Stanislaus National Forest Attn: Rim Fire Reforestation 19777 Greenley Road Sonora, CA 95370 April 12, 2015 Dear Supervisor Higgins, We respectfully request that you and the staff on the Stanislaus National Forest ensure that diversity is valued and protected, that no native habitat is viewed as less than, and that that all species be managed under the principle of Primum non nocer, first do no harm. While this is contrary to the forestry-centric focus of the current Scoping document for Rim Fire Reforestation project, it is in line with Region 5’s new Ecological Restoration Implementation Plan which states, Ensure vegetation and fire management efforts are grounded in concern for biodiversity and ecological process both before and after disturbances like fire. To indicate, as the Purpose for the Project does, that iconic native shrub species such as mazanita are merely “brush” that only serve to prevent “tree seedlings from reaching the sun and limited water needed for establishment,” and will ultimately create “continuous woody brushfields that impede wildlife movement,” is contrary to the new US Forest Service vision and ignores most everything we know about healthy, biodiverse forest ecosystems. Forests are more than conifers. Native shrubs are critical components of a diverse, postfire environment. Unfortunately, the Scoping document focuses primarily on the growth of trees at the expense of the Forest Service’s vision of maintaining an “ecologically healthy and resilient landscape rich in biodiversity.” The following five steps are needed to create a project Draft EIS that reflects this vision and one that is based on current science: 1. Acknowledge the value of native biodiversity by eliminating the use of pejorative references to native shrubs and shrubland plant communities. PO Box 545, Escondido, CA 92033 760-822-0029 2 2. Do not use herbicide on native plants. The proposal to herbicide 18,552 acres of nonplantation forest will compromise natural post-fire succession and will likely result in the loss of significant biodiversity. 3. Do not extend the ecological damage caused by previous tree plantation practices. The proposal to “deep till” and cultivate 3,804 acres of fragile, post-fire habitat in areas previously undisturbed by tree farming repeats mistakes made after the 1987 Stanislaus Complex Fire – creating overly-dense, highly flammable tree plantations with minimal biodiversity. 4. Incorporate the best available science. The claim that without this Project, “the land will mostly return to continuous woody brushfields that impede wildlife movement and remove the possible establishment of diverse forest habitat” is not only unsupported by science, but falsely demonizes a valuable natural community. As a consequence, the current Purpose needs to be rejected and replaced with what we actually know about post-fire succession. 5. Defer to natural regeneration of conifers. Although salvage logging previously approved for the Rim Fire area likely destroyed many naturally occurring conifer seedlings, there are likely a significant number of high-severity burned areas within the Project that remain capable of natural regeneration. Such areas need to be reassessed and left undisturbed by reforestation activities. Purpose Inconsistent with Proposed Action If the overall purpose of the Project is to, “create a fire resilient mixed conifer forest that contributes to an ecologically healthy and resilient landscape rich in biodiversity,” it is contradictory that the primary references to shrubland habitat, a critical component of any healthy forest, are negative. Beyond citing the requirements to retain selected elderberry plants, riparian species, and occasional cover provided to deer, the Scoping document has one prescription for shrubland plant communities, demonized as “brushfields” – herbicide, shred, pile, and/or burn. This forestry-centric viewpoint is inconsistent with the Forest Service’s stated goals for Ecological Restoration or the stated purpose of the Project. Opinions about native shrubs that border on hostility are often expressed by timber industry representatives, such as those by Steve Brink during the Forest Service sponsored Rim Fire field trip on June 16, 2014. However, subjective opinions should not be used to justify land management actions. Unfortunately, the Project’s Purpose statement does so when it claims, Without intervention the rapidly resprouting brush prevents the slower growing tree seedlings from reaching the sun and limited water needed for establishment. 3 The land will mostly return to continuous woody brushfields that impede wildlife movement and remove the possible establishment of diverse forest habitat. The specter of an entire landscape being taken over by “brushfields” is based on anecdotal experiences and a forestry-centric paradigm that devalues native shrubland communities. It is not based on the best available science. The photo below (Photo 1) from the Scoping document provides one such example. Photo 1. Scoping document photo. The Scoping document portrays a small patch of native shrubland on the left as undesirable. The preferred vegetative cover is on the right, a densely packed conifer plantation that resulted from artificial planting after a prescription that “included mechanical site prep with follow-up herbicide release.” The tree density created within plantations such as this contributed to the spread and intensity of the Rim Fire. As ecologists, we see this scene as a collision between natural succession and commercial silviculture. Over time, the natural, post-fire succession that was allowed to proceed on the left side of the ridge in the photo will eventually become the type of open forest structure with a mixture of tree and understory species that defines a healthy, mixed-conifer environment (note trees coming up through the shrub canopy). Allowing such a process to proceed aligns with the Forest Service’s Ecological Restoration Implementation Plan goal to ensure management efforts are “grounded in concern for biodiversity and ecological process.” Eliminating native shrublands and creating highly flammable tree farms do not. We offer a counter point to the Scoping document photo. 4 Photo 2 below was taken in 2014 within American River Complex Fire perimeter on the Tahoe National Forest. The area was slated for salvage logging and eventual reforestation. However, the project was stopped due to a lawsuit filed by the John Muir Project, allowing natural succession to proceed. Photo 2. Natural forest regeneration after the 2008 American River Complex Fire, Tahoe National Forest. An important point to consider is that in contrast to the photo provided in the Scoping document, the scene in the photo above actually represents what is happening across much of the burned landscape. It is not an isolated patch. The post-American River Complex Fire early seral forest is now exploding with a rich mix of native tree, shrub, and herbaceous vegetation. Photo 3 on the next page shows the larger scene. 5 Photo 3. Unlike the photo provided in the Scoping document, this photo offers evidence on a landscape scale of a forest recovering naturally. Note foreground as well as area behind the burned trees. The Scoping documents claim that the land will be smothered with “continuous woody brushfields” and “remove the possible establishment of diverse forest habitat” without artificial reforestation is not supported by science. Goals at Odds with Forest Biodiversity We applaud the Forest Service in its approach to correct past land management mistakes by acknowledging the flammability of tree farms and proposing actions to reduce that flammability (thinning, prescribed burning, etc.). The proposed attempt to create diverse spacing configurations in the proposed reforestation effort is also a positive. 6 The Project, however, becomes problematic in how the 18,552 acres of non-plantation forest proposed for reforestation is justified. The Scoping document claims that, …without mature live trees to provide a seed source within close proximity to the burned areas, or the lack of a viable and healthy cone crop, natural conifer regeneration cannot be counted on within large portions of the Rim Fire area. …Under these situations, natural conifer regeneration resulting in a forested landscape could take hundreds of years to develop. There is a rich data source supporting the fact that all forests will return naturally. The rate of return is highly variable dependent on the size of high-severity fire patches. The Project attempts to artificially speed up that process in the Rim Fire area through management actions. We acknowledge the pressure the Forest Service is under to reforest. The public, reinforced by official comments, views any large fire as unnatural and destructive and wants to see the forest come back as quickly as possible. The desire for reforestation is a function of how fast the public and vested interests (Congress) want the forest to return. Therefore, the Project is more about goals than what we understand about natural forest regeneration. The Draft EIS should make this goal clear up front rather than attempting to justify the Project with environmentally favorable outcomes such as enhancing biodiversity. Salvage logging, tilling, using herbicides on native species, and creating tree plantations do not enhance biodiversity. One of the errors Forest Service silviculturists make that is not compatible with any ecological goal is when replanting is done with different species, selected not because they are natural components but because they satisfy silvicultural goals. For example, replacing white fir with Jeffrey pine on the 2002 McNally Fire in the Sequoia National Forest or Pseudotsuga macrocarpa with Pinus coulteri on the 2009 Station Fire in the Angeles National Forest were silvicultural decisions, not ecological ones. The Scoping document does not make clear which tree species will be planted where. The Draft EIS needs to address this issue in addition to allowing the natural successional process to occur in as many high-severity burned patches as possible. In their study of conifer regeneration after high-severity forest fires in California and Oregon, Shatford et al. (2007) stated that, “Assertions that burned areas, left unmanaged, will remain unproductive for some indefinite period (Sessions et al. 2004) seem unwarranted.” They also offered the following suggestions: Forest managers who use natural regeneration will need to develop planning and 7 decision tools that can accommodate spatial variability and include thresholds for regeneration success with a much longer regeneration phase than commonly accepted in the region (Minore and Laacke 1992). In contrast with previous observations (Hayes 1959, Stein 1986), our findings suggest that the prognosis for achieving reasonable conifer densities are fair to excellent, even on sites with high cover of broad-leaved shrubs and hardwoods. Although conifer growth may be delayed by competition over the short term, benefits in terms of wildlife habitat and site fertility should be considered. Chaparral as Essential Habitat The scientific literature is quite clear about the important role shrubs and other non-tree plant species contribute to an “ecologically healthy and resilient landscape rich in biodiversity.” Comparing estimates by Show and Kotok (1924) and USFS vegetation maps from the mid-2000s, the landscape extent of montane and mixed chaparral has been reduced significantly on the Stanislaus National Forest. Chaparral cover currently represents 9.9% of the Forest as opposed to 16.2% in 1924. The cause for this reduction is not clear. However, shrub cover in the forest understory is probably less than the natural range of variability (NRV) due to shading by increasing tree density and canopy cover (Safford 2013). In their paper on high-severity and chaparral, Nagel and Taylor (2005) point out that “their data indicate that stands of chaparral were a conspicuous feature of the mixed conifer forest landscape in the northern Sierra Nevada at or near the time of EuroAmerican settlement and that they were maintained mainly by fire.” High-severity fires lethal to tree species are crucial to maintaining native chaparral vegetation. Nagel and Taylor further point out that “Our study suggests that maintenance of chaparral should be an integral part of ecosystem restoration plans for mixed conifer forest landscapes in the Lake Tahoe basin and northern Sierra Nevada.” Researchers have also found that post fire shrub dominated landscapes are critically important wildlife habitat. While some snag associated species (e.g. black-backed woodpecker) decline five or six years after a fire, those associated with understory plant communities take place resulting in similar avian diversity three and eleven years after fire (Burnett et al. 2012). Similarly, in a study commissioned by the Forest Service and conducted in the Sierra Nevada, researchers concluded that native fire-following shrubs are vitally important to biodiversity in complex early seral forests created by high-intensity fire. 8 Many more species occur at high burn severity sites starting several years postfire… and these include the majority of ground and shrub nesters as well as many cavity nesters. Secondary cavity nesters, such as swallows, bluebirds, and wrens, are particularly associated with severe burns, but only after nest cavities have been created, presumably by the pioneering cavity-excavating species such as the Black-backed Woodpecker. Consequently, fires that create preferred conditions for Black-backed Woodpeckers in the early post-fire years will likely result in increased nesting sites for secondary cavity nesters in successive years (Siegel et al. 2011). Despite the fact that a significant amount of shrubland will likely be compromised by the Project, the Scoping Package makes no mention of the important contribution it represents in post-fire environments or healthy forest ecosystems. Native shrubs are only seen as invading “brush” that is “already beginning to dominate sites, inhibiting conifer survival and growth.” Such a view is not only contrary to the Forest’s Service’s stated goal of enhancing biodiversity, but is contrary to science (Busse et al. 1996, Donato et al. 2009, Baker 2014). As reported by Odion (2011), the natural succession to conifer vegetation that follows a fire is also marked by facilitation processes whereby the early species create conditions that will favor conifers: - - - The early successional shrub vegetation restores and increases soil productivity due to the input of available nitrogen from N-fixing species like Ceanothus (Conard et al. 1985, Busse 2000), and Fabaceous species (lupines and lotuses), and the increased nutrients and organic matter in soils from fine root turnover of the shrubs (Busse et al. 1996). Conifer nutrition may be facilitated by mycorrhizae that are interconnected to manzanita (Arctostaphylos) (e.g. Horton et al. 1999). Facilitation of pine and fir growth by shrubs that reduce drought stress and function as nurse plants has been documented (Zavitovsky and Newton 1969) and appears to be a feature of conifer vegetation regions having summer dry Mediterranean climate, such as the Sierra Nevada (Gomez-Aparicio et al. 2004). Using historical photography, Russell et al. (1998) documented post-fire regeneration of shrub vegetation and then succession to conifer forests, which were again dominated by mature trees 100 years after fire in the 1800’s. Considering all of these points, it is difficult to reconcile the Forest Service goal of protecting biodiversity and the Project’s goal of eliminating the remarkable diversity that is facilitated by shrubs during post-fire succession. 9 Natural Conifer Regeneration The following assumption is one of the primary justifications for the Project: Without mature live trees to provide a seed source within close proximity to the burned areas, or the lack of a viable and healthy cone crop, natural conifer regeneration cannot be counted on within large portions of the Rim Fire area. We have examined several areas within the Rim Fire perimeter that have been classified as unnaturally large patches of high-severity. Contrary to the Forest Service’s claims, we found significant numbers of conifer seedlings deep within these high-severity burn areas. Data collected by our colleagues along two 1,600 meter transects within large high-severity patches showed significant conifer regeneration – more than 300 conifer seedlings per hectare. Areas more than approximately 1,000 square meters without conifer regeneration were rare. Photo 4. A conifer seedlings deep within a high-severity burn patch of the Rim Fire. The Project’s assumption about conifer regeneration is likely based on the assumption that Sierran mixed conifer trees may only be wind-dispersed and only over short 10 distances. However, there is abundant evidence of secondary animal dispersal on Sierran conifers by rodents and birds (e.g., Clarks nutcracker) (Vander Wall et al. 2005). Also, even long-distance dispersal of the larger-seeded pines, such as ponderosa, by birds is possible (Lesser and Jackson 2013). Sagio (1969) concluded that, “Rodent activities-especially those of C. lateralis --are an important contribution to the natural regeneration of ponderosa pine in this area, especially following a major disturbance to the understory and/or overstory, such as by logging, road-clearing, and, in the past, fire.” Also the notion that high-severity fire destroys all seeds in the soil is questionable because soil can be an effective insulator. It is incumbent upon the Forest Service to demonstrate that natural conifer regeneration is not occurring at the level claimed in the Scoping document and provide that data in the Draft EIS. Allowing the natural post-fire successional process to occur is the best way to maintain an ecologically healthy, resilient forest because naturally regenerated forests possess the greatest genetic variation. Selection pressures on fire-recruiting cohorts of non-sprouting species allow for rapid rates of evolution needed to adapt to a rapidly changing environment (Wells 1969). As emphasized by Swanson et al. (2010), naturally regenerated, early successional forest ecosystems are likely to be better adapted to the present day climate and may be more adaptable to future climate change. The diverse genotypes in naturally regenerated forests are likely to provide greater resilience to environmental stresses than nursery-grown, planted trees of the same species. ACH – Alternative Competing Hypotheses As cited in this letter, there is a growing body of literature that is seriously questioning the fundamental assumptions being used to justify the Rim Fire Reforestation Project. Namely that the size of high-severity burn patches within the Rim Fire were unnaturally large, that this was the direct result of past fire suppression, that such an event will result in the land being overwhelmed by shrubs, and that active management (artificial reforestation) must occur for the forest to return. The fire/suppression, conifer-centric paradigm that seems to be the fundamental foundation of the Scoping document needs to be honestly questioned within the EIS process for the reforestation project. This is important because many of the statements within the Scoping document are opinions shaped by the paradigm and cannot meet the standards of scientific analysis. While some of the statements may be valid in limited situations, they are so generalized and broadly applied that they sometimes border on hyperbole. Beyond the unsupportable claims that much of the post-fire forest will be over taken by shrubs into the foreseeable future and that conifer seedlings do not exist within large, 11 high-severity patches, the Scoping document attempts to justify the Project by exaggerating the threat of fire. For example, The brushfields, along with the dead trees that fall among them, can also quickly spread high intensity fire. Fire spreads through the burning of fine fuels and small diameter material - logs and large pieces of wood burn by smoldering combustion, which do not play a significant role in fire behavior. As noted above, high/mixed-severity fire is required to maintain a healthy mosaic of forest habitat. The Scoping document also leaves the questionable impression that high-intensity fire is inherently bad and something that it can be eliminated from the landscape through management actions. Spending scarce resources far from human communities in an attempt to prevent large patches of high/mixed-severity fire is not fiscally or ecologically sound policy. As the February 6, 2015, Round Fire near the Inyo National Forest demonstrated, given drought and strong winds, high-severity fires will occur even with limited fuel. Forty homes were lost and 7,000 acres were burned in a widely-spaced sagebrush environment (Photo 5). Research by Lydersen, North, and Collins (2014) also raised questions concerning the efficacy of high-severity fire prevention strategies. Our results suggest that wildfire burning under extreme weather conditions, as is often the case with fires that escape initial attack, can produce large areas of highseverity fire even in fuels-reduced forests with restored fire regimes. It is time for the Forest Service to seriously consider a process used by other federal agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency, when there are two or more competing hypotheses concerning important policy/management decisions. The Alternative Competing Hypothesis (ACH) process can take several forms, but it often centers around two teams of analysts who have conducted Assumption Check exercises to avoid personal bias. These two teams then examine all the available data and argue for the validity of their conclusions. We strongly encourage the Forest Service to conduct an ACH process through the Draft EIS because the Scoping document clearly demonstrates there are inherent biases that are shaping management policy that will not likely achieve the desired outcomes – maintaining an ecologically healthy and resilient landscape rich in biodiversity. 12 Photo 5. Homes lost in the Round Fire, near Mammoth, Inyo National Forest. Sincerely, Richard W. Halsey Director California Chaparral Institute P.O. Box 545 Escondido, CA 92033 760-822-0029 13 Citations Baker, W.L. 2014. Historical forest structure and fire in Sierran mixed-conifer forests reconstructed from General Land Office survey data. Ecosphere Vol 5 (7): 1-70. Burnett, R.D., M. Preston, and N. Seavy. 2012. Plumas Lassen Study 2011 Annual Report. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Vallejo, CA. Busse, M. D. 2000. Ecological significance of Nitrogen Fixation by Actinorhizal shrubs in interior forests of California and Oregon. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-178. Busse, M. D., P. H. Cochran, and J.W. Barret. 1996. Changes in ponderosa pine site productivity following removal of understory vegetation. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60: 614-621. Conard, S.G., A.E. Jaramillo, and S. Rose. 1985. The role of the genus Ceanothus in western forest ecosystems. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR182. Donato, D.C., J.B. Fontaine, J.L.Campbell, W.D. Robinson, J.B. Kauffman, B.E. Law. 2009. Conifer regeneration in stand-replacement portions of a large mixed-severity wildfire in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. Can. J. For. Res. 39: 823-828 Gómez-Aparicio, L., R. Zamora, J. M. Gómez, J. A. Hódar, J. Castro, and E. Baraza. 2004. Applying plant facilitation to forest restoration: a meta-analysis of the use of shrubs as nurse plants. Ecology 14: 1128–1138. Hayes, G.L. 1959. Forest and forest-land problems in southwestern Oregon. USDA Forest Service. 54 p. Horton, T.R., Bruns T.D., Parker V.T. 1999. Ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Arctostaphylos contribute to Pseudotsuga menziesii establishment. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 93-102. Lesser, M.R. and S.T. Jackson. 2013. Contributions of long-distance dispersal to population growth in colonizing Pinus ponderosa populations. Ecology Letters 16: 380389. Lydersen, J.M., M.P. North, B.M. Collins. 2014. Severity of an uncharacteristically large wildfire, the Rim Fire, in forests with relatively restored frequent fire regimes. Forest Ecology and Management 328: 326-334. 14 Minore, D., and R.J. Laacke. 1992. Natural regeneration. P. 258–283 in Reforestation practices in southwestern Oregon and northern California, Hobbs, S.D., S.D. Tesch, P.W. Owston, R.E. Stewart, J.C. Tappeiner, and G.E. Wells (eds.). Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. Nagel, T. and A.H. Taylor. 2005. High severity fire and persistence of montane chaparral in the northern Sierra Nevada, Lake Tahoe, California, USA. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Club 132:442-457. Odion, D.C. 2011. Use of Ecological Principles to Assess Effects of Freds Fire and Subsequent Management on Habitat Value. Prepared for: Carlson, Calladine & Peterson LLP, San Francisco, California. 27p. Russell, W. H., J. McBride, and R. Rowntree. Revegetation after four stand-replacing fires in the Tahoe Basin. Madrono 45: 40-46. Safford, H.D. 2013. Natural Range of Variation (NRV) for yellow pine and mixed conifer forests in the bioregional assessment area, including the Sierra Nevada, southern Cascades, and Modoc and Inyo National Forests. Unpublished report. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Vallejo, CA. Saigo, B.W. 1969. The Relationship of Non-Recovered Rodent Caches to the Natural Regeneration of Ponderosa Pine. Master of Arts thesis. Oregon State University. Sessions, J.P., Bettinger, R. Buckman, M. Newton, J. Hamann. 2004. Hastening the return of complex forests following fire: The consequences of delay. Journal of Forestry 102 (3): 38–45. Shatford, J.P.A., D.E. Hibbs, K.J. Puettmann. 2007. Conifer Regeneration after Forest Fire in the Klamath-Siskiyous: How Much, How Soon? Journal of Forestry April/May: 139- 145. Show, S.B. and E.I. Kotok. 1924. The role of fire in the California pine forests. Bulletin 1294. US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Siegel, R.B., M.W. Tingley, and R.L. Wilkerson. 2011. Black-backed Woodpecker MIS surveys on Sierra Nevada national forests: 2010 Annual Report. A report in fulfillment of U.S. Forest Service Agreement No. 08-CS-11052005-201, Modification #2; U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region, Vallejo, CA. Stein, W.I. 1986. Regneration outlook on BLM lands in the Siskiyou Mountains. USDA Forest Service Res. Pap. PNW-349. 15 Swanson, M.E., M.E. Swanson , J.F. Franklin , R.L. Beschta , C.M. Crisafulli , D.A. Dellasala , R.L. Hutto , D.B. Lindenmayer , F.J. Swanson 2010. The forgotten stage of forest succession: early-successional ecosystems on forest sites. Front. Ecol. Envir. DOI: 10.1890/090157. Vander Wall, S.B., K.M. Kuhn, M.J. Beck. 2005. Seed removal, seed predation, and secondary dispersal. Ecology 86 (3): 801-806. Wells, P. V. 1969. The relation between mode of regeneration and extent of speciation in woody genera of the California chaparral. Evolution 23: 264–267. Zavitkovski, J., Newton, M., 1968. Ecological importance of snowbrush Ceanothus velutinus in the Oregon Cascades. Ecology 49, 1134–1145.
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