Spotlight.May.15 - Calvary Baptist Church

What We Are Meant to Be
April 2015
Inside This Issue
Did You Know …
Summer Services
Ganaraska Woods
CBOQ Assembly
May 3rd Speaker
From Texas with Love
Garage Sale
Our Sign Language
June 21st Speaker
Setting Boundaries
Mother’s Day
Finance Report
Pastoral Care
Christian Education
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendar
now for the
In the church year Easter is a celebration that lasts for seven
Sundays. In our hearts it lasts forever and it is with this knowledge
that we begin a new life together as a church family.
“Conversation:” I have noticed that the latest word floating around
is “conversation.” Whenever anyone in the media discusses an
issue, at some point they will say “this needs to be part of the public
conversation.” Well as much as I get annoyed by “conversation” in
pundit babble, I look forward to a lively conversation with you all
over the coming months. The vision of who we are, what we are
meant to be, and how we’ll get there will become crystal clear. I’m
praying for it and I’m convinced it will come to pass.
Thanks to the Calvary Moderator, Marguerite Campbell, and the
Worship Chair, Shelley Faulkner, and all those on the various church
teams for their ongoing planning.
Over the spring and summer months we will have a succession of
guest preachers and worship opportunities. The roster is in this issue
of The Spotlight.
However to keep us on track I would like to send out e-mail
reminders each Sunday morning. I’ll let you know what to expect
and help you prepare for worship.
If you get The Spotlight by e-mail I have your e-address. If not
contact me at (And of course I’ll take you
off this list if you wish)
Peace and Blessings, Everyone Rev. Rex Deverell (Pastor Emeritus)
Emeritus, by the way, means I’ve been around for a while
and can fill in from time to time.
Annual Church
Family Picnic
Saturday June
Everyone is invited for the day
– lunch and supper provided.
Activities will include games,
hiking and swimming in our salt
water pool, or just taking time
out to relax! Ganaraska Woods
is also available Friday
overnight for a limited number.
Contact Cynthia Sneyd.
Toronto Baptist Ministries Annual General Meeting
On April 21, 2015 the A.G.M. for the T.B.M. (formerly Toronto Area
Association of Baptist Churches) took place at Martin Grove Baptist
Church. Rev. Jim Sanderson, one of three Moderators of the moment,
chaired the meeting. In his Moderator’s Report he mentioned that on
behalf of the 85 churches that make up our area T.B.M. was busy and
productive with welcoming new churches, ordinations, inductions,
beginnings of constitutional revision, provision of some unique and
beneficial training and support opportunities.
The delegates voted to approve the T.B.M. Board and reports were
given by several people about Mission and Ministry initiatives. A written
Annual Report Book was distributed to delegates and a copy of this
report is available in our Calvary Church office for our members to
Paul & Barbara Sneyd, Delegates
Calvary lives to seek, know & worship God representing the redeeming love of Jesus
Did You Know …
Love & Prayers
 Her church family send their love
and prayers to Chela Tisdall who is
a patient in the Palliative Care Unit
at Toronto East General Hospital.
Barry and Diane are also
remembered with our love and
 As well, love and prayers from the
church family go out to Denis
Walmsley, husband of Yvonne, who
has been at Providence Health
Centre for some time.
 We remember Bob Long with love
and prayers as he recuperates from
minor surgery performed recently.
Jeffery, Bob's son, recently suffered
a seizure and had to be
transported to hospital via
ambulance. Love and prayers,
New Address
 Kathie Condie and Jay Crockford
have moved to the new home they
had built in Picton, Ontario. Their
new address is 53 Jasper Avenue,
Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0. We wish
them well as they experience life in
a new community. They will be
missed by their church family at
 Congratulations to Ben Frank. He is
part of the media team for an upand-coming game called Kerbal
Space Program. He makes
cinematic videos of this spacefaring, orbital mechanics game.
The game just went from beta
testing to its first "real" version 1.0
and Ben's video is gracing their
Check it out at
Spring & Summer Services
What Happens Now?
May 3: we will welcome the first of our monthly guests who will
speak to us about new forms of ministry. This Sunday, Lee
McKenna will be telling us about her work in areas of ethnic
conflict. See page 3 for more information about Lee.
May 10 and May 17: our own Shelley Faulkner will be the preacher.
May 10 will be a special Mother’s Day celebration.
May 24 and May 31: we will welcome Rev. Dr. Cameron Watts to
the pulpit. Cam, who is known to many of us, was recently pastor
of Aylmer Baptist Church and is the President of the Gathering of
Canadian Baptists.
June 7: we have asked the Rev. Tom Crosby and wife Dr. Monica
Justice to speak about the relationship of Science and Faith.
Monica is Program Head and Senior Scientist, Genetics & Genome
Biology and Professor, Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto.
Tom is an ordained Baptist Minister and former Minister of Music in
Texas and Louisiana churches.
June 14: we will welcome Rev. Errol Johnson to our pulpit. Errol is
the relatively new pastor of our sister church, Shiloh Baptist. Two
Sundays later we will join with Shiloh in their service. This will be a
chance for our two congregations to get to know one another
more closely.
June 21: we are honoured to have The Very Rev. Hon. Dr. Lois M.
Wilson joining us. Dr. Wilson is an author, a former moderator of the
United Church of Canada, a Canadian Senator, and former
president of the World Council of Churches. She will be speaking
on the topic “What Kind of Leadership do Churches Need
June 28: we will be joining with the Shiloh congregation at their 1
p.m. service under the leadership of Pastor Johnson.
July 5 and 12: Shelley Faulkner will be in charge of the services,
one of which will be centered on the music of Taizé.
July 19: Paul Abell will be our special guest. Paul is a Stewardship
Coordinator with A Rocha, an organization dedicated to Christian
Conservancy, and he will be speaking about faith and care for
our planet.
July 26: our own Dr. Rita Deverell, broadcaster, journalist, and
writer will speak to us on the topic of her current concern for our
August 2: Tom Crosby and his brothers from the U.S. will be leading
an exciting service featuring Texas Gospel music.
August 9: we have asked the Rev. Gary Harder to speak about the
concept of intentional transition (or interim) ministry.
Following August 9, we hope to welcome an interim pastor and
finally a new minister.
Ganaraska Woods
Spring is traditionally our “slower” season at Ganaraska Woods as March
break, Easter, and spring thaw combine to discourage retreat planning
at this time of year.
However, our second “weekend of welcome” for some of our newer
members was well attended with just under 30 present. We enjoyed
perfect spring weather and spent part of Saturday in Port Hope
watching “crazy craft” floating down the Ganaraska River. The
weekend was made more enjoyable due to the number of young
people with us (seven)!
It was a “hard” winter, and we had a burst pipe causing some flooding
in the basement and damage to bedroom #5. In addition our hydro
wires were shorted out by overhanging trees forcing us to call in
professional help to clear trees and limbs along our entrance drive.
Thankfully Brian, Terry and Glen are able to repair the damage without
incurring additional expense. They have also almost completed a major
rebuilding of the “sun room” on the south side of the Ora Sneyd
cottage. We are grateful for their continuing assistance. Kevin and Larry
Littlewood have spent time combating the local beaver population and
have saved our wagon trail by clearing the culverts to prevent flooding.
No easy task!
We are renewing our agreement with Calvary Baptist, Oshawa, for
Adventure Day Camp in July. Once again we will have 60 campers and
20 counsellors using Ganaraska Woods facilities each weekday for the
Please mark our annual CHURCH PICNIC on your calendar NOW! Let’s
all come and enjoy a day together.
SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015.
May 3rd Special Speaker:
Lee McKenna, Executive Director, Partera; trainer, teacher, writer,
facilitator, musician, story-teller; and winner of the 2010 YMCA Peace
What is Partera?
It means midwife in Spanish. But there are no babies delivered here.
Other things, however. Change. Solutions and resolutions. Plans. Tools.
Whether equipping for working well together, living well, planning an
organisation's future directions or intervening for the purpose of building
and creating peaceful societies, the methods employed by Partera
assume the wisdom and inherent strength of the participants in any
process towards change. Partera is part of a global network of trainers
and facilitators with a wealth of experience and expertise. Partera
brings more than 25 years of experience in facilitation, training,
mediation, strategic planning and third-party non-violent intervention in
a host of situations around the world on four continents.
We are honoured to have Lee join us.
June 11-13
Assembly is an annual
conference hosted by
the Canadian Baptists
of Ontario and Quebec.
Each year we gather to
worship, to pray for one
another, to learn more
about the way of Jesus,
and to carry out church
Though the business
sessions are intended for
delegates from the
more than 350 CBOQ
churches, the plenary
sessions with Growing
Up theme speaker Gary
Nelson president of
Tyndale and past
General Secretary of
Canadian Baptist
Ministries) are available,
free of charge, to
everyone Thursday,
June 11, 7 – 9 p.m.,
Friday, June 12, 7– 9
p.m. and Saturday,
June 13, 11 a.m. – 12:30
p.m. at International
Plaza Hotel at 655 Dixon
Rd – Etobicoke. The
Worship Leader is
songwriter, storyteller,
and troubadour, Steve
Bell, joined by a worship
team created for this
Office Hours for Pastoral
Care, Prayer & Support
Monday – 9:30 – 1:30: Rex
Deverell, Pastor Emeritus
Tuesday – 9:30 – noon: Rev.
Tom Crosby
Thursday – 9:30 – 1:30:
Shelley Faulkner
From Texas with Love …
Wow! What a ride over the past 16 months! So many people have asked
about our experience here, coming from Houston just over 16 months ago,
and landing in the Beach of Toronto just after last winter’s ice storm … and I
must honestly say, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it!
The people here are very friendly and helpful, for the most part, and we
noticed early on that it was impossible to pick out one person who
represented a typical resident, because there is such a variety of humanity
up here. We had some of that in Houston, but not to this extent.
The terrain is beautiful with hills and gorges and creeks. I love walking the
dogs down the Glen Stewart Ravine that begins at Kingston Road less than
a kilometer from the church, and follow it all the way down to Queen
Street. Lake Ontario is beautiful with clear green water that makes the gulf
water near flat-land Houston muddy in comparison.
The Seasons … you actual have seasons up here! It tickles me that you think
the summer is hot. Believe me when I say, “IT’S NOT HOT!” Of course, heat
and cold are relative, I realize. Having lived the past 27 years in Houston’s 90
degree summers preceded by four years in Dallas’ 98 degree summers
preceded by seven years in El Paso’s 100 degree summers … Toronto
summers are refreshingly cool. The Fall colours are amazing, and the snow
and ice of Winter provide their own beauty and opportunity for recreation
that Texan’s have to fly to Colorado to enjoy.
The food in Toronto is everything we were told before moving up. I thought
that it would be hard to beat the variety and quality of Houston cuisine, but
Toronto has certainly lived up to its reputation. Monica and I have enjoyed
trying different restaurants on Main, Kingston, Queen, and Danforth; the
world’s chefs have come to Toronto.
The church has been, I think, our greatest joy and blessing in the move.
When it comes down to the nuts and bolts of what makes life enjoyable, it’s
your friends and family. The fellowship here at Calvary Baptist church is truly
special. The snack and drink time after each service really helped us get
acquainted with people quickly. As a result, we’ve been in many of your
homes and vice versa, and look forward to enlarging that circle. Not-soamazingly, our family members seem more excited about visiting us in
Toronto than Houston! We had four separate visits from family last summer
and this summer promises as much or more.
It is such a joy to be able to walk to a great church each Sunday and
worship with friends. Al’s sermons and Sheelah’s music were cream on the
top of a great worship experience from the first time we visited. Thanks to
Sheelah and others, both Monica and I have been encouraged to use our
gifts here, and that is not something we take for granted. I find the
leadership at Calvary quite capable and, though the Roberts’ departure
was heartrending for my wife and I, as we were becoming good friends, I
am excited for the future of Calvary. The Beach is chuck full of people who
need the Lord Jesus in their life, and with all the condos being built down
on Kingston, many more will be coming our way who need a Saviour and a
loving church home, which Calvary can provide.
Thank you for welcoming this displaced Texan and his wife into your church
family, and may many more come to enjoy the warmth of your embrace.
Tom Crosby
Note: “u” inserted in applicable words to give the allusion that Tom is becoming a Canuck!
June 6th
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Remember when doing
Spring cleaning, save those
items you no longer use or
need and donate to our
church yard sale. Bring your
stuff into the church for
sorting, and plan to help out
on the day. Please contact
Cynthia Sneyd at
Poetry from Rev. Sneyd’s
Leaves of Gold
“A commonplace life,”
we say, and we sigh,
But why should we sigh
as we say?
The commonplace sun in
the commonplace sky
Makes up the
commonplace day.
The moon and the stars
are commonplace things,
And the flower that blooms,
and the bird that sings;
But dark were the world,
and sad our lot,
If the flowers failed,
and the sun shone not;
And God, Who studies
each separate soul,
Out of commonplace lives
makes His beautiful whole.
Susan Coolidge
For April –
Our three Easter Services
with the tag line
“Bring the Whole Family”
The Parental Support event
The Ganaraska Weekend
And closed the month
tax time
Are Tax Free”
Lois Wilson was the first
female Moderator of the
United Church of Canada,
president of the Canadian
Council of Churches as well
as the World Council of
Churches. She was active in
the Student Christian
Movement of Canada, In
1984, she was a
commentator for CBC on the
Pope's visit to Canada. A
Companion of the Order of
Canada, she was the 1985
recipient of the Pearson
Medal of Peace.
In 1998 she was appointed to
the Canadian Senate and
served in the chamber as an
Independent until her
retirement in 2002. She was
the Chancellor of Lakehead
University and currently serves
as Distinguished Minister in
Residence at Emmanuel
College. Ms Wilson is the
author of nine books.
We are honoured to have
her speak to us on the topic
“What Kind of Leadership do
Churches Need Today?”
Setting Boundaries
Many thanks to the several people who helped support our 2nd
Parent’s Event on April 13th. Paul Robertson shared a number of
strategies for parents on, Setting Boundaries to Build Character. All
went smoothly except for the weather and we look forward to
continuing to promote our church family in the Beach community.
Excellent work Ben!
Special Mother’s Day Service
This Mother’s Day we would like to spend some time honouring our
mothers in the service. You can help by contributing a special
memory, story, Bible verse, hymn, or poem in honour of your mother.
These contributions will be shared throughout our worship service on
May 10th. If you have something you’d like to offer, please contact
Shelley Faulkner by Sunday, May 3rd or 416-466-7022.
Finance Team Report for the Four Months to April 30, 2015
Statement of Income and Expense
General Offering
Shiloh & other rentals
Fundraising and other
E - Facilities Team
F - Ministry Support and Admin
G - Worship Team
H - Christian Education Team
I - Pastoral Care Team
K - Finance & Stewardship Team
L - Salaries and Benefits
Our financial picture to the end of April is as expected in the budget
and slightly better than the prior year. We are grateful that the offering
from the congregation is up again this year by 3%. Expenditures are
close to budget, except for facilities costs, which are slightly higher
than budget due to increased natural gas costs. This was offset by
lower salary costs, due to the fact that the position of pastor was
unfilled for a part of April. Although the lower salary cost does help our
financial position, we must aim to arrive at a balanced budget through
other means.
Our bank position was at $6,000 at month end. This reflects lower
reserve levels due to the fact that we have had (and continue to
operate at) a deficit. Please continue to pray for our financial
Sandy Drysdale & Heather Mains, Finance Team
Pastoral Care:
Thanks to all on Easter Sunday who gave their time and energy to
deliver the beautiful Easter flowers that enlivened our worship to our
shut-ins and elderly. Thanks also to Cynthia Sneyd for taking care of
purchasing and decorating. Thought you might like to know that:
 Eileen Kelley's granddaughter, Amanda very graciously
delivered one to Helen Boyko and she enjoyed a short visit with
 Don and I delivered one to Yvonne Walmsley's husband, Denis
at Heritage Nursing home and he was very appreciative
 Don and I also took one to Marita Engal, who hasn't been to
Calvary in a while and she was very appreciative. She phoned
the church afterwards to thank us and said she would attend
when the weather gets better
 A prayer shawl accompanied the one that was delivered to
Chela Tisdal to comfort her while she is in palliative care with
Please keep all these folks in your prayers and remember to use our
prayer and concern book, located at the front of the sanctuary.
Please get permission from the one you are praying for so that we can
pray publicly for them.
Marlene Ronson
Christian Education
Our “Journey Through Acts” is a long one and we continue to learn
more about Jesus and the early church. Our hope and prayer is that
the children learn to love and serve Jesus. Please continue to pray for
the Sunday School children and the teachers, Victoria, Darlene, Sandra
and myself.
We are praying and looking for more teachers as this school years
draws to an end and we feel the loss of Dianne Roberts as a main
teacher. I, also, will be leaving the city sometime during the summer so
we are praying for someone who would be willing to take over the
planning and teaching of the children and the organizing of the
teacher schedule. This is an amazing opportunity to share the love of
Jesus with the children. The summer months will be planned through
August but we could use another teacher to fill in some spots. I am
willing to work with a new teacher on planning for the fall and help get
things started. If you would like to be more involved at Calvary, have a
love of children and a desire to share God’s love then please come
talk to me. I am more than happy to help.
Please pray that God will send someone to take on this important role
in our church family.
Diane Houzer
The Main Thing
May Birthdays
Jake Houzer
Kimberly Powell
Nancy Burton,
Leslie Harsell,
Darlene Kelley
Shirley O’Sullivan
Doris Hunter
Marguerite Campbell
June Birthdays
Garry Kelley
Audrey Knowles
Kwaka Darko-Mensah
Jack Vitto
Ben Frank
Victoria Drysdale
Ron Murphy
George Dewar,
Chela Tisdall
Fred O'Sullivan
Norma Forrest
Connie Elliott
Catherine Frank
Kent Faulkner
Upcoming Events
Tues. May 12 – Mission Team
Mtg 7:15 p.m. Resource Rm
Wed. May 13 – Praise Team
Sat. June 6 – Garage Sale. 10
a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sat. June 20 – Calvary Picnic
at Ganaraska Woods
Summer Preaching Schedule
See page 2
Calvary Baptist Church
GPCC Director: Kathie Collins-Williams ● Director of Music: Sheelah Saunders
Administrator: Carol Carney ● Building Manager: Jim Yolevski
72 Main St. Toronto, ON M4E 2V7 416.691.4721