The Euchee Sun Constitution Update Contents

The Euchee Sun
A Euchee (Yuchi) Tribe Newsletter
October 2013
Constitution Info
pg. 1
Euchee/Yuchi Language
pg. 2
pg. 3
Miss Euchee/Yuchi
Update pg. 4
Shirts for sale!
pg. 5
Euchee/Yuchi Fest pg. 6
Save the date
pg. 7
William Cahwee
pg. 8
pg. 9
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Constitution Update
The Constitution Committee has been working for over a year to
develop the draft Constitution for the Euchee (Yuchi) Community.
The committee began last fall having community meetings to
explain the drafting process. A community questionnaire was
developed and the received suggestions were reviewed. The
committee has taken great consideration to the needs of the
Euchee/Yuchi Community both from the past and the present. The
goal of any Constitution is that the document should last for years
down the road. However, it should be adaptable as the community
changes. The committee went through each section line by line to
come up with the current proposed draft for the community.
There will be upcoming community meetings where the
committee will be present to explain the sections of the proposed
constitution and to answer any questions. The present members
of the Constitution Committee are Tosha Ballard Sharpe, Anna
Rangel-Clough, and Jeff Potts. These individuals have contributed
many hours towards completing this draft constitution. The
draft constitution will be available for distribution to Euchee/
Yuchi Community members starting October 5, 2013. The draft
document will be mailed to the Euchee/Yuchi enrolled members
and to those on the Euchee Sun mailing list. Please remember, it is
very important to keep your address updated at the Euchee/Yuchi
office. Members are also welcome to come by the Tribal office at
804 E. Taft, Sapulpa, and pick up a copy.
Community Meetings
Community meetings are scheduled to be held in the communities
October 15th through the 21st to give people an opportunity to
review the draft. At these meetings, the Committee plans to go over
each Constitution section, and explain the impact of how it affects
the governance process. These comments on the draft constitution
Euchee Sun
Continued on pg. 5
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Update from the Euchee (Yuchi)
Language Program
The summer language program at the Euchee (Yuchi) Language Project ended on August 8, 2013. Children
learned about the Euchee ceremonies, medicines, and dances in the language. They gave a short language
presentation at the Poleboy Dinner at Kellyville on July 18th.
After school language classes began on August 26, 2013. Classes
are held for children and youth by the Euchee (Yuchi) Language
Project Mondays-Thursdays 3:15-5:45pm, located at 1006 and
1010 S. Main in Sapulpa, OK. Elders are involved in teaching
students about historical Euchee names and naming practices.
Students are also learning about differences in men’s and
women’s speech in the Euchee language.
The children planted a garden including corn, beans, and squash.
They are learning about traditional Euchee foods and agricultural
practices. Older students are invited to attend a special
Conservation Innovation training at the Kerr Center in Poteau,
OK on October 12th. The training will include soil enrichment
methods, making of bio-char, composting, and harvesting.
Arts and crafts with the afternoon class
Upcoming Dates:
The Euchee (Yuchi) Language Project will
give a presentation at the Tulsa State Fair
on Sunday October 6th from 4-5pm on the
Muscogee Creek Nation stage.
Language Play at the Euchee Heritage
Festival on Friday, October 18th.
Fall Indian Market at the Yuchi House will
be held on Saturday, November 9th.
Maxine Barnett speaking with Euchee(Yuchi)
children’s class
Contact Euchee (Yuchi) Language Project for information:
phone (918) 224-7017,
Euchee Sun
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Euchee Numbers and Pronounciation
6 EshtU
7 LachU
8 BEf ’@
9 T’Ak’@
10 Thl@PA
Vowels (a, e, i, o, u):
All capitalized vowels sound like the name of the letter
• A as in Ate,
• E as in Eat,
• I as in Ice,
• O as in Oat,
• Except that U sounds like the U in rude (that is, sounds like the name of the “U” without the
beginning “Y” sound.
Lower case vowels (or “little letters”) are pronounced as “short vowels”:
• e as in “eggs”
• u as in “sun”
• i as in the word “in”
• a sounds like “a” in “all”
• o as in “boy”
• @ sounds like the “a” in “at”
• v (less common) sounds like the “u” in “put”
The rooftop accent [^] is used to show nasalized vowels.
Underlining is used to show stress or lengthening: wa ha lA
An apostrophe [‘] is used to show a slight pause in the sound (when air is cut off deep in the throat, also
called a glottal stop).
The consonants can generally be pronounced like in English with the following important
thl = the front of the tongue is placed behind the base of the top front teeth (as if to make an
“l” in English) and then the air is pushed out over the sides of the tongue rather than straight
forward. The result is a rushing sound.
“In-between” sounds are here represented by capital letters (after the pattern in Gunter Wagner Yuchi
Tales (1931):
• P = in-between “b” and “p” as in P’aTA (horse)
• T = in-between “d” and “t” as in TE (yellow or brown)
• K = in-between “g” and “k” as in na K@ (three)
• CH = in-between “j” in jump and “ch” in church: CHU
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A word from Janna Rolland
Good Day Yuchi Tribal Members,
Fall is in the air and I’ve been a very busy lady these last couple
of months. I’m excited for fall and football to come back! I’m
going to miss my time on the stomp ground but it will be back
before I know it.
I am officially a college student. I have started my classes at the
Muscogee Nation College; taking Native American Studies and
enrolled at OSU-IT in the Culinary Arts program. I’m excited to
see what college life has to offer me.
I would like to take this time to encourage all Euchee/Yuchi young
ladies to consider running in the upcoming Miss Euchee/Yuchi
Princess Pageant. The Pageant will be held at the Woodlawn
building on October 11, 2013. Even though my reign is coming
to an end I am excited to see the new Pageant Committee get
together and work to get the pageant up and going. Everyone
please come out and support our new Princess for the upcoming year. More information about
applications and the pageant will be on the web site in the days to follow.
I spent my Labor Day Holiday in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, attending the Cherokee National Holiday
Parade. I seen a lot of old friends and met some amazing people. We attended the Art Shows and
Museums as well as the Heritage Center and a night of stomp dancing at Echota Stomp Grounds.
Although my weekend was filled with spending the last of my summer days with my family I received
some sad news on Saturday. First phone call I got was that my beloved dog Bruce Bruce died and then an
hour later we received news that our church member and former Second Chief Alfred Berryhill had passed
away. I will always remember the laughs we had sitting on the porch at Tallahassee Church. Sometimes
later that day we received some news that my grandfathers first cousin passed away too. We said a pray for
the family and the loved ones that they have comfort and strength during the coming days.
I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming Euchee/Yuchi Festival that will be coming up in
October. I enjoy attending each year especially to see friends and relatives. Being around our Tribal
members especially the elderly makes it all worth it. I love to hear our language spoken by our elderly
and even the young ones coming up. I am proud to be Euchee/Yuchi and I hope that I have served the
Tribe well for the last two years.
Miss Euchee/Yuchi Princess 2012-2013
Janna Paige Rolland
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Continued from pg. 1
will provide necessary feedback to the Committee about any proposed revisions. Comments must be
written, and mailed back to the Constitution Committee by November 15, 2013.
Schedule of Community Meetings
October 17, Thursday, at 7 p.m.
October 21, Monday, at 7p.m.
October 23, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
October 22, Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Bristow Creek Indian Community Center, 710 S. Main
Kellyville Indian Community, Hwy 66
Sapulpa Bartlett-Carnegie Library, 27 W. Dewey
Duck Creek Community, Hwy 75
Enrollment is still being conducted. Enrollment Saturday has been changed to Enrollment Sunday.
Beginning October 27, the Tribal office will be open from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to assist anyone with
completing their application or providing information. The next scheduled Enrollment Sunday is
November 15, December 15 and January 26, 2014. If an enrollment form is needed, please call the
Tribal office at (918) 224-3065 or send an email to and request a form.
We encourage the entire Euchee/Yuchi Community to get involved with this process. Remember only
those that are enrolled with the Euchee/Yuchi Tribe will be eligible to vote in the upcoming vote for the
adoption of the Euchee/Yuchi Constitution.
Euchee/Yuchi Shirts
Euchee/Yuchi T-shirts are being sold at the Yuchi Tribal Office.
Take your pick from the tradition red, black v-neck, grey and white
striped v-neck. Sizes 2T and Youth 12 are only in the traditional red
Size 2T–XL are $15
2XL and larger are $18
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ise words from
illiam Cahwee
The Euchee (Yuchi) Tribe would
like to show appreciation to
the Administration for Native
Americans for providing the
grant and funds to carry out the
federal recognition and language
emersion programs.
ANA Staff and
Federal Recognition
Tracie Revis, Director
Jerilyn Freeman, Project Assistant
Margaret Longhorn, Financial
Sierra Revis, Newsletter Editor
Margaret Thompson, Web Design
Language Program
Richard Grounds, Program
Recently, while reviewing old files, a letter was discovered from the
late William Cahwee, Sr. The letter was written in the 1990s to the
Euchee/Yuchi Community. Besides the timeliness of the event, the
message to the community still holds true. Please enjoy.
“Im pleading with all Yuchis to come and help us celebrate the 66
celebration in Sapulpa, OK on June 6th.
Bring your crafts and setup your booths. Let the people traveling
through these United States know that we do still exist. Were you
aware that all of old U.S. 66 highway from Tulsa to Davenport , OK
was truly yuchi territory?
I would like to see our matto read, so many miles of yuchi country.
We can all work together and make this a special day of brotherly love.
We as yuchi people need to unite now more than ever before in
history. If we unite and work together for the same purpose and have
an input as one tribe we can accomplish many things.”
Late Willam Cahwee
Vice Chairman
Princess Committee
Shirts and hats
The Princess Committee is
also selling hats and tank
tops. The tank tops come in
Linda Harjo, Assistant Manager
Renee Grounds, Lead Instructor
four different colors; red, black,
grey, and blue. The hats come
in two colors as shown; fitted in
three different sizes.
Lester Revis, Instructor
Yoney Spencer, Instructor
Anthony Cargil, Driver
Enrollment Committee
Geoff Rolland
Cecelia Wittman
Regina Gibson
Tank top sizes S–XL are $15
2XL and larger are $20
Hat sizes S-L are $20
Juanita Longhorn
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Community Events
Duck Creek Flea Market
at Duck Creek Ranch
October 5, 2013
Miss Euchee/Yuchi Pageant
Woodlawn Theater
October 11, 2013
Bristow Constitution Meeting
at Bristow Community Facility
7:00 pm
October 17, 2013 (tentative)
Euchee/Yuchi Festival
at Creek County Fair Grounds
October 18-19, 2013
Kellyville Constitution Meeting
at Kellyville Community Center
7:00 pm
October 21, 2013
Duck Creek Constitution Meeting
at Duck Creek Community Center
7:00 pm
October 22, 2013
Sapulpa Constitution Meeting
at Sapulpa Public Library
6:00 pm
October 23, 2013
Death Notices
Homer Rudolph Thomas
Martha Burris
David Jones Jr.
Euchee (Yuchi) Tribe
PO Box 1086
Sapulpa, OK 74067
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