FAMILY - Camp Fairwood

Camp Fairwood as a
in 2015!
– Family Camps
– Rubber Legs
– Work Weekends
– Retreats
Westfield, WI
2015 Dates
Freedom Family Camp..... June 29 – July 4
August Family Camp...................Aug 3 – 8
Labor Day Family Camp.............Sept 4 – 7
Discover what family camp
is all about! We invite you to
experience an affordable and meaningful
vacation for the whole family while
making memories that last a lifetime!
Imagine a week of delicious and healthy
food prepared for you, a compassionate
and fun-loving staff who lead the
children’s program, an excellent speaker
to challenge you in God’s Word, and the
freedom to be as active or relaxed as
you want!
Come and discover that tucked
away in Central Wisconsin are 230 acres
of pristine forest land, a loving and
qualified staff, and an exciting program
waiting to give you a fantastic family
RV Park!
Camp Fairwood offers 24 beautiful sites
for your tent or RV. Electric is provided.
Those staying in the RV Park will receive
a 20% discount, unless staying in one of
the camp’s covered wagons. Covered
wagon discount is 10%.
What to Expect… Our goal is to
provide you with an excellent Christian
camping experience that is the most
meaningful and affordable vacation
ever! In the beauty of this remote place,
come and experience challenging and
encouraging messages from God’s
Word, an awesome staff to help you
throughout the week, excellent food,
refreshing Christian fellowship, and
many fun-filled games and activities!
Please do not bring: tobacco, alcohol,
drugs, radios, or electronic games.
Freedom Family Camp and
August Family Camp registrations
are from 10 a.m. to noon, Monday.
Lunch begins at 12:30 p.m. Camp ends
at 9 a.m., Saturday.
Labor Day Family Camp
registration is from 4-5:45 p.m., Friday.
Supper is served at 6:00 p.m. Camp
ends at 2 p.m., Monday.
Family Camp Fees
Freedom & August Family Camps
Adults (ages 12 and over)................ $270
Children (ages 7 – 11)...................... $170
Children (ages 3 – 6)........................ $125
Children (2 and under).................... FREE
Max Cost (per family*).................. $1,125
Labor Day Family Camp
Adults (ages 12 and over)................ $180
Children (ages 7 – 11)...................... $115
Children (ages 3 – 6).......................... $80
Children (2 and under).................... FREE
Max Cost (per family*)..................... $725
*Immediate family members only.
Note: Once the Maximum Cost per family is
reached, no further discounts apply. For those
staying in the Lakeview cabin there is a $100
up charge for Freedom and August Family
camps, and a $60 up charge for Labor Day
family camp. If max cost per family is reached,
this charge will be added as an additional
charge beyond the max cost per family.
See last page for Registration Form.
Registration deposit is non-refundable
and not transferable.
Camp Fairwood
W7905 S. Pleasant Rd.
Westfield, WI 53964
Ph: 608-296-2801 | Fax: 608-296-4136
Registration Information
Horseback Riding, Paintball, Giant Swing,
Softball, Hiking, Fishing, Canoeing, Riflery,
Archery, Tubing, Swimming, Volleyball,
Disc Golf, Crafts, and Group Games
May 9, 2015
For a brochure with details, call the camp
office at 608-296-2801
This is a fun event in which
individuals, Sunday School classes, youth
groups, and families walk, run, or bicycle
for four hours on the trails around the
camp. Walkers/runners/riders will enjoy
the snack stand halfway around the
course, the exercise, the talk time with
others on the trail, and the delicious
meal. Your involvement in this once-ayear rendezvous is a great way to raise
money for improving the camp.
seek sponsors to give an amount per
mile (or a flat amount) for their four
hours of exercise. And because we want
you here, camp will even provide a bike
if one is needed. The money raised this
year will go towards a new playground in
the center of the camp. For many years
we have needed a new playground that
children and teens can enjoy.
The top fundraisers in four different
age categories will receive a $150
cash gift!
Participants must obtain a minimum
of $400 in pledges to be eligible for
this gift.
Second place fundraisers will receive
$100 off their summer camp registration
All walkers/runners/riders will receive
a Camp Fairwood T-shirt!
Get the youth group, class, or family
involved for this day of purposeful fun!
Or, if you are not up to walking, running,
or riding yourself, please sponsor
someone else to walk or ride.
Spring & Fall
May 1-2 & Oct 23-24, 2015
Without the hundreds of wonderful volunteers, we
could never accomplish all there is to do here at camp.
We are very grateful for those who serve the Lord by
giving time and energy to this ministry. Whatever your
skill level, we have a project for you! Here are two
weekends specifically planned for your family or youth
group to help the camp. As a way for us to say thanks
for your service to us, we will provide supper on Friday
night, overnight housing, and breakfast and lunch on
Saturday. We look forward to working with you!
Please call the camp office if you are able to come.
Schedule for both weekends
6:30 – 7:30 p.m.......................................Supper buffet
7:30 p.m.................Mini work projects, walk the trails,
or fellowship time
8:00 a.m.......................................................... Breakfast
8:50 a.m...................................................Work projects
12:30 p.m. ...........................................................Lunch
1:15 p.m..................................................Work projects
4:30 p.m................................................Head for home
Ladies’ Crafting & Connecting Weekend:
March 19-21, 2015 Do you need an occasion to
creatively work on your craft projects? Whether it is
quilting, stamping, scrapbooking, painting, or working
on your craft hobby, we have designed the perfect
opportunity for you to accomplish your project with other
ladies. Come enjoy the delicious food, the fellowship
around the tables, and the satisfaction of creating.
Men’s Retreat: September 11-12, 2015
The Men’s Retreat is simple: it’s all about challenging
messages from God’s Word, shooting guns, eating
prime rib (and other great food!), playing ball, fishing,
hiking, and lots of time to hang with the guys.
Ladies’ Retreat: October 2-3, 2015
Ladies from around Wisconsin will gather for a
tremendous time away from the busyness of life to
reflect on what is most important. Time with friends,
delicious food, and encouraging truths from God’s
Word will make this a special getaway for you to enjoy!
Fall Teen Retreat: October 29-31, 2015
Each fall we fill the camp to the brim with teens who
enjoy being together to grow in their walk with Christ.
There is no better place to be than Camp Fairwood,
where teens will be challenged to live for the Lord.
Ladies’ Crafting & Connecting Weekend.....March 19 – 21
Spring Work Weekend........................................ May 1 & 2
Rubber Legs Rendezvous..........................................May 9
CEF Missionary Training.................................. June 14 – 26
Counselor Training Week................................ June 22 – 27
Freedom Family Camp...............................June 29 – July 4
Senior High Camp (9th – 12th grades).............. July 6 – 11
Junior High Camp (7th – 8th grades).............. July 13 – 18
Junior Camp II (5th – 6th grades).................... July 20 – 25
Junior Camp I (3rd – 4th grades)...........July 27 – August 1
August Family Camp....................................... August 3 – 8
Labor Day Family Camp............................September 4 – 7
Men’s Retreat.......................................September 11 & 12
Ladies Retreat.............................................. October 2 & 3
Fall Work Weekend.................................. October 23 & 24
Fall Teen Retreat......................October 29 – 31 (tentative)
Camp Fairwood is located between
Madison and Wausau off Interstate 39.
For complete directions check
our website, email or call us.
Register online!
o Freedom Family Camp, June 30 – July 5 o August Family Camp, Aug. 4 – 9
o Labor Day Family Camp, Aug. 29 – Sept. 1
Parent’s Name_ ________________________________________________ $__________
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy)____________________________________________________
Parent’s Name_ ________________________________________________ $__________
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy)____________________________________________________
Children’s Names
oM oF
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) _____________________ Grade Next Fall_ _______________
oM oF
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) _____________________ Grade Next Fall_ _______________
oM oF
Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy) _____________________ Grade Next Fall_ _______________
Discounts That May Apply: RV Park: 20% • Covered Wagon: 10%........$__________
Lakeview Upcharge: $100/Freedom or August • $60/Labor Day...........$__________
(This charge is in addition to the Max Cost Per Family)
Total Owed...................................................................................................$__________
Amount Enclosed.........................................................................................$__________
(a registration deposit of at least $100 is required – deduct from total)
Balance Due Upon Arrival............................................................................$__________
We want the following accommodations:
Campsite for our: oTent oCamper
oCabin (first registered, first served)
oCheck here if address is different from the last time your family attended camp.
Mailing Address___________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________ State _____ Zip____________________
Telephone Number, with area code ( _______ ) _ ______________________________
E-mail Address (for confirmation)_ ___________________________________________
Church Name and City_ ____________________________________________________
A $100 non-refundable deposit must accompany this form.
Payment Information: Indicate payment method.
Make check payable to: CAMP FAIRWOOD
CC Number _________________________ Expiration Date ________ V Code_ ______
W7905 S. Pleasant Rd.
Westfield, WI 53964