Monona Invite Sunday, April 19, 2015 Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc. Brittingham Boathouse 617 North Shore Drive Madison, WI 53703 I. GENERAL The “Monona Invite” (event) will be held on Sunday, April 19th, 2015. The staging area is located at the Brittingham Boathouse, 617 North Shore Drive, Madison, WI 53703 and the races are on Lake Monona. The Clubs participating in the event are the Chicago Rowing Federation, St. Louis Rowing Club, the Milwaukee Rowing Club Juniors, New Trier High School, and Camp Randall Rowing Club. The site will be setup on Saturday morning and completed early on Sunday morning. The crews will unload their boats, tents, oars etc. at the Brittingham Boathouse. Approximately 500 high school athletes will compete in the event, including Camp Randall Rowing Club’s (CRRC) rowers. All of the crews will store their trailers, racing shells/oars/tents, etc. at the boathouse/parking lot and the crews will launch their shells from and return to the Brittingham Boathouse. A copy of the boathouse site plan is attached. On Sunday, the races start at about 10:30 AM and should conclude at about 3 PM. A copy of the tentative schedule is attached. Weather permitting; the racecourse will be located on Lake Monona along Law Park near the Monona Terrace convention center. A copy of the racecourse is attached. Visiting spectators are directed to park in the Monona Terrace convention center parking lot/ramp. In the event of unfavorable winds, the race course will be relocated to either Olbrich Park or Olin Park. II. PURPOSE A. This emergency action plan predetermines actions to take before and during the “Monona Invite” in response to an emergency or otherwise hazardous condition. These actions will be taken by organizers, volunteer staff, coaches, athletes, USRowing officials and attendees. These actions represent those required prior to the event in preparation for and those required during an emergency. B. C. III. Flexibility must be exercised when implementing this plan because of the wide variety of potential hazards that exist for this event. These hazards include, but are not limited to, Fire, Medical Emergencies, Severe Weather, or situations where Law Enforcement is required. Special Risk Considerations which may affect the required fire/medical resources needed include but are not limited to: 1. Location/Lake Monona 2. Weather/Time of Year (April) ASSUMPTIONS The possibility of an occurrence of an emergency is present at this event. The types of emergencies possible are various and could require the response of Fire & Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, and Police. IV. BASIC PLAN A. Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Event Representative The event representatives will be identified as the point of contact for all communications regarding the event. The persons identified as PRIMARY CONTACTS are: -Land Based Coordinators: Melissa Waldvogel (608) 575-0031 and/or Erika Olson (608) 225-3000 -Water Based Coordinator: Leslie Dressler, (608) 213-5130 -USRowing Official: Dennis Kaderabek, (815) 218-5090 B. Emergency Notification 1. In the event of an emergency, notification of the emergency will be through the use of 911. The caller should have the following information available to the 911 operator: nature of emergency, location, and contact person with callback number. 2. We will not have on-site EMS 3. We will not have on-site Police or Security 4. We will have members of the Madison Firefighters Lake Rescue team on the racecourse. C. Safety Plan 1. Event Command. Command Posts will be located in a Brittingham Boathouse at the staging area and at the tent near Finish Line area. If a major emergency incident occurs, 911 will be contacted and the incident will be handled by the Madison Police and the Madison Fire once the emergency personnel arrive on the scene. 2. Communications. 2-way event portable radios will be used for regatta communications. The launches on the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. racecourse will be equipped with handheld radios, including the Madison Firefighter Lake Rescue launch. A land based radio base station is located at the Finish Line area and a radio base station is located at the Brittingham Boathouse. A copy of the locations of the 2-way event handheld and base station radios is attached. Madison Fire Department and Madison Police Department will also use their own radio communication system as needed. Cell Phones. A list of volunteer event staff cell phone numbers is prepared and circulated among the volunteers. Cell phones will also be used to communicate between volunteer event staff. Megaphones. Handheld megaphones are used by the Officials at the Finish Line area and by the Dockmaster at the Brittingham Boathouse. Trained Personnel. All CRRC coaches are First Aid/CPR through the American Red Cross. USRowing Registered Regatta. The Monona Invite is a registered USRowing regatta. Three USRowing officials, including one referee trainee will attend the event. The USRowing officials monitor the entire regatta. The chief official prepares and files an USRowing Registered Regatta Safety Checklist regarding CRRC’s compliance with USRowing’s rules and safety requirements. A copy of the USRowing Registered Regatta Safety Checklist is attached. First Aid Station. The First Aid Station is located at the Brittingham Boathouse. It is supplied with water. Personnel are also equipped with basic first aid supplies and a 2-way event portable radio to contact the USRowing Officials, the land based coordinator, the on water coordinator, Madison Firefighter Lake rescue launch, the Finish Line and the other racecourse launches, as needed. Racecourse Launches. Excluding the Madison Firefighters Lake Rescue launch, six launches will be on the racecourse. Two launches will follow the shells down the racecourse. Two launches are on the racecourse as safety launches and two launches are positioned at the John Nolen Bridge to guide the shells though the bridge. All of the racecourse launches are equipped with a paddle and life jackets for launch drivers/occupants plus 9 crew members, a first aid kit, space blankets and a throw line. D. Severe Weather 1. Weather forecasts and current conditions are monitored through the National Weather Service’s Madison Weather Forecast web site at son&state=WI&site=MKX&textField1=43.0798&textField2= -89.3875&e=0 2. Before the event. If severe weather is predicted prior to the event, Leslie Dressler and Dennis Kaderabek will evaluate the conditions and determine if the event will remain scheduled and will be responsible to monitor the weather conditions before and during the event. 3. During the event. If severe weather occurs during the event, Leslie Dressler and Dennis Kaderabek will make notification to those attending the event that a hazardous weather condition exists and direct them to shelter. 4. Severe Weather. In the event of severe weather, crews on the water will be directed to move to the shoreline; attendees at the boathouse will be directed to move across North Shore Drive to the Findorff underground parking lot; and attendees located along the racecourse will be directed to the Monona Convention Center. 5. Lightening. This event will follow the 30-30 Rule for lightning. If lightning is observed and thunder is heard within 30 seconds, the event will be delayed until 30 minutes have passed since thunder was last heard. E. Fire 1. All event staff will be instructed on the safe use of Portable Fire Extinguishers. 2. If cooking is intended, you must contact the fire department and a) Must have a valid fire extinguisher, 2A10BC b) Each space is allowed 1 LP tank per cooking device. All LP tanks are to be secured in an approved manner (tied, strapped, chained, etc.) c) No cooking shall be allowed under a tent. Cooking shall be a minimum of 20’ away from tents/canopies. d) Cooking must be on a non-combustible surface (grease collection material generally required under cooking and food service areas) 4. Should an incident occur that requires the Fire Department, 911 will be utilized to request this resource. The caller should have the following information available to the 911 operator: nature of emergency, location, and contact person with callback number. V. F. Medical Emergencies 1. As with any outdoor event, there is potential for injury to the participants. The types of injuries are various and include those that are hypothermic cold water related, heat related as well as traumatic injuries. 2. Should an incident occur that requires Emergency Medical Services to be called to this event, the caller will have the following information available to give to the 911 Center: a) nature of emergency b) precise location c) contact person with callback number G. Law Enforcement 1. No need for constant Law Enforcement presence is required for this event. Event representatives shall contact the Police Department to determine if there is a need for Law Enforcement presence at this event 2. Should an incident occur that requires Law Enforcement, to be called to this event, the caller will have the following information available to give to the 911 Center: a) nature of emergency b) precise location c) contact person with callback number H. Emergency Vehicle Access 1. Access for Emergency Vehicles will be maintained at all times. 2. 20’ Fire Lanes are required to be kept open at events. 3. Participants and spectators will be directed to park in approved areas and not to obstruct protective features, sidewalks or public throughways. 4. Crowd control will be managed by CRRC volunteer staff 5. Parking for participant and staff vehicles will be at the Brittingham Boathouse parking lot, the Brittingham Bathhouse parking lot. Busses will be directed to park at Brittingham Park. 6. Parking for attendee vehicles will be at the Monona Terrace Convention Center Contact Information On Land Contact On Water Contact US ROWING OFFICIAL CONTACT Melissa Waldvogel / Erika Olson LESLIE DRESSLER Dennis Kaderabek, 608-575-0031 608-225-3000 608-213-5130 815-218-5090 Emergency VI. Dane County 911 Center 911 Madison Fire Department Non-Emergency Fire Inspector Jerry McMullen Division Chief Ron Schwenn (608) 266-4420 (608) 266-4420 Madison Police Department Non-Emergency Lieutenant Carl Strasburg Lieutenant David McCaw (608) 261-9686 (608) 261-9694 Notifications In addition to notifying the visiting Clubs, CRRC notified the following about the Monona Invite: 1. Madison Parks Division Superintendent (Eric Knepp) 2. South Madison Police District Captain (Capt. Joe Balles) 3. J.H. Findorff & Son Inc., re: parking (John Feller, Director of Project Management 608-444-9051/Direct: 608-442-7350) 4. Monona Bay Neighborhood Association 5. Alderpersons: District 4 (Mike Verveer) & District 13 (Lucas Dailey) 6. Madison Firefighter- Lake Rescue Team SCUBA (Ernie Martinez, (608) 575-4942) 7. Port-a-potty delivered Strander Sanitation (Rita 608592-5808) 8. Madison Area Sports Commission - Jamie Patrick; Downtown Madison Inc. - John Cerniglia 9. Local Fisherman - Yahara Fishing Club; Capital City Muskies 10. Ski Clubs-UW Ski Team; Mad-City Ski Team 11. DNR; Coast Guard Auxiliary; Dane County Lake Patrol 12. Digger’s Hotline (800-242-8511 or 13. hotline.htm Local Hospitals: Emergency Room Charge Nurses: Meriter- (608) 417-6000, Kari Hall St Mary’s- (608) 258-6800, Christopher Clay UW-Hospital – (608)262-2398, Karen Barton Monona Invite Sched ule Rowers Report to the Boathouse Sunday 4/19/15, by 8:30am Volunteer Staff Report to the Boathouse Saturday, 4/18/15; 10am to noon; for pre-race training Sunday 4/19/15, from 6:30 am - 3:00 pm. Coaches & Coxswains & Officials meeting Brittingham Boathouse Sunday, 4/19/15; 9:30 am (Tentative) Event Schedule to begin at 10:30; races start every 12 minutes thereafter G1N4 BLtV8 GLtV8 B2V4 B2N8 G2N4 B1N8 B3V8 G3V8 BLtV4 G2V4 G1V4 B2N4 G2N8 B1N4 G1N8 B2V8 G2V8 G1V8 B1V8 G1LtV4 (G2LtV4) ? USRowing Registered Regatta Safety Checklist Regatta Date All YES/NO Were the number and quality of launches, as pre-agreed with the local organizing committee, present and operational? All YES/NO Were all launches on the water stocked with a paddle and personal flotation devices for all persons in the launch, plus two extra PFDs? All YES/NO Were there enough operational radios/walkie-talkies for at least one of the referee launches following each race and were they in contact with a fixed shore installation? All YES/NO Was there telephone communications present at a fixed shore installation? All YES/NO Was there an identifiable and adequate first aid installation at the regatta site? All YES/NO Were drinking water, ice, blankets, and adequate sanitation facilities provided as each regatta site? All YES/NO Was there an illustration of the course posted before and during the regatta, which showed the traffic pattern and any known hazards, or areas where problems are likely to occur? All YES/NO Were local regatta rules, traffic patterns, and safety provisions included in each competing club’s information packet? All YES/NO If the course was not reserved for regatta use only, were adequate measures taken to ensure safety? All YES/NO Were hazardous spots conspicuously marked on the water? All YES/NO Did each shell have a bow ball or an equivalent, and was the dockmaster instructed to check each boat for quick release footgear or heels attached with strings to allow quick release? All YES/NO Was the dockmaster instructed to check each boat in which the body of the coxswain was enclosed or partially enclosed within the hull to make sure it met the required standards? Sprint YES/NO Were there a minimum of five referees, and was the chief referee fully licensed? (In the case of dual races, the number may be amended to three referees? All YES/NO Were all rules enforced? List any rules which were modified or waived. All YES/NO Was at least one fully staffed reserve launch available on the water in the event of problems? All YES/NO Were marshal boats provided to monitor safety in the warm-up area and/or at spots where the racecourse should be crossed? All YES/NO Did the LOC obtain weather updates? All YES/NO Were there plans for emergencies and was the staff trained to handle them? Sprint YES/NO Was each race coming down the course accompanied by at least one referee launch? Sprint YES/NO Was each race coming down the course observed by a second launch, in addition to the referee launch? (Additions or combinations of referee launches and safety launches are permitted at the discretion of the chief referee.) Head YES/NO Could the chief referee (at her/his discretion) either directly observe or monitor via other race officials or marshals a. b. c. d. Open YES/NO Signed The assembling of shells in the staging areas? The starting of each shell? The actual rowing over the course? The finish? Was each open water boat equipped with personal flotation devices in sufficient number to accommodate every competitor? Date Printed Name of Official The safety checklist should be completed by the chief referee on the day of the regatta and returned to USRowing within five days after the regatta. The questions are divided into pre-regatta and regatta categories. Pre-regatta questions are those areas that need to be confirmed before the event takes place. Regatta questions are the areas that are addressed during the regatta. Notice to chief referee: Please contact USRowing within one working day if there were any accidents resulting in bodily injury. USRowing can be reached by email at or by calling the toll-free number at 1-800-314-4769. Please use the space below or an additional sheet of paper to relate any comments, details or accidents or discussion regarding "No" answers. Top photo: Law Park Race Course Area Bottom photo: Brittingham Boathouse Area
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