------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIVERSITY NETWORK FOR CORNWALL Carnon Building, Wilson Way, Pool, Redruth TR15 3RS www.dnfc.org.uk NEWSLETTER n 3rd. JUNE 2015 News, Views, and What’s On in Equality and Diversity Locally OUR MISSION.... Equality and Respect for One and All OUR AIM.... To work with the statutory, voluntary, community and private organisations to achieve the positive changes necessary to make Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for One and All. THE NEW EUROPEAN FUNDING ROUND IS HERE. You may recall that in our February newsletter we said that David Sillifant was (temporarily) the Equalities representative on the “Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Shadow Integrated Territorial Investment Committee”, having been put forward by the Management Group of Inclusion Cornwall. Following a vote by Cornwall VSF members, David has been formally elected as the Equalities representative, with Tarn Lamb of CN4C as the deputy. Thank you all who voted for supporting us – it is important that the voice of Cornwall’s minorities is heard and helps shape the way European funding is allocated. What is this committee with such a short name? Briefly, it advises those central government departments in charge of handling the new programme of European funding for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly how best that money should be spent for maximum benefit for the people of Cornwall. Membership of the committee is quite large, and includes Cornwall Council, the Council of the Isles of Scilly, the Local Enterprise Partnership, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, the Employment and Skills Board, the CUC Partnership, the Local Nature Partnership, the Rural Cornwall Partnership, the Voluntary Sector Forum; and a number of others including various government departments. Much of the work of the committee to date has been concentrated on processes and procedures, and in trying to establish the exact relationship between central government (who in this round of European funding in Cornwall will be the decision-makers) and the committee with its greater local knowledge and experience. Until the extent of local influence is understood it has been difficult to progress. Why does this all matter to the Equality and Diversity sector in Cornwall; and why does it matter at all if you are excluded, discriminated against, in a disadvantaged minority, or just feel that it’s of no direct benefit to you? Isn’t it just about big business getting financial grants; and Cornwall Council getting money for big capital spending schemes? Isn’t it just about the usual “club”, in fact? It matters because over the next five years just over fifty million pounds is available via the European Social Fund specifically to combat poverty and promote social inclusion in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Unlike previous European programmes, this one has a mandatory requirement to spend a specific, and larger, percentage on social inclusion. The first invitations to local groups and organisations to apply for some of this money will be publicised very soon, and a large portion of it will be via the Big Lottery which has been selected as the delivery partner to handle the process. Cornwall VSF has already run an excellent workshop to prepare organisations for the Big Lottery’s call for “Priority Groups”, and setting out the application process: and Cornwall Rural Community Council is running a course on “Prepare to bid for funding from the European Social Fund” at Fraddon on the 16th. June (more information from CRCC on 01726 821904, or capacity.building@cornwallrcc.org.uk ) PLEASE HELP . Questioning at the Shadow ITI Committee has revealed that the likely “Priority Groups” named in the high-level programme document against which applications will be assessed are currently those identified by central government nationally, and DO NOT reflect the situation of disadvantaged or minority groups as they actually exist in Cornwall. As we all know, Cornwall’s minorities and excluded groups do not necessarily reflect the national picture. Some statistics are available to show where we have a greater incidence of deprivation, exclusion, or disadvantage, but it is important that you supply the evidence NOW to depict a more accurate picture of Cornwall’s Priority Groups. Any information, statistics, or evidence can be set to david.sillifant@skoodhya.org.uk so that a more informed picture can be presented to the Committee. It would also be useful to know if the intention that applications must be made separately for each of four geographical areas which will cover the County are likely to make bids easier where they are small; or instead will make bids more complicated and cumbersome where a specialist County-wide application is being contemplated. ST.DAY GYPSY AND TRAVELLERS WOMEN’S GROUP OPEN DAY LGBT PACT INFORMATION DAY THIS SATURDAY Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities invited to information day in Truro 18 May 2015 Saturday 06 June 2015 sees the fourth annual Cornwall Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender, Partners and Communities Together (LGBT PACT) information day at Lemon Quay, Truro (outside Marks and Spencer) from 10am to 3pm. Simon Mould, Assistant Chief from Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service and the Chair of the LGBT PACT says: “This is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of the depth and variety of work that is delivered throughout Cornwall by our LGBT PACT partners. The information day is a great opportunity to chat informally and find out what’s on offer. Please visit us on 06 June to find out more about our LGBT History; current issues from around the world and access local sources of information, advice and support.” The LGBT PACT is made up of a collective of partners including: The Source FM, The Intercom Trust, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (FFLAG), Cornwall Pride, Volunteer Cornwall, Cornwall Council, Coastline Housing, Devon and Cornwall Police, Healthy Gay Cornwall, LGBTQ Youth Cornwall and Dementia Action Alliance. Together they work closely to identify and promote the concerns and priorities of the LGBT communities living in and visiting Cornwall. This year they are supporting the Cornwall Pride theme of Solidarity, supporting LGBT brothers and sisters around the world. WE'RE LUCKY... to be LGBT and living here in the west – it's not perfect and the battle for true equality goes on but it could be worse. WE'RE LUCKY... that those who came before us through the sixties, seventies and eighties laid down the foundations for the liberties we enjoy today. WE'RE LUCKY... that we can join together in a legal union and pledge our commitment to the person we love. Even now in 2015, it is still a crime to be lesbian, gay or bisexual in over 70 countries with punishments including life imprisonment, flogging and the death penalty. In all regions of the world, to a greater or lesser extent, LGBT people are denied the right to freedom of association, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. LGBT people continue to face hate-motivated violence and discrimination in jobs, health care and education because of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Cornwall Council cabinet member for communities Geoff Brown said: “Cornwall is renowned for its caring nature and respect for all aspects within our community. Everyone is welcome to join us at this event which showcases many of our support services.” For further information on the LGBT PACT please contact lgbtpact@fire.cornwall.gov.uk and finally.... We continue to operate from the Carnon Building in Wilson Way,Pool, and can be contacted by e-mail: Our email address is:- David.sillifant@skoodhya.org.uk Our website is http://www.dnfc.org.uk/
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