Convoy- Prevenar Vaccine Coupon

Get Vaccinated to Prevent Pneumococcal Infections
預防肺炎球菌 - 接種 13 價結合疫苗
Why get vaccinated? 為何要注射預防肺炎球菌疫苗?
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (called PCV13 or Prevnar 13®) is recommended to protect infants and toddlers, and some
older children and adults with certain health conditions, from pneumococcal disease. This disease is caused by infection with
Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. These bacteria can spread from person to person through close contact.
接種肺炎球菌結合疫苗( PCV13 稱或 Prevnar 13® )能夠有效地預防疫苗內所包含的血清類型。這些細菌一般可以通過人與人的
接觸而傳播,嚴重的可引致侵入性肺炎球菌感染(如腦膜炎、菌血性肺炎及敗血病)。嬰兒,年輕的學童及 50 歲以上成人的屬於高
People suitable for getting vaccinated 適合接種疫苗的人士
Aged 50 years and above 50 歲或以上人士
Frequent contacts with infants and children 經常接觸嬰兒及兒童的人士
History of invasive pneumococcal disease 曾感染入侵性肺炎球菌疾病的人士
Have stable underlying conditions e.g. chronic cardiovascular disease, chronic pulmonary disease (asthma), renal disorders, diabetes
mellitus, chronic liver disease 患有長期疾病,如心血管疾病、呼吸系統疾病、腎病、糖尿病及肝病等
Smoking or alcohol abuse 吸煙及酗酒人士
The following are NOT recommended to take vaccine or doctor’s advice should be sought:
Those with a history of severe allergic reaction to any
component of Prevnar 13® or any diphtheria toxoid
When feeling ill with a fever
對 13 價結合疫苗或白喉類毒素有過敏反應
Those with compromised immune system, for example, immune
disorders, leukemia, lymphoma, or HIV/AIDS
Pregnant ladies (Please consult your O&G doctor)
孕婦 (請向你的婦產科醫生查詢)
Special offer on Pneumococcal Vaccine 肺炎球菌預防疫苗優惠
Please present this leaflet at the clinic reception to enjoy this special offer 登記時必須出示此單張
Company Code: CONVOY, Class: V
Prevenar13 Conjugate Vaccine (1 dose) 預防肺炎球菌 13 價結合疫苗 (一針)
• Doctor consultation is required to the injection 注射疫苗前醫生講解
(Once consultation is taken, the fee will be charged whether the vaccine is taken or not.
有效期 Offer Valid Period: 01 June 2015 至 till 30 September 2015
Enquiries 查詢 : ℡ 3183-9983 / 3183-9985 / 3183-9982
− Servicing Centres / 服務中心− (No appointment is required 毋須預約)
3/F., New World Tower Two,
18 Queen’s Road Central
中環皇后大道中 18 號新世界大廈 2 期 3 樓
℡ 2890 2222
Mon - Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm
9:00am to 12:30pm
11/F., Kaiseng Commercial Centre,
Hankow Road, Tsimshatsui
尖沙咀漢口道 4 號騏生商業中心 11 樓
℡ 2369 3329
Mon - Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm
9:00am to 12:30pm
Unit 712, Nan Fung Centre,
Tsuen Wan MTR Station, Tsuen Wan
荃灣港鐵站南豐中心 712 室
℡ 2415 6777
Mon – Fri
9:00am to 1:00pm
2:00pm to 6:00pm
9:00am to 12:30pm
1. 以上參考資料及優惠券均由韋予力醫務所(「參與商戶」)提供。
2. 所有產品/服務均由參與商戶提供及銷售予客戶。而有關產品/服務之質素及供應量,一概由參與商戶負責。康宏金融控股有限公司將不會作任何陳述或保證任何產品及/或服務之質素。
: Why I need the prevention of Streptococcus Pneumoniae?
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that road traffic accidents kill more than one million people
worldwide in one year (approx. 1.2 million deaths), so does pneumococcal disease (1.6 million deaths).
According to 2012 data from the Centre of Health Protection (CHP), Pneumonia is the No.2 killer disease in
Hong Kong.
Apart from children and elderly being the high risk group for pneumococcal disease infection, data from the
UK, the US and Hong Kong shows that the incidence of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD) also rapidly
increases after the age of 50. Approximately 80% of IPD in adults is bacteraemic pneumonia.
世界衛生組織指出一年死於肺炎球菌疾病的人數全球多達 160 萬,比一年死於交通意外的 120 萬人更高。根
據香港衛生防護中心的數字顯示, 自 2012 年起, 肺炎躍升為香港第二大殺手。
年齡超過 50 的成年人亦容易感染入侵性肺炎球菌疾病。當中約有 80% 感染
:Difference between the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13) and
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV)
There are two approved pneumococcal vaccines available in the market, including Pneumococcal
Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV) and the new 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13). PVC13
adopts the latest conjugation technology and has been approved in countries including the EU and the US
for use in adults aged 50 and above.
市面上共有兩種獲核准使用的肺炎球菌疫苗,包括屬舊一代的肺炎球菌多醣疫苗和新一代的 13 價肺炎球菌結
合疫苗。新一代的 13 價結合疫苗採用嶄新結合技術研製,已獲歐美多國核准使用於 50 歲或以上的成年人。
Adopts the latest conjugate technology
Aged indication
WHO prequalification
Covers serotypes that often exhibit dual antibiotic
resistance in Hong Kong
New 13-valent Pneumococcal
Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13)
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide
Vaccine (PPV)
6 weeks to 5 years old
50 years old and above
Aged 2 and above who are at
high risk of pneumococcal
Covers 6A and 19A
Does not cover 6A
One dose only
May need revaccination
新型 13 價肺炎球菌結合疫苗
6 週至 5 歲
50 歲或以上
覆蓋 6A 及 19A
2 歲或以上高危幼童
不覆蓋 6A
:For adults who have or have not been vaccinated with PPV, can they still
receive PCV 13 vaccination?
從未接種或已接種舊一代肺炎球菌多醣疫苗人士可接種 13 價結合疫苗嗎?
Regardless of prior pneumococcal vaccination status, PCV13 should be given first. For those who have
previously been vaccinated, please consult your physician for further information.
如需接種肺炎球菌疫苗,應先接種新一代 13 價肺炎球菌結合疫苗。若已接種舊一代多醣疫苗,應向醫生查詢
補種 13 價結合疫苗的詳情。
:I have already received influenza vaccination; do I still need to receive
pneumococcal vaccine?
Influenza is caused by influenza virus, when your immune response is weakened, (e.g. if you have a cold),
Streptococcus Pneumoniae, a bacteria, which causes pneumococcal disease can easily invade and might
lead to complications such as bacteraemic pneumonia, bacteraemia and meningitis. Hence, dual
vaccination can help protect against both diseases.
:How many types of PCV are available in HK and what are their protection
and safety profiles?
There are various types of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) available in the market. They are safe
and effective in preventing invasive pneumococcal diseases while either one PCV can cover all serotypes of
Streptococcus Pneumoniae. Personal and environmental hygiene are also important preventive measures.
:Would there be any adverse effects upon receiving vaccination?
Adverse effects including swelling, pain and redness at injection site may occur. These should normally fade
away shortly. Nevertheless anyone with persistent or serious discomfort after vaccination should contact
the doctor ASAP.