2015 Annual Program Meeting of the Membership and Awards Dinner Leading the Movement to a Culture of Health May 13–15, 2015 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport FE ATURED SPE AK ERS : Mary Baroni Gladys Campbell James “Cole” Edmonson Joelle Fathi Dana NelsonPeterson Eileen O’Grady Angela Patterson Misha Summer Matt Thornhill Laura van Dernoot Lipsky A s many of you may know from our meetings of the membership, NWone is transitioning in 2015 from two large annual meetings (a Spring and Fall program) to only one annual program that will be offered in the Spring. Given this, our program this year will be a little different than what you are used to. First off it will be two full days, Thursday May 14 and Friday May 15 preceded by a full day pre-conference on Wednesday May 13. The program will continue to be combined with our annual awards celebration and dinner, but the dinner and awards program will be offered on Thursday night rather than Wednesday night. By not having a fall program we hope to draw more of you to a single annual meeting in the Spring. Our Nurse Manager Forum will also be changing, moving from July to October and we plan to embed the content of our Legislative Boot-Camp into this forum. We are excited about these changes and hope that they will increase your interest and your satisfaction with our offerings. As always, we look forward to responding to your feedback! Given all of the current and proposed changes in health care we understand our need, if we are to be leaders, to be in front of the change rather than reacting to it. Clearly our health systems are moving toward a strong emphasis on prevention, ambulatory care, and self-care, and in fact I hear some saying that “self-care is the new health care.” With this in mind we are pleased to present our theme for the program — Leading the Movement to a Culture of Health. If we are called as a nation to come together to build a culture of health — to assure that all segments of our society are able to live healthier lives, now and into the future, what does that require of us? Though this challenge may seem too big, too full of unknowns, we know that we are capable of beginning to lead the way by demonstrating what is possible. How do we create those bright spots in our community that together become the beacon of light that others can follow? Our history as nurses did not begin in facility based practice, it began in public health, school nursing, private duty nursing, frontier nursing — we went where the people were to address the health needs of all. We need to reclaim this history! We as nurses have not defined health as the absence or presence of disease, injury or illness but as choices — human response patterns. Nursing has always known that it is in the small and seemingly insignificant choices that we make every day that we build a life of health or a life of illness and we also understand the need to expand the choices available to those who are poor or marginalized. There could be no better time for nurses to step forward as leaders, for nurses to be the beacon that shines the light on what is possible. We hope this conference will ignite the light in you! OUR LINE-UP OF SPE AK ERS INCLUDES : Laura van Dernoot Lipsky is known to many as a local leader in the Northwest. She has built a strong reputation from her focus on “Trauma Stewardship” and will be doing a full day preconference on Creating a Culture and Environment of Health for Yourself and Others. If you have not heard Laura before, give yourself a gift and come to this preconference! Gladys Campbell will open our program with a keynote on what it means to build a culture of health and why you should care. She will kick us off with a strong focus on our theme that hopes to tie all of our speakers together coherently. Dana Nelson Peterson is one of our own, a nurse leader who made the transition from leading in acute care to being an ambulatory care leader. She will share the challenges and the joys of this change in her professional trajectory. James (Cole) Edmonston the CNE at Texas Health Medical Center, will share his strategic journey of addressing emerging infectious diseases while under the mighty eye of media scrutiny. Though you may know some of the story of Texas Health you will be delighted to hear about their nursing leadership from their nurse leader. Matt Thornhill of the Boomer Project will speak with us about preparing for the workforce of the future… not just an outline of generational challenges, but changes in our gender and ethnic make-up and the creative opportunities that employers will have to work with those boomers who now view themselves as the “unretired”. Eileen O’Grady, who many of you met at last year’s Fall program will be back with us for several sessions focusing on how we as people bring our healthiest and best selves to the challenging work before us. If self-care is the new health care, how are we doing with setting an example? Joelle Fathi, Misha Summer, and Eileen O’Grady will present as a panel to demonstrate how roles are changing and can evolve creatively for individuals as we each embrace the movement to health. Angela Patterson, the CNE for the nation’s CVS Minute Clinics, will provide what may be a surprising perspective from the world of retail health… a movement that is storming past us as some don’t even notice. What is this movement about and why should we be interested? Mary Baroni, with two panels, one with her fellow educators and another of nurses new to their careers will talk to us about how to best prepare our new nurses — and what is the value of academic progression. As always we will have a robust exhibit hall where you may interact with some of our favorite industry partners. Additionally our annual awards program and NWone Hall of Fame celebratory dinner will take place on the evening of Thursday, May 14. You do not need to be registered for the full program to attend this event! The awards ceremony is always an uplifting event. We hope that you will be there to celebrate with us and that your organization might possibly sponsor a table for this event. If you are interested or need more information, please call Wendy Ray for more information. Lastly our program will close with our annual Meeting of the Members. All NWone members are invited to attend this meeting and there is no charge to attend. This is the time that members are able to hear an update of what has been going on with their organization, to ask questions, and make suggestions. We look forward to seeing you there! Virginia Lundquist Chair, NWone Education Commission Gladys Campbell CEO, NWone AGENDA 2015 Annual Program Meeting of the Membership and Awards Dinner Leading the Movement to a Culture of Health Wednesday, May 13, 2015 (Pre-Conference Day) 7:00 am Registration, Continental Breakfast 4:30pm 5:00pm Adjourn Registration and Reception with Exhibitors 8:00 am Creating a Culture and Environment of Health for Yourself and Others | Laura van Dernoot Lipsky Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:00 am Registration, Breakfast and Exhibit Hall Time 8:00am Welcome 9:15am Nursing Leadership in Ambulatory Care: The Unique Challenges and Opportunities Dana Nelson-Peterson 8:15am Building a Culture of Health: What That Means, Why Should We Care? | Gladys Campbell 10:30am Exhibit Hall Time 11:00am Moving Forward: A Culture of Change, Resilience and Excellence | James “Cole” Edmonson 12:30pm Lunch and Exhibit Hall Time 1:30pm 3:15pm 4:30pm 6:00pm What Tomorrow’s Winners Need to be Doing Today: Preparing for the Workforce of the Future Matt Thornhill What to do When You’ve Lost Your “North Star” Eileen O’Grady Reception with the Exhibitors Awards Dinner – Flourishing in a World of Change Eileen O’Grady Friday, May 15, 2015 7:00 am 8:00am 8:15am 9:30am Mary Baroni Registration, Breakfast and Exhibit Hall Time Welcome Nursing Role Enhancement: Changing Roles, Emerging Opportunties | Eileen O’Grady, Misha Summer and Joelle Fathi Moving into the Retail Environment: Nursing Leadership of the CVS Minute Clinics Angela Patterson Gladys Campbell James “Cole” Edmonson Joelle Fathi Dana NelsonPeterson 10:45am Exhibit Hall Time 11:15am 1:00pm 2:00pm Eileen O’Grady Preparing the Nurse of the Future: The Value of Academic Progression | Mary Baroni and panel Lunch, Exhibit Hall Time and Raffle NWone Meeting of the Membership (open to all NWone members, including those not registered for the program) | Laurie Brown Angela Patterson Misha Summer Matt Thornhill Laura van Dernoot Lipsky 300 Elliott Avenue West, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98119 2015 Annual Program Meeting of the Membership and Awards Dinner May 13–15, 2015 DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport 2015 Annual Program Meeting of the Membership and Awards Dinner Leading the Movement to a Culture of Health May 13–15, 2015 DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport Here's what your colleagues have to say about the NWONE Programs: “ This was a wonderful conference. I am a new member and was very impressed by the speakers and content. Thank you!” “ Excellent topics — great speakers.” “ Among the most consistently high caliber speakers for any program I’ve attended in many years.” REGISTER TODAY! REGISRATION INFORMATION 2015 Annual Program Meeting of the Membership and Awards Dinner NWone Commission on Education: Leading the Movement to a Culture of Health A special thank you to the Education Chair, Virginia Lundquist, and to the membership of the commission for their leadership and conference planning. L O C AT I O N : Special Thanks to Our Sponsors: DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport 18740 International Blvd. • Seattle, WA 98188 • The conference registration fee does not cover the cost of your hotel room. You must make your own room reservations. • The room block guaranteed rates for this conference are: ° Single $139 ° Double $139 • To make hotel reservations: ° Before April 11, 2015, please call the hotel at 1-800-HILTONS and mention Northwest Organization of Nurse Executives and NWone to get the group rate. ° After April 11, 2015, call Wendy Ray at 206.216.2516. ° The room rates listed above have been guaranteed through April 11, 2015. You must make your room reservations by then to secure the rates. • Additional meal tickets for spouse/significant others who are attending with you may be ordered at the time your registration is submitted. Please see the registration form for details. • If you need vegetarian meals, please indicate on the registration form. If you have other special needs related to disability, please add them to the registration form or call Wendy Ray at 206.216.2516. R E G I S T R AT I O N D E A D L I N E : Registrations must be received at the NWone office no later than 4:00pm, Friday, May 1, 2015 to qualify for the “before May 1” rates. C A N C E L L AT I O N F E E : A $50 handling fee per person will be charged for cancellations received through May 1, 2015. Refunds will not be made after this date. Substitutions will be accepted. O N L I N E / T E L E P H O N E / FA X R E G I S T R AT I O N S : You can register online at www.nwone.org by clicking the register button on the home page. Telephone registrations can be made Monday through Friday, 9:00am– 5:00pm PST, by calling Wendy Ray, 206.216.2516. Telephone registrations must be charged to a VISA or MasterCard. Secure FAX registrations can be made by faxing the Registration Form to 206.577.1940. FAX registrations must be charged to a VISA or MasterCard. Without their support we could not continue to offer high caliber programming for our membership. It is permissible to copy and distribute this brochure within your organization and among colleagues. R E GI S R AT IO N F O R M Registration fees include the following meals, unless indicated otherwise: Wednesday, May 13: reception, dinner • Thursday, May 14: breakfast, lunch, breaks, reception and dinner • Friday, May 15: breakfast, lunch & breaks 2015 Annual Program Meeting of the Membership and Awards Dinner You may register online at www.nwone.org or use this form. Additional Meal Requests: I need ____ additional meal ticket(s) For entire conference ($350) For dinner on Thursday evening only ($75) Leading the Movement to a Culture of Health I wish only vegetarian meals (no additional charge) May 13–15, 2015 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Seattle Airport Conference Events: * BEFORE 05/01/15 AFTER 05/01/15 Program and Pre-Conference May 13–15: • Individual NWone Member • Non-Member • Team of 3 or more NWone Members** $760 $920 $710 $835 $995 $785 Program Only May 14–15: • Individual NWone Member • Non-Member • Team of 3 or more NWone Members** $670 $750 $650 $745 $825 $725 Pre-Conference Only May 13: • Individual NWone Member • Non-Member $100 $125 $125 $150 * NWone members may attend the Meeting of the Membership without registering for the Annual Program and without charge. If you wish to attend the membership meeting on Friday, May 15 at 2:30pm, please stop by the registration table for a special nametag. ** Registrations must be submitted together to secure the team discount. NAME: TITLE: FACILITY / ORGANIZATION NAME: ADDRESS: CITY / STATE / ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: PAYMENT METHOD: CARD NUMBER: EMAIL: CHECK VISA MASTERCARD AMOUNT DUE: EXP. DATE: $ SECURITY CODE: NAME ON CARD: Please attach additional names, titles & facilities/organizations for team discount. Make checks payable to NWone and return registration form and payment to: NWone, Registrations 300 Elliott Avenue West, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98119 Register online at www.nwone.org by clicking the register button on the home page. Fax registrations with credit card information to secure fax line: 206.577.1940. For questions regarding the conference, Meeting of the Membership registration, fees or to register by phone, please contact Wendy Ray, 206.216.2516 or email wendyr@wsha.org.
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