ROOM HOP The hotel will not allow the traditional room hop. Room

The hotel will not allow the traditional room hop.
Room hop (actually table hop) will be held after the Saturday night banquet
and auction and will go until midnight.
No sales will be permitted prior to the end of the auction.
Table Hop will be held in a secure room on the ground floor of the hotel.
There will be a fee of $10 per 8 ft. table.
If you would like to participate in selling during the Table Hop, please
complete this form and mail along with your payment to the address shown
below. If you have any questions, please email Wanda Hildner at or call 248-437-8676 (home), 248-787-1598 (cell).
In order to have enough tables, we are asking that this form and payment
be received by August 1, 2015. Send to:
Wanda Hildner
347 Boyne St
New Hudson, MI 48165
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Phone: _________________ Email: _________________________
Number of tables: ________ Amount enclosed: ________________