’t get as much exercise as kids of the past. But a new study has found that exercise isn’t the problem. e study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University has found that kids today get about the same amount of exercise as kids 20 or more years ago. e problem is that they are eating more – especially more highfat, high-sugar, high-calorie foods. Kids who eat a lot of these foods have to exercise more to burn off the extra calories they contain. Exercise comes in many forms, and not all of it is the kind you get playing on sports teams. Ask your teacher to split up your class into small groups. Search the stories, photos and ads in the electronic edition of e Record for examples of exercises kids could do with their friends or families. Create a public service announcement encouraging teens to exercise. Use a persuasive writing style for your message. Create a slogan for your campaign. Stay connected to Let’s Move! and share your ideas to raise a healthier generation of kids. “Dedicated to Your Good Health” 415 RAILROAD STREET, ST. JOHNSBURY, VT • 802-748-3122 12 Learning with e Record Going Organic Because of concerns about health risks, some people prefer not to eat produce that’s been grown with chemical aids. Organic farmers avoid using artificial pesticides and fertilizers to grow their crops. Look for articles in e Record about organic farming and produce. Do some research to find out more about organic farming and its methods. How are they different from the methods of conventional farming? Would you like to see more or less organic farming in the future? Why? Write a short editorial explaining your viewpoint. Be sure to back up your opinions with facts from your research. Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital 1315 HOSPITAL DRIVE ST. JOHNSBURY, VT 05819 Visit for more information on local wellness resources.
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