CWA 2015 Regional Spring Workforce Development Conference Innovations and Opportunities: The New Game Plan May 12 - 14, 2015 Hyatt Regency Orange County draft agenda as of April 10 (subject to change) CONFERENCE FOCUS This year’s Conference is the ideal venue for quickly learning about and understanding the new vision and the new work under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, fearful or enthusiastic about the impending changes? The CWA Spring Conference is the place to be. Bring a team, your new partners or just yourself. You won’t be disappointed. We are pleased and delighted that the U.S. Department of Labor, Region 6, will provide training and technical assistance through a series of workshops conducted throughout the Conference regarding fiscal accounting and oversight, program management, contracts management and performance accountability. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Tuesday, May 12, 2015 PRECONFERENCE SESSIONS (times will vary) 9:00 – 11:00 An Insightful Look at WIOA and the Proposed Regulations Bob Lanter, Executive Director, California Workforce Association This session will focus on the key sections of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the proposed regulations recently released by the U.S. Department of Labor. Participants will leave more conversant about the impending changes, ideas for dealing with them, and a great framework to focus their learning during the rest of the Conference. Additionally, learn how others are responding to the challenges and the opportunities for innovation, and get a better grasp on what the future holds for you. Get the most up to date information and receive a broad overview of the new legislation. 10:00 – 11:30 Pathway to Your Next Job Dennis Petrie, Deputy Director of the Workforce Services Branch Loree Levy, Deputy Director of the Public Affairs Branch Employment Development Department The Employment Development Department will present the results of the AJCC and CalJOBS customer experience focus groups and the resulting “The Pathway to Your Next Job” video. The session is intended to garner feedback on both the Report and the video as well as to discuss how we might develop a Statewide communications campaign about the AJCCs, CalJOBS and the “steps, processes and services” available to the unemployed to get employed. OFFICIAL CONFERENCE OPENING 12:45 – 3:00 CREATING A GAME WHERE EVERYONE WINS Regional Planning & Collaboration Gary Muszynski, Juan Escarfuller, Sunshine Becker, and Bryan Dyer One World Music What’s the real payoff in working collaboratively? Does everyone have a part to play or will there be winners and losers? Is innovation among the partners possible? Can we turn what some perceive as onerous mandates into something that gives us energy and purpose? CWA, in partnership with One World Music, is creating a visceral learning experience that addresses these questions and one that will stay with you long after the Conference is over. Come experience it for yourself. A multi-cultural team of world-class performers, facilitators, instructional designers and leadership coaches will lead this unique opening session. Their experience spans 27 years, four continents, touching over 100,000 leaders and managers. 3:00 – 3:30 EXHIBITS/ Refreshment Break 3:30 – 5:00 THE NEW GAME PLAN/ Round One (11) USDOL Region 6 Sessions Fiscal Grants Management for Administrators and Managers What Fiscal Staff Need to Know About Uniform Guidance Spotlight on Innovations Practicing The Skills And Planning Techniques Of Human Centered Design Hillary Carey and Denise Ho, Co-Founders/ Researchers Winnow Research Studio Human Centered Design is growing in popularity in the public sector, but getting down to the details for your own project can be difficult. Practice your planning for innovation skills with two expert HCD facilitators. Winnow Research Studio founders will share a recent case study applying HCD to a Workforce Accelerator Fund project and guide you through activities to reflect on your own questions and opportunities. Some level of familiarity with HCD is recommended. Workforce Performance Dashboard Presenters pending AB 2148 requires the State Board to assist the Governor in the development of an annual workforce metrics dashboard that measures the state’s human capital investments in workforce development. Included in this dashboard will be a status report on credential attainment, training completion, degree attainment, and participant earnings from workforce education and training programs. Real-Time Data Analytics into Action Lori Sanchez, Director, Inland Empire Region Center of Excellence Zhenya Lindstrom, Director, San Diego-Imperial Region Center of Excellence In partnership with Jobs for the Future (JFF), the California Centers of Excellence (COE) have been implementing real-time labor market information (LMI) in workforce and education settings. As early adopters of this technology, COEs will share their experience with real-time data and its use for business intelligence, employer engagement, workforce training and career exploration. Come learn about real time tools, play out practical scenarios, and explore how data makes workforce investments more purposeful. Effective Practices in Building an Inclusive Workforce: The California Disability Employment Initiative David H. Mayer, DEI State Project Advisor, Employment Development Department Maiknue Vang, Program Supervisor, Madera Workforce Investment Corporation Kasia DeMauri, Disability Resource Coordinator, Golden Sierra Job Training Agency Les Roberson, Disability Resource Coordinator, Managed Career Solutions In 2011, the Department of Labor awarded the Employment Development Department (EDD) funding for the California Disability Employment Initiative (CDEI). The three-year project included five pilot and five control Local Areas. It focused on service delivery strategies that included partnerships and collaborations, blending and braiding funds, leveraging resources and integrated resource teams. The CDEI’s primary goal was to increase America’s Job Centers’ capacity to provide exemplary services for people with disabilities (PWD). With WIOA’s focus on serving people with disabilities, it’s imperative that they be provided the skills and job opportunities necessary to become self-sufficient. In 2014, the EDD was awarded funding for another CDEI project, incorporating new strategies to develop systemic changes across the Local Areas and draw upon the successful outcomes derived from the 2011 CDEI project. This workshop will give stakeholders the tools to replicate the CDEI’s best practices in their workforce programs. Models will be shared with the workforce community to promote active replication of the lessons learned from these highly successful projects. Developing a Work Experience Program in Collaboration with Human Services Emily Petrus, Staff Analyst II, San Bernardino County Department of Workforce Development Gerardo “Gerry” Garcia, Employment Services Specialist, San Bernardino County Transitional Assistance Department Jacqueline White, Director, Provisional Accelerated Learning Center (PAL) In this workshop, you will learn how to collaborate with the Transitional Assistance Department to develop a Year-Round CalWORKs Youth Employment Program (CYEP). Presenters will provide a step-by-step plan for implementation, including “things to consider”, communication and rollout of your own CYEP. The CYEP is providing highly successful paid work experience opportunities to youth between the ages of 16 and 24 each year. Step by Step: Helping Young People Attain Industry Recognized Certifications and Sustainable Employment Erica Stowers, Career Pathway Coordinator, First Place for Youth James Walker, Director of Programs, First Place for Youth At First Place, our nationally recognized model helps 18-24 year old transition age youth build the skills to successfully transition to self-sufficiency and responsible adulthood. This workshop will outline the framework that supports youth to develop job readiness skills, achieve stackable education milestones, engage in career exploration opportunities, and ultimately progress into industry recognized certificate programs and sustainable employment. Developing RFPs that Drive Quality, Efficiency and Leave Room for Innovation Mike Hough, Operations Officer, Tim Foster, Director Customer and Market Development Rescare Workforce Services Under WIOA workforce boards are expected to use competitive procurement in choosing one-stop operators and youth programs. Local boards may use up to 10% of funds for training under “pay-for-performance” contracts. This session presents strategies to increase quality of responses to board RFPs and explores factors to consider when deciding whether to bid; the importance of defining outcomes rather than process; and effective methods for managing providers so the Board maximizes outcomes and promotes innovation. The New Work of the New Boards Presenters Pending Notice of Proposed Rule Making/ Discussion Session #1 One Stop Infrastructure, Policies and Joint Provisions Facilitated by CWA Staff and Board Members 5:30 – 7:00 Networking Reception Wind down from the first day of the Conference in an informal atmosphere around the pool. Meet new colleagues and network with other workforce professionals who share your passion. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:30 – 7:15 Morning Fun Walk/ Run 7:30 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 9:30 STEPPING UP OUR GAME Sector Partnerships: The Basic Framework & Beyond Lindsey Woolsey, The Woolsey Group 9:30 – 10:00 EXHIBITS/ Refreshment Break 10:00 – 10:45 SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS IN ACTION Regional Examples and Best Practices 11:00 – 12:00 The NEW GAME PLAN/ Round Two (10) USDOL Region 6 Sessions The Impact of Uniform Guidance on Program Administration and Management Fiscal Basics for Fiscal Staff: Getting Ready for WIOA Spotlight on Innovations Workforce Accelerator Fund Showcase Moderator: Amy Wallace, Deputy Director and Chief Innovation Officer, California Workforce Investment Board Funded by the CWIB and EDD, 18 different projects designed, developed, and implemented projects that accelerated employment and re-employment strategies for California job seekers. This process created and prototyped innovative strategies that helped to bridge education and workforce gaps for targeted populations, and identified promising models and practices in workforce system service delivery infrastructure. This session will feature selected grantees involved in accelerating skill development, employment, and reemployment for one or more of the target populations (long-term unemployed, returning veterans, individuals with disabilities, low-income workers, disconnected youth, and ex-offenders). Get innovative, usable ideas that can accelerate outcomes for your customers. Reaching Out-of-School Youth: Understanding Youth Values In A Post Crack, Hip-Hop Culture K-Rahn Vallatine, Author & Educator, President of Live Above The Hype The disastrous crack epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s caused a severe generation gap and value shift in the Black community. It left many great and caring minds challenged on how to motivate our young men to reach their potential. This session will describe youth values through Hip-Hop culture and ways our programs can use this understanding to reclaim our youth. K-Rahn Vallatine works to assist at risk youth in making healthy pro-social decisions, and diligently educates youth service professionals on how to effectively engage this population. Back by popular demand from the Youth Conference! Making Work Based Learning Work Andrew Munoz, Executive Director, Orange County Workforce Investment Board David Shinder, Director of Operations/General Manager, ResCare Workforce Services Rocio Leon, Manager, Strategic Partnerships and Training California Manufacturing Technology Consulting Work-based learning (including OJT, customized training and other employer-delivered training models) provides an ideal mechanism for responding to the critical training and skills development needs of businesses for new entrants to the workforce, incumbent workers and other job seekers. This session will highlight efforts in Orange County to increase the scope and content of such training and will describe effective strategies for meeting customers’ needs through the use of various forms of work-based training. Creating a High Performing and Innovative Business Services Team Curtis Compton, Business Services Supervisor, County of San Bernardino Workforce Investment Board Retha Smith, Business Services Assistant Manager, Riverside County Workforce Development Centers Shellie Swanston, Business Services, County of San Bernardino Workforce Investment Board Experience day-to-day operations and job responsibilities of two WIB business outreach teams focused on a regional approach. Our discussion will involve the tricks of the trade including: tactics of visiting businesses…what works and what hasn’t; tools to use for introductions or openers; networking groups to join as well as strategies of engagement. We will examine Best Practices of Business Services; expectations of team members; documenting team efforts; capturing employments; and business feedback. Conducting Open and Competitive Procurements for WIOA Program Services Phyllis Stogbauer, Program, Procurement & Contracting Manager, Fresno Regional Workforce Investment Board The workshop will focus on the planning and implementation of procurement procedures to ensure an open and competitive process in the procurement of Workforce Innovation Opportunities Act program services. The workshop will cover the full procurement process, including the development of the procurement documents, getting community feedback, involving the Workforce Board and related committees in the development process, and developing a fair and open evaluation process. Successful One-Stop Partnerships and Collaboration with the Department of Rehabilitation Kelly Hargraves, Chief Counsel, CA Department of Rehabilitation Other presenters pending Career Counseling for the Hard to Employ Larry Robbin, Robbin & Associates Notice of Proposed Rule Making/ Discussion Session #2 Performance Accountability and Performance Indicators Facilitated by CWA Staff and Board Members 12:15 – 1:30 Charlie Brown Professional of the Year Awards Luncheon Featured Luncheon Speaker California Labor Secretary David Lanier (invited) 1:45 – 2:45 THE NEW GAME PLAN/ Round Three (10) USDOL Region 6 Sessions Fiscal Reporting & Fiscal Requirements: A Primer for Administrators and Program Managers Oversight and Monitoring for Fiscal Staff Spotlight on Innovations A Data-Driven Approach to Career Counseling: Targeting Career Pathways John Hawkins, Senior Consultant, EMSI Under WIOA, new performance measures are targeted at retention in employment and retention and completion of education and training programs. Studies and experience has shown that individuals on a clear, data-driven career pathway are much more likely to complete their education or training program and retain employment longer. EMSI will discuss how to utilize traditional labor market data alongside job postings data to help guide customers towards a rewarding career. Bringing Workforce into the 21st Century: Using Mobile Technology to Reach our Customers Amanda Gerrie and Kim Coulthurst, Pathways Consultants Joshua Mason, Program Manager, Bay Area Community Resources Ruth Barajas-Cardona, Director of Youth Employment Programs, Bay Area Community Resources As part of the Workforce Accelerator Innovation Fund, we are piloting and evaluating the use of mobile technology to provide virtual services through a web application that sends texts, emails, voice messages and eGifts to customers via desktop computers. Learn how to use mobile technology to a) reduce time to job placement, b) increase client access to services, c) support clients to complete education and training programs, d) increase knowledge/skills for employment gain, retention and advancement. A New Approach to Business Engagement Felicia Flournoy, Director Workforce Innovation, KRA Pamela Carnes, Program Manager, KRA Using a consultative approach, KRA captures the business’s needs and develops a customized plan to provide a full scope of services that promote profitability, productivity and peace of mind for our business customers. This approach ultimately allows us to connect employers with qualified job seekers. Learn how to use a business to business (B2B) approach to business engagement while collaborating with your local WIB, related partners, and other businesses to provide a broad range of value added services. Back on Track: A Problem Solving Reentry Court Daniel Suvor, General Counsel, California Department of Justice In 2005, Kamala Harris, District Attorney for San Francisco, launched Back on Track (BOT), a reentry initiative aimed at reducing recidivism among low-level drug-trafficking defendants. Combining strict accountability with real opportunities for selfimprovement, BOT reports that less than 10 percent of its graduates reoffend—a success achieved, moreover, at a fraction of the cost of traditional prosecution and jail time. To graduate from the program, participants must find employment, enroll in school full time, and comply with all the terms of their PRPs. At graduation, the court dismisses the original case, leaving the graduate with a clean record. Learn more about how you could support efforts of this nature. Why Businesses Don’t Want to Partner And How to Win Them Over Larry Robbin, Larry Robbin & Associates Preparing Individuals with Significant Disabilities for Positive Employment Outcomes Richard Pimentel, Milt Wright & Associates How to Quickly Achieve Cooperation With Change Silver Rose, Silver Rose Enterprises In this session, you will learn how to work with others to turn changes into win/win situations. Hear about 17 proven techniques to get cooperation from your team and your partners, as well as other ways to quickly release stress so it doesn’t slow you down. Experience how you can blend the best of very different cultures into a cohesive team that engages businesses and offers a wider range of services. Staying up nights worrying about what might happen? Acquire the #1 secret to help you defeat worry and fear, and other ways to turn these changes into a game that you enjoy and can win! Notice of Proposed Rule Making/ Discussion Session #3 Youth Programs, Youth Councils and Youth Committees Facilitated by CWA Staff and Board Members 2:45 – 3:15 EXHIBITS/ Refreshment Break 3:15 – 4:15 THE NEW GAME PLAN/ Round Four (9) USDOL Region 6 Sessions Allowable Costs under WIA and WIOA Monitoring Moderator Raymond McDonald, Executive Director, Santa Barbara County Workforce Investment Board Presenters Jesse Mar, Chief Compliance Review Officer, EDD Carol Padovan, U.S. Department of Labor, Region 6 Spotlight on Innovations EconoVue Tools for Layoff Aversion and Regional Rapid Response Cheryl Parker, CEO, The Urban Explorer Bill Greene, Strategic Customer Manager, Government Solutions, Dun & Bradstreet Representative from either work2future or Orange County WIB Have you wondered which sectors are growing fastest or which are facing challenges? Do you know what industries, specialized in your region, have grown in the past 12 months? Do you know what occupations are tied to those sectors? Which businesses are driving that growth? Which businesses may be on the verge of layoffs? Who to contact within those companies? EconoVue™ ( answers these questions quickly and simply. It is an intuitive data visualization and Customer Relations Management (CRM) platform for dissecting and understanding the economy at the neighborhood, city, and regional levels. It combines GIS, visualization tools for regional industry sector trend analysis, CRM employer outreach tools and a layoff aversion module featuring filters using D&B’s Financial Stress Score. Find out more about the data users can extract and how to make reports in any number of formats. Using B2B Tools to Engage Business & Industry Celina Shands Gradijan, President/CEO, Full Capacity Marketing Co-Founder, Business U Dr. Christine Bosworth, Co-Founder, Business U This session will share the latest in adapting private sector B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing into our world of workforce development to build credibility with business and industry, and streamline operations and day-to-day relationship building tasks. The FCM team has won 19 international awards in the past four years for its innovations in communications. Tap into their knowledge in using interactive eBooks, ePortfolios, eMarketing, mobile websites and apps, and customer relationship management tools that work across education, workforce and economic development. Apprenticeship Models that Work for You and Your Customers Presenters pending Financial Literacy For All Youth Lisa Salazar, Acting Chief, City of Los Angeles Serving the Long Term Unemployed Jennifer Mitchell, Jennifer Mitchell Consulting How to Quickly Achieve Cooperation With Change Silver Rose, Silver Rose Enterprises In this session, you will learn how to work with others to turn changes into win/win situations. Hear about 17 proven techniques to get cooperation from your team and your partners, as well as other ways to quickly release stress so it doesn’t slow you down. Experience how you can blend the best of very different cultures into a cohesive team that engages businesses and offers a wider range of services. Staying up nights worrying about what might happen? Acquire the #1 secret to help you defeat worry and fear, and other ways to turn these changes into a game that you enjoy and can win! Notice of Proposed Rule Making/ Discussion Session #4 Regional Designation and Regional Planning Facilitated by CWA Staff and Board Members 4:30 – 5:30 State & Sub-State Regional Meetings These non-facilitated open sessions are an opportunity for regions to meet and informally discuss issues of mutual concern. 7:00 – 10:00 Casino Night The Future is a gamble but tonight, you might win it big! Come join the fun and if “gaming the system” is not for you, you can always get a tarot card reading, have Bob Lanter read your tea leaves, or have a caricature drawn of you to take home. Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:45 – 7:15 Pilates with Diane Walton 7:30 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 9:30 WORKING WITH NEW PARTNERS Working with the Department Of Rehabilitation To Enhance Employment Outcomes For Individuals With Disabilities Richard Pimentel, Milt Wright & Associates 9:45 – 11:00 THE NEW GAME PLAN/ Round Five (8) USDOL Region 6 Sessions Accountability . . .How To Stay Out of Trouble The Basics of Procurement for Fiscal Staff Spotlight on Innovations Integrated Regional Business Engagement across Workforce, Education & Economic Development Celina Shands Gradijan, President/CEO, Full Capacity Marketing Co-Founder, Business U Dr. Christine Bosworth, Co-Founder, Business U Randal Tillery, Senior Dean, Workforce and Economic Development, Contra Costa Community College District Michael Katz, Regional Coordinator, EASTBAY Works This session focuses on how a consortium of community colleges, five workforce boards, four-year universities and economic development organizations operationalized regional business engagement in its sector strategies and business services, with the vision of a sustainable regional, industry-driven workforce development system in California. Participants will gain an understanding of their initiative and the Business U blueprint to replicate in their service areas. Fresh Ideas for Making your One Stop Workshops More Impactful Terrance Bowens and Santiago Leon, Workshop Facilitators KRA Corporation / San Diego Metro Region Career Centers This workshop will address effective workshops/seminars in career centers. We will share best practices around curriculum development; scheduling of workshops; customizing workshops for specific populations, and strategies for getting people to come to the workshops. This strategy allows more enhanced and efficient service to career center attendees and proves to be a viable way to assist case managers with placements and positive exits from their caseload. Accessibility, Accommodations and Assistive Technology Resources Pending from Kelly Hargraves, Chief Counsel, CA Department of Rehabilitation Help Is on the Way Facilitated by Raymond McDonald, Chair, CWA Capacity Building Committee Executive Director, Santa Barbara County WIB CWA is enhancing their capacity building efforts as WIOA enters its first full year of operation beginning July 1st. Learn about some of what’s planned and participate in shaping what you need most. How to Do What You Are: Putting your Myers-Briggs Typology to Work Jessica Deller, Assistant Campus Director, Career College of California Broaching the “what do you want to do with your life” subject can be daunting for anyone. Even more daunting is developing a realistic career path with attainable career goals. This empowering presentation will assist attendees in recognizing that who we are, and what we want to become, are closely related. Attendees will discover that if we do what we are, we’ll find work that challenges and satisfies us at our very core. Learn about the 16 personality types identified in the Myers-Briggs typology, and connect each personality type to a career path that capitalizes on the type’s unique strengths and talents so that attendees can pursue these careers with relentless passion! Notice of Proposed Rule Making/ Discussion Session #5 Training and Eligible Providers Facilitated by CWA Staff and Board Members 11:15 – Noon What’s Next?
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