INFLUENCE THE - California Transit Association

2015 Spring Legislative Conference
May 20, 2015
Sacramento Convention Center
Register now for the 2015 Spring
Legislative Conference at
he 2015 Spring Legislative Conference, Influence the
Conversation, features experts from the legislative and
regulatory realms discussing the latest approaches and
priorities for advancing transit’s interests. New to this year’s
event are interactive opportunities enabling attendees to help formulate
strategies for expanding the transit funding and policy conversation at
the local and federal levels.
The program also details ongoing efforts to lauch a pro-transit
coalition to bolster advocacy efforts and a panel of experts discusses
how to harness the power of social media to engage riders and other
stakeholders in the pro-transit movement.
Governor Brown has called for a legislative examination of the state’s
highway funding needs. At the same time, several legislative leaders
have announced their intention to enact new transportation funding
measures this year. It’s up to us to make sure that public transit is part of
the conversation.
The Spring Legislative Conference blends professional development
and networking activities with dynamic educational and informational
sessions. Bringing more than 100 transit professionals to Sacramento
each year, this comprehensive review of transit policy fosters highspirited discussion and problem solving from passionate colleagues,
guest speakers and other industry experts.
Meet face-to-face with other transit advocates, network with colleagues,
and make an impact by bringing public transit to the forefront with state
and federal policy makers.
Tuesday, May 19
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Sacramento Convention Center
Legislative Committee Meeting
1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Legislative Reception
Wednesday, May 20
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
9:00 – 9:15 a.m.
Mayahuel Restaurant
Sacramento Convention Center
Registration and Breakfast
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Association Chair Donna DeMartino, CEO / GM, San Joaquin Regional Transit District
9:15 – 9:30 a.m.
Start the Conversation: Transit in California
The leader of California’s Senate addresses the importance of public transportation in
supporting stronger communities and a more vibrant state.
Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles)
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Advance the State Conversation
Increased transportation funding was a highlight of Governor Brown’s “State of the State”
address and sent the Legislature down a path of finding a workable solution to maintaining our
transportation network. This panel focuses on transit’s role in addressing our state’s mobility
and environmental goals and how best to position transit in a funding discussion primarily
focused on highways and local streets & roads.
Moderator: Will Kempton, Executive Director, California Transportation Commission
Panelists: Senator Jim Beall (D-San Jose), Chair, Senate Transportation & Housing Committee
Assembly Member Jim Frazier (D-Antioch), Chair, Assembly Transportation Committee (Invited)
Assembly Member Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica), Chair, Assembly Budget Subcommittee
on Transportation; Member, Assembly Committee on Transportation
Jim Earp, Executive Director, California Alliance for Jobs
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Change the Federal Conversation • The California transit agency presence
in our nation’s capital continues to grow, in number and strength. We’ve delivered a common
message to Washington, DC, through two consecutive Association-hosted Federal Lobby Days,
informing members of Congress and the Administration on transit issues of importance to
California. Recognizing the need to do even more at the federal level, this session provides an
opportunity to gather feedback from attendees on the best ways to further enhance our efforts.
Experts discuss – and interact with the audience on – such topics as:
❱❱ Connecting with the California delegation.
❱❱ Using social media to influence Congress.
❱❱ Programming better with APTA.
Moderator: Donna DeMartino, CEO / GM, San Joaquin Regional Transit District
Session 2: Understand the Local Conversation • They say, “All politics is local.” With
that in mind, this panel explores the challenges and opportunities you’re dealing with locally,
and reveals connections to state-level policy and funding developments.
Experts discuss – and interact with the audience on – such topics as:
❱❱ Enhancing the chances of local transportation sales tax measures.
❱❱ Maintaining and improving the local streets & roads network.
❱❱ Managing the managed lanes discussion.
Moderator: Michael Turner, Director of Government Relations, LA Metro
Panelists: Kiana Buss, Legislative Representative, California State Association of Counties
Carl Sedoryk, General Manager / CEO, Monterey-Salinas Transit
Daryl Halls, Executive Director, Solano Transportation Authority
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Legislative and Funding Update
Association staff provides attendees with an update on Association-sponsored legislation,
other legislation impacting transit, Cap and Trade, the state budget, and other transportation
priorities in the Legislature.
Moderator: Michael Pimentel, Legislative & Regulatory Advocate, California Transit Association
Panelists: Joshua W. Shaw, Executive Director, California Transit Association
Matt Robinson, Legislative Advocate, California Transit Association
Andrew Antwih, Legislative Advocate, California Transit Association
1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
the Conversation
Part 1: Launching a New Pro-Transit Coalition
The California Transit Association rolls out a new campaign to enlist the direct aid of transit
riders and other pro-transit supporters in our state-level advocacy efforts. Our public affairs
team unveils tools for our member agencies to use in local communities, targeting millennials
and other choice riders most likely to participate.
Panelists: Rob Finley, Deputy Executive Director, California Transit Association
Christine Braziel, Project Manager, Crocker & Crocker
Part 2: Capturing the Value in Social Media
Social Media has become an effective and affordable public relations tool for organizations
from local governments to Fortune 500 companies. Panelists discuss the successes and
pitfalls associated with past social media campaigns and the role this tool plays in their
organizations’ business model.
Moderator: Rob Finley, Deputy Executive Director, California Transit Association
Panelists: Gabrielle Klein-Mejia, New Media and Customer Relations Coordinator, Foothill Transit
Laura Braden, Senior Director of Communications, Sacramento Kings
Emily Castor, Director of Community Relations, Lyft
Part 3: Interfacing with the Audience
What did we learn from the real-world examples that’s applicable to our new transit
advocacy effort? What else do members want to see from this coalition-building program?
The moderators go to the audience for answers.
Moderators: Joshua W. Shaw, Executive Director, California Transit Association
Rob Finley, Deputy Executive Director, California Transit Association
Christine Braziel, Project Manager, Crocker & Crocker
2:30 p.m.
Remarks and Adjournment
Association Chair Donna DeMartino, CEO / GM, San Joaquin Regional Transit District
Register now for the 2015 Spring Legislative Conference at
2015 Spring Legislative Conference
May 20, 2015
Sacramento Convention Center
Book Your Accommodations
The California Transit Association has secured a small block of guest rooms
Monday, May 19 and Tuesday, May 20 at the Residence Inn Sacramento
Downtown at Capitol Park; 1121 15th St., Sacramento. Go to to
reserve your room at the group rate of $209 per night plus tax until Tuesday,
April 28 or until the room block sells out, whichever occurs first. Or call the
Residence Inn directly at (916) 443-0500 and mention the California Transit
Association to receive our group rate.
Registration Fees California Transit Association Member................................................................$ 1 75
Sponsorship Opportunities
View our array of exciting opportunities to bring visibility to your company in our
50th Anniversary Year-Round Prospectus.
To become a 2015 Spring Legislative Conference sponsor, contact Kim Rothschild
at (916) 446-4656 x 1492 or
Registration and Accommodations:
Contact Teresa Evans at (916) 446-4656 x 1004 or
Contact Amy J. Lai, CMP, at (916) 446-4656 x 1017 or
Thank you to our 50th anniversary Year-Round Bronze Sponsors
Mayahuel Restaurant Register now for the 2015 Spring
Legislative Conference at
legislative priorities
❱❱ Ensure alignment with California Transit Association
❱❱ Personally hear key elected officials and transit insider
and legislators
❱❱ Participate in valuable interactions with peers, partners,
❱❱ Strengthen transit’s voice in Sacramento
Benefits of Attending
Influence the Conversation is designed for transit agencies of all
sizes and brings together CEOs, general managers, legislative affairs
managers, board members, financial and operations managers,
transit business members, transit activists, and policy makers.
Who Should Attend?
2015 Spring Legislative Conference
Sacramento Convention Center
Wednesday, May 20
Legislative Reception
Legislative Committee & Executive Committee Meetings Tuesday, May 19
2015 Spring Legislative Conference
1415 L Street, Suite 1000
Sacramento, CA 95814
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