Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ JEAN IMPEY, TEACHER/SPEAKER I offer a wide variety of classes as well as a unique style of teaching. I offer many different types of classes and can work with all levels of quilting and confidence. Some student favorite classes include classes where I teach quilters how to draw on fabric with markers. Another favorite is anything with Free‐motion quilting. If you have never free motioned before, the Garden Party is a perfect class. Most of my classes, you will complete your project within one day. Also, I encourage quilters to try the technique/class first and make a 20" pillow to see if they like it enough to move on and make the quilt. The Spider Web class is a perfect example of this. Guild Workshop pricing ‐ $600.00/day (6 hours) VINTAGE HOLIDAYS includes drawingwithmarkersandfreemotionquilting. Quickprojectandcanbemadeintoapillowaswell. Make a Vintage Postcard out of fabric. Inspired from old Vintage Postcards… no matter what time of year it is, or what your favorite holiday is , I'll show you how to trace and draw with pigment pens on fabrics, you'll learn how to shade and highlight so that you can capture the look and feel of old. Save them for yourselves or pass them on to someone you care about, and…. you don't need to be an artist! It's like using a coloring book. Trace the pattern onto fabric with Indian Ink pens and then color and shade them. Learn about how to use Ink Pens like Fabrico and Tombow to make Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ your work will come alive. A little bit of free motion sewing on our drawn lines, and a little more FMQ on background to make your quilt complete. Christmas, Halloween and Valentines themes are all available, each pattern is $3.00 or buy holiday sets for a discounted price. Don't know where to buy supplies? I bring a wide color range of markers for sale at the day of class. AMAZING ALPHABET includesdrawingwithmarkersandfreemotion quilting.Quickprojectandcanbemadeintoapillowaswell. Soeasy:ArtQuilting,drawingandfreemotion Intimidated?… draw on fabric? We trace a pattern onto a marbled fabric with pigma pens and we’ll color them in. What an easy way to make a gift? or embellish your quilts, become an art quilter or just make a project and insert a monogram block to make it personalized. Be the Queen of your Quilting! Prerequisite is that you purchase this book. It includes all the patterns for the alphabet. Using Pam Holland’s book, The Adventures of The Amazing Alphabet, learn how to illustrate on fabric by making her alphabet. GARDEN PARTY Areyou“InspiredTo Sew?” ….includesfussycuttingandfreemotionquilting. Quickprojectandcanmakewallhanging,pillowor garmentembellishing. Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ Using J. Bari’s new book to make this beautiful appliqué pillow of fussy cut flowers in a charming vase. learn how to free‐motion quilt with no pressure (this is not about precision) – everyone will be successful and finish up with great skills and the most beautiful pillow or wall hanging. Use all those fabrics you have been collecting and give them a place of honor on this bouquet for flowers; all this while improving your skills as a free motion quilter. Appliqué is liberated with raw edges and NO fusing, and so very easy. BASKET-CASEcanbeaoneortwo dayclass.Studentswilllearnhowtomakeaquilt thatisone‐of‐a‐kind.Notwoquiltscomeout alikeandstudentslearnhowtoputtogethera quiltwithmultiplesizedblocks.Thisisagreat designlessonandonethatisinvaluableforfuture projects.Canmake20"pillowtoo. Using Gwen Marston's book, Liberated Quiltmaking II as our reference. This quilt uses many fabrics and can be made traditional or liberated. The best part….use up some stash! Choose some of those wonderful fabrics that you have been saving‐for‐a‐rainy‐day. A great technique you will learn is how to make blocks of difference sizes and dimensions go together cohesively into one quilt. This quilt will be finished in no time. Also, why not add some flowers to your baskets? Combine the "garden party" process and add some to Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ some or all of your baskets. Don’t have time to start this quilt? Okay, then learn the techniques and make yourself a 20” x 20” pillow! SPIDER WEB Everwonderhowpeoplegetquiltsfinishedquick? Thisisagreatlessonthatgivesyouinvaluabletipsonmakinganold patternupdatedandaccuratewithnostressperfecttomake20"pillowto testtheprocess. This is a bit of old style quilting, mixing it up with the fascinating use of color and design, and making it your own. Techniques to get things done quick and accurately. Weave your scrap fabrics into a new quilt full of surprises. Lose yourself into the rhythm of stitches and repetition Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ making new works of art, using modern fabrics, colors, textures, techniques and patterns. This quilt can also be made in a "liberated style." "Pillow" project uses 28 different fabric strips (no repeats) along with a few scraps for some "crazy work" and makes into a pillow fronts. If you like, you can continue on your own and make a king sized quilt, but you'll be using lots more than 28 fabrics! Can be a one‐ day/pillow… or multiple days. RUSTIC SUN PILLOWQuickpillow projectandcanbemadeintoaquiltaswell.Useyour machineorlearnsomehandstitching. Do you have one of those machines with so many stitches that you've never even used? or do you have pretty thread you purchased but never used? Maybe you want to use some Perle Cotton and learn some decorative hand stitches... MONACO MAGIC Quickprojectand canbemadeintoapillowaswell. Come make this 36 block quilt in no time. Similar to the Spider web, this quilt uses many fabrics and builds the foundation on the faux sashing shown in this flyer as cream. You start with 36 – ten inch squares and flip and fold your way into this beautiful Monaco quilt. The best part…. No need to match! Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ MEMORY TREE (2-day) Wanttomakea specialgiftfora friendorevenone ofyourkids,or justlearnanew technique?You canfinishitoffas apillow,wall hangingor displayyourwork inashadowbox Designed by Australian Quilter, Kellie Wulfsohn, it incorporates are great new technique for trapunto quilting with her fun patterns and designs. In this class, I will guide you through this project. You can learn and refine your skills with design, trapunto, fusibles and free motion quilting, as well as color and design. Buy the "shadowbox frame" to complete your project at IKEA. Can be a one day or two day class One day has quilting demo....(2nd day is spent on quilting techniques) SECRET GARDEN (2-day) MakingthemostoutofaDresdenPlatemotif, createyourownbeautiful"secretgarden." It's fun to use up some of your favorite, stashed fabrics that you have been saving for a special project, or shop and by new, bold, beautiful fabrics to make your flower garden your own style. You'll be addicted to making this beautiful, bold colorful flowers that you can "plant" on a background of your choice. Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Jean Impey Quilt Classes ‐ ‐ The machine appliqué technique looks wonderful and we use Freezer paper and YLI monofilament (smoke color) and a zigzag stitch. MISSY BLEUQuiltingyour blocksasyougocansavesomuchtime andexpense. This quilt is quilted as you sew… and can use up your stash? Finish in a week and you won’t need to pay a long‐armer? Great for beginners too, using an old log cabin style, you don’t even need to sew a straight line… but ‐ you will have to cut your blocks straight! Missy Bleu makes a beautiful baby quilt, wall hanging or lap blanket, or make a very modern pillow. Or use it as a background and appliqué right over the top. FRENCH BRAIDUsingyourleftoverscrapscan savesomuchtimeandexpense Make this quick, fun and clever pillow or quilt. It's a total stash buster. Sort your fabrics into two groups... One dark and one light... pick one accent color and then put your foot to the metal! Pre cut your 2" strips down to 2" x 5" blocks. Kamikaze sewing!!! Jean Impey - 416 Hazel Drive - Corona del Mar, CA 92625
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