April 2015 Newsletter - Calvary Chapel Chino Valley

Greetings Chino
Vol.2, #8, 04/13/15
Valley Christian Academy Families,
Reading Incentive Program Logs Due Sunday April 12th
Our last and final Reading Logs for the program and month of March are due Sunday, April 12th. For all
participants that qualify, we will be having a pizza party on Friday, May 8th at a local park after Friday
School. Time and location will be announced via email. If you should have any questions, please
contact Jennifer Kelliher or Roseanne Iñiguez.
CVCA Sports Program Update
Track & Field is our final sporting event for the school year with our big Track Meet on Friday, May 15th.
We will be needing assistants for this event. If you are interested, please let Angel or Roseanne Iñiguez
know. Practices are still scheduled for Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. on the track
field at Chino High School – 5472 Park Pl. in Chino.
This year we will be holding this Track Meet at Chino High School, it will begin at 4:00 p.m. Our CVCA
Homeschool will also be hosting the concession stand and we will need volunteers to help us out (any
parent not already involved with the Track Meet please). We will be cooking hot dogs, hamburgers,
pizza, chicken wings, nachos, chili, and a bunch of other goodies (too many to list). Along with drinks.
Everything will be available at a very affordable cost. So, please come on out and support our teams!
It’ll be a fun night out for the entire family!
CVCA High School Semi-Formal, Friday April 17th
Everyone who has signed up for this awesome chaperoned (the Harrisons) event will be meeting at
CCCV on Friday, April 24th at 4:00 p.m. Then our pre-arranged drivers will escort you to Claremont to
take photos with our very own professional – Vikki Ceja from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Then, finally, off to the
Candlelight Pavilion for an amazing evening with food, fun, and fellowship beginning at 6:00 p.m. The
show time curtain opens at 8:00 p.m. and it is a 2-1/2 hour show. Everyone should be safely escorted
back to CCCV for an 11:00 p.m. parent pick-up time. We’re looking forward to a very special and
blessed evening for our high schoolers.
Mom’s Prayer Meeting & Mom’s Night Out, Saturday April 18th
The Mom’s Prayer Meeting has been combined with Mom’s Night Out, and this month will be at the
Robles’ residence. An email with directions will be sent out. It will be on Saturday, April 18th and
begins at 6:30 p.m. Please come join us for a fun night of fellowship as we’ll be talking about how to
prepare freezer meals, and you will be taking home 3 dry rubs. The cost is $5. Please sign up at the
evite if you plan on attending, so Sandy can get all the ingredients ahead of time.
CCCV Boy’s Quakes Game For Single Moms, Sunday April 19th
The Men's Ministry is hosting a day at a Quakes' game on April 19 th for the sons of single moms. If your
son is between the ages of 8 and 13 and would like to participate, please stop by the Gazebo to sign up
and fill out a consent form. Lunch will be provided for the boys. They will meet at the church at noon
and will be back on campus by 6:00 p.m.
10-Week Beginning Guitar Class starts Sunday April 19th
The Children's Ministry beginning guitar class starts on Sunday, April 19 th for adults and kids age 9 yrs
and up. If you have a desire to learn to play guitar and lead in kids' worship, this class is for you! The
cost for this 10-week class is $45 and you may sign up online or in the Children's Ministry office
beginning Sunday, March 15th. To download a flyer with frequently asked questions, please click here.
God’s Creation Hiking Club, Saturday April 25 th
Our very first hike will be at Pasadena’s Eaton Canyon – 1750 N. Altadena Drive, Pasadena. The hike
will begin at 8:30 a.m. So, please don’t be late or you might be running instead of hiking!
The hike is scheduled to be very easy, and should take 1-2 hours depending if there is a tour or not.
Please make sure you bring sunblock, snacks, water (and maybe lunch for the little ones).
If you are interested in attending please make sure you contact Miguel or Sandy Robles as they will be
leading the pack as they oversee the day’s event.
Year-End Showcase, Saturday April 25th
The Year-End Showcase is coming up soon, Saturday, April 25th! It was previously known as the Night
of Talents or Talent Showcase. We've decided to change the name to reflect what we see at this event
at the end of every year, a showcase of what the kids have learned and how they've grown during the
school year. Whether it's learning about science, history, or improving on a musical, athletic, or fine
art talent that they already had, we'd love for them to have a chance to really show what they've
learned this year.
We have some Friday School classes showing us what they've done this year, now all we need is
you. Your kids can show us an activity that they love to do (Karate, singing, dancing, etc...), share their
Science Fair Project or even recreate their Living Museum persona and what they learned. Be
creative! We've had kids recite bible verses, sing their math facts, even show videos they've made
during the year. If you'd like to participate but aren't sure what to do, give us a call and we'll help
you. Each act is 3 minutes or less, so it doesn't have to take a lot of planning.
In order to get everyone in the program on time, we need all of the sign ups by Sunday, April 19 th. So,
make sure you sign up this Friday school, after Sunday services, or just send a quick email.
We also need volunteers to help out in different areas (helping with the stage, passing out programs,
taking pictures, etc...) so please let Roseanne Iñiguez know if you are available. And since Christians
have to eat at every function, we need people to bring various snacks, fruit, and desserts!
We will be having our usual art contest for the cover of the program and be choosing a winner during
lunchtime at Friday School on April 17th! Every homeschooled student is eligible to participate. So
have your children draw a picture on some plain 8-1/2" by 11" paper that they can relate to our school
scripture for this year: 1 Timothy 4:12-13.
Please turn in your artwork during the assembly at Friday School or put it in the Admin box by the
homeschool office before Friday morning on April 17th. Remember that we let the kids pick their
favorites, so put your child's name on the back of their artwork so the kids can judge on design alone.
The Year-End Showcase will be held in the Banquet Hall on Saturday, April 25 th from 1 p.m. to
approximately 3 p.m.; depending on the number of acts we have, we could finish a little earlier or
later. We would like participants to be at the Banquet Hall by noon to do a final run through. Clean up
would be completed by 4 p.m. This is the same day as the Spring Festival at our church which will
begin at 4 p.m.
A practice rehearsal is set for Friday, April 24th after Friday School in the Banquet Hall for anyone
participating in an act. If you plan on having a video or CD/DVD played, please bring it by this day so
that we can make sure it works with the system.
Even if you are not able to perform this year, come on by and cheer on the kids. You might just get
some ideas for next year.
CCCV Spring Festival, Saturday April 25th
The CCCV Spring Festival is taking place on Saturday, April 25 th from 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the west
parking lot. Featuring over 60 vendors, including food trucks, baked goods, hand-crafted items, and
much more! Also included are: live music, a petting zoo, and a special live broadcast by K-WAVE radio,
107.9 FM.
This event is FREE, and open to anyone who would like to enjoy an evening of food, fun, and
Homeschool Info Day, Sunday April 26th
On Sunday, April 26th, after all 3 morning services, we will be hosting an informational booth directly
outside the 500 building in the courtyard. We will be handing out pamphlets regarding homeschooling
with CVCA. If you are available and can assist us with this, please come by and give us a hand.
CCCV Blast Play Day, Saturday May 2nd
Attention Kids, 2nd through 6th grade! Join the “Secret Service for a Day” for our BLAST play day on
May 2nd. Cost is $10 and includes all games, jumpers and lunch. We will have worship and devotion
with a special “secret assignment” for all our special agents. Sign up on the CCCV website or in the CM
Office. Registration will continue through Wednesday, April 29th.
Single Mom’s Mother’s Day Dinner, Friday May 8th
It is time again for the spectacular annual Single Moms' Mother's Day Banquet on Friday, May 8th from
6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Cost: $5.00 per mom (children are free). It will be held in the Banquet Hall and you
will enjoy a wonderfully prepared meal. After dinner, you will enjoy a time of worship and guest
speaker - Andrea Yim. Your children are invited to enjoy their own evening of fun with a pizza dinner
on the patio. Purchase your tickets online, at the Gazebo, or at the church office weekdays between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m. For more information, contact the Charis Ministry office at 909-464-8255 ext. 273, or
email: charis@calvaryccv.org.
CCCV Father and Son Camping Trip, May 14th-17th
Currently taking sign-ups for the Father and Son Camping Trip at the Brown's Millpond Campground in
Bishop from May 14th - 17th. The cost is $20 per person. Register online on the CCCV website.
Kids’ Junior Camp, June 22nd – 26th
Kids’ Camp is a great time to build relationships, to enjoy God’s beautiful creation, and to learn about
Him and His wonder; it is a place where God does a work in our hearts and lives. Now accepting
deposits to hold a spot for your child at our Kid’s Camp to be held at Calvary Chapel Christian Camp in
the San Bernardino Mountains June 22nd - 26th. The cost for Kids’ Camp is $250 per person, with a
$125 non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration. Kids going into 4th, 5th and 6th grades in
September 2015 may register now in the Children’s Ministry Office. For those kids currently in the 6th
grade, you may attend Jr. High Camp in the summer (July 26 th – July 29th). Stop by before or after
service to register or for more information.
CVCA Fieldtrip Information
For your convenience, we are providing links to upcoming fieldtrip events so that you can sign up
online (Simply click on the link under the event or copy and paste the link into your web browser. It
should direct you to the correct event signup). Please pay attention to the signup deadline dates, as
once they end… they are closed.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (Los Angeles)
Explore a favorite history museum!
Monday, April 20, 2015
900 Exposition Blvd.
9:45 am - 5:00 pm
Homeschool Day - Everyone is Free!!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Battleship Iowa (San Pedro)
Explore a de-commissioned United States Navy battleship that has been visited by the
most U.S. Presidents!
Monday, May 4, 2015
250 S. Harbor Blvd., Berth 87
10:45 am - 1:00 pm
Adults and children 6 years old and up: $7.00
Ages 3-5 are Free; Infants should be brought in front-type carriers.
Everyone must be physically fit to navigate narrow passageways and several decks of
stairs. Closed-toed shoes, please. Picnic benches in front of the ship to enjoy lunch.
Pre-ordered $12.00 deli sandwich boxed lunches are available.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
For questions on any fieldtrip event please call our Field Trip Coordinator - Denetta Moscoso.
In Closing...
This month we found a great article that will hopefully encourage you, especially you parents who are
homeschooling high-schoolers.
God bless,
Gary and Janine Yamamoto
Prov. 3:5, 6
Homeschooling through High School
by Robert Bortins
When tackling the challenges of high school, use your family’s flexibility to your advantage like millions
of homeschooling parents are doing around the world.
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him" James 1:5 (KJV).
This verse is important to homeschooling families and those who are seeking to raise Christian adults.
The world will suggest that you aren’t capable of raising your own children. Yes, we aren’t perfect, but
we have a King who is, and He will help us to point our children in the way they should go. There is a
hard question that we all face as home educators: can I really homeschool my children through high
school without harming their futures? And what about socialization?
As a homeschool graduate, college graduate, business professional, church member, and soon-to-be
father, I have heard this all from all sorts of people. I want to help you understand what it takes to
successfully homeschool through high school, and I want to encourage you that you can and should do
it. You see, the world uses half-truths to confuse and control our fellow man. Ever since the devil
insinuated to Adam and Eve that they wouldn’t die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, this technique has been used to persuade us away from the Truth and toward things that only
appear to be correct. Better questions we should be asking about education would be "What about
civilization?" and "What about raising a Godly adult?"
Let us look at the difference between socialization and civilization.
Socialization: to make social; especially, to fit or train for a social environment.
Civilization: a relatively high level of cultural and technological development; specifically the stage of
cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained.
Animals can be socialized; they cannot be civilized. A group of cannibals can be socialized, but they
can’t be civilized. Robots can’t be civilized, and while they can wander in groups, they can’t be
socialized either.
Homeschool graduate and college student Stephanie recounts, "It shocked me as a college freshman
when the questions of my professors were often met with deafening silence. I would look around the
room and see students texting nonchalantly, doodling contentedly, or blankly staring back at the
professor. They seemed completely detached from the silence I found disrespectful and
uncomfortable. The expectant silence compelled me to offer my thoughts, but my classmates viewed
it as a mute game of chicken. They ganged up on the professor with their empty stares, feeling no
desire to participate in conversation."
Let me ask you: What was the social norm for the group? Why does Stephanie feel awkward? She
wants to have a civilized discussion with her peers and professor. Her peers have slipped into the
social norm of the group—silence.
A school building, desks, and thirty students to one teacher are not a realistic social setting. As an
adult, do you ever find yourself in a similar setting? Doubtful. Bullying is the norm in this type of
setting, because it is inherent in the system. Children have to have a standard of right and wrong, and
it has to be constantly modeled by the adults around them. When a child is essentially raised by
twenty-nine of his peers, the biggest, loudest, and most demanding will get their way. The Bible puts it
like this in 1 Corinthians 15:33: "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." Adults
who should know better struggle with this; it should not come as a surprise that our children are much
more susceptible to it.
Homeschoolers have the unique opportunity for a flexible schedule. You don’t have to sit at a desk six
hours a day to learn. If children mimic each other when they’re with their peers, what do you need to
do differently? Have them sit with and under Godly men and women, fathers and mothers, pastors,
community leaders, business owners, and others you want them to emulate. Find people who want to
invest in your child.
A common fear many of us parents face is how to teach our children the subjects that we don’t
remember or have always found challenging. A lot of people choose to send their children back into
the same system that failed them in the first place. If the system you came from didn’t equip you to
teach someone significantly younger and less experienced than you are, it is probably not a system
that you should put someone else in.
I’m happy to tell you that parents in your same situation, with the same feelings, doubts, and outside
pressures, have not only homeschooled successfully, but have excelled in teaching the same scary
subjects that concern you today. Let us look at a 2013 Classical Conversations survey.1 This survey
confirms what Dr. Brian Ray’s research has uncovered through the years about the entire
homeschooling community.2
Next time the world asks, "What about socialization?" tell them, "We are more worried about raising
civilized adults."
The study shows that 95% of homeschool students are busy with church and community service, 82%
in the arts, 75% with sports, and a majority involved in numerous other civic endeavors. You are
probably aware that we have been in a rough economic period, but homeschool students have still
been able to get valuable vocational experience compared to their peers. Over 89% of the homeschool
students we surveyed had jobs as teenagers, versus only 16% of the general population. As graduates,
nearly 90% are attending church regularly, versus just over 30% of the general population. Of those
who applied, 100% were accepted into at least one college, and 66% were accepted by every single
school they applied to.
Homeschooling through high school seems like a challenge, and it is! Those who do the hard work are
richly rewarded. That reward is often in things that this world may not value, but we are called to be
in—not of—the world. When tackling the challenges of high school, use your family’s flexibility to your
advantage like millions of homeschooling parents are doing around the world. Next time the world
asks, "What about socialization?" tell them, "We are more worried about raising civilized adults."
Don’t get bogged down in credits or grade levels. These things will take care of themselves over time.
Focus on raising adults who are civilized, and you will be well on your way to homeschooling through
high school successfully.